Daily Devotional for November 30, 2021 – It’s time to “give until it hurts”…but not in the way you think!

Luke 21:1-4
Just then he looked up and saw the rich people dropping offerings in the collection plate. Then he saw a poor widow put in two pennies. He said, “The plain truth is that this widow has given by far the largest offering today. All these others made offerings that they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford—she gave her all!”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

The 95-year-old father of a dear friend was hospitalized recently. My friend laughed that even in poor health, his daddy called them twice in one day – “just to check on you.” This is typical behavior for this dear widower. He has always been considerate of others and their needs. He’s the type of faithful servant who would ask from his own hospital bed, “How are you doing?” – and mean it!

Thanksgiving Day, our doorbell rang in the afternoon. When I answered the door, there stood my cousin, Janette, with a container of her famous German Chocolate Cake. This luscious dessert has been a staple at family holiday dinners more than 50 years. Janette wanted to let us know that she thought of us on this holiday. She also wanted us to know that she fondly remembered the holidays that we shared…and that she misses Grandma E.

I know my cousin was tired…she had no doubt spent a good deal of time cooking and preparing for a big holiday dinner at her daughter’s home. But she took time to drive across town and deliver far more than sumptuous cake…she brought memories, love, and a message that “You are remembered – and someone cares.” She is also one of those people who thinks of others with genuine love and concern – and “gives her all.”

A lot of people want to use this scripture passage to encourage people to “give until it hurts” – generally regarding money or material wealth. But it seems to me that Jesus is talking about other types of “giving” just as much as money –maybe even more. He is telling us to “give all that we have” – including our time, our prayers, and physical words and actions that demonstrate to others that we love them with His love.

It takes little to no effort for most of us to write a check. We are far stingier with our time and energy. We tell people, “Let us know if you need anything,” and if they don’t respond, we gladly assume that they must be okay. We can’t give up our favorite TV show to share a phone visit with a friend. We have plenty of time to shop at the outlet malls…but not a minute to write a note to a shut-in – or to check on a neighbor. I know that visiting in person is still a little dicey for many of us, but there are plenty of other ways we can communicate and be present…and “give our all.”

Today is #GivingTuesday. According to information at Wikipedia.com, this is a day that “promotes the concept of radical generosity—’generosity not as a benevolence that the haves show to the have-nots but rather an expression of mutuality, solidarity, and reciprocity.’” For Christians, every day should be a “Giving Day.” We should be seeking ways to share the love of Christ with all others – in whatever way we can each day. We should pause every evening and ask, “Did I give my all today…or did I just ‘write a check?’” Our answer truly defines our Christian discipleship. We all have work to do in this regard, and I can’t think of a better day to get busy!

©2021 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 29, 2021 – Serving God in all things – big and small

Luke 16:10-13
Jesus went on to make these comments:

If you’re honest in small things,
you’ll be honest in big things;
If you’re a crook in small things,
you’ll be a crook in big things.
If you’re not honest in small jobs,
who will put you in charge of the store?
No worker can serve two bosses:
He’ll either hate the first and love the second
Or adore the first and despise the second.
You can’t serve both God and the Bank.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Every year right before Christmas, my 2nd-great Aunt Lucy and Uncle Sam Dial would visit us. Uncle Sam was a brother to my great-grandmother, who I never knew…and he was just about as jolly, loving and generous as Santa himself. Aunt Lucy and Uncle Sam lived four blocks down the street from us, but we rarely saw them other than just before the holidays. They were both in their mid-70s, but they seemed much older to me at the time. This couple had no children of their own, and by the standard of the day, they were wealthy – although you would never have known it by the home in which they lived and the way they dressed. The only hints of wealth were the Cadillac they drove and Aunt Lucy’s diamond rings – one on almost every finger, which was a stark contrast to the ill-fitting, worn clothing in which she dressed.

The routine was always the same…the Cadillac would arrive in front of the Baker’s house first. They were our neighbors “kitty-cornered” – and dear friends of ours and this couple. Then, the car would pull up at our house. My aunt and uncle never stayed long, but they always left three envelopes…each with a $5 bill for me, my sister and my brother. This was a lot of money to kids in the 1960s! I cannot remember how many years this ritual took place, but it was like clockwork. And every year, my mother made us sit down almost immediately and write thank-you notes to our aunt and uncle.

