Daily Devotional for November 30, 2020 – Seeking God’s wisdom, and learning to get along…

James 3:17-18
Real wisdom, God’s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

In a recent CBS News story, Dr. Jonathan LaPook explained pet peeves. He cited several of his own, such as saying that something is “very unique”. He explained that something either IS unique – or it’s not. There are no degrees of “uniqueness!’ Another was when a call center person asks you for the “correct spelling” of your last name. He quipped that he was so glad they asked for the correct spelling, or he might have given them some gobbledy-gook!

Dr. LaPook explained that pet peeves are minor irritations that may serve a purpose. These allow us to quietly vent about something that doesn’t truly matter – and not ruin another person’s day or offend him/her. Full disclosure…I guess I have a lot of “pet peeves” these days! And if you are honest, you probably do, as well. We have dealt with so much stress and angst over the past few months that we are all wearing our feelings on our sleeves much of the time.

I thought about Dr. LaPook’s analysis…and for the most part, I agree with him. One of my latest pet peeves is people who don’t wear masks…or those who wear their masks incorrectly – under the nose, in particular. I know that I am transparent about this – some probably feel I am something of a “Mask Czar”! But I don’t mean to be disrespectful or hateful toward anyone – mask or not!

I ask God often to give me strength not to lash out at these folks – and to treat them with dignity and honor. I carry extra masks, so that I can offer one to a person who must have forgotten his/hers. I try to wear my mask correctly and set a good example in hopes that others will take the hint! And in private, I vent my frustration about those with whom I disagree! While I feel that wearing a mask – and wearing it properly – is truly a matter of life and death, I understand that treating those who disagree with condemnation and disparity is not the way to win them over and bring about change.

If we will seek God’s wisdom, He will show us how to get along with others without compromising our values. When people disparage a person or group with a different sexual orientation, I quietly interject, “My brother was gay. He was also one of the finest Christian nurses on the planet – and the person you would want in charge of your care if you were sick!” When someone makes a racist remark to me about people of color or another ethnicity, I ask, “Have I shown you the latest photos of my family?” I do my best to avoid political talk – with almost everyone! I don’t always get this right – and I’m sure I have said some unkind or judgmental things to others. But I am trying to do better at seeking God’s wisdom – and letting Him guide my words and actions.

We must remember that God loves all of us. There is nothing we can say or do to elevate ourselves above any other person. Attempts to shame or dishonor those with whom we disagree does not demonstrate the power of God’s wisdom in our daily living. Even if you are “right” about a situation or issue, let God show you how to get across your point. Ask God to help you pick and choose your battles…and always speak and act in a way that brings Him glory and honor.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 29, 2020 – Are you demonstrating your faith with good works?

James 2:14-17
Dear brothers, what’s the use of saying that you have faith and are Christians if you aren’t proving it by helping others? Will that kind of faith save anyone? If you have a friend who is in need of food and clothing, and you say to him, “Well, good-bye and God bless you; stay warm and eat hearty,” and then don’t give him clothes or food, what good does that do?

So you see, it isn’t enough just to have faith. You must also do good to prove that you have it. Faith that doesn’t show itself by good works is no faith at all—it is dead and useless.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

On Thanksgiving Day, we brought Grandma E to our house for a brief visit and outdoor meal. We all wore masks and stayed distanced in the house until time for lunch, and then we moved to our back porch, where Greg had set up space heaters to keep us warm while we ate. Grandma wore her jacket and covered her legs with a warm blanket. Greg had also built a fire in the fire pit on our deck, and our neighbors joined us (wearing masks) after lunch for pie. We all stayed spaced apart from each other, and a brisk wind swirled the smoke and made it easy to keep our visit brief.

Yesterday morning, Greg, Grandma and I had a FaceTime visit with Greg’s brother and his wife, son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren. Full disclosure…because we were with Grandma at her house, we wore our masks. In the afternoon, our niece brought her children out for a driveway visit. We played in the yard, the children rode bicycles and ran up and down the street and yard. Later, we sat on the back porch around a kerosene heater and ate Thanksgiving pie. Again, we wore masks and kept our distance…offering each other virtual hugs as the children and their mother piled into the car to go home.

Today, my heart is particularly heavy for teachers and students. Many of them will return to classrooms across our state and nation tomorrow, following a holiday break in which there was a lot of socializing and get-togethers with family and friends. I have to say that I am thankful that our little ones are virtual learners this year. My concern is that not enough precautions were taken by many folks…and cases of COVID-19 are about to multiply exponentially. This is where these verses from James 2 come into play.

