Daily Devotional for January 31, 2024 – Honor God and treat all others with dignity…it’s time to respect the Emperor!

1 Peter 2:13-17  
The Lord wants you to obey all human authorities, especially the Emperor, who rules over everyone. You must also obey governors, because they are sent by the Emperor to punish criminals and to praise good citizens. God wants you to silence stupid and ignorant people by doing right. You are free, but still you are God’s servants, and you must not use your freedom as an excuse for doing wrong. Respect everyone and show special love for God’s people. Honor God and respect the Emperor.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A few weeks ago, I had a crazy dream. For some reason, I found myself in a room with a former U.S. President and two sitting U.S. Senators. For the record, I did not vote for any of these men – and I have strong negative feelings about their work as leaders/legislators. But in my dream, I shook hands with each of them and spoke to them about the love of Christ, and how this propels me to treat each person with respect, dignity, love and kindness as He commands. I encouraged each of them to follow Jesus and serve and legislate as He commanded.  
I awoke from the dream shaking my head and asking, “Why on earth did I dream this?” I also asked myself, “How was I so calm? How did I not go off the rails to these men about how upset I was with their behavior and legislation?” The conclusion I drew was that even in this dream, God reminded me that we are all His children…and we must treat each person with dignity and kindness…period…full stop!
Does this mean that we must fully accept the ideas and actions of every elected leader? Absolutely not! We must obey the law…but we do not have to endorse and encourage the enactment of laws that we deem to be detrimental to our Republic…nor should we encourage the repeal of laws that are in place because of a personal or social bias – or because these rules do not benefit us directly. An example would be an attempt to repeal or reform a tax law that may have beneficial ramifications for the less fortunate – but could cost us a few dollars. We must always ask ourselves, “What would Jesus want us to do? Do our words and actions help His beloved in some manner…or is our behavior self-serving in nature?”
Furthermore, we must not participate in the derision or divisiveness that pervades our social climate today. We must not infuse our Christian discipleship and witness with political attitudes and opinions. We must not post derogatory or defamatory memes about people and groups – including our political leaders. We can’t wave flags that say, “Let’s Go Brandon” or deride a former President and his family – and claim to be faith-filled followers of Jesus. We all know better about a lot of the lies that are being perpetuated by everyone from certain media outlets to evangelical pastors and Political Action Committees with deep pockets…and we must not buy into these ideologies and/or share them with others.
Let me be clear. I have strong feelings and attitudes about the words and actions of many leaders – both present and past. But every day, I ask God to deal with them as He sees fit…and to give me the strength and courage to stay faithful and obedient to Christ’s command to love others…even the stinkers! We don’t have to agree with them, but we have to respect the office and our democratic form of government. There is power in our vote – and we should all exercise this right and privilege. But we cannot conflate the commands of Jesus with the laws of our government…and we must realize Who is really in charge. 
Our utmost allegiance is to God. When we get our priorities in line, the rest will fall into place. We may not always like every leader or piece of legislation, but God will always be with us when we do what we know is right – and honor Him.  Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 30, 2024 – Honoring God by behaving properly – it’s time to clean up our act!

