Daily Devotional for May 31, 2019 – Learning from suffering…and letting God build our hope, faith and endurance…

Romans 5:3-5
But that’s not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us. All of this happens because God has given us the Holy Spirit, who fills our hearts with his love.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

In the last month, I have been directly reminded of human suffering. More than one close friend has lost a parent. I have dear friends and loved ones who are undergoing chemotherapy – and dealing with side effects on a daily basis. I have friends who are caring for loved ones with the heartbreaking – and often bizarre – idiosyncrasies of dementia. I know people who are enduring the challenges of post-surgical recoveries…and others who are “suffering” emotionally in one way or another. And we won’t even get started on the heartache and difficulties that thousands are experiencing in because of the flood waters and recent tornado damage.

You can fill in the blanks with your own tales of human suffering. None of us is immune. If today is a “good day” for you…relish in it and thank God for the blessing. At the risk of being “Debbie Downer”, a harder day is surely ahead. But here’s the thing…God will use our suffering, just as Paul tells us in Romans 5:3-5. Through the Holy Spirit, God can equip us not only to endure our own suffering…but to offer hope and encouragement to others in their own time of need.

Just this morning, I exchanged messages with a dear friend whose mother has dementia and accompanying hallucinations. I told her of my own grandmother’s “visions” as she succumbed to late-stage Parkinson’s Disease…and how unnerving these were for all of us. I offered a couple of suggestions for coping…and I reminded her that she WILL survive this rough time in her life. There really is no “quick fix” that will make this instantly better. But God is still in control…and He will help us cope – if only we will communicate with Him, and TRUST HIM!

I also told my friend that I often remind myself, “You should start practicing what you preach!” I am a slow learner…and a work in progress. I doubt and get frustrated just like anyone else. But I have learned much from my life experiences. At the time, I sometimes wondered where God had gone…or why He was punishing me or someone I loved. But I see so much more clearly now that He has been building my strength and endurance…and equipping me to offer hope and encouragement to others. I bet He’s doing the same for you…are you paying attention?

I can’t say that I “gladly suffer”, but I don’t question things quite as much as I once did. I am learning to trust more…to call out to God and recognize His Holy Spirit working in and through me. I know that God wants only good things for me. But He also wants me to be prepared for any and all circumstances as His servant and Christ’s disciple. And this means that He has to strengthen my faith muscle by means that I don’t always appreciate…like suffering. I know that He will never desert me…or take me to anything that He cannot – and will not – bring me through. And for this amazing gift of love and care, I give Him praise. What about you?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 30, 2019 – Learning to trust God in all things, and sharing His glory with others…how “supportive” are YOU?

Romans 5:1-2
By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God. Christ has also introduced us to God’s undeserved kindness on which we take our stand. So we are happy, as we look forward to sharing in the glory of God.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

On any given day, you and I may be dealing with a myriad of issues. There are several memes that appear on Facebook frequently to remind us that we truly don’t know what is going on with another person, so we should always be kind. If we just did this one thing, the world would be a vastly different place.

But in light of this scripture passage, I want to address another facet of life as a Christian… and that is living with hope and faith in all situations and circumstances. The other day, Greg was helping Nathan and Zola with something. Timmy turned from playing with his LEGOs, and Greg said he asked, “Why are you always so supportive?” We had to laugh…even at ten years old and younger, our children notice how we react and respond to other persons and conditions in our lives. And I’m here to remind you that people are watching YOU, as well! What are you showing them?

Do not misunderstand me…I know that life can be great one minute and tremendously difficult the next. I understand sudden illness, injury – or death. I am familiar with the challenges of meeting the needs of children and a spouse…and a difficult boss and/or a demanding job. I understand that there are bills to pay…houses, yards, and vehicles to maintain…obligatory meetings and functions to attend…and the always present opportunity for a sudden disaster.

I know some of you are dealing with loved ones who are sick, injured or infirm…or grappling with dementia. I know others are struggling with relationship issues. Some of you have lost babies…or you are undergoing chemotherapy…or you struggle with an addiction or an illness like depression. And you are likely wondering how in the world you are to stay faithful and hopeful in the midst of all of this mess.

Paul’s words in Romans 5:1-2 are clear…we were redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, which puts us front and center on God’s radar. We are the focus of His attention…His kindness, grace, mercy, love and care are ever-present and everlasting! Nothing is too big for God to handle, and because we belong to Him, we have every right to ask Him for help – and expect an answer! A lot of us forget that last part…and we fail to truly trust and believe that God will answer our petitions!