To this day, I am compelled to write thank-you notes and other messages. And now that I am a 60-something childless aunt, I appreciate even more the love and generosity of this couple. They could have done so many other things with their time and money…but they chose to “play Santa” to us and our neighbor, Marla Ann, who I am sure got money, too. I watched how they cared for Aunt Lucy’s mother, Mrs. Bridwell, who lived with them until her death at age 100. I heard my grandmother and great-aunt Altha tell the stories of Uncle Sam’s work operating the local livery when deadly tornadoes came through our town in the 1920s – and how he and Aunt Lucy transported bodies to be housed at a temporary morgue in the courthouse.

I knew that Aunt Lucy and Uncle Sam could be trusted with much, because they had demonstrated their faithfulness in even the little things. And it was a lesson I internalized more than I probably even know. Uncle Sam was not big on church attendance, while Aunt Lucy was a faithful supporter of the local Methodist congregation. But I knew their hearts and their faith by how they served their family and their community.

People are watching. They know whether we can be trusted – even with a little. They know if our word is good, if a promise will be kept, and if we will deliver on even the smallest commitment. People see how we react and respond to the kindness and generosity of others…how attentive we are to those in our midst…and how selfish we can sometimes be with our time, talents and gifts. People notice if we are appreciative of the efforts of others – especially the undeserved attention that is generously given to us because someone loves and serves others with the love of Christ Jesus.

Uncle Sam and Aunt Lucy have been gone for decades now. But when I drive past their house, I always smile. I remember how they faithfully served God in the little things as much as the big ones. I remember how my mother taught me to be thankful for such gifts…and to readily express my appreciation for them. I am grateful for these lessons…and motivated to apply them in my own life. As we enter this season of celebration and giving…let’s remember to be faithful in all things, regardless of their size or importance – and to always express gratitude for every gift. Alleluia!

©2021 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 28, 2021 – Love is the greatest gift…learning to be generous with God’s abundance

Luke 12:48
But servants who don’t know what their master wants them to do will not be beaten so hard for doing wrong. If God has been generous with you, he will expect you to serve him well. But if he has been more than generous, he will expect you to serve him even better.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

There are countless memes and plaques that say, “Love is the greatest gift.” This passage is not about sharing material wealth…or even how we use our physical talents and abilities. The message of Luke 12:48 is to love one another as Christ Jesus loves us. Truly God has been more than generous with each of us. He sent Jesus to mentor us, and to demonstrate how to live and serve our Most High God. And then Jesus gave His own body and blood for our sins. He absolved us of all guilt and shame and set us upright in the ultimate gift of love.

We have one job…to surrender to Jesus…accept His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness…and love others as He taught us. If we fall short on any one of these parts of the assignment, we have given God less than expected. If we make a concerted effort each day to humbly and faithfully serve with the love of Christ in all that we say and do, our job is a success.

This is not complicated. The message could not be plainer. Love is the greatest gift. It is manifested by God’s love to us through the gift of Jesus…Christ’s love for us through His teachings and sacrifice…and now our love for others as Christ loved and taught. Someone needs to know you love them today in the name of Jesus. It’s up to you to figure out who – and how – and to serve God even better out of your great abundance. Allelulia!

©2021 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 27, 2021 – Recognizing God’s power and presence…lessons in faith from an old man and woman

Luke 1:57-66
By now Elizabeth’s waiting was over, for the time had come for the baby to be born—and it was a boy. The word spread quickly to her neighbors and relatives of how kind the Lord had been to her, and everyone rejoiced.

When the baby was eight days old, all the relatives and friends came for the circumcision ceremony. They all assumed the baby’s name would be Zacharias, after his father.

But Elizabeth said, “No! He must be named John!”

“What?” they exclaimed. “There is no one in all your family by that name.” So they asked the baby’s father, talking to him by gestures.

He motioned for a piece of paper and to everyone’s surprise wrote, “His name is John!” Instantly Zacharias could speak again, and he began praising God.