1 Peter 2:11-12  
Dear friends, you are foreigners and strangers on this earth. So I beg you not to surrender to those desires that fight against you. Always let others see you behaving properly, even though they may still accuse you of doing wrong. Then on the day of judgment, they will honor God by telling the good things they saw you do.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Since I was a little girl, I’ve spent hours ironing clothing. My sister and I started with my dad’s handkerchiefs and the family pillowcases. Later, we began to steam press shirts, jeans, dresses, and more. Before the advent of polyester in the late 60s/early 70s (or “double-knit” as we called it), nearly every garment was made of cotton or linen…there was no such thing as “permanent press” clothing you could pop out of the dryer and wear without a little attention with a hot iron and steam!
I still press a lot of our clothing…even some shirts that say they are “no-iron.” It’s a matter of personal pride for me. My husband once asked me why I ironed his “permanent press” shirt. I told him it was because when he went out in public, I wanted him to look neat and “pulled together” – and I didn’t want others to look at his wrinkled clothing and think, “His wife must not care about him and his appearance!”
Let’s be honest…whether your shirt is starched and pressed or you have a wrinkled collar and button placket doesn’t determine whether you are a good person or a bad one. A stain or hole doesn’t indicate whether you are a believer in Jesus. But when we take pride in our appearance, others do notice. They see someone who is careful with the details…and often, they assume this care and attention spills over into our personal (and Spiritual) lives.
Don’t misunderstand me on this…I am not encouraging you to judge a person’s character by whether or not his/her shirt is wrinkled or clothes are dirty. I certainly do not intend to imply that we must become fashion-conscious to be good and faithful servants of Jesus. But as my grandmother once noted about a very “good” person we knew who was frequently so dirty there was a stench…“A bar of soap doesn’t cost that much!”
You don’t have to iron your clothing. But a lot of people need to “clean up their act” a bit. There are plenty of people who love Jesus and genuinely desire to serve Him…but they are letting their “dirty, disheveled appearance” get in the way. I’m talking about biased and bigoted talk, gossip, disparagement of others, and a general disdain for anyone who doesn’t fit their ideal or belong to their “tribe.” People are watching, and they often decide in a heartbeat whether you are the “real deal” or a “wannabe” servant based on how you speak, act, and treat others. More importantly, we aren’t fooling God for a second!
So let’s clean up our act! Let’s ask God to show us where we need to work on our appearance and demonstrate pride in our Master by speaking and acting as He commands. Let’s press the shirt, wipe the muck off our shoes…and “take a bath” in the love, grace, mercy, and kindness of Jesus Christ. Let’s offer our very best – to God – and to others…and honor our Savior in the process. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 29, 2024 – Following Christ’s commands – or the crowd…are your words and actions an embarrassment to God?

1 Corinthians 15:30-34  
And why do we always risk our lives and face death every day? The pride that I have in you because of Christ Jesus our Lord is what makes me say this. What do you think I gained by fighting wild animals in Ephesus? If the dead are not raised to life,

“Let’s eat and drink.
Tomorrow we die.”

Don’t fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you. Be sensible and stop sinning. You should be embarrassed that some people still don’t know about God.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

This weekend, I watched two videos that told stories about racial inequality in our country. The first was an Oscar-nominated Documentary Short called “The Barber of Little Rock.” This video (a little over 30 minutes in length) tells the story of Arlo Washington, a barber in Little Rock, Arkansas, who is making a difference in the lives of people in his community. Not only does he run a highly successful barbering school…Washington also manages the People Trust Loan Fund, a non-profit  501c3 Community Development Financial Institution Loan fund, certified by the U.S. Department of Treasury, which assists those who have been unable to acquire assistance and loans for everything from food to rent to the funds to start their own business. Washington is working to bring about change by investing in these people – and he has seen a high return on his outlay so far.
The other program I watched was on PBS…part of a series called “Independent Lens.” This particular program (about 1.5 hours in length), was titled “Racist Trees” and told the story of a wall of Tamarisk trees planted in Palm Springs, California, along the edge of a golf course. On the other side of this tree line sits a community developed by Lawrence Crossley, a visionary black entrepreneur who moved to Palm Springs from New Orleans in the 1920s. Crossley Tract was developed in the late 1950s to provide mostly African-American families with affordable 3-bedroom, two-bath homes with utilities, school bus service, and paved streets.
A white real estate agent named Trae Daniel bought a house in the Crossley Tract, and he became involved in the efforts to remove this wall of trees. A local newspaper reporter, Corinne S. Kennedy, wrote a series of articles about the trees for the Palm Springs Desert Sun that garnered national attention. She and Trae Daniel were among many who put their lives in danger to pursue this story. Kennedy says she received death threats.
I encourage you to watch both of these videos. I also encourage you to consider this scripture passage and how people stood up for fair treatment of all people. Then I want you to ask yourself…would it a better reflection of your faithful obedience to God if you quietly shook your head in embarrassment and said, “This is all too bad, but there’s nothing I can do”…or to share this story with others and do whatever you can to bring about change? Do you demonstrate a commitment to love one another as Christ commands when you build a “wall” – of trees, disdain and disparagement, or outright discrimination toward another person or group? How do you show the love of Christ when you go along with friends and acquaintances who speak and act with bias, bigotry, and general disrespect toward anyone they deem to be “different” in some way?
Paul reminds us that “bad friends will destroy us.” As I read these verses, I was struck by the thought that our words and actions are often an embarrassment to God. Many of the things we say and do grieve God greatly…and mistreatment of even one of His children ranks right up there at the top of the list. I understand how hard it can be to step up and speak out when others in your group are fully in agreement in the opposite direction. I have heard many people declare that they need to vote a certain way – or comply in some manner with others to protect themselves and their business or job, home, children and more from physical and emotional harm and exclusion. 
I am not suggesting anyone put themselves in harm’s way for this. But I believe there are plenty of opportunities to safely uplift those in our midst who are mistreated. We can start by taking a page out of Arlo Washington’s book and speaking positively rather than negatively…we can encourage others and welcome them rather than disparage and discriminate. I believe that when we don’t feel we can openly disagree with others, we can step away or make positive statements that indicate we feel differently. We can donate to groups who are supporting those who are disparaged or downtrodden, and we can ask God to open doors where we have felt helpless and hopeless to make a difference.
The bottom line is that we have a choice…we can “go along to get along” and risk embarrassing God…or we can do what Christ commands and fully love one another. I know which one I’m choosing!  Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 28, 2024 – Escaping the power of temptation and peer pressure…it’s time to be careful!

