Daily Devotional for October 31, 2017 – You can’t pick and choose!

Matthew 5:19  
If you reject even the least important command in the Law and teach others to do the same, you will be the least important person in the kingdom of heaven. But if you obey and teach others its commands, you will have an important place in the kingdom.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I visited someone in prison once, and he pointed to another inmate and said, “That man raped a child.”  He went on to explain that…”there is no tolerance in prison for someone who molests a child.”  It was almost as if there was a “code” that certain crimes were worse than others…and by default, the same was true for certain sins. The irony was that all of these men were incarcerated for committing crimes…hurting others…and yes, sinning against God.  Yet they somehow compartmentalized the offenses – and rated them!

Sometimes, the sins of others become public knowledge.  When we know that the person who sits across the aisle from us at church has broken the law…done something hurtful toward others…or behaved badly in some manner…we are quick to judge. We say things like, “I cannot believe he/she was sitting right next to me in church, as if nothing happened!” We compartmentalize their sin into a category that is always far worse than our own. We deem certain transgressions to be more serious than ours…and in the process, we decide that some of God’s laws are more important than others.

There are a couple of problems with this.  First, we are putting ourselves in a position of authority to judge – as if we know better than God.  Additionally, we are somewhat attempting to justify our own sins…”Well, at least I didn’t do XYZ!  I’m not as bad as he/she is!”  We are essentially rejecting some of God’s laws as insignificant. And when we do this, we diminish our position in God’s Kingdom.

Understand that Jesus is not saying here that if we sin, we will be lesser in God’s eyes…because He already knows we are going to sin.  But when we pick and choose which of God’s laws matter…or we “rate” sins – and God’s laws in the process – we are giving ourselves too much credit. Our thoughts, words and actions indicate that we somehow think we are equal to – or better than – GOD!  We know what He meant…and this law or that one doesn’t really apply to us.

Our “little white lies” and sins of omission are not nearly as bad as those of the murderer and rapist!  We may have brought home a pen from work…or found a little “loophole” in our tax return…but at least we didn’t actually embezzle from the company, rob a bank, or kill anybody!

I cannot say often enough that people.are.watching!  When we pick and choose in the “Sin Department”, we are putting ourselves above God and His law…and He is not at all pleased. God knows we are not perfect…but we have to acknowledge this, too – and make every effort to follow His laws to the letter.

We do this to give God honor and glory – and out of great love and humble appreciation.  But there is an added bonus – God rewards and greatly blesses those who obey Him. And I want to be in that number…what about you?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 30, 2017 – Are you getting the whole picture?

Matthew 5:17    
“Don’t misunderstand why I have come—it isn’t to cancel the laws of Moses and the warnings of the prophets. No, I came to fulfill them and to make them all come true.”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

“There’s a new sheriff in town.”  Wiktionary.com defines this phrase as…“A new person has come to power and is going to make changes.”  You and I have most likely either heard this phrase applied in a real-life situation…or we have used it ourselves.  The assumption is that change is on the horizon…and sometimes, we believe these to be a good thing – and other times, we have our doubts.

In many ways, Jesus represented a “reprieve” from the old Jewish laws. His death on the cross for our sins eliminated the need for animal sacrifices as atonement. If we still followed the Old Testament rules to the letter, we would be wearing totally different clothing and eating foods that are nothing like what we presently consume…and that’s the tip of the iceberg. I shared a scripture passage a few days ago where Jesus told us to be less concerned with rituals and “laws” and more attuned to each other and how to love in His name.

But notice that Jesus – the “new sheriff in town”, so to speak – makes it clear that He didn’t come to remove God’s laws to Moses…those we know commonly as “The Ten Commandments”.  Jesus doesn’t say, “Forget everything you read in the Psalms and the books of the major and minor prophets, like Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hosea and Joel.  Instead, Jesus notes that He came to fulfill these laws and make the prophecies come true.

