Daily Devotional for September 30, 2018 – Purity of heart…for Christians, it’s more than just a phrase

Titus 1:15-16
A person who is pure of heart sees goodness and purity in everything; but a person whose own heart is evil and untrusting finds evil in everything, for his dirty mind and rebellious heart color all he sees and hears. Such persons claim they know God, but from seeing the way they act, one knows they don’t. They are rotten and disobedient, worthless so far as doing anything good is concerned.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Throughout history, there have been people who have done good things…maybe even made great contributions to the life of a person or two – or society at large. But they did this while trampling on the backs of others. I’m thinking of businessmen and women who built thriving enterprises…but treated their employees like scum. There are countless examples where a man or woman rose to the top at the expense of others – or said and did vile things along the way. And in many instances, the “success” could have been achieved while treating these people fairly and operating in purity of thought and action.

You surely know someone who took credit for work done by others – perhaps those in positions beneath his or hers or fellow co-workers. The potential to “claw one’s way to the top” is often instilled early…as we encourage our children to accomplish great things – and consciously or subconsciously apply pressure on them to “toe the mark”.  We may overlook certain behaviors with a dismissive, “He/she’s a good kid…this will pass.”

You may be familiar with the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”  In fact, there is a book that addresses this very question. I propose that perhaps the question we should really address is, “Why do good people do bad things…and how do we stop this?”

Here’s where we have to come to terms with our own daily example of Christian discipleship.  Are we pure in thought, word, action…and motive?  Or are we operating behind a façade?  Do we claim to love and serve Jesus while mistreating our brother or sister?  Do we go through the motions of being a “good Christian”, but harbor unkind and disparaging thoughts toward others? Are we bolstering our image to the public while privately treating family members, friends, co-workers or those in our employ poorly?

I’m not talking about downright abuse – which I think we could all agree is despicable.  I am talking about such behaviors as demeaning remarks, disrespect, favoritism, exclusion, and judgments.  If we are honest, we will admit that these are all examples of “impurity”, just as much as physical mistreatment of another person – or bullying and verbal abuse.

Here is the good news…if we are behaving in this manner, we can change.  We can throw off the old, impure self by surrendering completely to Jesus. We can ask Him to change us from the inside out…and make us a new creature, once and for all.  I don’t care if you gave your heart to Christ a few decades ago – or if you have never invited Him into your life.  You can change your evil, untrusting heart and attitudes for goodness and purity – and you can do this now!

One of the most amazing aspects of Christ’s forgiveness, grace and mercy is that we don’t have to remain who we were.  We serve a God of second chances (and more).  We don’t have to forever wallow in our past impurities and be known by them.  We can allow Jesus to transform our heart and mind and give us a new start – and a “pure” future. What is on the inside and outside can match up perfectly – and glorify Christ in all things. And the crazy thing is that Jesus can – and will – do this for anyone who genuinely asks!

You and I could probably name a lot of people who have said and done vile things…and acted impurely. Jesus doesn’t want this to be the legacy of even one of His children.  He wants us to surrender completely and focus entirely on Him – and the pure and lovely grace and beauty of His love and care. The change starts with you and me. If there is even one tiny corner of our lives where impurity hangs out, this is the day to let it go forever.

Are you ready to give up your own agenda in favor of Christ’s?  Will this be the day that you ask for a reset? Don’t you think it should be?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 29, 2018 – Giving Jesus your “cookies” – and your sins – once and for all

Romans 8:1-2
So there is now no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus.  For the power of the life-giving Spirit—and this power is mine through Christ Jesus—has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I was grocery shopping with a friend one day, and as we traversed the “cookie aisle”, she pointed to the Pepperidge Farm® Milano cookies and said, “I bought a bag of these for my son, and I ate the whole bag.”  She defended her action by noting that there were very few cookies in the package. But she and I both knew that her indulgence far exceeded the recommendation for what constituted an individual serving!

