Daily Devotional for April 23, 2024 – Seeking sensible instruction and using sound judgment…are you sure you can trust your “messenger?”

Proverbs 13:14-17
Sensible instruction
    is a life-giving fountain
that helps you escape
    all deadly traps.
Sound judgment is praised,
but people without good sense
    are on the way to disaster.
If you have good sense,
you will act sensibly,
    but fools act like fools.
Whoever delivers your message
can make things better
    or worse for you.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

It happened to me again last week…for a hot minute, I believed the information of a trusted “friend” on Facebook, only to discover his “news” was not true. A local meteorologist I follow showed photos of a giant water moccasin said to be swimming in Lake Ouachita in south Arkansas. Several people noted that they have seen some really big snakes there…but then one person said, “I saw this same post somewhere else last year!” Sure enough…more people began to say this was an old post – purportedly to be from another state on another waterway. 
I have no doubt that the meteorologist thought these photos and the accompanying data were valid…he is not given to false reporting. But it just goes to show how easily you and I can be duped. And nowhere do we have to be more careful these days than media of all kinds. Just because we see something on the Internet – or read it in the newspaper – doesn’t make it so. And this brings me to the last verse of this passage…“Whoever delivers your message can make things better or worse for you.”
My example shows that even trusted “messengers” can sometimes provide misleading or false information. I would have been embarrassed if I had shared the post about the snake. But it wouldn’t be the end of the world. However, if I share claims that run counter to scripture, intend to disparage or demean a certain person or group, or misinterpret God’s word and commands, I can do great harm. We need look no further than the wild claims and rumors that swirled during the COVID pandemic – or the declarations of certain “people of faith” that God’s blessings are only offered to those from this religious belief or that group or lifestyle – to see the damage that can be done.
Yes, it is often tedious work to get to the truth. God never promised us “easy.” But He did give us everything we need to know…every command, proverb, and lesson to guide and guard us. God gave us His word – and the privilege of direct communication with Him 24/7 – so that we can dig deeply and find His truth over the din and dishonesty of the world. The rest is up to us. It seems to me that Solomon is telling us that we have a choice…we can assume that what others tell us is right and true. We can go along to get along and simply accept the words and actions of the crowd – or the claims and tenets of the people and groups to whom we wish to belong. Or we can do the hard work of getting to know God for ourselves – and strive to always speak and act as He commands.
As Solomon tells us…“Sensible instruction is a life-giving fountain that helps you escape all deadly traps. Sound judgment is praised, but people without good sense are on the way to disaster. Whoever delivers your message can make things better or worse for you.” My prayer is that we would dig deeply, seek God’s sensible instruction, use good sense, and only trust and serve one Messenger. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for April 22, 2024 – Living a “careful life” that glorifies God – and demonstrates His teachings of love and kindness

Proverbs 13:1-3
Intelligent children listen to their parents;
foolish children do their own thing.
The good acquire a taste for helpful conversation;
bullies push and shove their way through life.
Careful words make for a careful life;
careless talk may ruin everything.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