What does this mean for us?  Several years ago, I started a daily Bible study that recommended a reading of scripture from the Old Testament, a passage from the New Testament, and a few verses from the Psalms. In doing this, I gained a clearer understanding of how Jesus changed things. I understood better the old rituals and laws…and how many of them no longer apply because of what happened on the cross.

I also learned that you cannot fully understand the words of the New Testament without those found in the Old Testament.  It’s all about context…and many of the things that Jesus references are detailed in an earlier chapter of the Bible…long before He arrived on the scene!

There are two points here.  First, we should study scripture contextually. We should make sure we are getting the whole picture…and this often means reading the Old Testament in tandem with the New Testament.  Additionally, we must apply this practice to our daily living and remember that in many instances, not all change is good.  Sometimes, a healthy mix of “old and new” is necessary.

Some people bristle at change, while others are rankled by the idea that…”If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”  Many have a problem with the “we’ve always done it this way” philosophy.  But truly, in all things, we must be willing to see every side and keep an open mind.  And nowhere does this apply more than God’s law.

Yes, times are changing…but God’s word is forever.  There are some who want to make scripture fit the current political or cultural climate.  There are others who want to twist the God-ordained words to suit their own agendas.  Don’t fall into these traps.  Study ALL of God’s word, dig deeply to understand what He is saying…and live with confidence that you comprehend His directives as He intended.

There may be a “new sheriff” in town from time to time…but never forget who is truly LORD and KING!  Follow His laws as He intended, and you’ll never get it wrong.

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 29, 2017 – Are you afraid to “get your hair wet” with God?

Matthew 21:16    
The men said to Jesus, “Don’t you hear what those children are saying?”“Yes, I do!” Jesus answered. “Don’t you know that the Scriptures say, ‘Children and infants will sing praises’?”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Last Saturday, I took Zola to the pool to swim.  An older lady got in the water shortly after we arrived, and Zola made a beeline for her.  I called to Zola to come away…but this kid never meets a stranger, and she persisted in swimming right toward her.  The lady even said, “Tell me where you’re going…and I’ll go somewhere else!” Finally, I sternly said, “ZOLA!  That woman doesn’t want you to get her wet or splash her…come HERE!”  The woman vehemently shook her head in agreement with me, and Zola turned around.  You could tell from Zola’s face that this woman’s “attitude” totally bewildered her.  After all, we were SWIMMING…why wouldn’t you want to get wet?!

I learned many years ago that if I am going to swim with children, I’m probably going to be soaking wet from head to toe. There may be times that I try not to get my hair wet – particularly if I have somewhere to be right after the swim.  But for the most part, anything goes at the pool!

The children will say, “Put your face in the water!  Get your hair wet!”  To their credit, they are clueless about appearances (which is why they don’t notice age spots, wrinkles and sags when I’m wearing my bathing suit!).  For them, swimming – and everything that goes with it – is FUN!  They swim with abandonment.  They dive under the water…put on goofy swim masks and goggles…jump, splash and kick without a care in the world…and encourage the same level of activity from everyone else!

I have always taken great delight in children – how they think, what they say, their carefree approach to life.  And in the last several years, I’ve discovered how truly spiritual many of them are…how readily they trust God and accept that Jesus is real – and how they sincerely assume that He will take care of their every need – and that everyone agrees with them!  Quite often, children sing the loudest…praise God the most often…and trust the most completely of any of us.  And I am honored to be in their presence.

To me, this scripture passage is saying, “Take a page from a child’s book.  Quit worrying so much about your appearance and surrender with child-like abandon to Me.  Put your face in the “water”, get your hair wet, and go all IN with God!  Quit taking yourself so seriously and learn to truly LIVE in Me and the abundance that I offer.”

We cannot turn back the clock and truly become a child again…but we can certainly pay attention to how they live and worship – and pattern our relationship with God after theirs.  Hopefully, we have the added benefit of “life experiences” and a little maturity to “round out” our faith and help us speak and act sensibly!  But we must never lose the child-like wonder about God…the innocent and unencumbered trust in Him to meet our needs and guide our steps.