It may not seem easy to be joyful and/or supportive when we are struggling. But the more we practice operating in hope and faith – and trusting God to make good on His promises – the easier it becomes. Because of all that God has done for us, we really must learn to acknowledge His great blessings and gifts – and demonstrate our gratitude – by giving Him praise and living with confidence as we share in His glory. We must show others the great things that God is doing in our lives – and encourage them to get in on His blessings for themselves.

I know life can be hard sometimes…and it can be difficult to “put on a good face”. But God understands this even better…and He is calling on each of us to lean into Him and trust Him to carry the big loads, so that we can carry what is manageable – and share His glory with others. How “supportive” – and faithful – are you being these days?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 29, 2019 – You can do it! Learning to live up to God’s full potential for your life – with hope and faith

Romans 4:17-18
We call Abraham “father” not because he got God’s attention by living like a saint, but because God made something out of Abraham when he was a nobody. Isn’t that what we’ve always read in Scripture, God saying to Abraham, “I set you up as father of many peoples”? Abraham was first named “father” and then became a father because he dared to trust God to do what only God could do: raise the dead to life, with a word make something out of nothing. When everything was hopeless, Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn’t do but on what God said he would do. And so he was made father of a multitude of peoples. God himself said to him, “You’re going to have a big family, Abraham!”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Our great-niece, Zola, will be eight in a couple of days. She came to our house yesterday for a sleepover, and we spent every waking minute celebrating and doing exactly what she wanted to do. It was great fun for all of us. Zola told me early in the day that someday she plans to be on a television show called “America’s Got Talent”. She even sang the song she plans to perform there.

Last night, we actually caught part of this week’s episode of “America’s Got Talent”. A woman walked a young man who was clearly blind to center stage. He used a white cane and clung to the woman’s arm. As the judges began to acquaint themselves with this young man, they learned that Kodi Lee is 22 years old. The woman beside him is his mother, who informed the judges that her son is blind and autistic.

You could see the skepticism on the faces of the judges. Why was this young man on the show? How could someone who struggled to communicate and answer basic questions perform in a manner that met the criteria for a showcase of some of our country’s best talent? They were soon to find out!

The mother led Kodi Lee to a piano, where he had promised to sing and play a song for the audience and judges. She whispered some words of encouragement to him and walked away…and Kodi began to sing. What emanated from this blind, autistic young man and the piano in no way matched the appearance of the person who sat before the audience and judges. Instantly, everyone was awestruck. Many were so moved that they were crying. The level of talent on display was spectacular…professional…STAR quality. And Kodi Lee’s efforts were rewarded with the ultimate prize of the night – advancement to a live appearance in Hollywood. If you get a chance, watch his performance for yourself.*

I share this story to say that God can do anything. This young man’s mother indicated that at an early age, they discovered what an impact music had on Kodi. God gave an amazing gift to someone that most would never expect to be able to accomplish anything. God gave Abraham children at an extremely advanced age – and made him “the father of many peoples” and nations. God often stands ready, willing and able to do far more in our lives than we ever dare to dream. And many are “crippled” in some way by their lack of faith.

I cannot tell you that God wants you to be a star…that He wants you to sing and play piano so beautifully that those who hear you are reduced to tears. I can’t tell you that God wants you to be a parent in your 7th decade – or ever, for that matter! I simply do not know what God desires for you…or what He holds in store for you. But I know it fits perfectly into His overall design…and is probably above and beyond what you ever dared to dream possible for yourself – if only because you do not see the world as God sees it.

God’s design may be for you to develop your skills and abilities fully…and to work hard to be the best you can at whatever you do…in your relationships, your life’s work, and your discipleship. Some of the people God has used the most profoundly would be considered “simple folk” by many…but they exercised great faith and did their dead-level best at whatever task God gave them. Nothing done to the glory of God is wasted or in vain. No effort to maximize God-given potential is too little.

My point is this…God has a plan for each of us. Nothing is too great for Him to accomplish through us…and none of us is exempt or excluded. God can use an old man to populate the nations of the world…and a blind, autistic young man to make beautiful music to share with the world. God has designs for everyday ordinary people like you and me to do amazing, extraordinary things…all for His glory. He has equipped us with talents and abilities that range from what would be considered “run-of-the-mill” to those that astound the masses – and everything in between. Our job is to remain open to all possibilities…to trust that whatever God takes us to, He will lead us through. We are called to believe wholeheartedly that anything is possible with God…that He can indeed make anything out of nothing.