A few weeks ago, our nephew got a haircut. The new “do” looked great – and he was proud of his appearance…until classmates made fun of him using a derogatory phrase. Our boy’s feelings were really hurt, but his mother wisely talked with him about taking the high road…noting that some of these friends have difficult times of it at home – and perhaps they thought the way to elevate themselves was to deride others.
God gave Solomon words to share with us about such situations…“The good acquire a taste for helpful conversation; bullies push and shove their way through life.” While this is true, when you are almost 12 and your friends make fun of your haircut, it stings. The name I was given for my new 5th-grade haircut was not nearly as caustic…but it “stuck” – and I didn’t enjoy it. I recall my own mother telling me on several occasions that “bullies make fun of you because they like you and/or are jealous.” She later realized that this was not necessarily the case, and she admitted that she wished she had offered more sympathetic advice.
Mother said she wished she had told us that bullies and people who are foolish and careless with their words and actions are not to be excused…that we are to rise above these situations and do our best to refuse to give such behaviors any “legs.” It’s sound advice for all of us. Don’t give an ear to those who speak and act foolishly or carelessly. Avoid situations where you are placed in the company of such folks. When this is unavoidable, don’t play into their malevolence. Change the subject. Speak of things that are positive and truthful. Don’t give gossip and untruths any encouragement.
When others push and shove…make snide or snarky remarks…or behave in a manner that is dishonest, inappropriate, distasteful, or disconcerting in some way, double down on efforts to present the opposite characteristics. I know it is cliché, but “kill ‘em with kindness!” Offer words of encouragement, speak gently and positively, change the subject when possible…and walk away when necessary.
We don’t have to go along to get along…and we don’t have to make ourselves “whipping boys” for bullies, liars, and frauds. God has called us to live a “careful life” that demonstrates faithfulness to the commands and teachings of Jesus – and to always speak and act in a way that expresses love and kindness for everyone. Ask God to guide and guard your words and actions – and always to help you to be careful – in every sense of the word. Alleluia!

© 2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 28, 2024 – Escaping the power of temptation and peer pressure…it’s time to be careful!

1 Corinthians 10:11-14 
So be careful. If you are thinking, “Oh, I would never behave like that”—let this be a warning to you. For you too may fall into sin. But remember this—the wrong desires that come into your life aren’t anything new and different. Many others have faced exactly the same problems before you. And no temptation is irresistible. You can trust God to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it, for he has promised this and will do what he says. He will show you how to escape temptation’s power so that you can bear up patiently against it.

So, dear friends, carefully avoid idol worship of every kind.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I know this is a small thing…but sometimes, small things make the biggest difference! Think about the host/hostess who passes by you and wants to give you a beverage refill, even after you cover your glass/cup with your hand. What would it hurt? Depending on the beverage, it could mean anything from having too much alcohol or too much caffeine that will keep you awake, or an extra pit stop on a long drive home. But to “play nice” and avoid conflict or ridicule, we often move our hand and accept the extra serving.

We’ve all been there…at a dinner party, or at Grandma’s house when she doesn’t want any leftovers and insists you take that extra helping of pie! And we’ve all been in situations where others convinced us to say and do things that we knew were wrong. Maybe we didn’t break any laws…but we knew we shouldn’t laugh at an off-color joke or engage in gossip. We knew that what someone was declaring as policy of some sort in a group setting ran counter to Christ’s command to “love one another,” but we didn’t want to cause trouble or be deemed to be judgmental or uncooperative.

So, we smiled and joined in…if only to quietly add our endorsement by not making waves. Sometimes, we can say and do as much with silence as we can by making a big statement or production! People often readily assume that we agree with them when we don’t contradict in some manner…especially if they suspect that their words or actions were controversial or provocative.

This is a delicate balance…we don’t want to judge or offend. But too often, we underestimate God’s power to step in and cover us when we speak and act with faithful obedience. So often we are too afraid of losing a friend, being kicked out of the group, or even bringing judgment and ridicule upon others in our family and close “circle” because of our response.

Understand this…the devil will use the smallest thing to create division, hatred, and hurt feelings. He will do everything in his power to derail us so that we dishonor our commitment to God. We cannot let this happen…and we cannot falter in our faith walk. We must prayerfully consider every word and action – and ask God to step in and protect us when we say or do things that we know are what He desires but are unpopular with others. This speaks to the heart of our faith and obedience. Are we willing to trust God to take care of us when we speak up and step out for Him? Or are we more concerned with what others will think of us?

People are watching…and judging. But so is God! Who do you really want to please? Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 20, 2022 – Falling back into the groove of evil…it’s time to clean out the clutter and reorganize!

1 Peter 1:13-17
So roll up your sleeves, get your head in the game, be totally ready to receive the gift that’s coming when Jesus arrives. Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn’t know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, “I am holy; you be holy.”