It is not enough to say that you are concerned…that as a Christian, your wish is for everyone to stay safe and healthy. Surely none of us would wish this horrible virus on our worst enemy! We are called to prove this by helping others. And the way that you and I can help the most is by always wearing our mask around people who do not live in our home, washing our hands, staying socially distanced when we are with others…and staying at home as much as possible. This means that as disciples of Christ, we must exercise patience and resolve…and follow the science.

We must understand that our deep desire to hug nieces, nephews and grandchildren could make us all sick. We must realize that this Christmas is going to look different than most – and if we are COVID positive, there will be no in-person celebrations of any kind! We must understand that our desire to see our friends and family members, to attend holiday festivities and celebrations – and to go about our life as usual – could literally cost some of these folks (or YOU) life itself! We must demonstrate our faith in Jesus by calling on Him to give us an extra dose of wisdom and patience. We must ask Jesus to help us hang in there a while longer, so that when we CAN be together again and share our homes – and our hugs – it will be truly glorious.

I am already picturing NEXT year…family get-togethers, school programs, Christmas pageants, church activities, and much more. We may still be wearing masks, but I trust that God is working on a way for us to safely be together again. Meanwhile, I am demonstrating my love for Christ and my faith in Him by doing all I can to keep myself – and those I encounter – safe and healthy. And I am encouraging you to share in this “good work” with me, as we glorify Jesus – and love others in His precious name.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 28, 2020 – Jesus is all we need…finding His peace and power in this season – and always

Isaiah 9:6
A child has been born for us.
We have been given a son
who will be our ruler.
His names will be
Wonderful Advisor
and Mighty God,
Eternal Father
and Prince of Peace.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I’ve been reading a devotional book called Jesus Calling for Christmas*, by Sarah Young. This is a beautiful, inspirational book with a holiday theme…filled with excerpts from Young’s book, Jesus Calling, and scripture passages set among photos that depict winter and the Christmas season. One of the pages I read recently reminded me that Jesus is all we need. That He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. In essence, the paragraphs I read told us not to get hung up on understanding the trinity…rather, we should just focus on Jesus. Jesus is all we need!

This prophesy in Isaiah foretold the birth of Jesus, and what His coming would mean for the world. This child would grow up and be our ruler, forever and ever…our Advisor, our Mighty God, our Eternal Father, and our Prince of Peace. Jesus truly is Wonderful! He is indeed everything Isaiah told us He would be – and more.

As we pivot from Thanksgiving to the Christmas holidays, we’re all more than a little bit ready for “Peace on Earth”. We are ready for a Wonderful Advisor who will parent us and nurture us – and grant us His Comfort. And we have this and more in Jesus Christ! Don’t leave Him out of your holiday plans and preparation. Don’t leave Jesus out of your daily living!

This is the season to celebrate…to refresh and renew in the joy and peace of Christ Jesus. Remember that with Jesus, we lack for nothing. Even in the midst of a world turned upside down, we can have His peace. I pray that you are turning to Him more than ever…and believing in His promises and power. Jesus is all we need! Give thanks and praise that God sent Him to us. Hallelujah!

©2020 Debbie Robus

*Jesus Calling for Christmas ~http://JesusCalling.com

Daily Devotional for November 27, 2020 – God is still “at the wheel”!

Isaiah 55:6-12
Turn to the Lord!
He can still be found.
    Call out to God! He is near.
Give up your crooked ways
    and your evil thoughts.
Return to the Lord our God.
He will be merciful
    and forgive your sins.
The Lord says:
“My thoughts and my ways
    are not like yours.
Just as the heavens
    are higher than the earth,
my thoughts and my ways
    are higher than yours.
“Rain and snow fall from the sky.
But they don’t return
    without watering the earth
that produces seeds to plant
    and grain to eat.
That’s how it is with my words.
    They don’t return to me
without doing everything
    I send them to do.”
When you are set free,
you will celebrate
    and travel home in peace.
Mountains and hills will sing
as you pass by,
    and trees will clap.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A friend of mine shared a meme that said, “I know God’s got the wheel, but sometimes, I think we’re off roading!”  Clearly, our thoughts and ways are not like God’s. Thankfully, His thoughts and ways truly are higher than ours, and His mercies are never-ending.