If we are honest, most of us have at least one irresistible treat.  Perhaps yours is chocolate…potato chips…ice cream…or cookies. If you know that this item is available, you cannot resist. If “your” food is in the house, you are likely to eat it until it’s all gone – or as in the case of my friend, you will eat the whole bag of cookies in one sitting.

And if you are like a lot of people, you immediately vow to do better.  You feel remorse over your “sin”…and you insist that you will not indulge to that degree ever again – until the next time.  Just like sin, this is a vicious circle that we often cannot seem to stop. We indulge…we repent…we vow to do better (and maybe we do for awhile) – and then we sin again.

We are human…and on our own, we are no match for the devil and sin. But Jesus Christ has the power to free us from this grip, once and for all. When we focus on serving and pleasing Jesus, He removes all evidence of past mistakes…and He empowers us to overcome any future temptations. This is almost never easy. It requires constant vigilance and work on our part. But the joy and peace that comes in freedom from the grip of sin far outweighs any effort on our part.

I can’t promise that Jesus will help you with a food obsession…but you’ll never know until you ask Him. I know that He has the power and strength – and the desire – to free us from all of our sins forever and ever.  So what makes us think He won’t helps us with our addiction to cookies and candy?

We serve a God who is willing and able to do all things. We have been redeemed by a Savior who is equipped to do far above and beyond what we ever expect…much less deserve. Isn’t it time we trust Him to do this?  Will this be the day that you completely surrender to Jesus  and call on Him to free you from sin – and fill you with His power to overcome it forever? Are you ready to receive the power of the life-giving Spirit?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 28, 2018 – Serving a God of second chances…and so much more

Romans 2:4
Don’t you realize how patient he is being with you? Or don’t you care? Can’t you see that he has been waiting all this time without punishing you, to give you time to turn from your sin? His kindness is meant to lead you to repentance.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I’ll be honest…my “bark” is worse than my “bite”.  So when I tell one of the children, “You have two more chances”…it’s often more like twelve or twenty-two. “Counting to three” is more like counting to thirty-three much of the time.  I give the children every opportunity to correct course and make good choices. The last thing I want to do is punish them. They will occasionally tell me, “You’re mean!”  I’ve even heard, “You are not my friend any more” – and even “I hate you!”  But they don’t mean it…and I know that.

Make no mistake about this…I am not God – not even close. The love that I have for children in my orbit doesn’t even begin to compare to how much He loves each of us. The scale on which I offer second chances and exercise patience is miniscule compared to God’s willingness to wait and give us time to get right with Him.

If you have ever wondered “why bad things happen to good people”…while some real “stinkers” seem to skate through life unaffected…this might be your answer.  God is giving every single one of us more opportunities than we can envision to turn from our sins and come into agreement with Him. Those challenges and difficulties that He allows for “good people”?  They are designed to strengthen us as Christians …and to show the “stinkers” what is possible when one lives in faithful obedience.

I am a slow learner. Just this morning, I poured out my heart to God over some things that have me frustrated and upset…things that I know full well are beyond my control. God showed me many instances where He has handled my worries and concerns – and totally “fixed” the situation…but only after I let go and trusted Him fully. I was profoundly reminded  how critical it is that I follow Him completely and surrender my will to His – with complete confidence. I renewed my commitment to trust Him…to fully embrace His power to “make a way where I see none.”

I have to tell you, less than an hour after I prayed and surrendered, God showed me just how quickly – and beautifully – He can work. I almost felt like I heard Him chuckle and say, “See what happens when you get out of the way?”

I know that I am a fool to ever mistrust God. I truly believe that He gives me more chances than I deserve…and He must often stand back and shake His head at my stubbornness. This passage asks, “Don’t you realize how patient he is being with you? Or don’t you care?”  Every day, I better understand God’s patience with me…and His grace and mercy.  And I do care…greatly.  So I am making every effort to seek His will…and to always trust Him – especially in the hard things. What about you?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 27, 2018 – Current “culture” or God’s wisdom…where is YOUR comfort zone?

