Daily Devotional for July 31, 2023 – Keep cool, remain calm…and wait on the LORD!

Proverbs 15:18  
Hot tempers start fights;
    a calm, cool spirit keeps the peace.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I wish I could say I have always gotten this one right. And maybe you do, too. There are times that I have lashed out in anger or frustration…and I was really sorry about it later. Thankfully, there have been times when I have held my tongue…thought about a response, (if I planned to offer one)…and then reacted and/or responded calmly. I will tell you, it might not feel as good in the short run as “letting someone have it.” But I have discovered that there is great satisfaction in being able to say, “I took the high road. I did not behave in kind toward this person or in that situation. And I have no regrets.”
Last night, we saw a television news report about scams. They are so prevalent these days, and it is terribly easy to fall prey to one. An expert gave advice on how to avoid them, and one of the things noted was to be patient. Do not act in haste. Often, the messages make things seem so urgent. You have got to respond right now. You must call this number at once. Send money – NOW!  The scammer suggests that all sorts of bad things will happen if you delay action. In truth, the best thing to do most of the time is nothing at all. At the most, the expert suggested contacting whoever supposedly contacted you – i.e. your bank, a retail company with which you have an account, or a family member – and determine whether there are any “alerts” there, or anything is amiss.
This proverb is a good one for us to think about. There is plenty to rile us these days. It wouldn’t take much to understandably get our tempers to flare. But we are called to wait…to give the situation time to cool down a bit…and more importantly, to stop and ask God, “What should I do here? What do You want me to do in this instance?” Stay calm, be patient…and seek God’s direction. Let His wisdom lead you to the right answers – and bring peace to all concerned. I assure you, I’ll be practicing this myself, as well. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for July 31, 2023 – School is still in…we still have much to learn as we grow in grace!

Philippians 1:6  
And I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I never thought I would say this, but it’s almost August and time for school! Our nieces and nephew begin classes in Tennessee this week! The teachers officially return to school in my community tomorrow (July 31…and yes, I realize that many teachers worked all summer!). Students officially begin here on August 16th. We will have family members and friends that are “like family” in virtually every grade from Kindergarten to 12th – and beyond! I look at pictures of these kids and ask myself, “How on earth did we get here so fast?”  And then I ponder what the future holds for each of them.

Grandma E so wanted to live long enough to see what our kids became as adults…she just knew it was going to be big! And of course, we all have “high hopes” for our children. In Philippians 1:6, we read that Paul had “high hopes” for the followers of Jesus there, too. And as we study His message, we can take this to heart in our own lives, also.

God has big plans for each of us. When we stay the course and follow the teachings and examples of Jesus, we are sure to grow in His grace. When we love others and remain patient and faithful, God multiplies our efforts and uses us according to His plans – every single day. In other words, as followers of Jesus Christ, we never “graduate” or finish until He calls us Home to Heaven or returns to this earth. Either way, you and I still have work to do!

I don’t know what God expects of you. We all “fit” into His missions and ministries in a unique way. But I know that God is not done with any of us yet! So as our teachers and kiddos go back to school, and another year of learning and growth ensues, let’s strap on our “Spiritual backpacks” and get busy, too! There is so much Kingdom Work to do, and God is calling us to fulfill His purposes. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for July 29, 2023 – Stick with Jesus and follow Him…even the hairs of your head are in His care!

Luke 21:16-19
“You’ll even be turned in by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends. Some of you will be killed. There’s no telling who will hate you because of me. Even so, every detail of your body and soul—even the hairs of your head!—is in my care; nothing of you will be lost. Staying with it—that’s what is required. Stay with it to the end. You won’t be sorry; you’ll be saved.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

A couple of weeks ago, Greg and I stopped at a roadside set-up to sign a petition to get the Arkansas LEARNS act on the ballot for public vote. I feel very strongly that this bill was rushed and does not represent what is best for our state – or our students and schools. The person who was certified to handle signings at this particular location happens to be a public school teacher. She began to name several retired teachers who had stopped by to add their names. I speculated to her, “I guess some of the current teachers are afraid to sign.” She looked at me and asked, “WHY? What else can they do to us?”

