Daily Devotional for August 31, 2019 – Does your “exercise routine” include prayer?

Ephesians 1:15-17
That is why, ever since I heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and of the love you have for Christians everywhere, I have never stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you wisdom to see clearly and really understand who Christ is and all that he has done for you.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Throughout my adult life, my “exercise routine” has often included walking, running…and now – water aerobics/swimming. It may come as no surprise to you that I feel better overall when I exercise. While this may seem like a “no-brainer”, let me explain that I not only feel better physically – but also mentally and spiritually. I use my “exercise time” to talk to God. While I walk, I pray. When I was a runner, I would pray while I ran. And now that my primary form of exercise is water aerobics, I use this time to communicate with God, as well.

Many people probably assume that I am counting my “reps” as I exercise in the pool. But in truth, I am praying…for family members and friends…for our community, church, nation and the world…for those who are sick, suffering and grieving…and for whatever God has laid on my heart that particular day. I pray for the children at church and in our community. I pray for our schools and teachers. I pray for wisdom, guidance, peace, and joy.

I also spend time offering God praise and gratitude for the things He has done in my life and in the lives of others. As I swim laps back and forth, I thank Him…”LORD, You are so good to me. Thank You for redeeming me and setting me right. Father, thank You for the missions and ministries that You have assigned to me. I praise You, God, for Your unending grace and mercy. How I thank You, LORD, for the promise of Heaven.”

When I finish my time in the pool or walking in our neighborhood, I feel physically invigorated…and spiritually renewed. There have been many days when I spent an hour pounding the streets in our subdivision and pouring out my heart to God…and He heard my petitions and filled me with a sense of calm and confidence that all would be well. Many times, I have exited the pool feeling mentally and spiritually light and refreshed.

On the days when I exercise, it is so much easier to find time to talk to God. If several days elapse between trips to the pool or a walk, I begin to feel out of sorts – and disconnected. And this is not a comfortable feeling for me. I have never been one of those who could set aside an hour in the morning or evening just for Bible study and prayer. My mind wanders, and I end up thinking about everything except talking to God. Prayer during exercise is a good “fit” for me. I am able to take my thoughts captive and focus on my prayers as I physically go through the familiar routine of walking or swimming.

I don’t know what is the best “fit” for you…but I do hope you find a way to spend time with God that works for you. I cannot begin to fully extol the benefits of a strong prayer life and all of the ways that it will keep you in shape spiritually. Prayer works…on so many levels…and I would venture to suggest that someone is praying for you on a regular basis! Figure out what works best for you, and get “Spiritually fit” with God. You will be astounded at the benefits and blessings that follow. Won’t you make prayer part of your “workout routine”?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 30, 2019 – Praying in faith – and honoring God’s response

Daniel 9:3-10; 17-19
Then, to show my sorrow, I went without eating and dressed in sackcloth and sat in ashes. I confessed my sins and earnestly prayed to the Lord my God:

Our Lord, you are a great and fearsome God, and you faithfully keep your agreement with those who love and obey you. But we have sinned terribly by rebelling against you and rejecting your laws and teachings. We have ignored the message your servants the prophets spoke to our kings, our leaders, our ancestors, and everyone else.

Everything you do is right, our Lord. But still we suffer public disgrace because we have been unfaithful and have sinned against you. This includes all of us, both far and near—the people of Judah, Jerusalem, and Israel, as well as those you dragged away to foreign lands, and even our kings, our officials, and our ancestors. Lord God, you are merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against you and rejected your teachings that came to us from your servants the prophets.

I am your servant, Lord God, and I beg you to answer my prayers and bring honor to yourself by having pity on your temple that lies in ruins. Please show mercy to your chosen city, not because we deserve it, but because of your great kindness. Forgive us! Hurry and do something, not only for your city and your chosen people, but to bring honor to yourself.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A few weeks ago, Greg and I watched “Inherit the Wind”, a movie made in 1960 about the Scopes “Monkey” Trial of 1925, which was centered on the argument of teaching evolution in public schools. As we watched this movie, I was struck by the parallels that could be drawn to many of the current events of today…particularly how easy it is to get people stirred up about something to the point of a “mob mentality”. The lessons of this movie were incredibly relevant for us in today’s climate of divisiveness…and I hope you will give it a look if you have the chance.

As I read this passage, I was once again struck by the relevance of this prayer for us today. We have indeed sinned, rebelled and rejected the laws and instructions of God. We have ignored His message and dishonored the teachings and commands of Jesus…particularly the all-inclusive directive to “love one another”.