Romans 12:1-2
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I don’t remember the exact date when I first heard a curse word uttered on “prime time” television…but I do recall being shocked. Perhaps the actor had a momentary “slip”…or maybe he/she was merely testing the waters.  But the word was there…and many viewers surely must have gasped. I am not naïve…but when I was a young girl, print ads for women’s “intimates” required that a female model display the bra for sale atop a sweater or other blouse! The “Coppertone Kid” ads were about as risqué as we dared get only a few decades ago!

Today, four-letter words pepper the language of not only movie and television actors…but also the talk of our politicians and national leaders. There are ads for everything from underwear that doesn’t bunch or pinch to medications for delicate “men’s issues” and women’s personal hygiene products…not to mention medical devices and “aids” for some of the most private and intimate physical conditions.

While some would consider this “social progress”…I have to tell you, I have already had a difficult time explaining some of these things to our young nephews and niece. It is hard to tell them that they cannot use the foul language they hear coming from adults in positions of power and influence. We have already heard, “When I’m a grownup, I can use those bad words.”  And sadly, they already know what most of them mean.

It is a daily challenge to rise above the current culture…to hold our tongues and remain vigilant. I find myself not even blinking when I hear some of these rather “personal” ads on television. I definitely cringe when someone uses the LORD’s name in vain…and that is happening much more frequently. Things that were “not discussed in polite company” are now considered in the mainstream by many…and it’s hard not to fall into this trap and go along for the ride.

I am not suggesting that we become pious and arrogant in our efforts to serve God and honor Him with our words and actions. But we must be living examples of faithful obedience and service to God. We must demonstrate “clean and decent living”…check our language and our reactions to inappropriate behaviors…and show others that Christian disciples have standards from which they do not deviate.

Already, our children are noticing that we do not use foul language. They have asked us, “How are you always happy…no matter what?” They recognize that we do not disparage others…and that we try to be modest and conduct ourselves with decorum. They know that there are certain television programs, movies, and videos that we will not allow to air in our home. We know how to have fun and find contentment without subscribing to every popular trend of current culture. They see that we love and respect each other and do not speak or act unkindly. And they see that we make efforts to stay healthy and pay attention to what we put into (and on) our bodies.

At the risk of sounding like I have it all together (and I do not!), I can attest that the more I focus on Jesus, the more He changes me. My relationship with Jesus has made me kinder, gentler, and more conscious of my words and actions. The more I seek His voice each day, the more I hear from Him.  So when I start to share something I was told…or I feel like I want to say something unkind or lash out in anger…the Holy Spirit “checks” me. When I hear something that should be offensive, and I gloss over it, He generally reverses my course for a second glance…as in an ad or comment that causes me to stop and say, “Wait! WHAT?!”

God doesn’t want us to live in a vacuum. He doesn’t want us to isolate ourselves, so that we are insulated from cultural influences. Rather, He wants us to be a beacon of light and hope in the midst of them.  He wants us to be a living demonstration that a life in Christ does not conform to this world…and that’s a good thing! People are watching…Who are you showing them?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 26, 2018 – Who’s carrying your burdens?

Psalm 55:22
Give your burdens to the Lord. He will carry them. He will not permit the godly to slip or fall.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I have struggled with what to say today, because it seems that many people have more than enough “burdens” to go around these days. The “news” is so horrific and disturbing that we don’t quite know what to do with ourselves. Do we watch and listen like we’re chasing an ambulance?  Or do we bury our heads in the sand and pretend that nothing is happening?  Do we “fiddle while Rome burns”…wring our hands in despair…or hit the streets in protest?

Do we worry and fret over the plight of others…their sickness, suffering, grief, homelessness, and poverty?  Do we cry out in frustration over the angst of refugees, addicts, human trafficking, and the general breakdown of communication and human relations?  Do we wallow in self-pity at our own challenges and concerns and agonize over how it will all “come out in the wash”?

The “short answer” – and the only one good one – is that we have to give our burdens to God. Psalm 55:22 speaks the truth…He will carry them.  God will take care of us – if we will let Him. And often, God will do this in spite of our efforts to interrupt His work on our behalf!  When we stay in the will of God, life may not always look pretty, but God will take care of us.  I know…because He’s done this for me – over and again.