There have been so many times in my life where I have known in my gut that I should do something…but fear of retribution, retaliation – or peer pressure – kept me from it. I am a “people pleaser” by nature. I’m not talking about things that are illegal or immoral. I am talking about standing up when someone in a position of authority or influence – real or perceived – makes a declaration that I know is not right or fair…keeping quiet when someone disparages another or uses a racial slur or derogatory reference…questioning everything from medical decisions to a declaration by a church leader that doesn’t seem to line up with what I believe God has ordained…or even going along with a family member or dear friend because I don’t want to cause a divide.

Jesus tells us plainly, “Stick with me, kid…I’ll take care of you.” But so often, we are hesitant to believe this. We listen to the devil on our shoulder telling us, “You’ll cause a problem! You won’t be included! You will make somebody mad – or even lose your job, your friendship, or your very life!” And Jesus says, “I will save you…follow Me.”
Now, I know that people have been persecuted and killed for their faith. Some have been alienated from family and friends for decades over their stance on matters of faith and principle. Some have seemingly suffered great losses because they chose to stick with Jesus. But we cannot even measure what they gained! When the day comes to stand before God and account for your earthly life, what will you tell Him?

Will your answer be along the lines of…“Well, I didn’t want to disappoint cousin Roy, so I went along with his bigotry,” or “It wasn’t worth losing my job, so when they asked me to sign a petition against XYZ, I just didn’t feel I could,” or even “The doctor told me this was what I had to do, and I heard You telling me to get another opinion, but I didn’t want to make the doc mad!” Or maybe you will tell God, “I knew what You said in scripture, and I prayed about it. But I just couldn’t speak against people in my church and community.”

Or will you say to God, “I knew that what You were asking of me was going to be costly, but I said I would trust You all the way – and I meant it. I knew my decisions could cost me my livelihood, my family, and friendships – and even my life – but I gave every bit of this to You. And You carried me through all of it.” I get that this is hard. I have “been there, done that” too many times. But the more I surrender to what God wants, the freer I find myself. The more I let God have the last word, the more I experience His peace and protection. The more I wait on God’s timing and trust His direction in all things, the more I feel Him right beside me…and I know I am loved – and safe.

Give your worries to God. Let Him guide and guard your thoughts, words, and actions. Quit worrying so much about what other people think…and concentrate on what God desires. Every detail of your body, mind, and soul is in His care. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for July 28, 2023 – Staying fully interactive with God…it’s time to check your “connections!”

John 15:5-8  
“I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a thing. Anyone who separates from me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire. But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. This is how my Father shows who he is—when you produce grapes, when you mature as my disciples.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Last night, I washed a heavy load of towels after we made a trip to the lake with our kids. I noticed that the towels did not “drain and spin” properly. I tried several things to fix this, and ultimately, I turned to YouTube for answers. The “repair guy” who created a “how-to” video said the first two things to check were connections…a sensor on the back of the machine, and a connection to the motor capacitor. If both connections were still good, the expert showed how to turn the washer over on its side and check the belt on the motor to see if it was still in good shape – and fastened on the pulleys! If any of these “connections” were somehow damaged, the machine would not operate properly.

Thankfully, I think my washing machine must have had a “hiccup,” because after I took all the towels out, it spun correctly – and when I put them back in the drum of the machine and hit “drain and spin,” all was well! But I am now aware of what to do if the day comes when I feel the connection might be lost!

We read in this passage from John 5 that “connection” to God is paramount. If we suffer a “disconnect” of some sort, all kinds of things go haywire. If we disconnect from God’s instruction and His will – and try things our own way – we know (or we should know!) that is never a good idea. If we “take a break” of sorts and simply stop talking to God – or listening for His voice in our lives – not only do we lose out on the benefits of a connection with Him, but God’s missions and ministries suffer, too. In other words, the “Kingdom Harvest” depends on us maintaining an interactive relationship with our Heavenly Father!