But just as it was for Daniel, all is not lost for us. We can turn this around…and it begins by humbly bowing before God and asking Him to forgive us and set things right. We don’t have to fast and dress in sack cloth and ashes…but we do have to be ready to do the hard work. We cannot just pray and expect God to fix everything. God will not allow us to “fiddle while Rome burns”.

The time has come for us to earnestly seek God and beg for His forgiveness. We must be prepared to take the critical step of turning from our evil ways and selfish, unloving attitudes – and truly honor the incomparable gifts and blessings that God has bestowed upon us. In other words, if we are going to ask Him to help and heal us, we have to be willing to follow through and do our part in return. Are you ready?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 29, 2019 – Leaving every sin at the cross…and living in faith and gratitude

Colossians 2:11-15
Entering into this fullness is not something you figure out or achieve. It’s not a matter of being circumcised or keeping a long list of laws. No, you’re already in—insiders—not through some secretive initiation rite but rather through what Christ has already gone through for you, destroying the power of sin. If it’s an initiation ritual you’re after, you’ve already been through it by submitting to baptism. Going under the water was a burial of your old life; coming up out of it was a resurrection, God raising you from the dead as he did Christ. When you were stuck in your old sin-dead life, you were incapable of responding to God. God brought you alive—right along with Christ! Think of it! All sins forgiven, the slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ’s cross. He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I read many memes and posts (and hear from some of you) indicating that like me, you sometimes lie awake at night rehashing your life and reviewing all of your shortcomings and mistakes. The devil is definitely alive and well – particularly in the nighttime hours when insomnia comes to many of us! Whether you recant the words and actions of your day…or your mind scans the annals of history and dredges up “old news”, the devil loves to work us up and make us feel guilty and self-deprecating…even when we have already surrendered our hearts – and our sins – to Jesus.

Here’s what I want us to do…I want us to stop letting the devil get away with this! “But how?” you may ask. When you toss and turn at night, pray. Don’t just lie there and ask God to help you…focus on utterances of praise and gratitude for what He has done. Thank God that He sent Jesus. Thank Him that your sins have all been forgiven – and scattered as far as East is from West. Thank God that you don’t have to keep repenting – or reliving your past mistakes. Thank Him that all of this was nailed to the cross…and vow to leave it there.

Years ago, I attended a Walk to Emmaus. As I sat one evening looking at a wooden cross that had been placed at the front of our makeshift sanctuary, a kind and loving pastor named Dooley Fowler came and sat beside me. He placed his arm around my shoulder and said, “Tell me what’s going on.” I couldn’t speak…the events of the evening had been so moving and emotional that I was totally unable to express what was in my heart. So Dooley did the talking…”You see that cross? You need to leave everything there…everything!” I promised Him I would try my best to do this…and every once in awhile, God reminds me of that time when I start to give the devil an inch – and fall into old habits of worry and angst.

Dooley Fowler has gone to heaven now, but I am so grateful that God sent him to remind me of the promises of scriptures like these in Colossians 2. I am even more grateful that I don’t have to live in the land of “Past Mistakes and Regrets” – and neither do you! I don’t have to worry about my future, because each nail on the cross secured it. As Jesus took my sins – and yours if you have made this commitment – He exchanged them for the gift of Salvation and the promise of Eternal Life with Him.

Whether you have been baptized, joined a church, or participated in any other ritual or demonstration of your commitment to Christ doesn’t matter. If you have confessed your sins to Jesus and asked for His forgiveness – and committed to live for Him moving forward – you have done all that is necessary. He will do the rest. You can rest in His promises…pray in faith that He will guide your steps and meet your needs…and give Him glory and praise for the incredible, incomparable grace and mercy that He has poured out over your life.

It is time for us to quit worrying our sins – and reliving the past. It is time for us to stop giving the devil even a second of joy and satisfaction – and to stop limiting Jesus’ ability to work in and through us. It is time for us to give our heart and mind fully to Christ…and to abide in His care and blessings once and for all. Are you ready to take a leap of faith? Isn’t it time you were?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 28, 2019 – Living and praying in faith…what are you asking of God?

Acts 9:36-43
In Joppa there was a follower named Tabitha. Her Greek name was Dorcas, which means “deer.” She was always doing good things for people and had given much to the poor. But she got sick and died, and her body was washed and placed in an upstairs room. Joppa wasn’t far from Lydda, and the followers heard that Peter was there. They sent two men to say to him, “Please come with us as quickly as you can!” Right away, Peter went with them.