You call out to God for help and he helps—he’s a good Father that way. But don’t forget, he’s also a responsible Father, and won’t let you get by with sloppy living.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

The struggle is real. I cannot count how many times I have said, “I’m going to clean my closets and drawers – and truly get organized.” In fact, I have done this! But in time, “clutter” creeps back in. The utensil drawer ends up in disarray. And don’t even get me started on the drawers in my laundry/craft room! It doesn’t help that I am a pack rat and save those things I “might use again one day,” more often than I toss them (anyone need a bread twisty-tie?). I will tell you, I’ve searched the house for something that I finally decided to pass on to charity or someone else and regretted doing so…and I remind myself of this when I start my sorting/purging! The temptation for “sloppy living” is great in this one at times!

Here’s the thing…the consequences of organized chaos, which would describe some of my drawers and projects, may not be all that catastrophic in the scheme of things. Yes, if I died tomorrow, my family would have their hands full going through my stuff! But none of it would change the world. However, the “clutter” we allow in our spiritual lives is a totally different matter. And we all have some “closet cleaning” to do!

You know how it starts…you laugh at an unkind joke – or you share some “innocent news” (aka gossip). Maybe you comment to someone, “Did you see what he/she was wearing (or allowing their kids to wear)?” or “I’m only telling you this, but So-and-So told me XYZ.” One comment leads to another…and soon, you are right in the thick of disparagement, criticism, judgment, and even hatred. The day comes and goes, and you don’t talk to God – about anything. Not even a whisper or a quick, “Lord, please be with this person or that one,” or a “Lord, help me!” is uttered.  Then you go a few days without reading any scripture…and the days turn into weeks/months.

You get so caught up in what is happening in your tiny circle of influence that a month goes by, and you have not spoken to your neighbor, checked on that church friend who was ill, or sent a message to your dear friend or relative who lives in another city. We have a bucket in our garage where we leave clothing we have worn on our walks or while working outside…clothing that is too sweaty and dirty to put in the regular laundry hamper. If I don’t wash the things in that bucket within a few days, they begin to smell.

This is how it is with our heart when we neglect “spiritual” things – or procrastinate in our discipleship and witness. We start to sour and smell. The devil is always on the lookout for even the smallest crevice where he can slither into our hearts and minds and cause trouble. If we do not live with intention and purpose at all times we won’t even see him coming.

So here’s our wake-up call! Make this the day that you begin to clear the clutter in your heart and mind. Start small, if that helps. You didn’t get this way overnight, so it stands to reason it will take a while to really get yourself together again. But do all you can each day to fill your head and heart with Jesus and the things that please Him. Work at it until there is so much of the goodness of Jesus that there is no room whatsoever for the devil and his evil. And if you are so inclined, work on a drawer or closet, as well. We can do this. God will strengthen us! Let’s agree together to call on Him to make us more holy as we get our head and heart in good spiritual order. Alleluia!

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for March 2, 2019 – Are you “in” with Jesus?

Psalm 1:1-2
Oh, the joys of those who do not follow evil men’s advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God. But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on his laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

In 1964, Dobie Gray performed a song written by Billy Page and his brother, Gene. It was titled “In with the ‘In’ Crowd”*.  The Mamas and the Papas added the song to their debut album, “If You Can’t Believe Your Eyes and Ears”, in 1966. This “cover” is the one with which I am most familiar. As a pre-teen, I remember singing along with Mama Cass Elliott, Michelle and John Phillips, and Denny Doherty as they expounded the virtues of being a part of the “in” crowd. But as with many popular songs we blithely sing, I’m pretty sure I never realized what the song’s words truly promoted.