Let me tell you – nobody realizes how important a washing machine is until you have several piles of dirty laundry and think the machine might not be working properly! It’s like that with God – only on a more critical scale. When we lose connection with God (and understand, this is our doing – not His!), we cannot produce “good fruit.” We cannot be good representatives of the love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, kindness, compassion, and power of God if our heart, mind, and soul are not intertwined with His.

The question becomes, “Who are you representing to others in your daily words and actions?” Are you so connected to God that others see the love and light of His Only Son, Jesus Christ reflected as they interact with you? Or do they see a person who has decided that his/her thoughts and ideas are more important in some manner – or even better – than what God offers? Do others look at you and see a person who is truly and fully connected to God? Do they see someone who humbly and unselfishly submits to God’s will over their own – and chooses Him every time?

I am thankful that I know what to try if I ever decide a “connection” is lost in my washing machine. I am even more thankful that I know what to do to avoid losing connection with God. My prayer is that we would all desire constant interaction with Him…that we would always seek His will and way over our own…and that we would produce “good fruit” for the glory of God’s Kingdom – this day, and always. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for July 27, 2023 – Be patient, steady and strong…and stop grumbling! The Master could arrive at any time!

James 5:7-11
Meanwhile, friends, wait patiently for the Master’s Arrival. You see farmers do this all the time, waiting for their valuable crops to mature, patiently letting the rain do its slow but sure work. Be patient like that. Stay steady and strong. The Master could arrive at any time.

Friends, don’t complain about each other. A far greater complaint could be lodged against you, you know. The Judge is standing just around the corner.

Take the old prophets as your mentors. They put up with anything, went through everything, and never once quit, all the time honoring God. What a gift life is to those who stay the course! You’ve heard, of course, of Job’s staying power, and you know how God brought it all together for him at the end. That’s because God cares, cares right down to the last detail.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

For a few weeks now, I’ve been getting messages once or twice a week from our nephew, Nathan, who has a birthday soon. He will say… “Just a few more days,” or “I’m so excited”…or even “I can’t wait!” Of course, he must wait…we can’t make the day come any sooner! And when the time arrives for his celebration, it will all be wonderful.

Waiting is hard, regardless of our age. The year Greg and I married, I made a big calendar with the months January – August on it, and I marked off each day until our wedding. We were so excited. On the other hand, I remember waiting with loved ones who were nearing the end of their earthly lives. I didn’t know when the angels would come, but we were all confident that the Master would arrive. In both instances, patience was required. And in the last verses of this passage, we are reminded of Job and how he suffered – and how he patiently trusted God to give him a better day.

What particularly struck me about this passage were the verses on complaining, because I do my share…don’t you?! We complain that things are happening too fast or too slow. We complain that this person or that one is “not doing to suit us.” We complain that someone needs to hurry up and do something…or to “slow down and enjoy life!” It doesn’t take much to spur us into “Complain Mode!”  But this passage reminds us not to grumble about others.  I have a lot of work to do in this area, and I don’t think I’m the only one!

So…while you are waiting – on whatever you’re waiting for – let’s work on cultivating patience. We know in our hearts that God is with us…that His timing is perfect, and the wait will often be worth every minute. When the wait is for something we dread, such as the passing of a loved one…learn to savor every minute in the meantime. And all the while, let’s work on being more positive and less grumpy! Let’s remind ourselves that God loves “the other guy(s)” as much as He loves us. His plans for them are perfect, too. God’s timing in their situation is just as impeccable as the schedule He designed for you and me.