The men took Peter upstairs into the room. Many widows were there crying. They showed him the coats and clothes that Dorcas had made while she was still alive.

After Peter had sent everyone out of the room, he knelt down and prayed. Then he turned to the body of Dorcas and said, “Tabitha, get up!” The woman opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

Peter called in the widows and the other followers and showed them that Dorcas had been raised from death. Everyone in Joppa heard what had happened, and many of them put their faith in the Lord. Peter stayed on for a while in Joppa in the house of a man named Simon, who made leather.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

There are two things about this passage that stick out to me. First, even after Tabitha/Dorcas died and her body was “laid out”, Peter was summoned to come as quickly as possible. What did they think he could/would do? Secondly, Peter asked everyone to leave the room before he prayed over the lifeless body. And as we see, Tabitha was raised from death.

The common denominator in these two incidents is “faith”. Tabitha’s friends who were followers of Jesus knew that Peter was one of Christ’s Apostles. They had likely heard that Peter was healing people in the name of Jesus as he traveled from city to city preaching and teaching. Preposterous as it might have appeared, these people must have had at least a faint hope that Peter could do something – that somehow, he could “fix” their beloved Dorcas.

I am also struck by how Peter ordered everyone from the room before praying over Dorcas. Wouldn’t it have made sense to have people present to see and hear what he did? Wouldn’t the “witness” that followed have packed more of a punch if someone been on hand to physically see the miracle occur? No first-hand accounts were needed…Dorcas lived again, and as people were summoned to see her for themselves, many became believers.

What should you and I take from this story? Aside from the miracle of Dorcas being raised from the dead…why is it important to know about this and the details of how it happened? First, I think we see that nothing is too big for God…or for those who serve Him. Does this mean that you and I have the power to raise others from the dead? I honestly don’t believe God is going to trust many of us with that much power (although He surely could) but we should be ready for whatever He entrusts to us.

Additionally, I believe that this story shows us that God doesn’t want all of the miracles that He performs in and through us to be public spectacles. Just because nobody saw a physical transformation in you or me – or someone for whom we prayed – doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Serving God and praying in secret often ensures that the “good works” we do in the name of Jesus are more about Him and His power – and less about us!

The evidence of Dorcas standing and walking around was proof enough that God had answered Peter’s prayers. No one needed to know exactly what He said to God. And sometimes, you and I need to follow this example and quietly offer our petitions. There is a time and place for corporate prayer…but there is also tremendous power in offering our prayers humbly, softly, and completely unaccompanied by friends and supporters.

God can – and does – use ordinary people to do extraordinary things. He used Tabitha/Dorcas…He used Peter…and He wants to use you and me. Do we have the faith of these early-day followers of Jesus? Do we believe as fervently as they appear to have in the power of God to do all things? Do we trust God to answer our prayers as much as they did? Don’t you think we should?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 27, 2019 – Asking God to show you your “lane” – and staying in it!

Acts 6:1-6
But with the believers multiplying rapidly, there were rumblings of discontent. Those who spoke only Greek complained that their widows were being discriminated against, that they were not being given as much food in the daily distribution as the widows who spoke Hebrew. So the Twelve called a meeting of all the believers.

“We should spend our time preaching, not administering a feeding program,” they said. “Now look around among yourselves, dear brothers, and select seven men, wise and full of the Holy Spirit, who are well thought of by everyone; and we will put them in charge of this business. Then we can spend our time in prayer, preaching, and teaching.”

This sounded reasonable to the whole assembly, and they elected the following: Stephen (a man unusually full of faith and the Holy Spirit), Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, Nicolaus of Antioch (a Gentile convert to the Jewish faith, who had become a Christian).

These seven were presented to the apostles, who prayed for them and laid their hands on them in blessing.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

“I can do it myself!” We’ve all heard this sentence – particularly from children. But I have also heard plenty of adults say this and add, “I don’t need any help.” I have observed elderly folks adamantly declare that “I am not ready for ‘Home Health Care’ yet!” Usually, these same people are struggling to do daily housekeeping chores, or risking a fall as they step in and out of a bath tub or shower. Some are confused about medications and either take the wrong things – or nothing at all. Many rely on family members who are trying to also juggle the responsibilities of their own immediate family, a job, and some semblance of a personal life.