There is no such thing as “nobodies” in God’s Kingdom. We are all “somebodies” – God’s creatures designed for whatever purpose He assigns us. Are you up to the task? Are you filled with faith and hope…and confidence that God will equip you for whatever role He gives you? Isn’t it time to start seeking God’s expectations for your life – and living up to your full potential? Will this be the day that you begin?

©2019 Debbie Robus

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDPdRYF7hTQ

Daily Devotional for May 27, 2019 – Remembering the fallen…and trusting God for the future – learning to live with hope and patience

Romans 15:3-6
Christ didn’t please himself. As the Psalmist said, “He came for the very purpose of suffering under the insults of those who were against the Lord.”

These things that were written in the Scriptures so long ago are to teach us patience and to encourage us so that we will look forward expectantly to the time when God will conquer sin and death.

May God who gives patience, steadiness, and encouragement help you to live in complete harmony with each other—each with the attitude of Christ toward the other. And then all of us can praise the Lord together with one voice, giving glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Today is Memorial Day…a time set aside to honor the men and women who lost their lives in service to our country. For many, this is a weekend to kick off the summer season…to enjoy cookouts, outdoor fun, and fellowship with friends. For others, it is a time to place flowers and wreaths on graves and mourn those who put their lives on the line for “friends” and fellow citizens.

From the time of Cain and Abel, war and disagreement have always been with us. No one had more enemies than Jesus. And many have posed the question, “Why would a loving God, who has the power over life and death, allow such dissonance?” Others have wondered aloud, ”Why didn’t Jesus save Himself?” The answers to both questions are found in our scripture passage today…God allows us to suffer insults and conflict so that we have hands-on exercise in learning to patiently lean on Him. He sent Jesus to demonstrate fortitude, steadiness and courage (among other things)…and to teach us complete trust in our Heavenly Father.

There will come a day when God will wipe away every tear and answer every question. He will completely defeat the devil and eradicate sin forever. For those of us who love and trust Him, the promise of spending Eternity in the presence of God is completely real. The day is coming when we will know nothing of insults and suffering…where incomparable joy and complete peace will be the order of the day. In the meantime, God wants us to lean on Him…to trust Him in all situations…and to patiently and hopefully serve Him each and every day.

I don’t know about you, but I do not like conflict of any kind. The thought that anyone I know and love could suffer at the hands of another person grieves me. Imagine what it must do to God! While it is not God’s desire that any of us have troubles…He has equipped us with the skills and abilities to handle them. The Bible is filled with examples of people who called on God to enable them to overcome adversities, challenges, and struggles of all kinds…and God did exactly that! God’s answers to all of our questions are readily available through scripture, prayer, and relationships with other believers. Are you looking for them?

As we pause today to remember those who gave their lives in service to our country, let us turn to God and ask Him to help us resolve conflicts before they turn into wars…no matter the size and scale. Let’s look to the examples in Scripture…and the ultimate example shown to us by Jesus Christ…and prayerfully endeavor to live in harmony. Focus on God’s promises of Eternal Life…make trusting and pleasing Him your daily aim. Let your daily words and actions reflect your love of Christ and an abiding desire to serve Him with every word and action. Give God the glory and praise for all that He is doing in your life…and the promise of even greater days to come. Thanks be to God…Amen!

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 25, 2019 – A prayer for hope and peace…letting God’s Holy Spirit make the difference

Romans 15:13
I pray that God, who gives hope, will bless you with complete happiness and peace because of your faith. And may the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Last fall, one of my dearest friends made a difficult, life-changing decision. She packed her belongings and moved from Springfield, Missouri (where she had resided for decades) to St. Petersburg, Florida, where she now lives near her grand-daughter and other family members. This weekend, my high school friend spent the last night at her dad’s house following his funeral almost two weeks ago. An estate auction is being held to sell his belongings, and the property is listed with a local realtor. My friend will soon return to her home in New Mexico…and as she put it, this is the end of an era. We met this morning to say “Good-bye” – hopefully not forever.

These two women are both examples of walking in faith. One trusted that she would find happiness and peace in new surroundings near her family members…and so far, so good. We both agree that “it’s not the Ozarks”…and things are different. But with God’s help, she is making the best of her new life. The other friend is headed into uncharted territory as she learns to navigate life without both of her parents and the finality it brings. Some of us know this journey…we’re on it ourselves!