Wonder fell upon the whole neighborhood, and the news of what had happened spread through the Judean hills. And everyone who heard about it thought long thoughts and asked, “I wonder what this child will turn out to be? For the hand of the Lord is surely upon him in some special way.”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I have read quite a bit about Elizabeth and Zacharias and the birth of their son, John. Apparently, Elizabeth stayed inside for the duration of her pregnancy, and no one really knew she was pregnant, while Zacharias spent much of his time in the temple. In Luke 1, we learn that Mary visited her cousin for about three months. While she was also pregnant, Mary was much younger – and Elizabeth was farther along in her own pregnancy. I suspect that Mary did much of the household work and helped Elizabeth prepare for her newborn, before she returned to her own home.

We can also assume that this was a respite for Mary from many questions, as her own pregnancy became evident. This was an opportunity for her to get away and reflect on what God was doing in her life – and to protect herself and her parents from unnecessary gossip and ridicule.

I shared this passage in part to follow up on Zacharias. We learn that as soon as Zacharias obeyed God and wrote down the name “John,” he was once again able to speak. God publicly rewarded Zacharias’ obedience, and the man who had once doubted was now demonstrating his Heavenly Father’s power and presence in a whole new – and effective – way.

It shouldn’t take such a “wake-up call” from God to get our attention and set us on the right path. But clearly, God will use whatever He needs to “rattle our cage” and get us headed in the proper direction. There are several important points for me in this passage:

1) God never wastes an opportunity to show us His power and strength. He can even make a very old woman pregnant and give her a son who will change the world.

2) Do not underestimate the lengths to which God will go to get our attention. He may not strike us unable to speak, but sometimes, His lessons are hard, but necessary, in order to get us on the right track again.

3) God uses us in ways we don’t even imagine. He used Mary to help her older cousin Elizabeth. He used Elizabeth to encourage Mary. God used this whole family to demonstrate to the others in their community that He can make all things possible. And God used this story in Luke 1 to show us these things, as well.

We often overlook the account of Elizabeth and Zacharias and the miraculous birth of their son, John. But it is a powerful demonstration of how God operates in the lives of His children. When we are faithful and obedient, amazing things will happen. As we enter this season of festivity and fun, let’s remember Who made it all possible – and our Heavenly Father who sent Him. Let’s give God all the glory and praise for this amazing gift of love, grace and mercy. Hallelujah!

©2021 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 26, 2021 – Nothing is impossible with God…learning to let go and be the Lord’s servant

Luke 1:31-38
Then the angel told Mary, “Don’t be afraid! God is pleased with you, and you will have a son. His name will be Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of God Most High. The Lord God will make him king, as his ancestor David was. He will rule the people of Israel forever, and his kingdom will never end.”

Mary asked the angel, “How can this happen? I am not married!”

The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come down to you, and God’s power will come over you. So your child will be called the holy Son of God. Your relative Elizabeth is also going to have a son, even though she is old. No one thought she could ever have a baby, but in three months she will have a son. Nothing is impossible for God!”

Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as you have said.” And the angel left her.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Thanksgiving is a time when we reflect on the events of our lives and count our blessings. As I think back over the last several months, I can’t count the times that God has reminded us that nothing is impossible for Him. And each time, we have tried to say, “I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as You said.”

This is not easy, by any means. Some of the things God asks us to do are truly difficult…and some seem unbearable. Even “happy” events can leave us a little anxious and daunted. I’m thinking of the graduation or marriage of a child – or some other “rite of passage” that reminds us that they don’t stay little forever. The joy that comes with the arrival of a new baby can also be tinged with anxiety about being a good parent – or the weariness of late-night feedings and colicky infants. Retirement, downsizing, and the opportunity to explore new adventures can be at once exciting – and make one a little nervous, as well. We are creatures of habit, and anything that disrupts or re-routes our lives can be an opportunity to harbor thoughts of trepidation or concern. But we are reminded by the stories of Mary and Elizabeth that truly, nothing is impossible for God!

The more we practice surrender to God and an attitude that “I am the Lord’s servant! Let it happen as you have said,” the more this will become second nature. The more we “let go and let God,” the more peace and assurance we will have – even when the scary things happen! When we learn to recognize God’s presence and power in each situation – and to rest in it – we will be able to face every situation with confidence and peace. And we will be able to share this assurance with others, which is what serving Jesus truly entails.

As you reflect on your blessings in these next few days, consider how God has seen you through every triumph, tragedy, season of contentment, challenge and change. Thank God for being present in your life – and giving you assurance that nothing is impossible for Him. Confidently declare that you are the Lord’s servant…ready to walk with Him through whatever comes your way. And give God glory and praise for His abundance, grace and mercy…always, and in all ways. Alleluia!

©2021 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 25, 2021 -Thanking God for His promises and power…and believing Him for all things

Luke 1:11-20
Zacharias was in the sanctuary when suddenly an angel appeared, standing to the right of the altar of incense! Zacharias was startled and terrified.

But the angel said, “Don’t be afraid, Zacharias! For I have come to tell you that God has heard your prayer, and your wife, Elizabeth, will bear you a son! And you are to name him John. You will both have great joy and gladness at his birth, and many will rejoice with you. For he will be one of the Lord’s great men. He must never touch wine or hard liquor—and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from before his birth! And he will persuade many a Jew to turn to the Lord his God. He will be a man of rugged spirit and power like Elijah, the prophet of old; and he will precede the coming of the Messiah, preparing the people for his arrival. He will soften adult hearts to become like little children’s, and will change disobedient minds to the wisdom of faith.”

Zacharias said to the angel, “But this is impossible! I’m an old man now, and my wife is also well along in years.”

Then the angel said, “I am Gabriel! I stand in the very presence of God. It was he who sent me to you with this good news! And now, because you haven’t believed me, you are to be stricken silent, unable to speak until the child is born. For my words will certainly come true at the proper time.”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

The Bible doesn’t tell us how old Zacharias and Elizabeth were…just that they were “very old.” If an angel appeared to me (now in my sixties) and said, “You’re going to have a baby,” I would laugh – and then seek professional help! There’s no telling how God would react to my response…although some would probably be happy if he struck me silent for a while!

All kidding aside, this is one of many examples in scripture where we sell God short. We say that we believe He can do anything. We claim that we trust God with our whole heart, mind and soul. And then when we receive a clear sign that we are to take a certain path or make a specific choice, we say, “This can’t be right!”

We question God…about all sorts of things. “Did You really mean for me to change course? Are You really moving me from one job, town – or church – to another? Are You sure I am supposed to stop hanging out with this friend/group or that one?” We ask God, “How can this ever be okay? How can I ever overcome this grief, loneliness, sense of failure or inadequacy, or defeat of some kind? How on earth can I cope with this illness or physical limitation?” We are skeptical about how we will navigate everything from the pandemic to rearing our children – to living with joy and contentment in old age. And I would venture to say that more than a few of us have questioned whether Heaven is real and there truly is life beyond this earth.

It’s a wonder God doesn’t strike us all silent – or whap us in the head! Look around…signs and wonders are everywhere. God’s promises – and assurances – are abundant. Proof of His power to do all things exists not only today – but in the lives of those who went before us. God gave “an old man and woman” a son who was the forerunner of Jesus Christ. He told them He would do this…and He gave their son a name – John. God told Zacharias and Elizabeth that John would prepare people for the arrival of Jesus, soften hearts and change disobedient minds! And he did all of this – and more.

On this day when we give thanks for our many blessings, we should surely put our relationship with God at the top of the list. We are blessed beyond measure and filled with the hope and promise of all that God can and will do in and through us. We serve the Most High God…the One with power and strength to do all things. Because of His Son, Jesus Christ, we are promised not only love, fortitude, and protection on this earth – but Eternal Life in His Presence.

A dear friend suggested to me this week that those who have passed before us are feasting far better than we will at the Heavenly Table…and someday, we will join them there. I know there is a seat with my name…and I trust you have one, too. Meanwhile, there is much work to be done here, as we demonstrate complete faith and trust in God to meet our needs and do mighty works. I am not saying I want Him to give us a baby at this stage in our lives…but I am open to however He calls me to serve, and I trust that He will orchestrate the details perfectly. Alleluia…and Happy Thanksgiving!

©2021 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 24, 2021 – Sharing the message of Jesus…it’s time to recheck our facts and directives!

