Daily Devotional for December 31, 2020 – Operating in God’s judgment and common sense…and sleeping soundly – a goal for the New Year.

Proverbs 3:21-24
My child, use common sense
and sound judgment!
Always keep them in mind.
They will help you to live
a long and beautiful life.
You will walk safely
and never stumble;
you will rest without a worry
and sleep soundly.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

The last verse of this passage speaks to me so much that I had it made into a decal and placed on the wall above our bed. The joy and peace of resting without a worry and sleeping soundly is an incredible blessing – and a gift from God for those of us who trust Him. The trouble is…on any given day or in many circumstances, we drop that trust and let worry creep into our hearts and minds. We let selfish interests and desires overtake common sense and sound judgment. There has been a lot of this in the last 10+ months, as people have struggled to “live their lives” in a pandemic.

This morning, I read a post from a dear young woman who reflected on how post-COVID life will be for her family. She and her husband work from home and have two beautiful, brilliant, creative daughters. They were always “going and doing” – and as educators themselves, these parents never missed an opportunity to involve their girls in church, civic and cultural activities. In her post, my friend lamented how they had to shift gears and figure out new ways to do things…and she expressed a desire to return to their old life.

I told her that as I reflected on 2020, and the coming year, my prayer this morning was that we will NOT return completely to our “pre-COVID lives”. Let’s sift and sort through what was insignificant and immaterial – and focus on what truly matters. Let’s stop trying to make everything entertaining – especially church activities – and focus more on Jesus. Let’s use common sense and good judgment – and maybe take a long hard look at some of the “group activities” in which we used to participate.

Frequent handwashing and other safety measures might need to be part of our daily routine for the rest of our lives. Perhaps paying closer attention to what we touch, where and how our food is prepared, and where we go – or allow our kids to go unattended – should become personal habits that we keep! And reducing our “footprint” has already proven to restore cleaner air and waters – and bring back plant growth and wildlife…so let’s see if we cannot keep that going, as well!

In my own family, we have found ways to stay connected while keeping safe. We utilize technology like phone calls, texts, e-mails and FaceTime. We go “old school” and use mail and delivery services!  We have all but elevated social-distanced porch and driveway visits to an art form. Our kids took up camping and hiking last summer and look forward to more outdoor adventures when the weather warms again. Greg and his friend are working on ways to make their hiking adventures work while distancing…and I pivoted from swimming several days a week to walking in our neighborhood until it is safe to return to the community pool.

We’ve rediscovered reading and old movies…and home delivery of everything from personal and household items to farm fresh eggs and meat. We are eating better – and we are healthier for it. We are still participating in corporate worship each week – but now this is done mostly online. Masks are so much a part of our life outside of our home (and sometimes inside) that we don’t even think about them that much anymore…to the point that I sometimes forget to remove mine when I am driving alone in the car!

In short, while so much has changed in our daily living, a lot of what really matters has not. Jesus is still on the throne as our Savior. He still cares about every breath we take and is giving us clear and concise directives for how to live and love – and stay safe. I would LOVE to hug our kiddos and family members, but I will settle for knowing that God is protecting them and keeping them healthy and well – and giving us many opportunities to express our love and care for one another. I have hope for the coming year that it will be filled with blessings, health and abundance. I will rest well and sleep soundly, knowing that when I exercise common sense and good judgment, God will bless and protect me. This is my prayer for you, as well.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 30, 2020 – Delighting God and resting in His blessings and safety…are you paying attention to His directives?

Psalm 37:3-4
Trust in the Lord instead. Be kind and good to others; then you will live safely here in the land and prosper, feeding in safety.

Be delighted with the Lord. Then he will give you all your heart’s desires.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I shared a video on Facebook from a nurse in Northwest Arkansas who had just finished a long, frustrating shift at a local hospital. She calmly and directly informed viewers that the hospitals in our state are full. If you go to an Emergency Room expecting to be moved to a bed on the floor in that hospital, it won’t happen. There might be a bed available in another city – but that could be 200 miles or more away from where you live. She tearfully begged all who were watching to stay home, avoid group gatherings, and above all…to pray!

One of the things this nurse shared was how astonished she was by the impatient demands of many who come to the hospital. She said they seem to be oblivious to the constant movement of medical staff who are rushing from one area to another – and the never-ending pages from the speakers for “codes” and emergencies. People complain about everything from long wait times to not getting anything to eat. Again, this woman asked people to essentially “be kind and good to others” and to consider their present circumstances.

Moreover, this front-line expert asked viewers to rethink everything that they are doing…to carefully consider the potential ramifications of every action. She acknowledged that there will be those who do everything “right” – and still get COVID-19. But she added that the people who refuse to do their part to stop the spread are making it difficult for everyone else – and clogging the hospitals in the process.

I did not set out to write yet another message about this virus. As this nurse mentioned, we are sick of “sick”…we are tired of talking about it and dealing with it every minute of the day. But what are we doing to end this pandemic? I feel like God is waving His hands and all but screaming at us, “Hey, YOU! Pay attention! Listen to Me and do what I tell you!” And too many of us say, “Yeah, yeah…but I want to see my kids, go to a party, get a haircut, or go shopping. I want to have a ‘girls’ night out’ and play ball. I’ve been ‘good’ long enough! I need a break!” And I have to ask, “Who can you live without…and are you ‘delighting’ God and honoring your relationship with Him in these behaviors?”

God has never told us to be patient for a little while, or until we cannot stand it any longer. He has told us over and again, “Trust Me. Stick with Me. Do what I command, and I will bless and protect you.” This has not changed one iota. God’s love, care, guidance and wisdom are just as real and sure today as ever. I do believe that He will deliver us from this virus…that the day is coming when we will feel safer and be able to hug our loved ones, gather and worship safely, and enjoy many of the activities we once felt were such a crucial and integral part of our lives. But we’re not there yet.

Every day, God shows us what to do and how to live. It is up to us to pay attention – and to follow through on His commands. I thank Him for weary doctors and nurses who take time after an exhausting and draining shift to spend a few minutes telling us how things really are. God uses these experts to “give it to us straight”. The question is…are we listening?

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 29, 2020 – Operating in God’s wisdom and common sense…it’s time to start paying attention!

Proverbs 3:13-18
God blesses everyone
who has wisdom
and common sense.
Wisdom is worth more
than silver;
it makes you much richer
than gold.
Wisdom is more valuable
than precious jewels;
nothing you want
compares with her.
In her right hand
Wisdom holds a long life,
and in her left hand
are wealth and honor.
Wisdom makes life pleasant
and leads us safely along.
Wisdom is a life-giving tree,
the source of happiness
for all who hold on to her.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I cannot help but be astounded at the people who still don’t believe the COVID-19 pandemic is real. Just a couple of days ago, I read comments from someone who has recovered from the virus and claims it was not as bad as the flu. This person declared that it is sad to see people wear masks in public, because we cannot see their faces. As if this wasn’t enough – this same person has lost immediate family members to COVID-19…and still opined that the number of cases of this virus are being greatly inflated.

Let me just say that for the last several consecutive days, I’ve either learned of another dear friend who is suffering with this virus – or I’ve read their obituary. It is enough to make me want to scream. And yes, I understand that people who wear masks and do everything right to the best of their ability still get COVID-19. I know that these measures are not foolproof. But they are the best we have for the moment…and experts far and wide are saying, “Wear your mask, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, stay six feet or more apart – and stay at home whenever possible. Still, social media is full of photos and accounts of people planning holiday parties and get-togethers – and gathering for everything from worship services to funerals, and more.

We shouldn’t have to lose a friend or loved one to understand the seriousness of this virus. We shouldn’t have to watch others suffer for weeks – or even months – to know that this virus is real…and we do not want to experience it firsthand! God has made His wisdom available to us in the form of experts who are offering guidance at every turn. Each day, God shows us what is right and true…in every area of our lives. It is up to you and me to pay attention and internalize this insight and understanding in our own situation and circumstances.

We need God’s wisdom more than ever. We need to spend time every day in prayer and communication with Him, asking, “LORD, what would you have me do this day? How do you want me to speak and act?” We should also ask God to show us areas where we might be missing the mark – and to help us correct these. We should ask Him to fill us with prudence and good judgment, so that we avoid the pitfalls and hardships that the devil would love to use to ruin our day. Above all, we should spend time every day thanking God for giving us the amazing gifts of wisdom and common sense…for loving us so much that He cares about every decision we make and provides us with a roadmap to health, safety and abundance.

It’s time to start operating in God’s wisdom. I would suggest that we all have work to do in this area…and today is the perfect time to begin. So here we go – let’s get started!

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 28, 2020 – It’s time to “be still”and know God’s peace!

Proverbs 17:1
A dry crust of bread eaten
in peace and quiet
is better than a feast eaten
where everyone argues.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Just a few weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic, Greg and I began using Walmart Grocery Pickup in a nearby city. We also discovered a local farm that has been bringing fresh eggs, chicken, beef and pork to our doorstep every couple of weeks. We have not dined in a restaurant since late February 2019, and we’ve only picked up “carry-out” meals a handful of times. Yes, I’ve been doing a lot of home cooking…but we have eaten well, and I know that we are healthier for it.

For Christmas, I ordered nice steaks from the farm and prepared a special meal for us and Grandma E. There was enough for a “leftovers” meal for Greg and me to enjoy last night. We remarked that the food tasted almost as good two days later as it did on Christmas Day. I also noted that for less than the price of ONE restaurant steak, five meals had been consumed! Greg looked at me and said with a laugh, “We may never eat in a restaurant again!”

Here’s the thing…I’m not knocking restaurants – or dining out. There is something to be said for going out to eat with family members or friends, sitting at a table together and sharing a meal. From my personal perspective, there is a lot to be said for someone else preparing the meal, serving it to you, and doing the dishes afterward! But as we have learned in this pandemic, dining out (at least for now) comes with risks and potential consequences.

The meals I prepare for us and Grandma E bring me a sense of peace and calm, as I know every detail of the preparation – and I am confident about the safety of the ingredients. I am also blessed to say that when I am simply not in the mood to cook, Greg is quite content with something simple. Perhaps we don’t go so far as a “dry crust of bread”, but he will eat cereal for supper if I am not interested in cooking!

Let’s think about this in terms of our daily living. A lot of the frustration and heartache we endure is self-inflicted. In many cases, our selfishness and insatiable desires for everything from material wealth to popularity to “power” rob us of peace and quiet. In our quest to “have it all”, we often lose sight of what matters most. So while we are rushing around trying to be all things to all people, we miss the joy and serenity that comes from being still, paring down to the bare necessities, and learning to simply, “be”. There is great wisdom and truth in Psalm 46:10…“Be still and know that I am God:(KJV).

This is the perfect season to take advantage of our pandemic-imposed isolation and distance – and to learn to simply “be still”. This is a great time to do more with less…to enjoy the comforts of a simple meal enjoyed alone or with immediate family members…to reflect on the fact that Jesus is all we need – and a lot of the rest is simply “fluff”. This is a time to give our hearts and minds a rest from the frustration and angst of “life” lived large…and truly focus on Jesus and His work in and through us. This is the time to truly discover the peace of Jesus Christ – and make it a permanent an integral part of our daily living – in this “season” and always.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 27, 2020 – Pleasing the LORD…and getting into “good trouble”

Proverbs 16:7
When we please the Lord,
even our enemies
make friends with us.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Greg and I often begin our Sunday morning by viewing “CBS Sunday Morning”. We truly feel it is one of the best programs on television! This morning, the program was a look back at 2020…particularly, a remembrance of those who have left us this year. While many of those who were recognized died of COVID-19, there were some whose death had other causes.

One of those remembered was Georgia Congressman John Lewis, who succumbed to pancreatic cancer in July. You might remember him for his call to us to get into “good trouble”. Lewis was a noted leader in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. He marched with the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and led the first march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, in 1965. Lewis served in the US House of Representatives from 1987 until his death earlier this year.

One of Congressman Lewis’ well-known sayings was, “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.” Let’s be honest…a lot of people disagreed with John Lewis. He definitely had “enemies”. But many who disagreed with Lewis’ platform had complete and utter respect for him…for his Christian faith, moral character and his dedication to serving others. John Lewis had many friends among his “enemies”, because he made sure to always please Jesus with each word and action.

Let’s be clear…our goal is to please Jesus. Making friends with enemies along the way is an added bonus. God is calling each of us to stand up for what is right, fair, and just…and to speak up when things are not as He desires. God is equipping us to serve as He desires and directs…and He will control the outcomes. Now is the time for us to get into “good trouble” – GOD trouble! This may not entail marching for civil rights…or risking our lives as Congressman John Lewis did. But we must be ready and willing to do whatever God calls us to do…and trust Him to make the difference.

John Lewis made a mark on this world – for God and for mankind. He pleased the LORD and made friends among his enemies in the process. Can you say the same? Make this the day that you renew your commitment to serve as God directs – and to please Him with every word and action. Get ready to watch God work in and through you for His glory! Alleluia!

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 26, 2020 – Christmas is just beginning…focusing on the love and peace of Jesus

Proverbs 12:20
An evil mind is deceitful,
but gentle thoughts
bring happiness.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

The gentle peace of Christmas Day morning in Nashville, Tennessee, was broken by the explosion of a recreational vehicle parked on a street in the heart of the city. Investigators are still trying to piece together what happened…and why. At the very least, a deceitful, evil mind was at work as someone, somewhere, wanted to upend things. Sadly, our world is no stranger to such events – or to evil, deceitful minds.

The evil and deceit of a bomber is a nebulous concept that we hear and read about…but hopefully, it doesn’t characterize any of us! Surely we could never conceive of doing such a thing. And yet, you and I have the potential for evil and deceit…and the end results are often incredibly hurtful for the “victims”. Judging and disparaging others…bigotry…discrimination…selfishness…hatred – these are all elements of evil and deceit. And too many people who claim to love Jesus operate in some or all of these.

Today, I am thinking of the thousands of Americans who will have no home at the end of this day. They will wonder about everything from where they will live and sleep to how they will feed their families, as federal aid and assistance during this pandemic is ending – and no further relief has been approved as of yet. I am thinking of those who will say “good-bye” to a loved one who has COVID-19, because someone refused to wear a mask and stay at home and/or distanced as much as possible…and yes, the “deceit” of those who have known they were infected and selfishly interacted with others – or traveled/visited – anyway.

I am thinking that you and I have ways that we are deceitful or selfish – and we don’t even give them a second thought. We surely don’t think of ourselves as evil. But small things become big things…and any sinful behavior disappoints Jesus. Let’s all take some time to day to search our hearts and ask some hard questions. Let’s figure out where we could use some “gentle thoughts” and a deeper focus on Jesus Christ and His teachings and directives. Let’s ask Jesus to fill us with happiness and peace as we operate in His goodness and seek His will at every turn.

I read a meme this morning that reminded us that Christmas is not over – it’s just beginning! Let’s make this a day that we operate with a true spirit of Christmas – toward everyone in our path. Let’s pray for others – our friends, loved ones – the people of Nashville – and all who are sick, suffering and grieving. Let’s focus more on the things of Jesus – and less on our own desires.

Place the gentle thoughts of Christ’s love and care front and center in your thinking and prayers this day – and in the days to come. Call on Him to flood your heart and mind with peace…and demonstrate a spirit of hope and calm to others in your path. Resist the temptations of evil and deceit, and truly seek to operate in the goodness of God’s gifts and blessings. Pray for the hearts and minds of others to turn to Christ, as you lead by example.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 25, 2020 – Did you get what you wanted for Christmas? Celebrating God’s greatest gift

Titus 2:11-14
God has shown us how kind he is by coming to save all people. He taught us to give up our wicked ways and our worldly desires and to live decent and honest lives in this world. We are filled with hope, as we wait for the glorious return of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. He gave himself to rescue us from everything that is evil and to make our hearts pure. He wanted us to be his own people and to be eager to do right.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

“Did you get what you wanted for Christmas?” This is a question asked by many on Christmas Day – and in the days to come. My answer is…”Yes!” We got to have a socially-distanced porch and driveway celebration with our kids and Grandma. We are healthy, safe, and warm this cold Christmas Day. I have a husband who loves me dearly – and a family and friends I cherish. Most importantly, I have Jesus. God gave me the greatest gift ever when He sent His Only Son so long ago – and changed everything.

Last night, I lay in bed and talked to God about all that is happening in our world. I was struck by the understanding that He already knows…that He is grieved about sickness, loss, divisiveness, destruction of the planet and more. Most importantly, I was reminded that Jesus is bigger than all of this…that He came to save all people and make our hearts pure. We will be in His presence someday…and reunited with those who have gone before us…and it will be glorious.

I don’t wish to rush my departure for Heaven, because I know that while I am on this earth, God has a plan and purpose for my life. This is why He sent Jesus…to show us how to live and love and serve, so that all who come to know Him can be gathered together someday. We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this day. We also revel in the anticipation of His glorious return. God has indeed shown us how kind He is by sending Jesus to save us. Alleluia, and Amen! Merry Christmas!

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 24, 2020 – Making this Christmas about Jesus…celebrating with joy – and safety

Philippians 4:21-23
Give our regards to every follower of Jesus you meet. Our friends here say hello. All the Christians here, especially the believers who work in the palace of Caesar, want to be remembered to you.

Receive and experience the amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, deep, deep within yourselves.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I spent time in the kitchen this morning, preparing some dishes for a Christmas Day meal for Greg and me…and a “plate” we will deliver to Grandma E, as well. While cooking, I have been listening to “news” on television…reports of people scurrying here and there in this pandemic. There are accounts of a rush of last-minute shoppers, travel across the country and around the world, testing for the virus, and more. Many people are in a bit of a tizzy to get to loved ones so that they can share the rest of this day and Christmas Day…to see their faces in person when they open what is hoped will be the perfect gift…to sit down together and share a meal or two.

On many levels, this saddens me, because along with the reports of those who are frenetically trying to “connect” this Christmas are an equal number of admonitions from medical experts…”Don’t do it!” The general consensus is that this deep determination to celebrate together in person will result in an even worse uptick in cases of the virus, sickness and death in a couple or three weeks or less. This is not the “birthday present” that Jesus desires or deserves – not by a long shot!

As I read Paul’s closing greeting in Philippians 4, I thought about how he was likely isolated in prison somewhere. Yet he sent “regards”, remembrances, and well wishes that others would experience “the amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ”. This is the true message of Christmas…the ultimate purpose of our celebration. We are to extend to others the amazing grace of our Jesus…to revel in the incredible gift that was His earthly birth…to fully internalize how blessed we are to have Him as our Savior – and to carry His Spirit in our heart each and every day.

You don’t need to personally hand Grandma a present this year to share your love with her – and this most certainly is not necessary to extend to her the love of Christ Jesus. You don’t have to physically hug your children or grandchildren for them to know that you love them – and Jesus loves them even more. Thankfully, we are not in a literal prison…although we could still worship Jesus there if this were the case. God has blessed us with amazing technology. We have phones to call someone, FaceTime and ZOOM to literally “see” one another. We have a variety of devices that will send an e-mail message or text. We can bundle up in warm coats and greet some of our loved ones in person – outdoors at a safe distance, and wearing a mask!

Let’s remember to make this Christmas about Jesus…and not about ourselves. Let’s focus on celebrating Him and sharing His amazing love and grace with others – in whatever safe ways we have at our disposal. Let’s take a collective breath and count our blessings as we sing “Joy to the world…the Lord has come!” – and celebrate all that this entails…now and always. I extend to you the amazing grace of Jesus Christ this day and encourage you to receive Him deep, deep within you. Merry Christmas Eve!

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 23, 2020 – Living in the true abundance of Christ…now more than ever!

Philippians 4:18-20
And now I have it all—and keep getting more! The gifts you sent with Epaphroditus were more than enough, like a sweet-smelling sacrifice roasting on the altar, filling the air with fragrance, pleasing God no end. You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus. Our God and Father abounds in glory that just pours out into eternity. Yes.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Before Christmas, I asked the children to tell me TWO THINGS that they really wanted for Christmas. I didn’t promise they would get these things, but I wanted to know what they truly wanted. The boys decided quickly. Zola thought of one thing right away…but she told her mother, “I just can’t think of anything else I want or need.” How many nine-year-old girls do you know who would say that?!

Yesterday, we had our socially distanced, mask-wearing, outdoor family Christmas. God blessed us with a day that was glorious – sunny, warm, and perfect. The children gleefully opened their gifts. They giggled (and sometimes squealed) with delight at each one. We know they are growing up – there was patience as each attendee took turns opening something. And at the end of it all, not a single person asked, “Is that all?”

In my lifetime, I’ve been at enough family Christmas gatherings with young children to know that this is rare. I’ve seen children dig through tissue and wrappings and ask, “What else is there?” I’ve heard little ones express dismay when they got to the bottom of a pile of wonderful gifts, because there wasn’t at least one more. Yesterday, after all of the wrapped gifts and stockings were opened, Greg gave the children one last gift. Each child received an arrowhead that we had uncovered in the garden dirt at my grandparents’ farm more than 30 years ago. You would have thought their Uncle Greg had given them each a piece of gold.

Here’s the thing…our kids can be “kids” like any other. They can ask, “What else is there?” with the best of them. But I think this year, with all that has happened…the pandemic, the loss of their grandmother and a man they considered a great-grandpa, isolation as they home school, and more…they felt abundantly blessed by what they received. More importantly, I believe they understood the love and care that was expressed for them.

When the children come to our driveway and porches to play these days, they find love and care as we visit and play with them – and ask about how they are doing. They also find a sense of safety as they freely zip up and down the street on their bicycles. They find routine in the snacks, root beer and juice drinks that are ever-present. They find peace and joy. For a few hours, they can escape everything else in their world and just be carefree kids.

God offers us these same gifts and blessings. No matter what is happening around us, He offers us abundance, consistency, love and care beyond what we can ever comprehend – and safety and peace. We can delight in the confidence that God is always with us, meeting our every need – and then some. We can truly be God’s “carefree kids”…not just for a few hours, but all the time!

Yesterday, Zola hopped on a bicycle and zipped out of the driveway onto the street. With a backward glance, she declared, “I’m goin’ to California!” Jasmine began to laugh. She reminded me that her mother – my sister, Suzanne – had a recurring dream that she traveled to California by bicycle. It was a frustrating dream, and she talked often of how long and difficult the trip was – how she thought she would never get there! But as I remembered my sister’s dream, I realized that God was reminding us that all is well. He is with us. Jesus is caring for us with abundance, even in our loss and “lack” of a loved one.

All over the world, people are hurting…they are hungry, lonely, sick, and suffering. Many are homeless – or wondering where they will sleep and/or live in the coming weeks. Their situation is totally unlike yours or mine…but they still need the abundance of Jesus. Today, stop and thank God for blessing you beyond measure…for giving you more than enough – and then giving you more. We cannot ever fully comprehend or appreciate the gift of Jesus Christ…but we can surely try. Make this a day that you spend some time counting your blessings – and thanking God for the “Abundance” that is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 22, 2020 – Jesus is enough…learning to be content in all circumstances

Philippians 4:10-14
I’m glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you’re again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don’t mean that your help didn’t mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Have you seen the Saturday Night Live skit from December 19, where the family is unwrapping Christmas gifts? The children and the dad are getting all sorts of wonderful things – just what they wanted! The mother gets a robe. She has worked herself to near-exhaustion to get everything just right – the decorations, the perfect gifts and more. And while the whole family is gleefully exclaiming over every newly unwrapped present, she says, “I got a robe.” When everyone has opened their gifts, there are still packages under the tree. The mother smiles, as she assumes that they have saved her gifts for last…until the father says that those presents are for the dog…who ALSO got a robe!

As with every Christmas, many will work hard to make this holiday season amazing for those they love…perfectly content with the joy in their hearts and the smiles on their faces as ample reward. It will be enough that they have made others happy. Their joy and fulfillment will come from bringing love to those that they love…making them feel valued and precious…demonstrating abundant – even extravagant – care and attention to every detail.

What if we lived like this in our everyday discipleship? What if we embraced Jesus and became the “mother in the robe” who loved others and lavished kindness, encouragement, concern and blessings on others? What if we demonstrated to the world that Jesus truly is enough…that all of the trappings are just that…extras that may bring momentary pleasure, but do not satisfy for the long haul. What if, even in this pandemic and all that is happening our world, we said, “I’ve learned to be quite content whatever my circumstances”?

Today, my family will celebrate Christmas. We won’t be inside this year. Thankfully, God has blessed us with a beautiful, sunny warm December day. We will enjoy the Christmas tree and other decorations through the window, as we sit on the porches. We have carried a few familiar decorations outside to make things more festive. But the decorations are not what will make the day special. What is important is that we come together (safely distanced and wearing masks) to celebrate the birth of Jesus and honor Him by loving each other. Yes, there will be gifts and food and fun. And there should be…it IS a birthday party, after all!

A dear friend told me recently that someday, she thinks we will look back at this Christmas and talk about how strange it was. But we will also agree that it was one of the best ever. What will make the difference? Love! Pure and simple…Christ’s love and care will win the day! These last few months have been difficult – for all of us. But Jesus has been right alongside us every step of the way. Today, we gather to celebrate Him…to be thankful…to love each other and stand content in our present circumstances. Jesus is more than enough…and we have every reason to feel happy and hopeful.

We can do this…we will get through this season in our lives – and all others to come. We are glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess!

©2020 Debbie Robus