1 Corinthians 10:11-14 
So be careful. If you are thinking, “Oh, I would never behave like that”—let this be a warning to you. For you too may fall into sin. But remember this—the wrong desires that come into your life aren’t anything new and different. Many others have faced exactly the same problems before you. And no temptation is irresistible. You can trust God to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it, for he has promised this and will do what he says. He will show you how to escape temptation’s power so that you can bear up patiently against it.

So, dear friends, carefully avoid idol worship of every kind.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I know this is a small thing…but sometimes, small things make the biggest difference! Think about the host/hostess who passes by you and wants to give you a beverage refill, even after you cover your glass/cup with your hand. What would it hurt? Depending on the beverage, it could mean anything from having too much alcohol or too much caffeine that will keep you awake, or an extra pit stop on a long drive home. But to “play nice” and avoid conflict or ridicule, we often move our hand and accept the extra serving.

We’ve all been there…at a dinner party, or at Grandma’s house when she doesn’t want any leftovers and insists you take that extra helping of pie! And we’ve all been in situations where others convinced us to say and do things that we knew were wrong. Maybe we didn’t break any laws…but we knew we shouldn’t laugh at an off-color joke or engage in gossip. We knew that what someone was declaring as policy of some sort in a group setting ran counter to Christ’s command to “love one another,” but we didn’t want to cause trouble or be deemed to be judgmental or uncooperative.

So, we smiled and joined in…if only to quietly add our endorsement by not making waves. Sometimes, we can say and do as much with silence as we can by making a big statement or production! People often readily assume that we agree with them when we don’t contradict in some manner…especially if they suspect that their words or actions were controversial or provocative.

This is a delicate balance…we don’t want to judge or offend. But too often, we underestimate God’s power to step in and cover us when we speak and act with faithful obedience. So often we are too afraid of losing a friend, being kicked out of the group, or even bringing judgment and ridicule upon others in our family and close “circle” because of our response.

Understand this…the devil will use the smallest thing to create division, hatred, and hurt feelings. He will do everything in his power to derail us so that we dishonor our commitment to God. We cannot let this happen…and we cannot falter in our faith walk. We must prayerfully consider every word and action – and ask God to step in and protect us when we say or do things that we know are what He desires but are unpopular with others. This speaks to the heart of our faith and obedience. Are we willing to trust God to take care of us when we speak up and step out for Him? Or are we more concerned with what others will think of us?