Look…the news is grim these days. Greg and I have discussed how COVID is inching closer and closer to us, as family members and friends are either attacked by the virus – or have close brushes that take our breath away! We’ve just finished yet another distanced, masked holiday…and Christmas will likely bring more of the same. Cold, gray days add another layer of dreariness.

We need some good news…and this scripture passage brings it in abundance.  God is always near. His ways are higher and better than ours, and He will never fail to answer us when we call on Him. God will fill us with so much peace and joy that the mountains and hills will sing, and the trees will clap! We must not despair! We must not stop trusting God or calling on Him when the world starts to close in on us!

We can take God at His word…we can trust His promises and believe that when He says we are set free and will celebrate, this will indeed happen. We are in a “season” of trial and testing…but God is with us every step of the way. You and I may have gone “off-roading” for a bit, but God is still in complete control of the “wheel”…and His path is sure and perfect. Hallelujah! Cue the clapping and singing of mountains and trees!

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 26, 2020 – Celebrating Jesus’ love and sacrifice! Oh, let us praise Him with thanksgiving!

Isaiah 53:4-6
He suffered and endured
great pain for us,
but we thought his suffering
was punishment from God.
He was wounded and crushed
because of our sins;
by taking our punishment,
he made us completely well.
All of us were like sheep
that had wandered off.
We had each gone our own way,
but the Lord gave him
the punishment we deserved.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Here we are…Thanksgiving Day 2020! For most of us, this is not your grandma’s Thanksgiving…much less the one depicted in Norman Rockwell’s iconic painting! I have friends and family who will celebrate while working their shifts at a hospital, while others are in quarantine from contact with someone who has COVID-19. Others have ditched the big turkey dinner in favor of sushi! And many will have empty chairs at the table this year – through physical loss, or because of the pandemic.

This does not change the fact that we have much for which to be thankful. We woke up today…we are breathing, and many of us are healthy and well. We have food to eat – and hopefully someone with whom to share it. We have friends and family members with whom we can visit by phone, e-mail, social media, ZOOM, or FaceTime! We are blessed with incredible freedoms to live, think, and speak our mind and enjoy this day in a myriad of ways.

Most importantly, this passage in Isaiah reminds us that we are healthy and whole in spirit, because of Jesus. He has redeemed us…Jesus took our sins completely upon Himself. He was wounded and crushed on our behalf. He gathers us to His bosom and hugs us tightly…we who have sinned and disobeyed and dishonored His name. Truly, Jesus got every punishment that you and I deserve. We will never know another love on this scale. THIS is the ultimate gift and blessing. Jesus is who we should offer thanks today – and every day.

Regardless of where you are or what is happening in your life, Jesus is with you. He suffered and endured that we might live…now and for all Eternity. My prayer this day is that you know Him as your Savior…that you have fully surrendered your sins to Him and begged His forgiveness…that you are committed to serving Jesus every day as He directs. I pray that wherever you are today, you feel the immense, incomparable love of Jesus Christ…and that you are truly grateful and filled with thanksgiving. Praise the Lord, this day – and always!

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 25, 2020 – God is still at work…give thanks for the happy news of peace and salvation!

Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring the happy news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

We have had two or three periods of rain and wind lately that pretty well decimated our fall leaves and “color”. But yesterday – and again this morning – we noticed that several trees (we think they are Red Oaks) are clinging to bright yellow leaves in their tops. As we’ve looked out across the mountain and valleys, we have seen the sun dance atop these bright yellow patches and offer sunny glimmers of cheer and happiness. It’s as if God is saying, “I’m still at work!”

In the last 12 hours, I’ve learned of more cases of COVID-19 that remind me that this virus is spreading with a vengeance. I know many people who will not be participating in a traditional “Thanksgiving dinner”…and a case where more than one family member is in an ICU on a ventilator with this horrific illness. Nothing about this holiday will be “normal” for most of us.

And yet, I am writing this from the warmth and comfort of our cozy home. Thanks to an early-morning grocery pickup, our pantry, fridge and freezer are fully stocked. Though our “number” has dwindled this month, every remaining member of my immediate family is relatively healthy and well today. We may not gather around a table tomorrow to eat turkey and the trimmings, but we have ample reasons to give thanks. We have God’s happy news of peace and salvation…and the shimmering yellow leaves on the mountainside are reminding me of this!