Patience, hope, and faith can be contagious. The more we practice these traits in our own life and trust God to deliver with perfect timing, the more others will take note and say, “I want to trust God in my own situation, too.” God is calling on us to be the example…to follow the lead of the prophets like Job and demonstrate “staying power” as we wait on the Power who will work out every detail. I have a lot of work to do in this area…what about you? Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for July 26, 2023 – From Coffee Clubs to wiener roasts – to serving Jesus – make sure your focus is in the right place!

James 4:4-6
You people aren’t faithful to God! Don’t you know if you love the world, you are God’s enemies? And if you decide to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God. Do you doubt the Scriptures that say, “God truly cares about the Spirit he has put in us”? In fact, God treats us with even greater kindness, just as the Scriptures say,

“God opposes everyone
who is proud,
but he blesses all who are humble
with undeserved grace.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I’ve been cleaning out old photo albums that belonged to my parents and grandparents – trying to decide what to label and keep – and what can go. Don’t judge – we are drowning in old photos! And while I love each one, there are plenty of pictures of people no one knows, landscapes from long-ago trips that are so faded you can barely make out the image, and lots of duplicates. Yesterday, I discovered four photos of my maternal grandmother, my great-aunt, our next-door neighbor, and several other dear ladies who collectively formed what I called a “coffee klatch.” I think officially, they called themselves the “Coffee Club” – or often just “Coffee” for short.

The “Coffee Club” formed in 1938 – the year before my mother was born. They met each Monday morning for coffee after their husbands went to work – even bringing children along in the early days. When the war broke out, the ladies met at a local department store and rolled bandages for the Red Cross. After the war was over, these women resumed their meetings for coffee. By the time I came along in the late 1950s, the “Coffee Club” had taken things to new heights…at least as best I can remember! They always rotated where the coffee was hosted, with each of the eight or so ladies taking a turn. I can remember when it was my grandmother’s turn to host, she worked for several days to press linens, polish silver, set the table and make sure every detail was “just right!”

The photos I shared were snapped in 1977, at my parents’ home. Grandmother was no longer able to host a coffee herself, and I remember that Mother offered to do this for her. If you look closely at the photos, Mother had pulled out HER finest crystal and china – and prepared a breakfast feast second to none. Every detail of this event had to be perfect in my grandmother’s eyes. I shared these photos on Facebook and tagged children and grandchildren of the ladies who attended. I also shared a story that ran in our local newspaper about the Coffee Club.

One person commented that these ladies were all active in their churches and communities…and indeed, the group included Baptist and Methodist women…and perhaps a guest from another denomination on occasion. They shared far more than coffee at these get-togethers. These ladies were my grandmother and great-aunt’s dearest friends. But what struck me was how important the “details” seemed to be – at least for my grandmother. When she would “have Coffee” at her house, it was a BIG deal…and the details were what seemed to matter most. I would venture to recall that the next day, the question was not whether everyone had a good time, but rather, “Did they like how everything looked and tasted?”

I get it…I am a “details” person. But over the years, I have left the china and crystal in the cabinets and drawers in favor of paper plates and cups – and more time to visit with family and friends. Well into my adulthood, my family always had lavish holiday dinners, replete with the fancy tableware and linens. But one summer evening, we had an impromptu get-together at my parents’ house, where we “dined” on pimiento cheese and tuna fish sandwiches, and some hastily made potato salad and baked beans. There might have even been a store-bought bag of cookies for dessert – or maybe a brownie mix thrown into the oven last minute. But I’m pretty sure we used paper plates and cups.

My cousin noted as he left that we had such a great time…and we really didn’t need a big fancy meal for that. We also began to enjoy impromptu “wiener roasts” – where everyone grabbed their lawn chairs, coolers of soda pop, store-bought chips, cookies, marshmallows, buns and hot dogs – and we headed to one of our area campgrounds on the lake for a day of catching up and reminiscing. These were some of our best family get-togethers, and everyone came away remembering the fun of being together – not the preparation and cleanup!