I reminded my friend this morning that God often works out these circumstances in ways we cannot even envision. He is in the business of answering prayers and filling us with hope by way of the power of the Holy Spirit. We talked about how we have prayed for God to “fix things”…and He has done this. I know that in time, my friend will find peace and experience happiness again. We both shared tears and sadness this morning, but as my mother used to like to say, “Joy comes in the morning.” And because of God’s love and care, joy will indeed be ours again.

Too often, when someone is facing a challenge or difficulty, we want to offer trite words of comfort…”It’s God’s plan”…”Just keep trusting in the LORD”…or even, “You’re in my thoughts and prayers.” While these are all well-intended phrases, what people often need is some concrete assurance and comfort. And I believe the words of this prayer in Romans 15:13 offer them beautifully…”I pray that God, who gives hope, will bless you with complete happiness and peace because of your faith. And may the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope.” The Apostle Paul doesn’t say how or when this will happen…he leaves this totally up to God. But he clearly notes with confidence that God is in the business of offering us hope, joy and peace.

I won’t tell you that things will get better if you simply trust God (even though I believe they will). I won’t tell you that “time heals all wounds”…because everyone’s timetable is different. I won’t even offer that “you will be okay someday”…because this is determined by factors far beyond my control. Even though I do pray for God to meet our needs where we are in any day and circumstance, I will not suggest that my love and prayers (or those of others) are all that you need to get through your situation.

But hear this…God loves you, and His desire is that you have perfect peace. If you allow Him room to work, He will chip away at your pain and heartache…your fears and frustrations…your anxieties and confusion…and He will replace these with His peace and joy. As you make room in your heart for the Holy Spirit, there will be less space for these other feelings. The more you surrender to God and focus on Him, the more He will fill you with a sense of calm and comfort – and unending hope.

Perhaps you are in the midst of a “storm” in your life. Maybe you are at a crossroads where difficult decisions must be made…or your “life’s journey” is taking a sudden, even unexpected turn. My prayer is Paul’s prayer…that the God of hope will bless your faithfulness and give you peace and joy…and that the presence of the Holy Spirit will fill you with hope and courage. To God be the glory forever…Amen!

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 24, 2019 – Being an alert servant of the Master…are you inventive in hospitality?

Romans 12:11-13
Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

This morning as I swam, a little girl who looked like she was about nine was struggling with a pool noodle. She was clinging to the side of the pool and trying to straddle the spongy tube. Her siblings were happily swimming in much deeper water…oblivious to her struggle.

The little girl’s mother (who was not swimming) walked to the edge of the pool and tried to show the child how to place the noodle across her chest and under her arms, and it would support her. The little girl shook her head in the negative and continued to struggle. The mom went back to her chair and sat down. I watched this little girl a few more seconds, and then I swam over to her and helped her position the noodle under her arms. Instantly, she was afloat, and she declared with a wide grin, “I can SWIM!” Her mother looked at me and mouthed, “Thank you!” I smiled and told her that I had three little ones who struggled with this same thing…and I get it!

Stop and take a good look at the people and situations right in your back yard…there is plenty of work to go around. There are friends who need to hear from you – via phone, text, e-mail or a visit. There are people who could use a note of encouragement…shut-ins who would love a card or a visit. There are children who could use a hand from a grown-up to “get them over the hump”.

If you are like me and realize how hard it is to cook for two people – much less one person – consider making a little extra, and share with a single person. He/she might be thrilled to get a piece of pie or a bowl of soup. Follow up with someone who has suffered a loss or an illness. It is one thing to contact someone the week of the funeral or send a “get-well” card at the onset of illness or injury, but quite another to call a couple of months or more down the road and ask, “How are you doing?”

Consider the last four words of this scripture passage…”be inventive in hospitality.” In doing so, you will be sharing the love of Christ with others. While our own reward is not the goal, I am pretty sure that YOU will receive the bigger blessing!

It’s easy to become complacent…and burnout is a real thing! Sometimes, we struggle to be enthusiastic – much less excited – about serving a single other person! There are people who have given of themselves so long and so much that they honestly feel like they have nothing left to give…and you may be one of them! But I promise…God’s not done with you yet!