People are watching…and judging. But so is God! Who do you really want to please? Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 27 – Adjusting our wardrobe to fit God’s design and desires…it may be time for a “closet cleanout!”

1 Chronicles 16:19-23
When Israel was few in number—oh, so few—
And merely strangers in the Promised Land;
When they wandered from country to country,
From one kingdom to another—
God didn’t let anyone harm them.
Even kings were killed who sought to hurt them.
‘Don’t harm my chosen people,’ he declared.
‘These are my prophets—touch them not.’
Sing to the Lord, O Earth,
Declare each day that he is the one who saves!

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Greg and I watched a segment today on CBS Saturday Morning about a shoe exhibit at a museum in Canada. The interviewer spoke with a curator who talked about the history of shoes, and she noted that the stiletto took off in popularity following 1) WWII, when photos of pinups in high heels were popular; and 2) the television show “Sex in the City,” which featured young women making a huge fuss over designer shoes with extremely high, “spiked” heels.
We talked after the segment about how uncomfortable such shoes are…and the reasons women would wear them. I laughed as I thought about my own shoes. Over the years, I have gotten rid of anything with much of a heel – to save my knees AND prevent a fall! I have decided that my health, well-being, and safety are more important than making a fashion statement! I have come to the age where it is more important to me to be comfortable than to be tugging at too-tight clothing or worrying that I’m going to trip and fall in “cute” shoes. And I am so much happier and more confident for it!
Let’s be honest…we all tend to care too much about what others think! So, we put on the “high heels” of going along with the group, conforming to what others deem as stylish, attractive, acceptable…and even “Spiritual.” We participate in group activities, corporate worship, Bible studies, and social circles where everyone agrees about matters of religion, politics, and societal issues. And even when our “feet hurt,” and we feel miserable, we keep doing this! In the process, we often stop listening to God. We most surely stop trusting Him to take care of us if we choose to listen to Him!
This is the message of these verses in 1 Chronicles 16. When we trust God and follow Him…when we listen to His voice over the din of “peer pressure,” God will always protect us and keep us headed in the right direction.  It is time for all of us to do a “closet cleaning!”  Get rid of the too-tight clothes, the “fashion statement” that fell flat and looked ridiculous, and the shoes that are likely to cause you to stumble – or trigger damage to your feet, knees, and entire body! Ask God to show you where to make “wardrobe changes” that affect your mind and soul, as well as your body. And always, always listen to God. He will never fail you or take you down a wrong path. Alleluia!
©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 26, 2024 – Sometimes, we just need to wait!

Romans 8:26-28
Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I’ve just finished reading a couple of novels where the characters faced – and overcame – seemingly impossible odds. Both stories left me with a renewed sense of hopefulness and courage in the vein of “If they could do these hard things, I can manage what comes my way.” In both stories, the characters had times of quiet reflection where they simply sat with their thoughts and pondered the details of their lives. One of the stories specifically referenced prayer, but in both novels, there was “waiting” and quiet reflection of one kind or another – and there were illustrations of how all events and circumstances wove together – and worked together.
Everyone has days (or weeks/months/years) where they feel like they cannot manage “life.” We often cry out to God and ask Him to help us…our worries and woes come spilling out like a roaring river. But there are times when we are so confused or overwhelmed by everything that we really don’t even know where to begin! And this is where the “waiting” becomes a critical exercise.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like I need to just “sit a spell,” as my grandmother would say. In the words of this passage from Paul to the Romans, I need to wait. I have said this before, but there are days when I walk and pray with great specificity for people and situations. There are also days when I simply say, “Lord, YOU know!” And I feel His presence…His hand of assurance on my shoulder that yes, indeed, God does know!  We are told that this is the power of the Holy Spirit – and that He understands and interprets the needs that we cannot express in these moments while God works out the details. God knows, because His spirit “takes our wordless sighs and aching groans” and shapes them into a fashion that can be managed and made well, according to His purpose.
Today, I encourage you to take a few minutes to think back over times in your life when you weren’t sure where you were headed or how things were ever going to be “right” again. Think about how even in the moments when you could not verbalize your needs, God worked perfectly to meet you right where you were. This is not to suggest that you stop talking to God…that you make a habit of saying, “LORD, YOU know!” and going on your merry way. I encourage you to maintain regular communication with God – and an open “dialog” with the Holy Spirit. And when those times come that you cannot seem to find the words or the energy to express what is on your heart…wait!  Sit quietly with the Holy Spirit and let Him do the heavy lifting. Then watch God work as only He can!  Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 24, 2024 – Serve God and love others…no added ingredients/laws required!