Before you polish my halo, understand that I can wallow and worry with the best of them.  I can fret and wring my hands and wonder what on earth is ever going to become of this situation or that person. I often ask how will we will ever get out of the mess we are in! And then I all but feel God breathing over my shoulder…”Hello! Have you forgotten about Me?”  And I am humbled…and repentant…and oh, so grateful that He is there.

You and I must do better at trusting God.  We have no choice…and that’s a good thing!  We cannot do this on our own…and we don’t have to. So this is the day to Give your burdens to the Lord and let Him carry them.  Because He can…and He will.  Thanks be to God. Amen!

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 25, 2018 – God is calling…”Get out of the pool!”

Psalm 119:169-176
Let my cry come right into your presence, God;
provide me with the insight that comes only from your Word.
Give my request your personal attention,
rescue me on the terms of your promise.
Let praise cascade off my lips;
after all, you’ve taught me the truth about life!
And let your promises ring from my tongue;
every order you’ve given is right.
Put your hand out and steady me
since I’ve chosen to live by your counsel.
I’m homesick, God, for your salvation;
I love it when you show yourself!
Invigorate my soul so I can praise you well,
use your decrees to put iron in my soul.
And should I wander off like a lost sheep—seek me!
I’ll recognize the sound of your voice.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

If you’ve ever tried to get a kid out of a swimming pool when he/she doesn’t want to leave, you understand the dilemma of knowing you need to follow the rules…but still wanting to “have your fun”. There are many examples involving children where the “fun” of disobedience is just too exciting…and worth risking a breach of the rules.  And if we’re honest…we adults have found ourselves in a situation or two where we struggled with surrender to God, because it meant giving up something we enjoyed on some level.

Gossip often feels good and keeps us “in the loop”. Sometimes, it comforts us to be selfish and think only of ourselves. Losing our temper and lashing out can feel so right – even when we know it’s wrong. We’ve all desired something that belongs to others…if only a pair of shoes like theirs, a car as nice as the one they drive, or to be as thin and good-looking as they seem to be without even trying. The thought of complete surrender to God can be quite daunting…and might even momentarily take our breath or make us feel uncomfortable.

So when the Psalmist calls on God to “put Your hand out and steady me, since I’ve chosen to live by your counsel,” I totally get that!  I don’t know about you, but there have been several times that I’ve told God, “LORD, if I’m gonna do this…YOU have to help me!”  And the best part of all is that He can – and He WILL!

Many of us know what to do…we just have trouble doing it!  We know that God’s laws are just and perfect…that operating in His will is the only way to live. But still, we waver.  We struggle with surrender…and we completely forget (or maybe we never really knew) just how great it can be to choose Salvation, live by God’s counsel, and bask in His blessings.  Many of us are “paddling round and round the swimming pool” as God calls to us from the “deck” to “Get out of the water and come to me!”

In today’s entry in Jesus Calling*, I was reminded that when I trust God above all else, my insecurities and desires for the “pleasures” of this world disappear. There is no judgment, no fear, no longing to “fit in” or be like everyone else…just pure obedience and abundant blessings.  Don’t you want that in your life?  I surely do!

Just like a rebellious child, we have choices. We can continue to operate in sin and disobedience – and suffer the consequences…or we can choose to run to God and follow His laws – and rest in His promises and blessings. He will steady us and invigorate our soul. I know Who I am choosing…what about you?

©2018 Debbie Robus

*Jesus Calling ~ http://jesuscalling.com

Daily Devotional for September 24, 2018 – Putting Christian faith into action…how do represent God to His “children”?

Psalm 119:145-149
I am praying with great earnestness; answer me, O Lord, and I will obey your laws. “Save me,” I cry, “for I am obeying.” Early in the morning before the sun is up, I am praying and pointing out how much I trust in you. I stay awake through the night to think about your promises. Because you are so loving and kind, listen to me and make me well again.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

This post from a friend and fellow church member (who happens to be a foster and adoptive parent) stopped me cold. It was in regard to a major drug bust in our county last week.