I have to say, it saddens me when I see a “grown-up” who snarls and cowers in the presence of children.  I find it sad to think that these folks have become so inhibited and uptight that they cannot see the delight in complete abandonment to simpler joys.  This often seems to translate into an inability to “let go” and truly praise and worship God…and to surrender completely to His word and will.

Search for your “inner child” today. Spend some time with a little one and ask him/her to explain God to you…and really listen to what is said.  Ask God to show you where you have “grown up” just a little too much – and somehow outgrown Him a bit in the process.  Children and infants seem to have no trouble with worship, trust, and singing praises to God…what about you?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 28, 2017 – Are you way off base?

Mark 12:24-27    
Jesus said, “You’re way off base, and here’s why: One, you don’t know your Bibles; two, you don’t know how God works. After the dead are raised up, we’re past the marriage business. As it is with angels now, all our ecstasies and intimacies then will be with God. And regarding the dead, whether or not they are raised, don’t you ever read the Bible? How God at the bush said to Moses, ‘I am—not was—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? The living God is God of the living, not the dead. You’re way, way off base.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Halloween is upon us.  Two of the cutest little early Trick-or-Treaters just left our house. Some of our other “littles” are attending a community Halloween event in our city park…and a Halloween Carnival Night at the First Baptist Church. Our own church hosted “Family Night” last Wednesday, where we painted, carved and decorated pumpkins…wore costumes..drank hot cocoa and ate popcorn and s’mores…and participated in face painting and a photo booth.

One night last week, a late-night talk show host showed clips of a well-known televangelist declaring Halloween to be the night that we celebrate Satan…and suggesting that people stop participating in this “pagan holiday”.  I think in at least one clip, he cited a scripture or two as justification for his claims.

This devotional is not about Halloween, really…it’s about how we twist and turn scripture to suit our needs.  We make mountains out of mole hills, and we justify this with a Bible verse.  We misrepresent what the God’s word really says by taking things out of context, and we waste precious time worrying about things like whose husband or wife we will be in heaven!  And Jesus clearly tells us in this passage from Mark 12 to STOP.IT!!

I looked at several translations of this passage, and all described Jesus asking something to the effect of…”Why can’t you get this right?”  In this particular translation from The Message, He asks…”don’t you ever read the Bible?”  My question to all of us is, “If/when we read the Bible…how do we read?”  Are we reading scriptures with a preconceived notion of what we want God to tell us?  Are we reading so hurriedly that we don’t even stop to think about what the verses say?

Are we using the Bible as a means to validate our own thoughts? You can find a scripture passage in the Bible to support just about any opinion you might conjure up…but that doesn’t mean that this is what God intended. I will admit that I don’t always like what God is telling me in His word…but it is not for me to decide what He meant. This is where faithful obedience comes into play!

So I guess what I am saying for now is, let the children have their Halloween fun and quit trying to make them into evil devil-worshippers because they participate.  Take a long hard look at scripture and prayerfully ask God to show you what He wants you to get from it…and quit twisting His words to suit your own agenda. Really read and study the scriptures to understand the full context of what is being said.

Consider the time frame…historical context…and cultural customs at the time the words were first written. The parables of Jesus are an excellent example that not everything in God’s word is literal.  Understanding how God works will take some effort on our part…and an open heart and mind.  But this will be the most important work we ever do…and it is critical to serving God according to His will – and not our own.

Are you ready to get to know the Bible…or are you content to have things your way and operate “way off base”?  The choice is ours to make…what will you decide?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 27, 2017 – From trash to treasure…honoring the Cornerstone…

Mark 12:10
“Don’t you remember reading this verse in the Scriptures? ‘The Rock the builders threw away became the cornerstone, the most honored stone in the building!’”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Several years ago, I went to an estate auction in our community at the home of my mother’s first grade teacher, Dorothy Lansford. Mrs. Lansford had been a “fixture” in our community during my mother’s childhood and adolescence.  Her husband was the Baptist preacher, and she taught countless local residents as they progressed through elementary school. Many decades later, I knew Dorothy as a fellow member of the Extension Homemakers Club chapter to which I belonged. She was in her late eighties by now, but we held our meeting at her home more than once – and she was a gracious hostess.

As I perused the items for sale from Dorothy’s estate, I noticed a battered old Army trunk on the sidewalk by the garage. “How much for the trunk?” I asked the person in charge. “Oh, you don’t want THAT!” she said. “It’s just junk we were going to set out for the trash.” I really didn’t want the trunk…but inside it was a battered “diorama” of a plaster nativity set…and I collect nativities. I cannot recall if I kept the trunk itself…but I bought the contents for one dollar…and I rescued the nativity set!

Let’s be clear, this set is nothing all that fantastic. In fact, I had to remove the cardboard “manger” and separate the pieces…gently peeling off the rotten paper and doing as much as I could to keep the figures intact. But each Christmas, this set has a place of prominence on my piano amongst other nativity sets – many of which were “rescued” from estate auctions and sales. These tell a story to me.  These figures not only represent the lives of those who once owned them…but they tell me that these people found significance in displaying a nativity scene or a Madonna figurine.

I know I speak against “idol worship”…but for me, this is different. These figures represent someone who loved the story of Christ’s birth and the faith of the Virgin Mary enough to include a depiction in their holiday décor. I am reminded of the common thread of Christian faith that I share with generations who have preceded me.  And now, my mother’s treasured Nativity set has a place in our holiday décor…alongside the set from her first grade teacher.  Do you see the continuum?

You are probably wondering, “What on earth does this have to do with the “cornerstone” that Jesus referenced from the Psalms?  If you read the story in Mark 12 that leads to this verse, you will see that Jesus is reminding us that what was deemed as “worthless” and possibly destined for the junk heap, God can turn around and use for His glory.

Many discounted Jesus…disparaged Him and abused Him.  They tried to physically destroy Him…to rid the world of this “rabble-rouser” and live as they pleased.  And God resurrected Jesus and made Him the “cornerstone” of our faith.  He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament and delivered redemption to each of us through the blood of His Only Son. Many saw the crucifixion and mangled body of Jesus as a tragic end…the “battered nativity set in the Army trunk”…but God transformed Him into the most lovely Creation ever…our living Savior and Redeemer!

Maybe you feel a little like the worn-out and shabby nativity.  Perhaps you feel a little worthless and insignificant and have decided that God is done with you…that you have no place on the “continuum” of His Kingdom’s work.  Nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus is the “Cornerstone”…but we are part of the “building”!  God has a purpose and a plan for each of us…and we’ve wasted enough time wallowing in self-pity.

It’s time to figure out where we fit…and get busy serving as He directs and desires.  It’s time to remove the “rotten cardboard” and “paper bits” stuck to us, clean up what’s left, and find our place among the other faith-filled Disciples who are doing Kingdom work. And we need to begin today.  Are you ready?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 26, 2017 – Following the “rules”…

Luke 6:1-5
One Sabbath as Jesus and his disciples were walking through some grainfields, they were breaking off the heads of wheat, rubbing off the husks in their hands and eating the grains.

But some Pharisees said, “That’s illegal! Your disciples are harvesting grain, and it’s against the Jewish law to work on the Sabbath.”

Jesus replied, “Don’t you read the Scriptures? Haven’t you ever read what King David did when he and his men were hungry?  He went into the Temple and took the shewbread, the special bread that was placed before the Lord, and ate it—illegal as this was—and shared it with others.” And Jesus added, “I am master even of the Sabbath.”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

“We’ve always done it this way.”
“Everyone else is doing it!”
“I want to fit in!”
“People won’t like me if I don’t go along!”
“I just want to go with the flow.”