Romans 7:6
But now you need no longer worry about the Jewish laws and customs because you “died” while in their captivity, and now you can really serve God; not in the old way, mechanically obeying a set of rules, but in the new way, with all of your hearts and minds.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

A few weeks ago, our nephew Nathan was visiting us, and he asked for a sweet treat…specifically an ice cream “drumstick.” As he ate his treat, I retrieved a small waffle cone from a box in the pantry and filled it with a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream for myself. Nathan asked, “Is that your perfect ice cream?” I told him it was, and he said, “Well! I didn’t know that was an option!” Our kids love the homemade ice cream I make in a table-top freezer…and apparently, at least one of them would rather have this simple concoction than the commercial, “chocolate”-covered and “caramel”-filled variety. 
I made a mental note to stop buying “drumsticks” and serve only homemade ice cream in a simple cone. I am a voracious label-reader, and most ice cream ingredient lists contain a half dozen or more chemicals I cannot pronounce. The ice cream I make has milk, cream, sugar, pure vanilla extract, and a dash of salt. We can’t sit down and eat the entire 1½ quarts in one setting without a myriad of ramifications. But I don’t have to wonder and worry about an occasional bowl or cone of this frozen treat…for myself or my children.
This analogy of our scripture passage for today is a stretch, for sure. But I want you to grasp the simplicity of the pure, unadulterated gift of Salvation by the blood of Jesus. Compared to the “old ways” of sacrificing animals, cutting off offending body parts, and other rituals deemed appropriate by “Old Testament Law” for the atonement for sins, this is a no-brainer! Redemption in Jesus comes with one basic command – “love God and one another.” Jesus expounds just a bit to suggest that we love others as we love ourselves – and as He loves us. But that’s it…all you need is love!
I don’t mean to oversimplify. If you think about the love of Christ and His incredible, all-encompassing sacrifice for our sins, there is nothing simple about it! But what is required of us truly is simple in the scheme of things. Yes, there will be days when we find it hard to love others. But overall, this simple command to love is an all-encompassing life guide. We don’t have to worry about this rule or that law…we simply must speak and act with love.
There is a night-time meditation that I listen to sometimes, and the guide reminds us to relax, soften our jaws and shoulders, and unclench our hands. Several times throughout the exercise, she says, “No thinking.” I don’t know about you, but I want to get to a point in my walk with Jesus where I am so in tune with Him and His will for my life that in many ways, there is “no thinking”…loving others in His name comes automatically. I’m not there yet, but I grow closer every day. 
What about you? Are you mired in the “old ways and laws”…still trying to sort out who to please and what direction to take? Is the “ice cream” in your “freezer” still adulterated with a half dozen or more unnecessary “additives?” Isn’t it time to live in the pure love of Christ…and demonstrate His command in your daily living? I pray that you will spend some time with Jesus and listen for His voice…no thinking. Let Christ’s redemptive love cover you and overflow to all you encounter, and may you begin to really serve as He commands. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 23, 2024 – Accepting God’s free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ – it’s time to “read the labels” and live as sin-free as possible!