“I have no idea if this has anything to do with the high volume of children coming into foster care over the last few days but PEOPLE WAKE UP! Out of 1200 arrests, let’s “pretend” only half of these people have ONE child (that’s totally unrealistic) and then half of those people had a family member suitable to take care of their child. That still leaves 300 children coming into foster care in a couple of days. Our homes CAN NOT handle that, we need foster families! Find out what you can do to help!”

Another recent meme that I shared noted…”It’s amazing how small your “problems” really are when you think…somebody lost their mother today…somebody’s spouse was diagnosed with cancer…a hardworking person lost their job and has a family to support. Even on a bad day, you have to realize how fortunate you really are.”

As I sit in my cozy warm home this rainy Monday morning, sipping another cup of coffee and listening to television “news”, I am humbled by the blessings God has poured out on me. I know that in any given minute, “life” could come crashing down around me…and my relative “calm” would be upended. I was reminded of this yesterday when I looked around a room of elementary-school-aged children who had gathered at our church for Sunday school. The vast range of issues that challenge this group astounds me…and this is not an isolated subset of the world at large.

Here is what I know…there were children who struggled to control their emotions…children whose parents have died…students who live in a foster home – and others whose families are hosting these foster “siblings”. There were children whose parents are, at best, not getting along – and others who live in single-parent homes. There were kids who appeared to “have it all together”…but I assure you, each one of them will have “something” eventually.

I share this with you to say that these little ones often don’t know how to handle what is thrown at them. Some of them know to take these things to God…but a lot of them are still learning how to operate in Christian faith – which is where we adults come into the picture.

You and I should be praying with great earnestness…both morning and night.  We should be not only resting in God’s promises, but also demonstrating them to “children” of all ages.  We should be praying for children and families – and asking God to show us how to minister to them. We should be so busy obeying God and seeking His wisdom and will that we don’t have any time to waste on worry and negativity.

I pray that this is a good day for you…that you are cozy and dry – and counting your blessings. I also pray that you are earnestly seeking God…talking with Him often throughout this day and asking Him to continue to meet your needs – and those of others. I hope that you will take a minute to pray for the children of our community – and the world – and to ask God to show you how and where you can minister to them. Ask God to show you how you can be an example of someone who trusts His promises – and operates in His laws with confidence that He will handle every one of your challenges.

Too many people are good at calling on God day and night to help them…but lousy at trusting Him to actually answer. Are you one of them? Make this the day that you pray with confidence and begin to operate in the assurance that God is listening and will answer perfectly.

The time has come for us to put our Christian faith into action…and to show others just how powerful and protective God’s love and care is for each of us.  Are you ready to be this example?  Isn’t it time you were?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 23, 2018 – Walking in God’s promises…and counting the “highs” and “lows”

Psalm 119:81-82; 89-91
I faint for your salvation; but I expect your help, for you have promised it. My eyes are straining to see your promises come true. When will you comfort me with your help?

Forever, O Lord, your Word stands firm in heaven. Your faithfulness extends to every generation, like the earth you created; it endures by your decree, for everything serves your plans.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

As I looked at these verses, I couldn’t help but reflect on the last two decades of my life.  Twenty years ago this morning, the angels ushered my brother Tim from this earth into the eternal presence of Jesus. We called on God to heal Tim…and He did – just not in the way that we desired.

We struggled to understand…we strained to see God’s promises come true. And over time, many things came into focus. This is not to say that we “got over” my brother’s death – or that of any other loved one. We all miss each beloved person – and think of them often. There are plenty of earthly experiences that we wish we could share with them.

But at the same time, we see how God has brought about tremendous spiritual growth – in part through personal loss and challenge. Like any family, ours has experienced a myriad of situations and circumstances that have molded and shaped us as Christians. We have added to our number…and seen it diminish. We have battled illnesses and injuries and trusted God for the outcomes. We have experienced tremendous “highs” and heartbreaking “lows”…and God has been with us every step of the way.

This morning, the 2nd-3rd grade Sunday school leader asked the children to share their “highs” and their “lows” for the week. This would be a good exercise for all of us…particularly in the context of how we trusted God to handle each of them. Did we praise Him when promises were fulfilled and we were blessed? Did we complain when things were tough? Did we trust God to rescue and redeem us in even the lowest moments?

I find it interesting that in the course of just a few verses in Psalm 119, the psalmist cries out to God somewhat impatiently…and then praises Him for His steadfast answers and blessings. Quite honestly, this is a pretty fair “picture” of how many of us operate as Christians. In one breath, we are begging and pleading for God to “hurry up” and help us…and in the next, we are praising Him for the magnitude and magnificence of His answers!

This earthly life truly is just a “blip on the screen”.  We will blink, and another 20 years will have passed. Some of us will still be here, counting our “highs” and “lows” in the context of God’s love and care.  Some of us will have moved on to sit at His feet and discover every answer to all of our questions. My prayer is that we would take a collective breath and rest in God’s promises today…that we would trust Him here and now to address our every need and concern with complete perfection.

Someday, we will hopefully join our loved ones at the feet of Jesus…and hear them say, “It’s all good.  He’s been with each of us all along – every step of the way.”  God wants us to bask in His glory here…now…today, on this earth. He wants us to trust Him at every turn, until the time comes for the angels to usher us into His presence for all of eternity. God wants us to walk in His promises…and believe them!  How well would you say you are doing?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 22, 2018 – Letting God be the “Zookeeper” – and finding true freedom in the process

Psalm 119:43-46; 53-56
May I never forget your words, for they are my only hope. Therefore I will keep on obeying you forever and forever, free within the limits of your laws. I will speak to kings about their value, and they will listen with interest and respect.

I am very angry with those who spurn your commands.  For these laws of yours have been my source of joy and singing through all these years of my earthly pilgrimage. I obey them even at night and keep my thoughts, O Lord, on you. What a blessing this has been to me—to constantly obey.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

“But if I ran the zoo,”
Said young Gerald McGrew,
“I’d make a few changes.
That’s just what I’d do. “

“The lions and tigers and that kind of stuff
They have up here now are not quite good enough.
You see things like these in any old zoo.
They’re awfully old­fashioned. I want something new! “

“So I’d open each cage, I’ll unlock every pen,
Let the animals go and start over again.”
                 –  If I Ran the Zoo ~ ©1950 – Dr. Seuss

When I read this passage from Psalm 119, I thought of this Dr. Seuss classic. It seems that a lot of “Christians” have decided to take their turn at “running the zoo”. And as the psalmist indicates, we have every right to be angry about this. Surely those who spurn God’s commands must anger and disappoint Him!

I will be the first to tell you that I have been tremendously disturbed in recent months by the words and actions of many who claim to belong to Jesus, then show the world anything but Godly behavior. Indecent and immoral treatment of others is “justified”…sometimes with a citation of scripture (taken out of context, of course). Many seem to believe that God has designated them to be His earthly “judge and jury”…and they are plenty busy wielding the perceived “power” of their “appointment”.

So what are we to do with our anger and frustration over this?  How do we “channel” our energy in a direction that represents Jesus – and honors and glorifies our relationship with God?  The answer is found in our demonstration of Christian faith and how we conduct ourselves as Christ’s disciples. And some form of a single word appears often in this passage – obey.

When we obey God and follow His commands, we don’t have to wonder whether we are operating within His will and bringing honor and glory to His name. There is “freedom” in allowing God to “run the zoo”…and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to others.  There is peace and joy in the confidence that we are “compliant” with God’s law and His will…and others will take notice.

We don’t have to judge others – or start over and try to recreate the world.  You and I simply have to make sure that we are serving God obediently and faithfully. People.are.watching… and our demonstration of authentic compliance with God’s commands will be all that they need to see. God will handle the rest.