We have dozens of reasons for justifying our words and actions…even as Christians.  I grew up in a church where only members were “allowed” to participate in Holy Communion at worship services.  I am fairly sure this “rule” has changed now…but I remember one Christmas Eve when I returned as an adult who belonged to another denomination, and I felt uncomfortable – and just a bit unwelcome – as the “plate and cup” were passed. We were all members of the body of Christ…yet I knew in my heart that I was not supposed to partake in this ritual that signified our unity – even as I sat alongside my family members!

“Well, *I* would never do that!” you may say.  “Really?”  When was the last time you walked away – or spoke up – as someone made a racial slur?  How often do you look the other way when someone speaks or acts in a manner that you know is morally and ethically wrong?  How many of us have adopted the attitude that “boys will be boys” or “women can be catty sometimes”?  Who among us says, “I don’t care what he/she says or does as long as the job gets done.”? These are all instances where we “go along with the rules” in order to feel accepted or “keep the peace”.

The Pharisees were aghast that Jesus’ disciples were harvesting grain on the Sabbath. And Jesus cited scripture where King David and his men satisfied their hunger with “holy” bread meant only as an offering to God. Jesus wasn’t saying that…“Rules are meant to be broken.”  He was pointing out that He alone decides what is right and true…and we Believers are expected to be listening and paying attention!

What I am trying to say is that we need to quit worrying so much about what others think…or how things have always been done. We need to stop following the crowd and looking the other way so that nobody gets upset. People get hurt in the process…and more importantly, God’s Kingdom is affected when we are disobedient and ignore the voice of our Master. And ultimately, we will have to answer to Him for our decisions and actions – or lack thereof!

It all boils down to who we want to follow.  We can stand on the fringes and “run under the radar”, so to speak. We can do all that we believe is necessary to fit in and follow” the law of the land” – and the humans who created it.  Or we can prayerfully ask God to show us what He wants us to do and say…and follow through with this!  We can stand up for Jesus…because He more than stood up for us on the cross!

We can “eat” when we are “hungry”…and worship Him whenever and wherever we are.  We can demonstrate grace, mercy, forgiveness, love, kindness, patience, understanding, and compassion…and we can always, ALWAYS exercise moral clarity and decency – even in our language. We can show others that followers of Jesus bow to His leadership – and no one else’s.

Let’s search our hearts and see where we have been “following the crowd” and doing things the way they have always been done…and ignored Jesus in the process.  Make this the day that you begin to truly listen to His Holy Spirit, follow His lead…and trust Him to make the difference in the outcome.  “To God be the glory…great things He has done!”*

©2017 Debbie Robus

*To God Be The Glory – ©1870 Fanny Crosby ~ https://www.umcdiscipleship.org/resources/history-of-hymns-to-god-be-the-glory

Daily Devotional for October 25, 2017 – How balanced is your “diet”?

Luke 4:4  
But Jesus replied, “It is written in the Scriptures, ‘Other things in life are much more important than bread!’”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Kids are quite often picky eaters…and ours are no exception.  Nathan said, “I’ll eat fruits and vegetables when I’m five.”  When his 5th birthday came and went, he noted…”I changed my mind.”  At our house, Nathan would eat scrambled eggs and bacon for virtually every meal – especially if he could have ice cream for dessert! Timmy always wants a cheese sandwich with mayonnaise – “no crust” on the bread. I lose count of how many sandwiches he eats when he is at our house!  Zola is the best eater of all…but she can consume her weight in cherry tomatoes!

I don’t stress about this, because I know that the children eat well at home. Their mother prepares balanced, healthy meals – and they eat them. They understand that they cannot live forever on cheese sandwiches, bacon and eggs, and cherry tomatoes – or even ice cream!

When Timmy started kindergarten, the other children laughed at him because he brought vegetables in his lunch box.  Every day, his mother includes a fruit and a small cup of some vegetable…green beans, carrots, whole kernel corn and more. Timmy eats every bite. But the other children made fun of him at first, and he was upset. His dad told him, “When those kids go to high school, and they are not as big and strong as you…they will wish they had eaten vegetables!”  That was all it took…Timmy eats all of his lunch every day like a champ!

You and I often get “tunnel vision”…we focus on one thing, and before you know it, we’ve “eaten nothing but cheese sandwiches” for days or weeks on end.  We have not had a balanced “diet” of God’s word, time spent in prayer and listening for His voice, and interaction with other faith-filled believers. We’ve spent too much time focusing on negativity…we’ve turned our back on God and decided to have things our own way.

Some of us have filled our hearts and minds with unlovely thoughts – or bought into untruths…and we have binged on things that are not from God. We “gorge” on all sorts of things…work, a hobby, television, video games, the computer, a specific person or circle of friends, politics, and yes – even church or community “busywork”.  Quite often, we can’t even explain why we do what we do…or where our time goes…much less recognize that our priorities are out of balance.

Search your heart today and spend some time talking to God.  Ask Him to show you where you have gotten out of sync and made your particular “bread” or favorite “food” your number one priority and focus.  Ask Him to help you develop more balance in your life…to seek the “fruits and vegetables” of a life in Christ that complete the “meal” of true discipleship.  Quit worrying so much about what the world thinks…and focus on daily living that pleases God.

Have an occasional day of “bacon and eggs and ice cream”…but do not let this become the norm. Other things are more important in life than bread…is your Christian “diet” well-balanced?  Don’t you think it should be?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 24, 2017 – God’s truths…are you standing or falling?

October 24 ~ John 17:17
Your word is the truth. So let this truth make them completely yours.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A little boy ended a lengthy prayer that had included everyone he could think of by saying: “And dear God, take care of Yourself.  If anything happens to You, we’re all sunk.”  I don’t know the author of this “quip”, but it was the “quote-of-the day” on my desktop flip calendar this morning. It couldn’t be a better fit for today’s scripture passage.

Without God, we truly are “all sunk.”  And for some of us, we’re presently drowning – slowly but surely.  We’ve become complicit in the sharing of untruths.  We’ve looked the other way as many among us speak and act sinfully.  We’ve pretended that certain things are not happening – and made excuses for others.  We have justified situations and circumstances that have no place in the life of a Christian…and in some cases, we’ve actually tried to “cover” for those who behave badly.

We know better…don’t we?  Haven’t we read the Bible?  Haven’t we heard God speak to our heart through His Holy Spirit?  Don’t we all get an uncomfortable sensation that indicates when something is “off”…and aren’t we obligated to investigate and see where we need to make adjustments?

I’ll be honest. I believe that in many ways, “the wheels are coming off the bus” in our world. The only One who can fix this is God Almighty…and He is trying at every turn to show us how to be His agents of change. Are we listening?  Are we paying attention and operating in truth…even when it’s downright dangerous?

Are we so afraid that others will lambast us publicly or on social media that we look the other way or downplay untruths?  Are we so weak in our faith that God will sustain us that we follow the crowd and go along with things we know aren’t right? Have we wandered so far away from God’s truths that we actually have convinced ourselves that a lot of things being said and done really aren’t that bad?

In 1926, a Methodist church newspaper ad in Iowa contained this thought [paraphrased]…”It is easier to fall for anything than to stand for something.” Later versions of this phrase turned it to say, “You have to stand for something…or you’ll fall for anything.” Regardless of how we say it…we know God’s truths, and if we don’t stand for them – and demonstrate the Christian discipleship to which we have been called – we will fall for anything and everything.

Some of us are already “there”…and many of the rest are headed in the same direction. But we can change course.  We can reacquaint ourselves with God’s word, spend some time in sincere and earnest prayer…then speak and operate in God’s truths.  We can trust that the Holy Spirit will guide us – and God will protect steninlie…and I am just not willing to accept this.  This is not what I’m teaching our children…and it’s not what my relationship with God tells me was His intention.