Romans 6:15-18
What does all this mean? Does it mean we are free to sin, because we are ruled by God’s gift of undeserved grace and not by the Law? Certainly not! Don’t you know that you are slaves of anyone you obey? You can be slaves of sin and die, or you can be obedient slaves of God and be acceptable to him. You used to be slaves of sin. But I thank God that with all your heart you followed the example set forth in the teaching you received. Now you are set free from sin and are slaves who please God.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Since I was a little girl, I have had unexplained allergic reactions. I remember breaking out in hives one time when I was about nine, while visiting my paternal grandparents. The hives were so widespread that my eyes all but swelled shut. My grandmother gave me cough syrup in hopes that the antihistamine would help…and I guess it did. By the time I was in high school, I had suffered an episode that put me in the hospital for four days while the medical staff monitored my hives and swelling. The culprit was determined to be an antibiotic prescribed for a sore throat, and thereafter, it was noted on my medical records that I was allergic to this drug. 
In the next several years, I would experience several reactions – generally in conjunction with an antibiotic. Several of these were severe enough to require immediate treatment with a dose of epinephrine (adrenalin) to reverse the reaction. And by the time I was in my 40s, we had figured out that my “trigger” was corn. It’s a long story, but once I realized that corn was the culprit, I stopped ingesting anything with this ingredient – and reading labels on everything – and my “allergic reactions” all but stopped. There have been a few times when I inadvertently came in contact with a corn product and reacted to it – and I do carry epinephrine with me – but thankfully, I have never had to administer these injections.
I will admit, before I realized that I was allergic to corn, I was not always sympathetic to people who would tell me, “I can’t eat that – I’m allergic to shrimp,” or “I can’t be around someone who is wearing XYZ because it makes my asthma flare.” My situation is thankfully not as severe as that of some, like people who cannot even be in the room with a person eating corn chips because they will have a reaction! But I try to be vigilant to avoid contact with foods and products containing corn – especially corn starch. 
After almost a quarter century of doing this, it’s almost second nature. I don’t even have to check the label on many items to know that they are off limits to me. But at times, there will be something I thought was okay…and when I read the label, I learn that the “new and improved” additions include some form of corn! Manufacturers are sneaky…and corn is a cheap emulsifier and “food stretcher.”
Paul reminds us in this passage that our salvation is not a “quick fix” that we can accept and then go on our merry, sinful way! Just as I can’t risk “just one bite/sip” of something that might contain corn, we cannot ask Jesus to forgive our sins, then turn around and return to our old behaviors. Sometimes, we must make drastic changes…not only in our own words and actions, but in our surroundings – even in our our friends and acquaintances. 
While Salvation is a free gift…the “work” of being a faithful follower of Jesus Christ is often hard work. But the rewards are beyond what I can begin to describe. I promise, for everything you “give up,” there will be countless “returns.” It may take a while, but hopefully you will get to a point in your relationship with Christ where you truly do not miss the temptations of old sins. Yes, I would love to eat a big slice of cornbread…or to dip corn chips into salsa. But in general, I have found alternatives (and I haven’t missed a meal!), and I really don’t feel like I’m missing anything. 
I surely don’t miss the hives, closed throat, and severe reactions requiring a jolt of adrenaline that are potential results of an allergic reaction! And the more we practice faithful obedience and leaning on the Holy Spirit, the more we will discover that our old sins don’t hold the same allure they once did. On those hard days when the devil whispers in your ear that “this one transgression won’t count”…that it won’t hurt if you sneak just a little taste of your old life…you will have the confidence and courage to stand tall, call out to the Holy Spirit for backup – and say, “Absolutely NOT! I will never go back to those old ways.”
In our Spiritual life, the options may not feel as drastic and “life or death” as choosing whether to avoid an allergen or to try “just a little bit.”  Like the hidden addition of corn in the ingredients list on a food label, the devil is subtle and lulls us into a false sense of security and contentment as we lose focus and fail to thoroughly check our words and action for hidden sin. Now is the time to double-down on our efforts to faithfully, and obediently follow Christ’s commands…to “read the labels” and ask God to show us where we may have hidden sin in our lives…then get rid of it! Make all necessary adjustments to live and love as He directs…and “get healthy” as a redeemed believer in Christ Jesus.  Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 22, 2024 – Ready or not…God has sent Jesus! How will you respond?