I’m in with the in crowd
I go where the in crowd goes
I’m in with the in crowd
And I know what the in crowd knows
Any time of the year, don’t you hear?
Dressin’ fine, makin’ time
We breeze up and down the street
We get respect from the people we meet
They make way day or night
They know the in crowd is out of sight

We got our own way of walkin’
We got our own way of talkin’, yeah

Come on with me and leave your troubles behind
I don’t care where you’ve been
You ain’t been nowhere till you’ve been in
With the in crowd, yeah

A lot of people are trying to be “in with the ‘in’ crowd”…and they are willing to say and do just about anything to accomplish this. Even Christians who know better find themselves standing in a crowd of people sharing an off-color joke – or mocking/berating a certain group for their differences. They show up at places where they probably shouldn’t be and hang out with “friends” who are considered popular or able to help them advance in business and social circles.

We find it far too easy to sit in a group where improper things are being said and done because we fear that we will be singled out, embarrassed, or even excluded if we don’t.  So we bite our tongue, nod and laugh with the rest of the group, and pretend we agree with them. We totally set aside that when we do this, we belie our allegiance to Christ.

Here’s the thing…there actually is an “in” crowd to which we should aspire to belong…the faithful body of believers in Jesus Christ. His opinion is the only one that truly matters…Jesus will make us popular and accepted in a way that mere mortals never can.  He will fill us with peace and satisfaction that cannot be matched, as we strive to love others with His love – and treat them as we wish to be treated.

When we model the teachings of Jesus and do everything we can to speak and act in a way that pleases Him, our burdens lift. A whole different set of doors open – and new opportunities come our way. We may never be “in with the ‘in’ crowd” in the way that society touts…but we will belong to something far superior – the Kingdom of Heaven.

Which crowd are you striving to make your own?  Have you been focused on being “in” to the detriment of your Christian witness – and your very relationship with Jesus?  Isn’t this the perfect day to change all of that?  I’m “in” with Jesus…what about you?

©2019 Debbie Robus

*In With the “In” Crowd – ©1964 Charger Records

Daily Devotional for July 21, 2018 – Gossip is no good…unless it’s “Telephone”!

Proverbs 16:28
Gossip is no good! It causes hard feelings and comes between friends.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

When Timothy was in 2nd grade, I volunteered in his classroom each week. One day as a “time filler”, I taught the children to play a game I call “Telephone”.  I whispered a phrase to one child, and he/she whispered it to another.  We passed the comment from one student to the next…and the last child had to repeat the phrase.  It was NEVER the same as what I had told the first child.

We’ve played “Telephone” a few times in Sunday school, too, because the kids LOVE this game!  I have stressed to them that “Telephone” teaches us a lesson about gossip…and indeed, some people call the game by this name. The kids like “Telephone” because it is fun. But I hope they will remember the “lesson” – and think twice about repeating things others tell them.

One of the most dangerous phrases on the planet is, “I don’t know if this is true or not, but I heard…” You can fill in the blank, based on your own experiences. But we all know of too many instances where hurtful, inaccurate information was spread by people who wanted to look important because they appeared to be “in the know”.

There is a lot of interesting information about gossip on a Wikipedia page*.  If you have time, you might want to read some of it…particularly about the part that pertains to Christianity.  The Apostle Paul often referred to gossip as “backbiting”.  Wikipedia describes it as…”idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others; the act is also known as dishing or tattling.”  Regardless of what you call it, the Bible is clear that gossip should be avoided at all costs.

What should you do when you are tempted to share a “juicy tidbit”?  Stop, breathe, and ask yourself, “Is this helpful or necessary?”  It make take some work, but  I can tell you from experience that you will feel so much happier to know that you sat on some information rather than share it with someone else and risking hurt feelings or passing along misinformation – and stirring up trouble.

If someone starts to share information with you that seems to be “idle talk or rumor,” you can change the subject or simply say, “I don’t want to know this.” You don’t have to be rude or smug…but a firm refusal to participate will ensure that you do not compromise your own integrity or Christian obedience.

“Telephone” is a fun game. The distortions as the comment is passed from one to another are often hilarious…and harmless.  But the risk of sharing distortions and hurtful misinformation in real life is just too high to merit our engagement. And God has told us not to do it.  These should be reasons enough to do all we can to keep gossip out of our lives. And if we ask God to help us with this, He surely will.

Stop, breathe, and pray…and make sure the only “gossip” you ever share is the “Telephone” variety!

©2018 Debbie Robus


Daily Devotional for November 29, 2017 – Putting the Baby in the manger…

1 Timothy 1:5-7    
The whole point of what we’re urging is simply love—love uncontaminated by self-interest and counterfeit faith, a life open to God. Those who fail to keep to this point soon wander off into cul-de-sacs of gossip. They set themselves up as experts on religious issues, but haven’t the remotest idea of what they’re holding forth with such imposing eloquence.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Christmas decorating is in full swing at our house…and today, I am setting out my collection of nativities. I have well over 50 “nativity scenes” and Madonna figurines…and I fill the top of our piano and other spaces in our piano room with them each Christmas season. I generally give the children a “nativity set” for Christmas…and this year, it was a Fisher Price “Little People” set.

This set of plastic figures came with a manger (complete with lighted star that plays “Away in a Manger), 12 figures, animals, a cart with vegetables, and a bale of hay.  The children love re-enacting the Christmas story with this set.  I explained that the bale of hay could be placed in the manger until Christmas…that some people don’t put Baby Jesus in the manger until Christmas Day, as a symbol of His birth.  Timmy told me, “We already put Jesus in the manger. It’s okay.”  Indeed, it IS okay…and I assured him that I don’t wait, either.

Here’s the thing…it doesn’t matter when we put the plastic baby in the plastic manger.  It doesn’t matter if we get Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and kings all in the “right places” to fit the image that man has created of how this Holy Birth “went down” over 2000 years ago.  What does matter is that we celebrate the birth…that we love the Baby with all our hearts…that we understand the significance of these blessed events and all that Jesus represents for mankind.

Every time I pass through the piano room and look at these nativity scenes, I am reminded of the humble beginning of the Savior of the World!  When I look at the Madonna figures, I think of Mary…and what a brave, courageous, faithful and obedient servant she was.  I think of the amazing love she demonstrated by embracing her pregnancy…of how Joseph listened to God’s words in a dream and withstood gossip and ridicule to nurture his “intended” – and to be a father to a “foster child”.

I am reminded that many people today are following the lead of Mary, Joseph and Jesus…operating in faith and love, without any worry about what the world says or thinks.  See a child who needs a home?  Let’s make room for him/her.  His skin color or ethnic background is different?  So what?  Know someone who is lonely, aged, sick or injured, hurting in some manner…even “broken”?  Ask God to show you how you can help.  What if others ridicule your efforts…or caution you that “this will never work” and warn that they will take advantage of you?  What if Jesus had operated within these confines?

The point is that there will be some who want to live rigidly within narrow parameters of what they feel are God’s laws.  They will want everything to be neat and tidy, black and white, and done just like it’s always been done.  But this is not the world in which Jesus calls us to serve. He came to serve a messy, mixed-up, unconventional planet…and to show us how to say, “This is what I’m presented with today…and this is how I am supposed to address it in Jesus’ name.”  On any given day, this may mean putting the camels with the shepherds…and Baby Jesus in the manger before December 1st.  It may mean ignoring the analysis of the many critics that walk among us…and doing what you know God is calling you to do.  It may mean loving others in an unconventional way that is totally endorsed by Jesus Christ, regardless of the comments from those in the “cul de sac of gossip”.

As you go about your day, consider your words, thoughts and actions.  Are they loving and kind?  Do they represent the unconditional love, grace, and mercy of Jesus?  Have you in any way bought into the world’s system of rigidity and strict adherence to God’s Law…and lost His intention in the process?  Because at the end of the day…love really does “cover a multitude of sins”. Unconditional love of others borne out of unlimited and unencumbered love for Jesus Christ is the whole ballgame.  If you love in this manner, amazing things will happen all around you.

Are you ready to truly open your life to God and love as He designs?  Isn’t this the perfect time to get started?

©2017 Debbie Robus