As long as you have breath and a pulse, you have a purpose. God will show you what to do and equip you for the task. Your job is to stay alert, listen closely, and seek the will of the Master. He will give you strength and courage, even when you feel completely depleted. God will give you hope and energy as you seek opportunities to serve others in His name. Ask Him to show you how and where He wants you to serve Him by serving others…even at a community pool – and be inventive in your hospitality. Get ready to see how God multiplies your efforts…and give Him all the glory. Amen!

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 23, 2019 – A “legacy” of hope – what are you “passing down” to others?

Psalm 78:5-8
For he gave his laws to Israel and commanded our fathers to teach them to their children, so that they in turn could teach their children too. Thus his laws pass down from generation to generation. In this way each generation has been able to obey his laws and to set its hope anew on God and not forget his glorious miracles. Thus they did not need to be as their fathers were—stubborn, rebellious, unfaithful, refusing to give their hearts to God.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

We can all probably list dozens of “family traditions” that have been passed down through the generations. From shared recipes to how we celebrate the holidays to which church denomination and political party we choose, and more…we are creatures of habit and tradition. In many ways, these traits and traditions mold our character and make us who we are…hopefully with positive results.

We all know families that we characterize in one way or another…this family is known for its academia and love of the arts…that one is known for its staunch ties over many generations to a particular college or sports franchise…another has a reputation for producing a long line of “characters”! I even know families who are known for their boisterous temperament – and colorful language! And I know families who are so “thick” that not a single one sneezes without everyone else knowing about it!

When I think of all of the “traditions” and traits that were passed down to me, the one that I treasure the most is the love of God…and this is the most important “attribute” that I can pass on to the generations that follow me. I still remember rocking my niece almost 29 years ago and singing hymns to her. I didn’t realize my sister and her husband were listening on the baby monitor in their kitchen, until they teased me about starting her “religious instruction” so early. In truth, my recollection of baby songs was a bit rusty at the time…but the soothing tones of the hymns worked quite nicely – and I decided it truly is never too early to introduce them!

From the start, we all talked about God to Timmy, Zola and Nathan. We read Bible stories and other books that they dubbed their “God books”. Even before they were old enough to understand about church, we took them to the nursery and Sunday school to play with other children amidst murals of Bible scenes, “Veggie Tales” videos playing on the television, and Godly servants attending to their needs and sharing stories from the Bible.

The scriptures are peppered with admonitions to teach our children about God at an early age…and they will never depart from Him. And you can probably share at least one story of an adult who recounted early lessons about God – and how these sustained or restored him/her in a later stage of life. I know that I can!

Of all of the wisdom, skills and abilities that you and I can share with the world, nothing outdistances imparting God’s love and care to others. Anytime we demonstrate His wisdom or represent the teachings of Jesus to someone, we are making an indelible difference. Serving as Christ’s disciples to ALL of God’s “children” – no matter their age – is the most important thing that you and I will ever do.

There may not be small children in your “circle of influence”, but there ARE people who need to see and hear of God’s love and care…and you are the perfect “vehicle” to deliver this information! What are you passing on to others? How will people remember you? Who are you sharing in your daily living…and what “legacy” are you leaving? Isn’t this a good day to decide?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 22, 2019 – Expecting God to help us – even when we’re scoundrels!

Psalm 71:14-16
I will keep on expecting you to help me. I praise you more and more. I cannot count the times when you have faithfully rescued me from danger. I will tell everyone how good you are, and of your constant, daily care. I walk in the strength of the Lord God. I tell everyone that you alone are just and good.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I was talking with a friend who is involved in an in-depth Bible study class. He dubiously noted that King David (whose life is chronicled in the Old Testament), and the Apostle Paul (who wrote much of the New Testament) are lauded as “heroes of the Bible” by many. In fact, both were scoundrels for much of their lives. He questioned how people can somewhat idolize these men who both expressed more than a few ungodly and unloving ideas.

My answer to my friend was this…”David and Paul give me hope. If God can redeem – and use – such scoundrels, then there is hope for me.” I do not discount any of the words and actions of these men – or anyone else. I certainly do not excuse them. But I see them as living examples of God’s power, grace and mercy…His desire and ability to rescue us from danger – and care for us daily.

I contrast the murderous, salacious, and reprehensible behaviors of these two men in particular (which are unabashedly detailed in scripture) with their demonstrations of faith in God and the mighty ways that He used both of them to further His Kingdom. And I am reminded of the strength and power of God Almighty…and His ability to use each of us for His purposes. And this fortifies my hope and confidence…it boosts my expectations that God is with me – always and in all ways.