Romans 5:6-8
Christ arrives right on time to make this happen. He didn’t, and doesn’t, wait for us to get ready. He presented himself for this sacrificial death when we were far too weak and rebellious to do anything to get ourselves ready. And even if we hadn’t been so weak, we wouldn’t have known what to do anyway. We can understand someone dying for a person worth dying for, and we can understand how someone good and noble could inspire us to selfless sacrifice. But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

When my brother was in first grade, we lived in Oklahoma for several months – roughly from November to March. Mother drove us to a community college in a nearby city that had an indoor pool, so that we could take swim lessons. At the end of one lesson, the instructor let eager students climb the highest diving board and jump. My brother was one of these who made the climb. He walked out on the edge and gestured to the instructor to “move closer.” The instructor would shake his head and insist, “I’m close enough…just jump.” This banter between my six-year-old brother on the edge of the diving board and the instructor treading water below went on for several minutes, as other anxious (and increasingly chilly) students waited in line on the ladder for their turn. Ultimately, my brother turned, walked back across the diving board, and descended the ladder. He just wasn’t ready.
I thought about this as I read Paul’s words to the Romans…particularly the phrase, “Are you ready?”…or more to the point, “I’m not ready.” In recent weeks, I heard several people say, “I’m not ready for Christmas…but it’s coming anyhow.” I’ve heard parents declare that their child is not ready for this recital or that sporting event. I’ve heard adults ask a young person, “Are you sure you are ready for marriage?” and I’ve heard high school students say, “I’m not ready for college.” I have heard people my age say, “I’m not ready to die,” and beloved elders tell me, “I’m ready when God calls me Home.”
Paul is telling us that God knows there are some things for which you and I will never be ready…and living a sin-free life is one of them. So, God went ahead and sent Jesus anyhow. I honestly cannot remember whether my brother ever dived off a high board…but I know that his lifetime of sins were forgiven by the blood of Jesus. I know that Christmas Day comes and goes every December, whether we have wrapped every gift or decorated and celebrated to the max…and God loves us either way. I know that when we have not fully prepared mentally or physically…for a recital, a track meet, college, marriage, the birth of children and the death of loved ones – or our own passing – God is with us, and the redemptive love and Salvation in Jesus Christ are steadfast and certain for all who trust Him.
God knew that we are human beings…and often procrastinators by nature. Think about how many times have you heard someone say, “I’m just not ready.” Sometimes, this is because we are too content in our present circumstances…and sometimes, the “unknown” looms large (think first-time mother in the delivery room or a parent whose child is about to go away to college!). Knowing how we would react and respond…God still sacrificed His Only Son.
Imagine if my mother had climbed the ladder at the pool and pushed my little brother off the diving board. My brother would probably have popped to the surface…and everything might have been just fine. He might have ultimately gained confidence to do this on his own, but those in observance would have likely been mortified. They would probably have asked themselves how a mother could do such a thing to her little boy!
Now think about God sending Jesus to DIE a brutal death for our sins, so that we could rise as His servants and live – in every sense of the word. I don’t mean to diminish what God did – or to make light of Jesus in any way by comparing this to my brother on the diving board. My point is that 1) I cannot fathom the love of God that would cause Him to send and sacrifice Jesus for us; and 2) we will never be truly ready for Salvation in Jesus. There is nothing we can do to earn this gift. God knows this…and He sent Christ anyway. God understands there are times when we are “not ready to jump” – and times when we need a nudge. But God also offers us a “soft place to fall” – a “Safety Net” if you will in Christ Jesus.
I am not going to ask if you are ready. I am going to simply tell you that “Ready or not, Jesus has come! His redemption and Salvation are available to you, and the only thing you must do to claim this is to surrender and accept His offer.” Yes, it would be great if everyone who claims Jesus began to fully serve Him and follow all His commands. Yes, this is what we are called to do as believers in Jesus Christ. But Salvation is only conditional on one thing – your surrender and acceptance. How you act towards this gift afterward is between you and God.
I thank God for sending Jesus. I humbly accept His gift without question…and I hope that my words and actions are a daily indicator of my faith and gratitude. I also trust that in any circumstance where I say to God, “I’m not ready,” He will remind me that with Him all things are possible…and give me a gentle nudge “off the diving board” and into the “pool of possibilities” for all who surrender and commit their lives to Christ. Alleluia!

© 2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 21, 2024 – God never wastes an opportunity – what have you learned from yours?

Romans 5:3-5
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us—they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady. Then, when that happens, we are able to hold our heads high no matter what happens and know that all is well, for we know how dearly God loves us, and we feel this warm love everywhere within us because God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Greg and I moved back to our hometown in 1987 to start a new business, which requires a lot of work – and time. Even before we were fully settled, my mother’s next-door neighbor and childhood friend (they were literally born 9 days apart and lived 99.9% of their lives no more than one city block apart), was diagnosed with breast cancer. We officially moved in May 1987…Martha Raye died in July of that year. One week later, my mother admitted her parents to a local nursing home.
My grandfather died the following summer…my grandmother resided in the nursing home until her death in 1994. This was not what my mother had planned for these seven years, and she often asked, “Why is this happening to me?” Of course, it was happening to all of us, as I, my dad, my sister and our spouses and other relatives pitched in to help wherever and whenever we could…just as we did when my brother and my dad were battling terminal illnesses in the late 1990s. In 2001, my grandmother Polly fell and had to be admitted to the nursing home for rehab. My newlywed mother was away on a trip, so my grandmother’s care fell to my sister and me – and because Greg and I “worked from home” and were childless, most of these duties became mine/ours.
In the summer of 2002, my grandmother Polly suffered another fall, one day before Mother left again for a more-than-month-long adventure out West. She handed me my grandmother’s checkbook and said, “You’ll need Power of Attorney.” This began my guardianship of my Mam-ma Polly until her death in 2013. Along the way, I began helping my niece with the care of her three babies, which made me part of the “Sandwich Generation” – people who are “sandwiched” between the care of the elderly and children. Honestly, I didn’t so much question why God put me here as much as I asked, “What am I to do with all of this.”
I started a blog called The Deli  to journal my experiences – and to hopefully help others. I looked back at a blog post today from January 28, 2008, in which I wrote… “Recently I told my 17-year-old niece that I was trying to understand the lessons God has for me in my encounters with my grandmother, and she asked, ‘…and just what have you learned?!’ I told her that I was learning that “it” is most often not about me… that most days there is some other “issue” and I just happen to be the nearest target for venting frustrations.”
So now, our beloved friends who are like family to us are dealing with a crisis and needing to choose a nursing facility for the wife to undergo rehab following some mini-strokes. Their daughter has been texting me daily, picking my brain about everything from nursing home care to Medicare – to what questions to ask the doctors. I am not sharing this to boast – or even to say that I have answers. But she knows that I have firsthand experience with all of this. And I know people who know people who have even more answers. Yes, it’s been a minute since I was personally involved in this – almost 11 years to be exact. But I’ve put on my “thinking cap” and refreshed my memory…and hopefully, my responses have been helpful, comforting, and reassuring.
God never wastes an opportunity. My mother wrote a book about her experiences titled When Heads and Hearts Collide. This book is now out of print, but copies are floating around at libraries and church libraries if you want to read it. I have shared this book with many people over the years, and every single person has remarked that… “She knew just what I was feeling…and what I needed to hear. It’s like this book was written just for me!” I have directed others to my blog, because we all need to know that we are not alone – that other people have been in our shoes  – and that God is with us all the way.
I am so grateful that God is with me – and that He has always been with me. I look back on some times when I came home after a particularly hard day with my grandmother and all but sobbed to Greg out of weariness and frustration. And God helped him to comfort me – and gave me the strength and courage to get up the next day and do whatever was necessary. Now it is my turn to listen, encourage, and commiserate with our dear friends. And this may be your day to share God’s love and strength with someone in your own circle.
Be aware – stay awake, alert, and open to the opportunities God gives you to serve others on His behalf. And pray for those who are experiencing troubles and trials this day. God knows their needs…and He may be sending you to meet them! Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus