Daily Devotional for December 31, 2017 – The one New Year’s resolution that you should make!

Proverbs 12:25    
Worry is a heavy burden,
but a kind word
always brings cheer.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

This morning in Sunday school, I talked to 2nd and 3rd graders about making New Year’s Resolutions.  They weren’t quite sure what a “resolution” was…but once I explained it to them, some thought of several goals they could set.  Others decided that they would not be able to keep their promises, so it was best not to make any in the first place.

Ultimately, I reminded them that God has made a “resolution” to give each of us Eternal Life – if we give our hearts to Jesus and love Him and serve Him on this earth.  And He will never break this promise.  We don’t have to worry that God will change His mind.  I noted that even when we misbehave, disobey, and do things that break God’s heart, He still loves us.  One little boy interjected…”God loves us, no matter what!”  He is so right!

We’ve made it to the end of another year.  For some, it must seem like a huge relief…the chance for a fresh start and a clean slate. For others, the worries of 2017 will still be ever-present tomorrow, and the next day and the next.  I can tell you firsthand that cancer pays no attention to a calendar.  Those who are hospitalized with serious illnesses and injuries won’t suddenly wake up tomorrow and find that everything is completely changed.  The wife of a police officer killed today outside of Denver, Colorado, will still be a widow tomorrow – with the heavy burden of wondering how she can withstand the grief and make it through the days to come.

People have real worries and concerns…and we must be cognizant of this as we travel through life.  We truly don’t know what “the other guy” is going through as we go about our day.  But here’s the thing…a kind word is always welcome.  A smile is never inappropriate…and often, hugs are more than appreciated – but always ask first!

This morning, I asked the children how we could share God’s gift of Jesus with others. How could we turn around and give to others out of His love and abundance bestowed upon us.  One precious little boy said, “We can give joy!”  I smiled and nodded…but then I asked…”How do we do that?”  How do you share joy with someone else?  We agreed that a smile, kind words, thoughtful gestures, and a positive attitude all demonstrate joy in Jesus – and lift the spirit of others.  This is something that even 7-and-8-year-olds can accomplish!

So tonight and tomorrow as you make your resolutions (if you make them), consider resolving to share the joy of Christ with others.  Even if you don’t normally make resolutions, give this one a whirl.  Vow to bring kind words of cheer to others…to lighten their mood AND their burdens by sharing the joy and caring of Jesus Christ in ways great and small.

I pointed out to the children that we don’t have to run up to people and blurt out, “I bring you JOY in Jesus!”  Sometimes a subtle and gentle approach is the most effective.  Serve by example…lift someone’s spirits with a smile and a kind word or gesture.  Offer hope to those who are burdened with worry by showing them how God has lifted you in times of despair. And pray for those whose burdens are heavy.  On any given day, this could be you or me.  Ask God for His precious gifts of grace and mercy – in heavy doses!

Make this the year that you resolve to demonstrate the joy of a life in Christ to others. Vow to do your part to lift the burden of worry from others and bring them cheer.  We can do all things through the strength of Christ Jesus.  Make 2018 the year you walk in this truth each and every day.

©2017 Debbie Robus


Daily Devotional for December 30, 2017 – “Keep your head, and don’t panic!”

Matthew 24:4-12    
Jesus said, “Watch out for doomsday deceivers. Many leaders are going to show up with forged identities, claiming, ‘I am Christ, the Messiah.’ They will deceive a lot of people. When reports come in of wars and rumored wars, keep your head and don’t panic. This is routine history; this is no sign of the end. Nation will fight nation and ruler fight ruler, over and over. Famines and earthquakes will occur in various places. This is nothing compared to what is coming.“They are going to throw you to the wolves and kill you, everyone hating you because you carry my name. And then, going from bad to worse, it will be dog-eat-dog, everyone at each other’s throat, everyone hating each other.“In the confusion, lying preachers will come forward and deceive a lot of people. For many others, the overwhelming spread of evil will do them in—nothing left of their love but a mound of ashes.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

This morning, friends and I were discussing a one-lane suspension bridge that used to traverse the river east of our community.  If a car was approaching from one end, the driver on the other end had to kindly defer – if not literally put the car in reverse – and wait his/her turn to cross. I offered a nervous chuckle this morning as I suggested that in the present climate, this might be tricky!  Maybe it’s just me…but it seems that we have lost a lot of our patience and decorum in the last 50 years.

I always have to laugh to myself when I read in scripture about “end times”.  These words were spoken by Jesus more than 2000 years ago…and yet, today, people cite many world events, situations and circumstances and say…”See…we’re living in ‘end times’!”  Some might even cite our inability to wait patiently at a one-lane bridge as an indication that the world is near its end.

Tomorrow, we say “Good-bye” to another year.  We look ahead to 2018…and truly, many have a mixed bag of emotions.  Some anticipate new beginnings…the birth of a baby, graduations, marriages, a new job or a new home, and more.  Others are facing – at best – “more of the same”…more sickness, poverty, hunger, relationship strife, loneliness, uncertainty, and general unpleasantness, to name a few.

It would be easy to say, “It’s all a matter of attitude”…but this is an oversimplification of what is really happening in our lives.  Here is what I do know…no matter what the New Year will bring, Jesus is still our Savior…God is still on the Throne of Heaven…and the Holy Spirit is still available to dwell in our hearts and guide our every thought and breath.  Heaven is still real – and available to those who trust in Jesus…and you and I still have work to do as His disciples.

So I, for one, am rolling up my sleeves.  I am looking ahead to what the New Year will bring with confidence that God is still in control.  I am ready to face the challenges that will surely come, because the Holy Spirit will guide me and comfort me.  He will help me discern the facts from the deceptions – and the fakes and phonies from the faithful.  With God in control, I have nothing to fear…and neither do you!

Today, I challenge you to pray for hope, courage, wisdom, and peace.  Ask God to fill you with assurance that every day is a gift to be treasured and treated with care.  Call on Him to show you how to make the most of each day…and to avoid the devil’s time wasters – worry and fear.  Look for His presence in every situation and ask, “How can I glorify God in this circumstance?”

If you don’t make another resolution this New Year, vow to look for God in every situation – and to faithfully and confidently serve Him…even when others wring their hands over trials, tribulations, and signs of “end times”.  Make a commitment to demonstrate the teachings of Jesus…to patiently “wait your turn” at the other end of the bridge…and to live with hope and confidence that wherever you “live” – this earth or Heaven – God is there, forever and ever.

“Keep your head, and don’t panic. This is no sign of the end.”  Make 2018 your “new beginning” with God…and ask Him to help you make it one of your best years yet!

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 29, 2017 – Who is “sitting on the stump”?

Psalm 62:8    
Trust God, my friends,
and always tell him
each one of your concerns.
God is our place of safety.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A friend shared a meme on Facebook this morning that may or may not be true…but the premise is a good one either way.  The story was that in order to “become a man”, Cherokee boys were blindfolded, taken into the forest and left overnight to sit on a stump.  The test was to see if they could withstand the fear of the outdoors, unfamiliar noises, the darkness that surrounded them, and being alone in such a scary place.  The following morning, when the blindfold was removed, the boy’s father sat before him…he’d been there all along.

This is a neat and tidy little legend that probably has very little truth to it.  I am no expert on Cherokee beliefs and practices…but I do know a Father who never leaves us.  I know that our Heavenly Father would sit beside us on a stump in the forest and meet our every need throughout each night and day.  I know that we could express our deepest fears and concerns…call out to Him for physical comfort and protection…and trust that in the scary noises and darkness, His presence and shelter were our constant companions.

I know that wherever we are today, this is also the case.  Whether you are filled with joy and excitement following a whirlwind of happy Christmas celebrations…anticipating a New Year’s Eve weekend of merriment and revelry…or wondering when your children and loved ones are going to be rid of the flu or other maladies – and finally be well again – God is with you.  I know that all who are struggling with illness, injury, debt, relationship issues, unemployment, hunger, the cold – and all sorts of “noises in the darkness of night” have a Heavenly Father who is “sitting on the stump” right across from them.

I know that even when it seems like the world is crumbling all around us in a myriad of ways, God is still providing us with His safety…that nothing is too big for Him to handle on our behalf.  It may seem at times like we’ve been left alone on a stump in the cold darkness of a dense and eerie forest…but our Heavenly Father is never more than an inch or two away.  If we call to Him, we can feel His warmth…we can sense His protection…we can trust His assurance that “I’ve got this.”

One day when Timmy was feeling frustrated over something, he told his Uncle Greg…”Don’t tell me that God will fix this…that all I have to do is ‘trust in the LORD’ and this will be okay.”  Even in his 8-year-old angst, I believe he knew this was true…but he doesn’t have our 60+ years of experience to confirm this.  In his mind, “talk is cheap”…and he is right, to a large degree.

Sometimes, we have to “sit on the stump” for a while and just trust that we are safe.  Even without removing the blindfold and seeing our Father sitting before us, we must learn to expect that He is there…because He is.

As we close out this year and start another, I pray that we will all learn to “sit on the stump” and feel our Heavenly Father sitting with us.  I pray that we will trust His wisdom and will…and revel in the safety and protection of His love and care.  I pray that we will fully embrace Him – and share His good news with others.  May we all be willing to call on God and share our deepest hopes, dreams, fears and concerns with Him – and trust that He has a perfect plan for every bit of it.

None of us knows what the coming year will bring – or even the coming hour.  But as long as we know that we don’t “sit on the stump” alone, we can do this.  Are you with me?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 28, 2017 – Keeping the Main Thing the main thing!

Matthew 12:28-34  
One of the religion scholars came up. Hearing the lively exchanges of question and answer and seeing how sharp Jesus was in his answers, he put in his question: “Which is most important of all the commandments?”Jesus said, “The first in importance is, ‘Listen, Israel: The Lord your God is one; so love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy.’ And here is the second: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ There is no other commandment that ranks with these.”

The religion scholar said, “A wonderful answer, Teacher! So lucid and accurate—that God is one and there is no other. And loving him with all passion and intelligence and energy, and loving others as well as you love yourself. Why, that’s better than all offerings and sacrifices put together!”

When Jesus realized how insightful he was, he said, “You’re almost there, right on the border of God’s kingdom.”

After that, no one else dared ask a question.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Just this week, I noticed that a former student of mine who is now actively engaged in Christian ministry was sharing a link  on Facebook to a story about how we have “dumbed down” Christianity.  He and I have had this “discussion” before…he maintains that in-depth Bible knowledge and study is critical for a person to truly be a Christian disciple. I believe strongly in the importance of Biblical knowledge and study…but without love for God and a love in Christ for others, all of the Bible verses one can memorize will not matter that much.

Here’s the thing…hundreds of us grew up in Sunday schools and “Training Unions”.  Countless children attend “Bible drills”…and we all know adults who are always ready for the next Bible study session to begin.  But when it’s all said and done, if these folks don’t truly know Jesus…if they don’t love God with everything they have – and love others as much as themselves – they may as well have taken gymnastics or ceramics.

Until we come to the realization that there is no other like God…that loving and serving Him with everything within us is the most important thing we will ever do, we’ve missed the boat.  Until we truly start to see ALL PEOPLE as God’s children…precious, worthwhile and deserving of our love, kindness, grace, and mercy…and to treat them as Jesus would, we dare not call ourselves Christian disciples.

Bible knowledge is great.  Having an arsenal of “go-to” scriptures that we can share with others – or pray ourselves – is an excellent idea for every Christian.  But when a hungry, hurting individual needs to feel the love and presence of Almighty God…waving a Bible over him/her is not going to suffice. When a child is crying, frightened, or in need…we don’t hand him/her a book and say, “Here…read this!” We don’t toss a few dollar bills his/her way – or say, “If you will just come to my nice, cozy house and spend time with me and my family, everything will be okay.”  It’s no different with a “child of God”.

We need to be ready to offer a hug – real or virtual.  We must be ready to offer encouragement, patience, compassion, forgiveness, and empathy…to share in triumphs and trials alike…to say, “I see you…but more importantly, GOD sees you!”

Too many people have walked away from this scripture passage and the “lucid and accurate” answer of Jesus.  They have made Christian discipleship bend and shape to whatever suits their fancy…and they have decided to pick and choose who – and how – to serve in the name of Jesus.  As we make resolutions for the New Year, my prayer is that following these two critical commands would be our mission above all others…that love for God- and love for others – would be the basis for our Christian faith and discipleship.

God will provide us plenty of opportunities to study His word and worship Him – in ways great and small.  He will give us opportunities to minister…chances to fellowship…and more ways to grow in knowledge and wisdom of Him than we can count!  But if we don’t love Him completely – and in turn, love His children – it won’t matter.

Search your heart and mind and decide if you truly love God completely…or you’ve packed Him in to a nice, neat little box that suits your idea of how this Christian discipleship thing ought to go. Make this the year that you get it right…and that YOUR answers line up with those of Jesus.  Don’t stand on the border of God’s Kingdom any longer – make the adjustments that get you all the way inside –  forever and ever!

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 27, 2017 – Giving better than you get

Luke 6:35-36
“I tell you, love your enemies. Help and give without expecting a return. You’ll never—I promise—regret it. Live out this God-created identity the way our Father lives toward us, generously and graciously, even when we’re at our worst. Our Father is kind; you be kind.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

When I count my blessings over the last few days…I have definitely thanked God for television.  Granted… much of it has been “mindless drivel”. But I have watched a lot of it…from “building off the grid” to refurbishing “Maine cabins” to cooking shows and more –  I’ve seen it in the last week!  We also watched some old movies, and I pretty well cleaned up the DVR of several episodes from a favorite television series or two!

Yesterday, I watched a “marathon” of “Chopped” …a cooking show that features four chefs who compete to create beautiful, tasty dishes from a “mystery box” of ingredients.  On one episode, the chefs worked in less conventional venues…soup kitchens, a facility that taught teens to cook and gave them a “leg up” in the world, and other charitable settings. One of these chefs prepared food in a facility in Los Angeles that feeds the homeless every day.

Called the “Bread and Roses Café”, this mission offers an “experience” to the homeless, rather than a cafeteria-style assembly line feeding typical of many “soup kitchens.” Chefs volunteer their services to create delicious, healthy, “pretty” meals and give the patrons a sense of dignity. This particular chef explained how he felt that a homeless person should sit down at a table with linens and real dishes – and be served by wait staff. That this person is homeless should not matter with regard to the service received.

I was truly impressed with this man’s heart for others.  While homeless people are not our “enemies”…many would rush to judge them – or to think less of them. More than a few would say, “He/she is lucky to get a ham sandwich!  Why are linens and china necessary?  That doesn’t fill the belly!”  Maybe not…but the treatment speaks volumes.  To me, it’s akin to Jesus washing the feet of His disciples.  It didn’t literally make a difference…but the inference was profound – even life-changing.

I can only imagine how these people must feel after being served such a meal.  I would also assume that the servers get quite a blessing, as well.  There is nothing to be gained…no tangible payment…just one child of God serving another.  And isn’t that where we all need to be today?  Shouldn’t we all be looking for ways great and small to say, “I care about you…but not as much as Jesus does!  He put me here to minister to you in this way just to demonstrate His love, grace and mercy.”

My challenge to all of us is to start looking for ways to give to others…particularly in a manner in which they cannot possibly reciprocate.  Don’t do this to “one-up” them…but in simple, subtle ways that say, “You matter…and God wanted me to tell you so!”  Send messages of love and encouragement. Be positive when everything in you wants to rant and rave.  Bite your tongue when unkind or ugly thoughts start to manifest.  Exercise patience where it isn’t deserved.  Treat someone who is unlovely like he/she is the loveliest person on the planet.

Be the hands and feet of Jesus in every possible circumstance…and ask nothing in return.  Be kind to others, because God is kind to you!  The New Year is upon us – a chance for a fresh start and change or two. Will loving others with the unconditional love of Christ be among yours?  Don’t you think it should be?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 26, 2017 – Counting our blessings

James 1:2-4
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Happy day after Christmas Day!  I hope you are warm and well…and that you have celebrated a glorious holiday weekend with family and friends.  Greg and I got the flu for Christmas…so our festivities have been postponed for a few more days.  We were sad not to get to see our family on Christmas Eve…but frankly, we were too sick to really care about celebrating.  And we did not want to share this horrible bug with anyone else!

We believe we are “on the mend”…and in a few more days, we can gather and share some pizza, open presents, and watch the children squeal with delight.  Santa has agreed to make a return to deliver stockings…and our “elf on the shelf” got an extension until that day. (I know moms everywhere are jealous of that!) Meanwhile, I have had time for some reflection – and the counting of our many blessings…yes, blessings!

Greg was sick for a few days before I fell ill…and by then, he felt well enough to see after me. By the time he got “Round 2” on Sunday, I felt better and could help him again.  So God took care of that.  We were warm and dry…we had food and medication…we had cozy places to lie down and rest or nap…and hot baths and showers to refresh us. We had each other…a luxury many do not enjoy during this season of traditional merriment.  We watched old movies together and took turns snuggling with our cat, Mabel.  I’ve read a couple of good books. We had plenty of posts to view on Facebook of happy children and families…and these warmed our hearts.

Greg’s brother and sister-in-law came to spend the holidays with all of us, so they were with Grandma E – and she was not alone for Christmas.  They all remained perfectly well – which is an answered prayer.  The rest of my family was well enough for Santa Claus to come to see the children at their house – and for them to gather for a Christmas Day brunch at a local diner. My sister and Timothy attended Christmas Eve Candlelight services together at our church…a precious, special memory maker for both of them.

I know there were plenty of people who have had a completely different experience this holiday season.  Friends of ours said “Good`bye” to their dad yesterday…a bittersweet timing for one of God’s saints.  Another friend continues to fight for his life in a hospital, following post-surgical complications, while others are battling serious illnesses at home.  We have spent our own Christmas holidays burying loved ones – and sitting in hospital rooms – so we understand this loneliness and heartache.

I helped Greg deliver Meals on Wheels last week while he was sick (he drove, I delivered!), and I wondered how many of the 16 individuals on our route would be alone – and hungry – on Christmas Day.  I knew that there would be an extra meal delivered to them on Friday to “tide them over” on Monday – but would anyone be there to help them prepare it?  For many, the Meals on Wheels delivery person is the only human being they see all day.  I thought of those whose heat was less than adequate…our neighbor who lost her husband a couple of weeks ago – and all families missing a member or two for the first time this year.

I thought of soldiers stationed in other parts of the world…emergency personnel working during the holidays…and orphans and refugees who probably barely even realized it was Christmas. And I thanked God for His great gifts in my own life.

I won’t go so far as to say that we are thankful for this flu bug…but as I hugged my husband last night and we wished each other “Merry” Christmas with a chuckle…I truly was incredibly grateful – and blessed.  This, too, shall pass…and we will celebrate big in a few more days.

In years to come, we might even laugh about this crazy Christmas when everything was topsy-turvy!  But we will always note how blessed we are – in all circumstances…because of Jesus. No matter what else is happening in our lives, Jesus is our Constant…our Guiding Light…our Savior who gives us the strength and courage to endure all things.  He is the Greatest Gift…and we are so glad that He came for us.

I pray that you have felt His presence more intensely in these last few days – and that you keep this joy and appreciation of Him in your heart in the weeks and months to come.  I also pray that you are healthy and well…and that you stay that way!

Merry Day after Christmas!  Jesus – our Greatest Gift – is HERE!  There is no better reason to celebrate and “count it all joy”!

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 23, 2017 – Merry Christmas!

Luke 2:11-14
This very day in King David’s hometown a Savior was born for you. He is Christ the Lord. You will know who he is, because you will find him dressed in baby clothes and lying on a bed of hay.”Suddenly many other angels came down from heaven and joined in praising God. They said:

“Praise God in heaven!
Peace on earth to everyone
who pleases God.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

“Christmas” is upon us! As we enter into this busy weekend of time spent celebrating our Savior’s birth with friends and loved ones, I hope you will stop to ponder the significance of these verses from the book of Luke.  Remind yourself of a tiny baby who was born to young parents in a meager manger…how His birth changed the world.  Consider how you and I have the opportunity to live in joy and peace because of this great sacrifice.

Celebrate Jesus this weekend…and in the days and weeks ahead.  Make Him the focus of everything about your life.  Bask in the glory and peace that He offers to those who seek and please Him – and do everything in your power to be among them!

The daily devotionals will resume in a few days…so stay tuned!  Meanwhile, “Praise God in Heaven” for His glorious gift of Jesus…and remember to make Him the focus of your celebrations!  Merry Christmas!

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 22, 2017 – Faithful servant or fraud – which one are you?

Luke 11:42
“I’ve had it with you! You’re hopeless, you Pharisees! Frauds! You keep meticulous account books, tithing on every nickel and dime you get, but manage to find loopholes for getting around basic matters of justice and God’s love. Careful bookkeeping is commendable, but the basics are required.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

If you haven’t seen the movie “Wonder” – or read the book – I highly recommend it. This is the true story, Auggie Pullman, who has Treacher Collins syndrome, a genetic condition that causes deformities of the cheekbones, eyes, ears, and chin.  Auggie’s parents homeschooled him until middle school, when he entered a public school classroom for the first time.  There he found little acceptance among his peers because of his facial deformities.

In particular, the movie showcases a boy named Julian who is a favorite of the teachers.  He says and does all the right things in their presence.  But behind the scenes, he is incredibly cruel to Auggie – and encourages his classmates to follow suit.  It comes to light that Julian has been unkind to Auggie…that he has left ugly notes with cruel messages…and there is even a class photo in which Auggie was edited out of the picture.  Julian’s parents try to justify or excuse the actions.  His mother even claims responsibility for the photo edit.  Ultimately, they threaten to pull their funding from this school if any disciplinary action is taken.  But the principal suspends Julian for a few days anyway.

We all know people who appear to play by the rules…but behind the scenes, they are willing to do whatever is necessary to serve their own interests.  And if we are honest, you and I may do this in some manner, too.  We appear to live “by the book”…to follow the rules and always do what is right and just.  We make a big show of our church attendance  and involvement in activities there – and in our community.  We write big checks to the church and other charities. We hold ourselves up as paragons of virtue.  But behind the scenes, we judge others and seek ways to look out for “Number One”!

We criticize those who are less fortunate.  If they would only get a job and help themselves, their lives would be better!  We ignore the sick and infirm… WE can’t do anything to help them! Let someone else do it!  We can’t work with children…we’d rather have our toenails removed one-by-one!  We can’t visit shut-ins – who has time for that?!  We can’t go to the nursing home, because it smells and makes us sad.  We can’t prepare a meal for someone else, run errands or drive people to appointments, or do anything that would be somewhat inconvenient.  We’ll write a check…but don’t ask us to DO anything!

Do not misunderstand me.  I believe many people have plenty of excellent reasons not to be physically involved.  I know my own limits…and there are things that I physically – or emotionally – cannot handle.  But for every one of those missions, there are other ways that I can serve.  I have known more than one elderly or infirm person who spent hours each day as a prayer warrior – a noble and critical mission. I know others who spend time on the phone encouraging those in need…those who send cards and notes of hope and cheer. I know people who would be glad to cook a meal for someone who needs it – if another person would handle the delivery.

The point is that there is SOMETHING that all of us can do…ways we can serve others more than ourselves.  It’s time to stop pretending that we are “all that and a bag of chips” – and get busy being the hands and feet of Jesus!  This is not middle school…this self-absorbance is the “adult version” of “teenage cruelty”!  God is expecting us to serve His people to the best of our ability…with clarity and honesty in all things.  Write the checks and support the missions and ministries…but make sure your motives – and your words and actions – are pure in the process!  Christ is counting on you!  How will you respond?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 21, 2017 – Leave a little behind!

Leviticus 19:9-10
When you harvest your grain, always leave some of it standing along the edges of your fields and don’t pick up what falls on the ground. Don’t strip your grapevines clean or gather the grapes that fall off the vines. Leave them for the poor and for those foreigners who live among you. I am the Lord your God.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Bear with me as I take you on a “trip around the world” to tell this story. Thirty-six years ago this morning, my parents called to tell us that my paternal grandparents’ farm house – the one they had lived in since 1953 – had burned to the ground. They had just enough time to move their cars away, grab the family Bible and a few photos inside the front door – and the mantel clock – and get out with their very lives. A driver passing by stopped and helped pull out a couple of other items…but virtually EVERYTHING was lost. The fire burned so hotly that even my grandmother’s cast iron skillet full of cooking sausages – and the claw footed bathtub – were reduced to ashes.

My grandparents had always been generous with whatever they had – time, talents, and material possessions. And now, people rallied to help them. A couple who wintered in the South offered their home while a new house was built for my grandparents. The members of their church held a “pounding” to outfit the new home with everything from food staples to linens and more. People came forward with pieces of furniture and other items to make the house a “home”.

Virtually everything my grandmother accumulated over the next 30+ years was given to her by someone else. And still, she continued to give back to others out of her abundance. This time of year, she would easily make 50 pounds of peanut brittle to give to others. It was her “hallmark”…and a few people actually brought her the same Christmas tin year after year – expecting her to fill it. And remarkably, she did!

I never learned to make Mam-ma Polly’s peanut brittle. She tried to show me the tricks, but I failed miserably. However, she had another “signature” sweet treat – sugar cookies. They melted in your mouth, crisp and crumbly…and she made them by the dozens nearly every week. She would send them home with me…”for Greg”!

After Mam-ma died, I decided I wanted to make the sugar cookies. I had all of her recipes, so I combed her notebooks and hand-written cards…but there was no recipe. I did find where she had given me a sugar cookie recipe when Greg and I married…but it was not “the one”. My sister came to the rescue. It seemed that at some point, my brother had gotten Mam-ma to write down her treasured sugar cookie recipe. Somehow, the recipe came to my sister – perhaps in a box of my brother’s things after he passed.

At any rate, she shared the recipe with me…and I have held onto it tightly – and made it many times. It is a “staple” in our house at Christmas time- and often for Valentine’s Day, as well. This year, I made a double batch. I like to share with others – including our mail carrier and the delivery men and women who are so kind to us throughout the year.

One of these delivery drivers happens to be the brother of my cousin’s wife. Yesterday, I raced to the street when his truck came and handed him a bag of sugar cookies. I winked and said, “Whatever you do, don’t let Ronny (my cousin) have any of these. They were my grandmother’s.” The driver thanked me and drove away.

Last night, I got a message from my cousin, Ronny. He had just eaten a cookie and wondered if this was a “family recipe”? I explained, and he said, “I knew it!” His grandmother and my Mam-ma Polly were sisters. She died in 1992…Ronny had not tasted her cookies in more than two decades. He said the memories came flooding back! We laughed about how our grandmothers probably never wrote the recipe down (except when my brother insisted, thank goodness!)…they both pretty well cooked “from memory”. We also laughed that both sisters flattened the cookies before baking with a “snuff glass” (look it up!).

So why did I tell you all of this today…and what does it have to do with Leviticus 19:9-10? Scripture tells us to leave something for the other guy…to save a little time, energy, and blessings of all kinds for someone who doesn’t have as much. The Christmas cookie that got driven 30 miles to another city and shared with my 2nd cousin might be the best Christmas gift I give this year! And all it cost me was a little time baking and an embarrassing dash to the delivery truck, half-dressed and in a disheveled state!

So often, the opportunities to leave some “gleanings” for the other person are right in front of us, and we don’t even see them. We are too self-absorbed…too “busy” doing whatever it is we do. And sometimes, we’re simply too selfish. God is telling us that this is IMPORTANT! Leaving something for others…giving of ourselves and “sharing the wealth” of blessings and abundance – which comes from Him – is how we let others see a glimpse of His glory.

We were heartbroken when my grandparents’ farm house burned. But we watched how they continued their legacy of giving to others out of their own blessings and abundance…how they “left some gleanings” for the other guy. And hopefully, the lesson stuck. What about you? Do you recognize opportunities to give to others…to share your abundance and blessings? Isn’t it time you did? Will this be the week that you start to look around and ask, “How can I give back to others?”

What will be your best Christmas gift this year…and will God be glorified in its giving?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 20, 2017 – “Let it go!”

Leviticus 19:18
“Stop being angry and don’t try to take revenge. I am the Lord, and I command you to love others as much as you love yourself.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I somewhat knew what I wanted to say today…but I didn’t know how to get started.  So of course, I turned to Jesus Calling.*  Just as I expected, today’s entry was exactly what I needed.  The author, speaking as Jesus, reminds us that our Savior was taunted on this earth – and tempted by the devil and his agents to save Himself.  It is noted that Jesus could have brought down legions of angels to fight for Him – and to obliterate the enemy.  But this was not what God had planned.  And Jesus was obedient to the Father and His mission.

You and I often have the ability to “put someone in his/her place”…to take revenge for wrongs done toward us or someone we love.  We get angry about all sorts of things…from the person who pulled out in front of us…to the child who absolutely refuses to behave…to the latest vote by Congress, and more.  We gripe and grumble.  We hold grudges…and we sometimes vow to “get even”.

Stop and contemplate the example of Jesus for just a little while.  The very One who had every right and reason to annihilate His enemies – and could have done so with just the flick of a finger – obeyed God.  Jesus bowed to His Father’s commands and fulfilled His will.  And He did this for you and me!  Jesus loved us so much that He put our needs above His own desires for retribution.  The very One who had the right to ask, “Do you know who I am?” humbled Himself. And He did this for each of us, so that we could be free of sin and dwell with Him forever in Eternity.

So when those urges come to fight back – or even “deck someone” for a comment or action, stop and think of Jesus. When you feel old grudges well up inside your heart and mind, remind yourself that YOU are not truly in control of the “Vengeance Department” – but you know Someone who has your back and will handle this for you!

When you feel angry, think of Jesus…His compassion, patience, kindness, grace and mercy – poured out for all of us in abundance.  If He can exercise restraint…can’t we?  Shouldn’t we?  Isn’t this the perfect week to practice true Christian discipleship?  Where will you begin?

©2017 Debbie Robus

*Jesus Calling ~ http://jesuscalling.com