How beautiful indeed is the news that the God of Israel reigns! We still have much for which we can give thanks. God’s peace and salvation are not dependent upon holiday celebrations or “fall color”. The LORD is my shepherd…I have everything I need. This is my prayer for you today, as well.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 24, 2020 – Belonging to God…and feeling His peace and protection

Isaiah 41:8-10
But as for you, O Israel, you are mine, my chosen ones; for you are Abraham’s family, and he was my friend. I have called you back from the ends of the earth and said that you must serve but me alone, for I have chosen you and will not throw you away. Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Our state’s governor just gave his weekly COVID update, and the news was bleak, to say the least. Virtually every “expert” he called to the podium spoke of concern about this holiday week – and the consequences of careless behavior, as people revel in being with family and friends and fail to exercise ample caution and safety practices. As the “death count” for our state was given, I thought of the families who will spend this week dealing with grief and loss. Some will take their chances and have a funeral service, while others will decide – as my family did – that the risk is simply too high. Others will conclude that it simply is not safe to travel and/or gather with family members and friends, and they will spend Thanksgiving Day with people in their immediate household – or by themselves. These are certainly not ordinary times!

Here’s what I want you to know today. God is with us. Even in dark hours…pandemics…world crises…natural disasters…loneliness, grief and loss, God is still our God. He is holding on to us for dear life…and He will strengthen us and help us. Nothing is too big for God! If you think you are in the middle of something that you cannot handle, think again. If you feel that you cannot possibly make it through the Thanksgiving holiday without being with your family, remember that our Heavenly Father is always with you. If you feel that you cannot survive your grief and loss, call on God to wrap His arms around you and give you His peace and strength.

If you are wondering how you will survive the next few weeks and months of your child’s virtual learning…lack of work…profound loneliness due to isolation, or any other challenge, remember that God is with you. You.can.do.this with His help! It is not God’s desire that a single one of us lack for anything we truly need – especially hope and faith! God is ready to reassure us…to comfort us in our sadness and frustration…and to fill us with courage and determination for the days ahead.

As Christians, we belong to God. We are part of His family, and He will never throw us away. Think on this in the days ahead. Get up and get busy serving and trusting Him. Feel His peace surround you and give you comfort and assurance. God is with us – always and forever. It is time to give Him thanks and praise!

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 23, 2020 – Finding God’s peace and justice…even in a world of worries

Isaiah 32:15-20
Yes, weep and grieve until the Spirit is poured
down on us from above
And the badlands desert grows crops
and the fertile fields become forests.
Justice will move into the badlands desert.
Right will build a home in the fertile field.
And where there’s Right, there’ll be Peace
and the progeny of Right: quiet lives and endless trust.
My people will live in a peaceful neighborhood—
in safe houses, in quiet gardens.
The forest of your pride will be clear-cut,
the city showing off your power leveled.
But you will enjoy a blessed life,
planting well-watered fields and gardens,
with your farm animals grazing freely.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I can truthfully – and thankfully – say that I do not know firsthand the anguish of social injustice. Yes, there have been situations in my life that did not go “my way”. Yes, I am frustrated and indignant about COVID-19 and all the hurt and heartache it is causing for all of us. My candidates have not always won, and there have been times in my life where the words and actions of others were hurtful – for me and others I know and love. It’s called “Life”!

When my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, I told my cousin that I felt, “eerily calm”. This is a feeling that I have experienced more than once in recent years. My mother told me it was the Holy Spirit shielding me from more than I could bear in the moment, and I know she was right. Don’t misunderstand…I have anxious moments. I’ve had times of panic about this pandemic, the elections, the social unrest in this country, and more. I’ve had my share of moments where my peace disappeared…and the devil delighted in filling me with turmoil.

But when I circle back to God and trust Him to meet my needs and handle each and every situation, I feel His peace and calm wash over me. I’ve learned not to question or suspect this “calm”…but to embrace it and trust that God is meeting me right where I am.

I have been watching a reality TV show called “Alaska, the Last Frontier.” I watch primarily for the scenery. As I read this scripture passage from Isaiah, I pictured the pastoral meadows and pastures of this Alaskan homestead, filled with grazing cattle. I saw the whales rising from the shimmering waters of ocean bays flanked by snow-capped mountains. I envisioned the lush greenery of the forests and valleys – and the strength and majesty of the massive cliffs that rise above some of the coasts. When I watch this program, the scenery of God’s handiwork fills me with peace and assurance. The God who created all of this majesty and intricacy can surely handle anything!

Please understand that there is a difference between peace and calm – and apathy. We cannot just fold our hands in our lap and say, “God will fix this.” We have to do our part. We have to listen for His voice and directives – and do what He commands. God may tell you to wear a mask and stay home…or to participate in a protest against social injustice. God will surely tell you where and how to serve in the name of Jesus…and He will bless and multiply your efforts in the process. Remember that no “weapons” formed against us will prosper when we trust in the love and care of God Almighty!

Weep and grieve if you must…then call on the Holy Spirit to wrap you in His peace and calm – and fill you with hope and courage. When troubling thoughts begin to creep into your heart and mind, quickly circle back to the promises and blessings of God, who loves us beyond all we can comprehend. Allow God to have complete control…and rest in the safety and assurance of His peace.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 22, 2020 – Exercising firm faith…and finding perfect peace

Isaiah 26:3
The Lord gives perfect peace
to those whose faith is firm.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

As I write this message, I am listening online to our church’s contemporary worship service. The Praise and Worship Leader is leading the congregation in the singing of “What a Good God” by Paul Baloche*. One section of the song says:

What a good God
Bringing me back to life
Opening up my eyes
God of every blessing
Standing by my side
Calling me by name
I won’t be afraid
Faithful to Your promise
You will make a way

Just before this song was presented, our pastor read probably one of the most lengthy lists of prayer requests I’ve heard from our pulpit in a while – including what seemed like almost a dozen deaths. This is truly a season of sadness for many people. At the same time, it is a season of Thanksgiving…and I don’t mean just the holiday we will celebrate later this week. Despite all the difficulties and challenges of our world at this time, this is indeed a season of thanksgiving for those of us whose faith is firm.

What does a “firm faith” look like? The lyrics of this song contain a good description. When God brings you back to life and opens your eyes, stands by your side and calls you by name, you can trust Him. As He brings us every blessing, we truly have nothing to fear. God is faithful to His promise and always makes a way. The song continues with a repetitive chorus that says, “I’ve seen it! I’ve seen it! You’re faithful every time.” For those who cling to this affirmation and take it to heart, nothing could be more accurate.

Picture yourself standing before Jesus today. He is placing His hands on your head and lovingly soothing you. Jesus is pouring out His love and care…feel it radiate down to your shoulders and engulf you like a giant hug. He is telling you, “I see you…I know you…trust Me and believe in My promises. I am making a way.” Bask in the glory of Christ’s love, and move forward with hope and faith. When you start to waiver, return to His presence, and let Him cover you again. Do this as often as you need. Jesus never grows weary of loving His disciples.

Over time, your faith will strengthen, and you will feel God’s presence continually. You will see Him in the faces of others who offer you love and kindness. You will feel God in the dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of prayers, that are lifted for you every single day. You will know God in the moments when you hear a lengthy list of prayer requests or upsetting stories on the evening news – or when difficulties and heartaches come to your own life.

“I’ve seen it! I’ve seen it!” God IS faithful every time. The peace of this assurance ensures that my faith is firm, and this is my prayer for you, as well.

©2020 Debbie Robus

*What a Good God, by Paul Baloche – https://youtu.be/2tWrJ0Sl1Q0

Daily Devotional for November 21, 2020 – Lord, grant us peace…

Luke 21:34-36
Lord, grant us peace; for all we have and are has come from you.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

If someone had told me in September that we would have remembrance services today for my late mother’s husband, Lee Smith, AND my sister, Suzanne Chandler Linn, I would have said, “You’re crazy.” But here we are. God called my sister home the morning of November 7th. He waited a little longer to call for Lee, who left this earth ten days later. I have thought of the many loved ones who preceded them to Heaven – and pictured the reunion that must have awaited them both. I know it was amazing – and I’m sure the party is just getting started.

We don’t get to choose when it is time for the angels to come for us. But how can we be upset with God? After all, He has blessed these souls and all who He calls home with the ultimate gift – Eternal Life in His presence. There are no tears, no worries, and no ailments. There are no more bills, home and car repairs, meals to prepare, dishes to wash, or houses and yards to clean. Every day is better than the last, and our most glorious sunset or mountain view pales in comparison to what they must see every minute.

We call on God today to remind us of Heaven and its glories…to grant us peace as we mourn…and to fill us with His calm, hope and courage. All we have and are comes from God…and everything He does is perfect. Hallelujah! We give Him all honor and praise – now and forever.

©2020 Debbie Robus