We are reminded in this scripture passage that God is jealous. When we make things about something besides Him – or loving others and serving them in the name of Jesus – God does not like it one bit! He wants our focus and our aim to always be about Him. When we worry about what others will think…how we look…whether our homes or church buildings are nice enough – or we have state-of-the-art (aka “fancy”) gadgets and gizmos…or even that the “right” people are included…we are concerned with the wrong things. The message for this day is to “let it go!”  Let God have complete control – and all the attention. Make everything you say and do about serving and pleasing Him and see how far God takes you!

One of my friends suggested that we should resurrect the Coffee Club of our grandmother’s generation. If we can meet at a local coffee shop and keep it about the people who attend, I’m all in! As we move forward, let’s all focus on doing God’s will and loving others in the name of Jesus. When we keep the attention centered on our Heavenly Father, He will surely bless and multiply our efforts and our joy. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for July 25, 2023 – Do the work and keep the faith…learning to patiently persevere as we trust God in all things

James 1:2-4
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

In his July 23rd sermon, Dr. John Robbins, Senior Pastor at Pulaski Heights United Methodist church in Little Rock, Arkansas, shared an experience that happened two weeks after he arrived at the first church in which he would serve as pastor. An elderly couple told him that their grandson, a 20-something drug addict, had tied them up at gunpoint. Rather than shoot at them, the young man then turned the gun toward himself and pulled the trigger.

The couple asked their young pastor, who was almost the same age as this grandson, to conduct his funeral service. Dr. Robbins said he struggled to find words that might comfort this family, and he ultimately drew from Psalm 139, which says in part that…”I’m never out of your sight. You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and You’re there, then up ahead and You’re there, too—Your reassuring presence, coming and going.”

Robbins said the couple had assured him that their faith would sustain them in their grief for this young man. But what they could not process was the comment from many fellow “believers” that God had surely walked away from them. They knew this was not the case, but they were heartbroken to think that others might assume they felt this way – or believe this themselves. Robbins noted that we can’t get away from God! He is always with us!

With this thought in mind, I looked at today’s message from James 1. If God is always truly with us in all things (and I wholeheartedly believe that He is!), there is nothing that we will ever experience that He cannot help us manage and endure. Furthermore, God will equip us to use these situations and circumstances to encourage others in their faith. I have no doubt that this experience two weeks into his first church assignment set a “tone” for the ministry of Dr. John Robbins and all that has transpired since that early incident.

Don’t misunderstand me…I do not for one minute believe that God says, “I think I will give John a firsthand experience with the suicide of a loved one so that he can minister to others going through this,” or that He decides, “I will take Ann’s baby in sudden death or a miscarriage, so that she can genuinely console other mothers who lost their own children. I don’t believe God inflicts injury, illness, or any tragedy to “teach us a lesson.” But I do believe that God takes these experiences and shows us how to use them to demonstrate a deep abiding faith in Him, along with patience and perseverance, as we interact with others in our circle of influence.

I’ve never really been a “Why me, Lord” type of person. But the older I get, the more I find myself asking God, “What do You want me to do with this?” I know if I just stop, breathe, and listen, He will tell me how to proceed. God will show me how and where He wants me to channel my fears, frustrations, impatience, and heartache into something that reflects His continual presence and the promise of better days.

I do not say this to make light of any other person’s experiences – or how they have handled them. I simply want to remind everyone that God is always with us, and He wants us to remember this. God wants us to live in a way that others can see Him working in and through us. As James encourages, let’s “do the work” and keep the faith! God will surely do the rest. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for July 24, 2023 – Learning to be quick to listen and slow to anger…what are your “efforts” producing?

James 19:1-20
My dear friends, you should be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. If you are angry, you cannot do any of the good things God wants done.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Once again, the July 22nd comic strip, “Pearls Before Swine” by Stephan Pastis* provides a great analogy. A few days ago, the rat was griping about his “stupid plants” that never did well, and the pig suggested to Rat that he talk to the foliage. Pig explained that this was supposed to help. So, Rat shouted at the plant, used an expletive, and told the plant it was stupid. Then he turned to Pig and indicated that his “efforts” did nothing. After reading these words in James 1, I have to ask myself, “What are your ‘efforts’ producing?”