I’m thankful that I don’t have to “run the zoo”. And on the days that I feel overwhelmed and frustrated, I remind myself of this fact – and check my own words and actions. As long as I am operating within God’s will for my life, I can find joy and peace in His protection and loving care. Hopefully, others will take notice and choose this freedom for themselves.

Being the “Zookeeper” is highly over-rated…and not our department. It’s time we surrendered this responsibility to the only One who can truly handle it.  Are you with me?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 21, 2018 – Finding daily answers in God’s word…and reviving our heart for HIS plans

Psalm 119:36-38
Help me to prefer obedience to making money! Turn me away from wanting any other plan than yours. Revive my heart toward you. Reassure me that your promises are for me, for I trust and revere you.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Perhaps you have noticed that my “daily devotionals” have not been posted “daily” in recent weeks.  Things happen…including a ragweed allergy that put me in bed for several days, an overnight visit from our nephews and niece, and a day-long visit with my husband’s family. There was a time when I would have moved heaven and earth to get out something every day…but I’ve come to realize a few things about writing these devotionals.

First…many of you comment and say, “You wrote that just for me today.” I always am blessed by these messages. But here’s what I know…sometimes more than one person says that in the same day (which is remarkable!)…and every day, these messages are directed first and foremost toward me! I have come to believe that God felt the best way to keep me studying His word was to lead me to write these devotionals “for others”.

Secondly…I believe that God has shown me a tremendous number of things in the last 14+ years.  I would like to think that God has changed me through these writings. In 2004, I was teaching a junior high Sunday school class, and I wanted to encourage the students to study their Bible.  So I made an outline of 12 topics that I thought were important to them…and I searched for scriptures to address one topic per month. I wrote all of the devotionals for each topic at once and made copies to share with my students prior to the first if the month. I have no idea how many students read these each day, but hopefully there were a few who did.

The following year, the son of my then-pastor, John, and his wife, Susan, headed off to college.  Susan came to me and said, “We need something to encourage these college kids to study their Bible on a regular basis.  Can you help?”  We started e-mailing the “daily devotionals” to “in-betweeners”…college aged students and young adults who needed a little insight into the meaning of scripture – and a practical application. Over the years, the “audience” broadened to include a larger age range…and I realized that the best way to make this applicable and meaningful was to write one devotional each day.

I hope that over time, I have found answers to some of our daily questions and challenges in God’s word – and shared them with you. I know that I have become more aware of how precious each individual person is to God…and as certain ones have frustrated me to no end at times, this has been a valuable reminder!  I’ve come to better understand the plight of people whose concerns I once gave little to no thought…the poor…the homeless…the orphans…and those disparaged or ostracized in some way because of their appearance, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, socio-economic level, political position, or even their religious beliefs.

I’ve come to understand that it isn’t important to God WHO we are…as long as we know to WHOM we belong! I believe that I have matured enough in my understanding of scripture to know that these three verses from Psalm 119 are not literally about money…but more about our priorities as a Disciple of Christ. For me, this means not even turning on the computer for 2 days to spend time with our little ones or Greg’s family.  It means taking care of my health and resting occasionally, so that I am better able to do whatever God calls me to do.

I’ve learned that there will be days in which I will try so hard NOT to speak to a scripture that God shows me, because it is uncomfortable or controversial…and He will not let it go.  I’ve learned that on days when God has me right where He wants me, the devil is more than likely going to cause my computer to freeze, throw a huge typo in the mix…or cause some other little hiccup. Just today, he’s already shut down my word-processing program as I created this devo!  But I am onto him!  All I have to do is stop and whisper the name of Jesus…and things get right back on track!

I hope that you learn something about yourself and your discipleship from these missives.  I hope that God speaks to you on a daily basis about His plans…and that you listen!  I pray that you trust and revere Him – and recognize that His promises are the real deal.  As I move into my 15th year of learning from this project, I thank God for the opportunity to share what I discover with you…and I thank YOU for reading.  Together, may we grow in God’s love and care and serve well to further His Kingdom.  And may His plan always be the only one that we desire to follow.

©2018 Debbie Robus