God’s word IS truth…and I am working hard to “jump ship” and trust Him in everything I say, do and think.  What about you?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 23, 2017 – It’s time to do better!

John 16:8
“And when he has come he will convince the world of its sin, and of the availability of God’s goodness, and of deliverance from judgment.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.</span

The late Maya Angelou said, “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” There was a time when you and I did what we knew how to do. Some of us skirted through life fairly unscathed…others made a pretty big mess of things.  In all cases where we invited the Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts, we’ve been given the opportunity to do much better.

With the Holy Spirit guiding our words and actions, we “know better”…or we should.  Through the Holy Spirit, God whispers to us every day about everything from our attitude…to how we react and respond to others…to major decisions that we may encounter.  The Holy Spirit is that “voice of reason” that speaks to you when you are tempted by the world of sin…and the One who gives you a sense of confidence and joy when you make the right choices.

One day when Timmy wanted to do something he knew was not a good idea, he told his Uncle Greg, “Don’t say to trust in God. The LORD doesn’t ‘fix everything’.”  He knew better as he said it…and we should know better, too. The LORD can – and will – “fix everything”, and His Holy Spirit will guide us and give us wisdom, direction, self-control…and peace of mind.  But we have to move over and let Him “drive the car”, so to speak!

Operating under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit is really not that hard.  It requires a shift of attitude on our part…and a surrender of our will and the idea that we know how to do everything on our own. We know better…now it’s time to do better – and to allow the Holy Spirit to show us how this is done.  Are you ready to “let Him drive”?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 22, 2017 – Rough times ahead…are you ready?

John 16:1-4
“I’ve told you these things to prepare you for rough times ahead. They are going to throw you out of the meeting places. There will even come a time when anyone who kills you will think he’s doing God a favor. They will do these things because they never really understood the Father. I’ve told you these things so that when the time comes and they start in on you, you’ll be well-warned and ready for them.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Today, the Sunday school lesson was about Job and all that he endured – and how he never spoke out against God. Job lost everything…including his children, the loyalty of his wife, his friends, and his health.  Job’s friends who came to visit him strongly suggested that he blame God…that he say, “God did this to me…all of it is His fault!”  Job refused…and the friends all disappeared.

We emphasized to the children that “bad things” happen to all of us.  We get sick…we suffer losses…and sometimes, people criticize or want nothing to do with us because we continue to trust God, no matter what happens. We talked about how God restored everything that Job lost…and then some.  We talked about how God blessed Job because of his faithfulness and integrity.  And we talked about how to “put on the full armor of God” to fight the devil and resist HIS efforts to convince us that God is to blame whenever things go wrong.

This passage in John 16 reminds us that there may be people who hurt us in some way because of our Christian faith.  We may lose friends, contact with family members, or even a relationship with a spouse because of our obedience to God and our refusal to blame Him when things don’t go as we hoped. Our faith may make us unpopular with co-workers and bosses…neighbors…and even certain social circles.  We may be labeled as “weak” or called names, like “goody-two-shoes”, “weirdo” or “Jesus freak”.

We are reminded that God understands these things will happen…and He wants us to continue to trust Him when they do. Just as God blessed Job for HIS faithfulness, He will bless us when we remain steady and continue to trust Him for all things.

We are trying to prepare even our youngest children to be ready when challenges come…to trust God when bad things happen…and to continue to believe that He loves us and will take care of us in all circumstances. For those of us who didn’t get this lesson quite so early, the “learning curve” may be a bit steeper, but we can still cultivate a faith and trust that sustains us…and demonstrates to God that we believe His promises.

John 16 serves as a warning that Christian faith and discipleship ain’t for sissies!  There will be bumps in the road…and some of them may seem more like boulders!  But God is always there…always in control…and always ready, willing and able to sustain us.  Are we “armored up” and ready for the battle?  Are we trusting God in all things and never blaming Him?  Isn’t it time we were?

©2017 Debbie Robus