Some people thrive on “busyness”…and they try to be all things to all people. Often, the end result is that things fall through the cracks…and little to nothing is done as well as possible. A lot of us need to scale back and “stay in our lane”…to share the responsibilities with others – and trust them to handle certain tasks without any micro-management on our part!

In the first few verses of Acts 6, we have Biblical proof that God does not expect us to be all things to all people. We also see that there is a mission and ministry for everyone. If God didn’t call you to preach the Gospel, maybe He wants you to volunteer at a soup kitchen or food pantry – or to deliver Meals on Wheels. Not comfortable teaching Sunday school? Perhaps you are the perfect person to make phone calls or send notes of encouragement to shut-ins. Maybe God is leading you to be a church bus driver…to help prepare a Wednesday night meal… or to serve on the Condolence Committee to feed grieving families. You may not feel you can work directly with children…but you can sort clothing or answer the phone at the local foster care offices or animal shelter.

The point is that there is a way for each of us to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. Not all of us are called to preach, teach, lead Bible studies – or sing in the choir…and that’s okay. No person can do it all! God has equipped each of us with certain Spiritual gifts and abilities…and He presents us with opportunities to use them to further His kingdom. Our job is to prayerfully seek His direction – and answer His call. How well are you doing?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 26, 2019 – Praying with faith and courage…are you brave to speak God’s message?

Acts 4:23-31
As soon as Peter and John had been set free, they went back and told the others everything that the chief priests and the leaders had said to them. When the rest of the Lord’s followers heard this, they prayed together and said:

Master, you created heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. And by the Holy Spirit you spoke to our ancestor David. He was your servant, and you told him to say:

“Why are all the Gentiles so furious? Why do people make foolish plans? The kings of earth prepare for war, and the rulers join together against the Lord and his Messiah.”

Here in Jerusalem, Herod and Pontius Pilate got together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel. Then they turned against your holy Servant Jesus, your chosen Messiah. They did what you in your power and wisdom had already decided would happen.

Lord, listen to their threats! We are your servants. So make us brave enough to speak your message. Show your mighty power, as we heal people and work miracles and wonders in the name of your holy Servant Jesus.

After they had prayed, the meeting place shook. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and bravely spoke God’s message.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

It’s hard to “go against the grain”. Everywhere we turn, someone is trying to convince us that things are not as they seem. We are told that what we read and see is not really what is happening…that global warming is not real…and that refugees at our southern border are being treated well. Even today, long after Peter, John and the other servants of Jesus traveled from city to city to share His Good News, “chief priests” and leaders are telling us that Jesus lived and died for a chosen few…that Salvation in Him – and the promise of Eternal Life are not offered to everyone.

Some would have us believe that Jesus did not come to deliver people from certain races, origins of ethnicity, sexual orientation, social class, and more from their sins. I’m not sure where they think these folks came from…because my Bible clearly says that God’s created everything and everyone…and His love and promises are extended to ALL of us!

So as I read this passage and how the disciples reacted, God reminded me of the power of faithful prayer. We are to stand tall and firm in our trust that God’s promises are real…that what we read in scripture is the truth…and what we see happening is not a figment of our imagination. God’s children are being persecuted, excluded, and deceived…and He is calling on us to keep sharing the Good News and serving as the hands and feet of Jesus. We are to pray with faith and courage…we are to trust that God will hear our petitions and strengthen our efforts to love others with the love of Christ.

The room may not literally shake when we pray…but this doesn’t mean the Holy Spirit has not come upon us! When we pray in faith and live in the confidence of the Holy Spirit’s power to work in and through us, things will certainly “shake”…people will be changed…and God will be glorified. It might seem as if the easier path is to “go with the flow”. But God didn’t promise us “easy”. He did, however, promise to equip us for whatever task He assigned. So “pray up” and get ready to serve! Trust God to show up and show out as He demonstrates His might power through your discipleship. Believe that with God, all things are possible…regardless of what others may tell you!

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 25, 2019 – Are you ready to be a “Barnabas”?

Acts 11:22-24
When the church at Jerusalem heard what had happened, they sent Barnabas to Antioch to help the new converts. When he arrived and saw the wonderful things God was doing, he was filled with excitement and joy, and encouraged the believers to stay close to the Lord, whatever the cost. Barnabas was a kindly person, full of the Holy Spirit and strong in faith. As a result, large numbers of people were added to the Lord.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

This morning, the 2nd/3rd grade Sunday school students were asked to list some ways that they could demonstrate the grace, kindness and mercy of Jesus to others. We talked about everything from speaking kindly with friends to showing respect for our teachers and parents. When the lesson was over, the children were given some time to play together while waiting for their parents to arrive. More than one rambunctious 7-or-8-year-old had to be admonished to “stop running,” to “get down from there,” or “don’t do that!”

One could easily argue that the point of the lesson was somewhat lost on these children! But I think the bigger point is that this is a small “picture” of how we all operate much of the time. We “worship” and pray in church, then berate our children all the way to the car for everyone to see and hear. We agree that we need to be kind to one another and offer grace and mercy, and then we have little to no time to stop and talk with a brother or sister in the hallway or at the store to hear their worries or concerns – or offer a simple word or two of encouragement. We ask people “How are you?” but we surely hope they don’t tell us – at least not in anything more detailed than a quick reply of, “I’m fine!” We claim to trust Jesus…and then we visibly fall apart at the first sign of trouble.

I don’t know about you, but I am glad for the “Barnabases” of the world…those who have visible time and energy for the missions and ministries of Jesus. I’m not talking about big gestures…I’m talking about the believers who have learned to demonstrate the love and teachings of Christ in “little” things…attentiveness, kindness, inclusion of others, grace, mercy, respect and obedience.

I’m talking about the servants who tackle “life” head-on and seek God in every situation and circumstance…the ones who don’t claim to love Jesus in one breath and disparage one of His children in the next. I’m talking about those who say, “God has other plans” versus “Why me, Lord?” I’m talking about people who see God’s hand in ordinary people and circumstances and do all they can to offer love, acceptance, and hope to each and every person they meet – even if it is only in the form of a friendly smile.

I am challenging each of us to become someone that other people can look at and say, “I want what he/she has…I want to know and serve Jesus like that!” We can all be a modern-day “Barnabas” in our own surroundings. Whether we are eight or ninety-eight, we can faithfully demonstrate the love and teachings of Jesus to others. We have plenty of excellent examples of this in the Bible…and in our own community! Isn’t it time we become one of them, too? Will this be the day that you get started?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 24, 2019 – “Face Time” with God – do you feel His presence?

Acts 10:37-38
“You know the story of what happened in Judea. It began in Galilee after John preached a total life-change. Then Jesus arrived from Nazareth, anointed by God with the Holy Spirit, ready for action. He went through the country helping people and healing everyone who was beaten down by the Devil. He was able to do all this because God was with him.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Recently, my sister-in-law told me that her granddaughter “Face Times” with her boyfriend each morning while she puts on her makeup. They both are in their second year of college – in different states. When Greg and I married 45 years ago, we didn’t even have smartphones, much less Face Time.

Another niece was appalled to learn that there was no such thing as readily available home video when we married in 1974. Today, every person who attends a wedding has still photo and video capabilities at their fingertips! It was expensive to “call home” to our parents when we were in college…and we didn’t do it very often. Now you can make a call, text or chat with someone on the other side of the world with the mere push of a button!

So it’s not a stretch to consider that when I was younger, I somewhat thought of prayer as being like a “long-distance phone call”. I could talk to God…I could petition Him to help me…but I almost expected the response to be somewhat delayed. It took days for a letter to be delivered. Phone calls to other cities were something of a luxury. So it followed in my mind that making requests of God would take time. I don’t think I really understood that God was with me all the time…and I could talk with Him as easily as our niece talks with her boyfriend while applying her makeup!

We read in Acts 10:37-38 that God was with John the Baptist and Jesus. They were able to do His bidding because they recognized His presence…He gave them power. And God is with us. We can talk to Him – and hear from Him – any second of the day. God has given us the Holy Spirit to abide in our heart and empower us to do amazing things on His behalf.

Does this mean that you and I have the ability to heal others – or to free them from their sins? Absolutely not…at least not in the way that Jesus does. But God has given us authority to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ with others…and to tell them how their sins can be forgiven. We have been commissioned to go and make disciples…to share the “plan of Salvation” with others.

We have been commanded to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and tend to the sick and suffering…and to love others as Christ loves us. And God is with us every single step of the way. Do you recognize Him? Can you feel His presence and power working in and through you? Or are you still waiting on a long-distance “phone call” to deliver your answers?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 23, 2019 – If we pray for God to “heal our land”, we have to do our part

2 Chronicles 7:14
then if my people will humble themselves and pray, and search for me, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

We want God to “heal our land”…but we don’t want to quit calling each other ugly names, judging others, or discriminating against certain people and groups. We want God to “heal our land”…but we don’t mean for Him to include those who are less fortunate and need some assistance – or those who fled here from another country, either to escape persecution or in pursuit of a better life. We want God to “heal our land”…but we are not willing to welcome those who practice another religious belief or belong to a different culture or ethnicity. We want God to “heal our land”…but we don’t mean for Him to include those of a different sexual orientation!

Some of us want God to “heal our land”…but we are not willing to make any effort to mend relationships that are broken between us and relatives, friends, co-workers, or others in our church family or community at large. Pastor Terry Tekyl has written several books on the subject of prayer, and one is titled, How to Pray After You’ve Kicked the Dog*. This pretty well describes quite a few of us…we want to behave badly and “kick the dog”- then ask God to fix everything!

God has made it clear that He will “heal the land” of those who humbly ask forgiveness of their sins and make every effort to pray and seek His will – and walk in faithful obedience to His commands. Yes, God already knows everything about us – including what we will say and do. So why does He place such conditions on His blessings? God wants our respect and genuine commitment to serve Him. He wants our demonstration of submission and surrender…both to Him, and as a form of “Christian witness” to others.

We are going to have to do our part. God is not going to allow us to continue to destroy one another – and our planet – then expect Him to overlook this and redeem and restore us anyway. We cannot ask God to melt away the pounds while we continually sit around and eat brownie sundaes. We cannot truly expect Him to bring us together as a family, community, nation and planet while we continue to berate, disparage and mistreat each other.

God will not be mocked. He wants to “heal our land – and it surely needs a good healing! God wants us to live in the fullest abundance of His blessings. But He also wants us to obey His commands and show humble respect and reverence for His sovereignty. We have to “turn from our wicked ways” and sinfulness and do our part, if we have any hope of ever getting this right. Are you ready to get your act together before you pray? Isn’t it time you were?

©2019 Debbie Robus

*How to Pray After You’ve Kicked the Dog ~ https://amzn.to/2TZvfwJ

Daily Devotional for August 22, 2019 – With God, things are never “close enough”…learning to pray in faith and confidence

1 John 5:13-15
My purpose in writing is simply this: that you who believe in God’s Son will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life, the reality and not the illusion. And how bold and free we then become in his presence, freely asking according to his will, sure that he’s listening. And if we’re confident that he’s listening, we know that what we’ve asked for is as good as ours.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Today, I stopped at a local fast-food restaurant to order lunch. I asked for the “special” that I have seen advertised on television, and the clerk rang up an expensive combo with sides and drinks. I told her this was not what I had requested. We started again. I explained what I wanted on my sandwiches – and she asked me about my choice of sides. I noticed on the order screen that the prices charged were significantly higher than what was advertised with this “special”. I reminded the clerk of the advertised price. We started over again.

Finally I was satisfied that my order was correct, and I waited while everything was prepared. The person who handed me my meal read the list on the ticket and asked, “Is that correct?” “Close enough!” I replied. There were a couple of hiccups, but it was nothing I couldn’t fix or accept. And at that point, I was just ready to take my food and go home!

With God, things are never “close enough”…and I am so grateful. He never misunderstands what we say…or gets it wrong. Does this mean that God always gives us exactly what we ask for – and this happens instantly? Not at all! We are told over and over in scripture that God will answer us according to His will. We are also told that God’s plans and timing are always perfect. I wish I could say that I always accept this 100% and patiently wait on God’s answers and schedules. But I am human – and a work in progress – and I don’t think I’m all that unusual in this regard.

Still, I want to be patient…to ask God for things and then release them. I want to lay my petitions before God and trust that He hears me…and that He is “on it” with attention to every detail. I want to trust that God will answer my prayers perfectly – and right on time. I want to give Him my requests and burdens and move on with my day – perfectly content that God has my back. All of this is possible for each of us…but it takes work on our part.

We must grow in our faith…and pray in faith. We must get to a point in our relationship with God where we don’t question for a single minute that He has heard us…that He is answering…and that His answers will be perfect for us. You and I have better things to do with our time than worry our prayers. If we have truly prayed in faith, with assurance that God heard us, we must honor this privilege and promise by demonstrating patience and confidence – and letting go of worry and frustration. We must live as if we are completely certain that God will never answer us in a way that is “close enough”. As I have already stated…I am a work in progress in this area. But I am determined to do better. What about you?

©2019 Debbie Robus