Are we patiently tending to things…or do we fly off the handle at the least inconvenience or insult? Even the things I try to justify as worthy of anger…the abuse of immigrants at our border…social injustices of all kinds…discrimination…abuse of people and pets, and more…may be somewhat misguided. After all, how does anger truly fix anything? It is one thing to become dissatisfied…even disgusted…and jump in to help. It is quite another to become irate and simply rant and rave – as if this solves anything. And yet, we all seem to feel better after we “vent” at times, don’t we?

I read the last sentence of this passage several times…“If you are angry, you cannot do any of the good things God wants done.” This is so hard for me sometimes, but I know these words are true. When I stop, take a breath, and try to see a person or situation that is irritating me as God desires, I can better speak and act on what He wants done in that instance. For example, when someone is being excluded and discriminated against by a certain person or group, it does no good for me to attack those folks. I am far more likely to have an impact on the situation if I 1) demonstrate love and acceptance for those who are being mistreated, and 2) I calmly state my beliefs that all of God’s creatures are precious and loved equally – and should be treated as such. When I read news accounts of immigrants being mistreated at our borders, an angry or hateful letter to my elected leaders is probably not going to make them do one lick better. But putting my money in the hands of organizations that are trying to aide these people on the frontlines and care for them as they relocate can do some real good.

On a more local level and personal level, I can carefully choose my words and actions. I can stop and breathe deeply when I am tempted to lash out at someone – or to speak critically or with an air of superiority or disdain. And on the occasions when my mouth engages before my brain, I can quickly rectify this situation, make apologies, and ask God to give me strength and patience not to repeat my mistake.

We all are “Rat” at times…and often, the devil strikes when we least expect it. We let down our guard and say or do things that almost instantly have us shaking our heads and asking, “How or why on earth did I let that happen?” I thank God that He loves us so much and stands ready, willing, and able to help us correct course. May we humbly appeal to Him each day to guide and guard our hearts, minds, and tongues…and to give us full measures of patience, so that our efforts can benefit His work, not offer our own retorts and retribution. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

*Pearls Before Swine – ©2023 Stephan Pastis/Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication

Daily Devotional for July 23, 2023 – Learning to exercise patience when your faith is tested…God’s “connection” never drops!

James 1:12
God will bless you, if you don’t give up when your faith is being tested. He will reward you with a glorious life, just as he rewards everyone who loves him.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Each day, a comic strip called “Pearls Before Swine” runs in our state newspaper. The two main characters are a rat and a pig.  On July 21st, the rat aked his neighbor, Bob, what was wrong. Bob said he was trying to upload a video, but the WiFi in the café where they were sitting was ridiculously slow. Rat replied that he was astounded that a person could work from virtually anywhere in the world and exchange all sorts of information via wireless tiny devices, and yet, this was not happening as fast as the neighbor wanted. Rat sarcastically added that he could understand why this was troubling and wondered how the man could even go on with his life!

I showed this comic strip to Greg, because I am often annoyed when our Internet connection drops – or is slow to load pages. I might have even been known to let this really sour my day on occasion! After all, this retired Social Security recipient has important work to do online! (I hope you know I am kidding!) Seriously, if this is my biggest challenge, I really am “living the dream!” That is not to say that my faith and patience have never been tested. But all around me, I have observed amazing examples of faith in times of tests and troubles – and these encourage me to do the same in my own life.

If you are like me, you must frequently remind yourself just how blessed you are. I try to remember not to “sweat the small stuff” – and honestly, I’m ashamed of myself when I even momentarily forget to do this. But we are human – and fallible – and we often need a reminder of God’s presence, power, and promises. And when “life” gets tough, we need a double dose of reassurance, it seems.