Luke 1:1-4
Dear friend who loves God:

Several biographies of Christ have already been written using as their source material the reports circulating among us from the early disciples and other eyewitnesses. However, it occurred to me that it would be well to recheck all these accounts from first to last and after thorough investigation to pass this summary on to you, to reassure you of the truth of all you were taught.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

My mother-in-law kept journals – mostly accounts of her travels and antiques sales. We’ve read many of them over the years, but lately, Greg and I have gone back and started reading each one again. And we are learning a lot! Some of the accounts we remember…others seem completely new to us. And with time and our own maturity has come a new perspective on several of the entries.

We are even more astounded by Grandma E’s tenacity and bravery, as she took many trips alone after the passing of Greg’s dad. Greg says he didn’t realize how much his parents traveled – especially right after he left for college! The baby had “flown the nest,” and they “hit the road!” In all, we’ve enjoyed reminiscing and “remembering” these events through the words of Grandma E…and they have reassured us of certain details and history…and even corrected a few recollections and timelines. They have also given us great joy and comfort as we “share” in the experience through these written words and talking about them afterward.

It is good to review from time to time…to stop and “take stock” and make sure you are still on the right track. Nowhere is this truer than in God’s word and our relationship with Jesus. We need to “check in” on a regular basis and make sure we are “remembering” the facts correctly – and sharing Christ’s message accurately. To do otherwise often leads to a heap of trouble.

Far too many Christians have either misinterpreted or “misremembered” scripture – and twisted the words to fit their agenda. Too many are confident that they learned the teachings of Jesus and know them well…and they don’t need to recheck these accounts. I will be the first to tell you that nearly every time I read a scripture passage, I learn something new about it – or see a different perspective/intention, based on what Jesus wants me to know at that moment.

So listen to the words of Luke 1, and spend time checking the facts. Read your Bible and talk to Jesus. Ask Him what He wants you to read, hear – and understand. And make sure that you pass His summary on to others in every thought, word and action. Jesus expects nothing less than our best. Make sure you are representing His truth in everything – and giving Him all the glory. Hallelujah!

©2021 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 23, 2021 – Finding God among the stones…and remembering why you are here

Joshua 4:21-24
Then Joshua explained again the purpose of the stones: “In the future,” he said, “when your children ask you why these stones are here and what they mean, you are to tell them that these stones are a reminder of this amazing miracle—that the nation of Israel crossed the Jordan River on dry ground! Tell them how the Lord our God dried up the river right before our eyes and then kept it dry until we were all across! It is the same thing the Lord did forty years ago at the Red Sea! He did this so that all the nations of the earth will realize that Jehovah is the mighty God, and so that all of you will worship him forever.”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

We’ve been in a “season” of remembering as we have sorted and sifted through the contents of my mother-in-law’s house. We have found several things to keep that remind us of her – and of both of my husband’s parents, and even his grandparents and siblings. We have found commendations that reflect the amazing service work that both of Greg’s parents did in their church and community. We have kept a few things that are several generations old, sometimes just because someone before us felt they were important enough to keep – so we ought to do so, too.

This fall, as we have enjoyed the beautiful color of trees in our community, many have shared photos of some of the same trees on social media – and talked about them almost like family. These maples, oaks, elms, gingkos and more are rich reminders of days gone by…of the strength and fortitude of the people who lived in the houses beside them. They are not only symbols of the legacy of our childhood, but the community in which we live – and the people who helped cultivate it into what we know and love today.

God has demonstrated His power and might over and again…not just in rocks and trees, but also in the lives and legacies of the people who came before us. They endured challenges and heartaches, illness and injuries – and joys and triumphs. And through all of it, God was with them, leading them, healing them, shining a light on the right pathway, and celebrating their victories. And He is still doing this. Our job is to recognize His presence…and to honor His power and strength in our own lives and journeys.

Someday, people will be sorting and sifting our belongings. What will they find among the “treasures?” Will there be evidence of a life of faith and service – to God and to others? Will people think of us as people who obediently followed the teachings of Jesus Christ, demonstrated His love to others, share His Good News, and made the world a better place because of their discipleship? For all the sadness associated with the task before us, there is joy, as we realize what a rich legacy we have received.

Most of all, we cling to the love, grace, mercy, power and strength of our God to see us through this – and carry us forward. We continue to tell of the amazing miracle of Jesus Christ, who died that we might live. We cherish and celebrate the reminders and promises that great things lie ahead for those who serve Him with their whole heart. Alleluia!

©2021 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 22, 2021 – Do everything Moses – and Jesus – commands…it really is that simple!

November 22 ~ Joshua 22:5
Moses taught you to love the Lord your God, to be faithful to him, and to worship and obey him with your whole heart and with all your strength. So be very careful to do everything Moses commanded.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

In the later verses of John 7, Jesus secretly goes to the Jewish Festival of the Shelters. He walks among the crowd and listens to what they are saying about Him. Then Jesus goes to the temple and begins to teach. People question how He knows so much – and whether what He is saying is true. Jesus tells them that He is not making up these things…that God gave Him this message to share. He further notes that God gave a message to Moses long ago, and Moses shared these commandments with his people. Jesus admonishes us to follow the commands that God gave to Moses.

In Joshua 22:5, we are reminded of some of the commands God gave to Moses…to love the Lord your God, to be faithful to him, and to worship and obey him with your whole heart and with all your strength. As you can see, over and again in the Bible, we are told to obey these commands. And truly, if we follow them, everything will fall into place as God desires.

This sounds too simple…and yet, nothing needs to be added. These commands cover everything. Love the Lord your God with your whole heart and be faithful to Him, and you will love others with the love of Christ. Worship and obey our Heavenly Father, and you will treat all others as you wish to be treated…and love them as you love yourself. Do everything Moses commanded, and you will be listening to the word and will of God – and incorporating this into your daily living and discipleship.

Too often, we want to complicate our faith. We want to make Christian discipleship into something that we like or desire, rather than the simple, yet all-encompassing commands of God through the prophets and His Son, Jesus Christ. Many of us need to take a step back and look at what we say and do – and ask ourselves, “Is this what God commands and desires…or does this fit my agenda?” Our answers make all the difference. Be very careful to do everything Moses – and Jesus – commanded. Love the Lord your God, be faithful to Him, and worship and obey Him with your whole heart and all your strength. Then operate in His abundance, grace and mercy – and show others how to do this in their own lives. Hallelujah!

©2021 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for November 21, 2021 – Hearing from Jesus…and knowing when the time is right…

John 7:1-8
Later Jesus was going about his business in Galilee. He didn’t want to travel in Judea because the Jews there were looking for a chance to kill him. It was near the time of Tabernacles, a feast observed annually by the Jews.

His brothers said, “Why don’t you leave here and go up to the Feast so your disciples can get a good look at the works you do? No one who intends to be publicly known does everything behind the scenes. If you’re serious about what you are doing, come out in the open and show the world.” His brothers were pushing him like this because they didn’t believe in him either.

Jesus came back at them, “Don’t pressure me. This isn’t my time. It’s your time—it’s always your time; you have nothing to lose. The world has nothing against you, but it’s up in arms against me. It’s against me because I expose the evil behind its pretensions. You go ahead, go up to the Feast. Don’t wait for me. I’m not ready. It’s not the right time for me.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I have read this passage several times, and I keep coming back to one thought. Those who have “nothing to lose” go about their lives doing as they please, for the most part. They don’t consider the feelings of others. If they do think about the opinion other people have of them, it is in a self-serving and arrogant context. These are the people who are going to live their lives and do whatever they like, regardless of what the other guy says, the laws mandate, or “society” dictates. Just as many news outlets have adopted the philosophy that “If it bleeds…it leads…” these people have decided “If it makes me happy…that’s all that matters.”

A few Christian friends have boldly stepped out to speak against several issues that are front and center in our world. They have done so with kindness and grace…but also with a firmness of conviction for what they hear God telling them. I believe in many instances, they expose the evil behind the pretensions of others who also claim to serve Jesus…and sometimes, the exchanges get pretty ugly. One friend noted that she feels that to remain silent would signal agreement with the falsehoods and ugliness. As Jesus points out, when we step out in this manner, the world will be “up in arms” against us.

There is a fine line between speaking out and risking ridicule – or worse – and quietly working in the background. For me, it comes down to two things…1) listening for Jesus’ voice and following His lead, and 2) knowing when the time is right. On some fronts, I am simply not ready – it’s not the right time for me. In all things, I am trying to listen to Jesus and do what He commands. Don’t let anyone pressure you into doing something that Jesus did not sanction. Know your Master’s voice…and follow Him. He will show you when the time is right…for everything. Hallelujah!

©2021 Debbie Robus