I am glad that friends ask questions. I believe that God wants us to be thoughtful and inquisitive. I don’t believe that He allowed a single story to be shared in scripture that doesn’t serve a purpose in the cultivation of our faith and Spiritual wisdom. Each and every example of redemption and restoration serves to bolster our courage and confidence as Christian believers.

God IS just, good, constant, and strong. He stands ready, willing and able to rescue us from danger…and He cares for each of us daily in ways that we don’t even realize. God is more than worthy of our praise…and we have every reason to hope that He will continue to help us. This should motivate us to share His love and care with others…to extend to every person the hope and assurance that what God did for King David, the Apostle Paul…and you and me…He can – and will – do for them. Are you with me?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 21, 2019 – Take shelter!

Psalm 62:5-6
Only God gives inward peace,
and I depend on him.
God alone is the mighty rock
that keeps me safe,
and he is the fortress
where I feel secure.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

As I write this, a line of thunderstorms is pushing through our state. There are reports of damage and injury…and these same storms brought a lot of destruction to our neighbors in Oklahoma and Texas yesterday. We have been told for days to expect these storms…and to prepare to take shelter as necessary. Last night, as some preliminary storms rolled through parts of our state, I saw a notice on Facebook from one community in our area that stated, “The safe room is open for anyone who needs it.”

I saw a funny meme yesterday that contained a photograph of school children sitting in a hallway with books over their heads. The premise was that we cancel school in some instances nowadays when a “wind” is expected. But a few decades ago, this was how we prepared for tornadoes…and the caption was something like, “Children, go to your safe place and cover your heads. Today’s lunch will be taco salad.” It made me laugh…but at the same time, I think about the drills that were conducted when I was teaching, and how we taught the children to “get in a safe place” and cover their heads with their arms. (I don’t think we ever used books!)

In a way, the words of Psalm 62:5-6 remind us that God’s “safe room” is always open. We always have a place of shelter with Him…a refuge where we can have peace and be secure. And if you think about it, the “warnings” are clear…take shelter…seek refuge in God…make Him your “hiding place” and your source of strength, comfort and care.

I get teased sometimes, because I take “storm warnings” pretty seriously. I am a product of my childhood and countless nights spent in cellars and basements! But I am also pretty determined to follow the wisdom found in God’s word…to make Him my rock and fortress, and to seek shelter in His arms. I believe that in the safety of His love and care, I will find peace – and I will be protected by His impeccable love and care.

So I claim the declarations of Psalm 62:5-6 for my own life. I trust God and put my hope and faith in His incomparably love, care and security. What about you?

©2019 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 20, 2019 – Spreading our branches and trusting God…learning to live with hope in all circumstances

Psalm 43:5
Why am I discouraged?
Why am I restless?
I trust you!
And I will praise you again
because you help me,
and you are my God.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

My “daily quote” for today says…”Today’s tall oak tree is yesterday’s nut that held its ground.” (Unknown)

You can tell me that there is nothing that discourages you…or that you are never restless. And I will politely tell you that I don’t believe you! None of us has a perfect life. We are faced with challenges and stressful situations on a regular (if not daily) basis. The only certainty about life is that it is filled with uncertainties.

So there is no surprise that we all experience times when we are discouraged. Each one of us is frequently restless, anxious, and filled with doubt. Even happy events like a graduation, wedding, vacation, new job or home, or the birth of a new baby can bring a wide range of emotions. Truthfully, any situation is ripe with opportunity to bring us down and cause us to experience feelings of angst and consternation. And the devil leaps for joy at what weak and easy targets we can be!

How do we combat this? We must be “the nut that held its ground”. We must keep our focus on God and call on Him continually to watch over us, guide us – and keep us wondrously moving forward. We must trust God for outcomes that are perfect in every way. Notice that I did not say these results will necessarily be as we desire…but they will be perfect nonetheless. God’s plans are always flawless…and right on time.

So the next time you feel restless or discouraged (and that may mean right this second!), stop and praise God for His love and care. Ask Him to put a smile on your face and hope in your heart, as you trust Him to meet your every need. Turn over your biggest worries and your smallest fears to the One who can manage them impeccably.

We may never fully overcome momentary lapses into discouragement and restlessness, but we can conquer them through the power of Almighty God. Spread your “branches” and be the “tall oak tree” that God designed you to become. Root yourself firmly in His promises and hold your ground as He guides your steps.

©2019 Debbie Robus