So, here’s your “daily dose!” I don’t know what is happening in your life today. For some of you, this may be a downright scary time. You may be heartbroken, hurting, physically or mentally “broken,” or scared half out of your mind about what is happening – and what lies ahead. We must remember that God is always with us. Look around at those who are demonstrating patience and perseverance – even in the face of some incredible tests and trials. They are trusting God, putting one foot in front of the other, and looking forward to experiencing His glory and reprieve.

In the happiest, most jubilant instances of our lives, God is there. In the darkest,  most daunting and desperate moments, God is there. When we sit and wait as that little circle churns on our computer screen…or the dots scroll across our phone…and we wonder if/when the Internet service will return – GOD IS THERE! Nothing is too big or too small – too delightful or too disheartening for God. And I can tell you from personal experience and observation that joy will come “in the morning.” You will not wander in the desert of despair, loneliness, and grief forever.

I don’t know where, when, or how God will work in your life to give you His glory and peace…I just know that He will do this. And the more we trust Him, the more we will recognize His presence and sense His constant love and protection. Go grab a cup of coffee or a glass of water, take a deep breath, and come back to your computer or phone. Sit quietly and whisper, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Seek a new perspective on the activities and instances of your life – and know that God is smack in the middle of every bit of it with you. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for July 22, 2023 – Birthdays, hummingbirds and Homegoings…learning to wait on God’s timing with strength, patience and perseverance

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Our nephew has a birthday coming up in a couple of weeks. He messaged me recently and said, “A few more days.” To say he is excited about turning eleven would be a huge understatement. He has asked that his party include a meal at a nearby restaurant, followed by “presents and pecan pie” at our house! Yes, our boy would rather have pecan pie and homemade vanilla ice cream than a traditional cake!

I don’t recall being so excited about the anticipation of birthdays, but I probably was. After all, as Greg pointed out, the whole nation celebrates my day – and with fireworks! I totally understand impatience…I know firsthand the anxiety and difficulty of waiting on something big to happen. It seems like sometimes the angst increases the closer we get to the event. This could explain why some older Christians say that they think more about Heaven and starting their new life in Paradise – and I’ve heard many “seniors” say, “I’m ready to go!”

Yesterday, a friend shared a stirring song on Facebook about “going Home,” and she said the older she gets, the more she thinks about this. Meanwhile, God has work for her (and us) to do!” This is the message of Isaiah 40:31. We must “run and not be weary – walk and not faint.” There is plenty in this world to discourage and tire us, but God stands right alongside us to give us His strength and hope – and equip us to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

We were blessed to get a welcome rain yesterday – and much cooler temperatures than the scorching, humid days that have been our “norm” for several weeks now. This morning, I enjoyed a cup of coffee on the back porch while listening to birds chirp and sing. I walked around the railing, peeking over to see what lay below, and suddenly, a hummingbird appeared before me. I was wearing a blue and purple paisley shirt, and the bird must have mistaken the pattern for actual flowers. It began hovering in front of me – and moving closer and closer.

I stood as still as I could and tried to patiently wait…and the little bird flew within six inches of my chest. This gave all new meaning to the phrase “birds-eye view!” I studied the brilliant emerald green of the bird’s back, the soft white of it’s underbelly…and how the wings were vibrating so fast they almost seemed to be stock-still in the air.

So many things came together to ensure that I did not miss this moment. As the bird flew to our feeder and I sat down in my chair, I thanked God for this example of His presence and care – for both me and this tiny, marvelous creature. I also thanked Him for giving me a spirit of patience to stand still and wait for the bird to come to me and bless me.  

Sometimes, you and I need to stand perfectly still and let God come to us…to show us what He wants us to know and experience…and to fully embrace each moment. Whether waiting for a small bird to approach, a birthday party – or the glorious day when we meet Jesus face-to-face – we all must be patient. God will help us with this if we ask. He will equip us to meet every moment with strength, stamina, and the fortitude to wait on His timing. Meanwhile, there is plenty of work to be done! Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus