Daily Devotional for August 31, 2020 – Touching the “hem of the garment”…and really hearing what Jesus has to say

Luke 6:17-19
Jesus and his apostles went down from the mountain and came to some flat, level ground. Many other disciples were there to meet him. Large crowds of people from all over Judea, Jerusalem, and the coastal cities of Tyre and Sidon were there too. These people had come to listen to Jesus and to be healed of their diseases. All who were troubled by evil spirits were also healed. Everyone was trying to touch Jesus, because power was going out from him and healing them all.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

There has been a lot of talk lately about how we should get back to work, reopen schools, go back to church, and “resume our lives”. More than a few have suggested that true Christians would demonstrate their faith by renouncing fear and trusting God to protect them as they return to “normal” activities. While I do not mean to judge anyone who has returned to work/school/church or elsewhere, I also do not believe that these actions make any of these folks a more faithful Christian.

I don’t believe that sitting on a pew in a building alongside fellow believers (masked and at a six-foot or better distance) demonstrates a stronger level of Christian faith than that of the believer who worships at home. I don’t believe that wearing a mask when I am around people outside of my home circle makes me less faithful…or that isolating from others to protect myself and my family in a pandemic makes me a “fraidy cat” who doesn’t trust God to protect me.

For me, it comes down to “the hem of the garment”. I am deeply moved by the image of people touching the hem of Jesus’ clothes as He passed by…and being instantly healed and well. It resonates with me to read of the power flowing from Jesus to these people…to consider how His energy was transferred into them. If a touch of Jesus’ robe can produce such profound results, surely a prayerful conversation with Him can fill us with His power and energy. As we read God’s word and receive Jesus’ guidance and commands, we can receive His healing, forgiveness, and strength. When I “touch the hem of the garment”, Jesus fills me with courage and directs me to expert wisdom and guidance as I make decisions about my daily living.

Some will say, “But aren’t we ‘touching the hem of Jesus’ garment” when we return to our lives and operate without fear or concern?” I would ask, “Do you take medicine when you are sick? Do you seek shelter when a tornado warning is issued? Do you put on a seatbelt when you get in a car – or encourage your children to wear helmets when they ride a bicycle, scooter or skateboard? Do you wear a lifejacket when boating in deep water? Would you put on a respirator if someone told you that there was a potential to come in contact with asbestos or noxious fumes?” I believe that as we faithfully “touch the garment of Jesus” and trust Him to care for us, we are called to be responsible…to listen to the experts that God places in our path and to heed the warnings and guidance that He provides to us through their wisdom and expertise.

My message for you today is that Jesus’ power is beyond what we can comprehend…and it is real. Reach out and “touch the hem of His garment”, wherever you are. Whisper the name of Jesus, and He will be instantly beside you. Read your Bible and seek God’s will for you in this moment – and in our present circumstances. Listen to the experts and hear what God is telling you through them. Recognize that Jesus is “traveling through the crowd” and healing those who reach out to Him and truly listen to His message and the agents who deliver it – and you have access to His “garment” as surely as anyone.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 30, 2020 – Recognizing Jesus – and following His lead

Luke 4:16-20
Jesus went back to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and as usual he went to the meeting place on the Sabbath. When he stood up to read from the Scriptures, he was given the book of Isaiah the prophet. He opened it and read,

“The Lord’s Spirit
has come to me,
because he has chosen me
to tell the good news
to the poor.
The Lord has sent me
to announce freedom
for prisoners,
to give sight to the blind,
to free everyone
who suffers,
and to say, ‘This is the year
the Lord has chosen.’”

Jesus closed the book, then handed it back to the man in charge and sat down. Everyone in the meeting place looked straight at Jesus.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Sometimes, people do not pay attention to what is right in front of them. We certainly do not learn from history, or we would be heeding the warnings about COVID-19. We would understand that treating fellow human beings as “less than” didn’t work in the past – and it doesn’t work now. We would listen to those who tell us to be careful about what we read and hear – and take a good hard look at who is trying to persuade us. We would spend more time asking God what He wants us to do and less listening to the opinions of mere mortals.

Isaiah foretold of Jesus’ coming…of His power to heal and free the afflicted from illness, burdens, and suffering of all kinds. Yet when Jesus first returned to Nazareth, the people looked at Him like He was from Mars. Who was this “local yokel” claiming to be an authority – on anything? What did the son of a carpenter know about God’s business?

Many still didn’t believe Jesus at first…if you read further in Luke 4, you will discover that some were so un-convinced that they actually tried to throw Him off a cliff. They essentially told Jesus, “If you’re really the Son of God, prove it! Heal some folks, show us some miracles!” And Jesus refused to “put on a show” to prove His sovereignty.

There are a couple of lessons for us in Luke 4. First, Jesus is not a magician who is at our beck and call. We cannot demand that He heal us or make us all get along with each other. We cannot expect Him to comply, just so that we will believe He is the “real deal”. We are a people of faith, and as such, we are to trust in Jesus simply on the merits of God’s word that He truly was sent to save us. God spoke through Isaiah to prophesy that Christ was coming to heal and rescue us. God shows us throughout the Bible how to live and serve with faithful obedience. Whenever we have a question or a doubt, all we have to do is turn to scripture and prayer…and God will set us on the right path.

The other lesson is that we need to return to Jesus and let Him guide our steps. We need to quit listening to human beings who have their own personal agendas and egos to feed…even those who claim to be doing the will of God. We’ve seen this fall apart too many times…and yet we keep making the same mistakes. Let this be the day that you change for good…that you turn to GOD for your answers and leadership – and trust what He tells you.

While God has the power to simply breathe and change the world, He may not instantly heal you or cure COVID-19. God is not likely to immediately bring every human being together in perfect harmony, or repair and restore our planet in an instant. God may show you how to do your part to bring about these changes. He may guide you to wear a mask and stay socially distanced…or to rethink how you feel about certain groups of people. God may lead you to start paying more attention to how you treat your environment – or even to recycle and conserve wherever possible.

If every person paid attention to what God is telling him/her, things would change. People would be healed of sickness and suffering, and “miracles” would happen on all fronts. We don’t need signs and wonders – or a “circus act” to show us Who God is. We have Jesus…and the Holy Spirit! We have God’s word…and immediate access to Him anytime, anywhere via prayer and meditation.

Look around and ask yourself, “Who am I following?” Make this the day that you turn to God and ask Him to guide your steps and your thinking…and to show you how to truly serve His Kingdom and bring honor and glory to His name. Look straight at Jesus, and humbly follow Him – and watch what He does with our faithful obedience.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 29, 2020 – Hearing from ‘The God Who Sees Me”…and trusting Him for perfect healing

Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God
wins victory after victory
and is always with you.
He celebrates and sings
because of you,
and he will refresh your life
with his love.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I’m not gonna lie…the last couple of days have been hard for me. I am truly frustrated by the hatred, divisiveness, and selfishness of many Americans. I’m absolutely heartbroken – and yes, disgusted – by those who have spoken hatefully…thumbed their noses at COVID19 guidelines…and condoned violence and discrimination of certain people and groups. And SOME of these folks have the nerve to claim to be Christian believers, even as they do these things!

People who say they know and love Jesus are openly praising those who lie, hate, and deceive. They are championing “values” that have nothing to do with grace, mercy, compassion, inclusion – or love. Many have chosen to move on with their lives as if the pandemic has ended, with little to no regard for the very lives of those in their midst. I marvel at the beauty and splendor of the area in which we live – the clean air we breathe and the abundance we enjoy – and I wonder how much longer it will exist, as people squander our precious natural resources and abuse our planet.

I turned to my copy of Jesus Calling* in hopes of finding words of consolation and encouragement. The entry for August 28th suggested I sit quietly with Jesus for a while and wait on Him to work. I was reminded that my faithful actions and demonstration of patience will dismantle “principalities and powers of darkness”. I skipped ahead to the entry for August 30th and found Zephaniah 3:17, and the accompanying story of Hagar found in Genesis 16:7-14. Hagar felt completely rejected and abandoned after Sarai abused and disowned her. She fled to the desert…and there, she was met by “The God Who Sees Me”. Hagar was strengthened and encouraged by God’s message, and she returned to Sarai and Abram and gave birth to Abram’s son, Ishmael.


I’ve had trouble writing this devotional today…the words that express what I am really feeling didn’t seem adequate or appropriate. I stepped into the living room and looked out the window at a basket of tiny red flowers, gleaming in the bright sunshine. The brilliant color of these blooms reminded me how much God cares about every blossom. He put them there to feed the hummingbirds that visit daily and to serve as a reminder of the beauty and splendor He provides for each of us. He protected them through the remnants of Hurricane Laura that battered our neighborhood two evenings ago. Surely, if God cares so much for this basket of flowers, He is still caring for you and me.

I don’t know what lies ahead. I have no idea how many more will be struck by this deadly virus, what will happen to our country, or whether our planet will be able to repair itself. I am not in control of these things – not in the least. But I know Who is…and I am claiming victory after victory in Him. I am trusting that Jesus will refresh me with His love and fill me with hope and courage for the days to come. “The God Who Sees Me” is still celebrating and singing…and so will I.

©2020 Debbie Robus

*Jesus Calling ~ http://jesuscalling.com

Daily Devotional for August 28, 2020 – Finding joy, healing and hope…lessons from an oak leaf

118473429_372075580850699_4946713705700681270_nLuke 13:10-13
He was teaching in one of the meeting places on the Sabbath. There was a woman present, so twisted and bent over with arthritis that she couldn’t even look up. She had been afflicted with this for eighteen years. When Jesus saw her, he called her over. “Woman, you’re free!” He laid hands on her and suddenly she was standing straight and tall, giving glory to God.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Last night, remnants of Hurricane Laura came through our state and wreaked havoc…from flooding and power outages to wind damage to some weak-yet-damaging tornadoes. At the height of the storm in our area, a neighbor clocked winds in excess of 31 mph – and we had sustained winds of about 20 mph for several hours. The winds did their best to strip the trees around our neighborhood of their leaves, twigs and branches. The yards and streets are a mess…and I know this is not an isolated event.

I opened the shades this morning and discovered a lone oak leaf pressed against the glass of our living room window. I studied the leaf and even took a couple of photos. I noted that while the leaf appeared at first glance to be intact, several of the lobes were tattered and a bit frayed. In the interior of the leaf, there were some holes and evidence of a rough life. It struck me that God knew about this leaf. He knew the whole story of how it came to be on a specific tree. He designed it to collectively provide shade and cool breezes. God knew exactly when this leaf would be blown off the tree and pressed against our window. And the God who knows all these things can do absolutely anything!

As if a deadly worldwide pandemic were not enough to test us, we Americans have had to deal with civil unrest, catastrophic wildfires, and a devastating hurricane, not to mention the everyday challenges of life. We read in Luke 13 that Jesus healed a woman who had been bent with crippling arthritis for EIGHTEEN years. And in one instant – with a single touch – He healed her. I don’t know why she had to suffer so long – or what her complete story was. But Jesus did…and in His perfect timing, He mended her.

We are like the leaf on my window…tattered and frayed by “life”. Some of us even have a few holes. Many of us feel tossed wildly by the “winds” of today’s trials and tribulations. And we are wondering how long we have to wait for our own “healing” and restoration. My short answer is, “I don’t know.” I am certain that God has not abandoned us…that He still has us on His mind and in His heart, just as surely as He knows the “story” of every single leaf. I fully believe that God is with us…that His “healing hands” are indeed laid upon us – even when we may not be able to feel them.

There are brief glimmers of sunshine this morning. The storm has moved on, and people are beginning to step outside and pick up the debris. We will come back from this storm – and the other struggles that befall us. We will finish strong, like the leaf on my window…scarred and maybe a little tattered from the journey, but nonetheless beautiful and precious to God – and He will make us whole.

I keep thinking of the “joy comes in the morning” scripture from Psalms 30:5 that my mother loved – and the beautiful hymn, “It is Well With My Soul.” Because of Jesus, both of these promises are true and sure – or they can be. Call on Jesus to touch you…to “heal” you and fill you with hope and courage. Give God the glory for all that He does every day to care for you – both the seen and unseen things – and know that the God who cares so deeply about a small oak leaf surely cares for us, as well. Be well and keep the faith…find joy in the dawn of a new day – and give God the glory. Hallelujah, and AMEN!

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 27, 2020 – Recognizing God’s authority and presence – and finding our “morning joy”

Luke 10:18-20
Jesus said, “I know. I saw Satan fall, a bolt of lightning out of the sky. See what I’ve given you? Safe passage as you walk on snakes and scorpions, and protection from every assault of the Enemy. No one can put a hand on you. All the same, the great triumph is not in your authority over evil, but in God’s authority over you and presence with you. Not what you do for God but what God does for you—that’s the agenda for rejoicing.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

This morning, Greg and the cat awoke earlier than I did. As I drank my first cup of coffee, he brought me up to speed on “what’s happening” in the world. Talk about snakes, scorpions, and assaults from the Enemy! WOW! It was enough to make me want to go back to bed and pull up the covers! I bet you’ve felt the same way on more than one occasion.

The GOOD NEWS is that even as the world seems to crumble around us and fall into Satan’s lap, we are “safe”. I don’t mean to imply that nothing “bad” will happen to us. Just this day, people will die from COVID-19, the ravages of Hurricane Laura or the California wildfires – and maybe even racial and social unrest. There will be heartaches, burdens, unexpected emergencies, and more. And many will be tempted to throw up their hands and say, “I can’t take any more of this!” – or to run hide under the bed covers.

The most profound part of these three verses from Luke 10 is the last few sentences. No one can put a hand on you…the great triumph is not in your authority over evil – but in God’s authority over you. Another translation says that we should be happy that our names are written in heaven. And truthfully, this is the great news…the comfort and promise of Eternal Life at the feet of Jesus. In the end, those of us who love and trust Christ are the “winners”!

One of my mother’s favorite scripture verses was Psalm 30:5, which says (paraphrased)…”Weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” You and I may temporarily get dragged down by the events of this world…but let’s find our “morning joy”. Let’s cling to the promise that we are ultimately safe in the arms of Jesus…that Eternal Life in the complete joy and peace of Heaven awaits us when this earthly life is finished. Let’s resist the urge to get back into bed and pull up the covers, because that is exactly what the devil wants us to do.

Focus on God…call on the name of Jesus when you start to feel the “snakes and scorpions” creeping near. Remember Whose you are – and where you are headed. When we focus on Christ – and our ultimate destination – our joy returns. And we are fully equipped to handle all assaults. Are you ready to get going?

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 26, 2020 – How well and whole are you?

John 14:25-27
“I’m telling you these things while I’m still living with you. The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request, will make everything plain to you. He will remind you of all the things I have told you. I’m leaving you well and whole. That’s my parting gift to you. Peace. I don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left—feeling abandoned, bereft. So don’t be upset. Don’t be distraught.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

When I was in the eighth grade, my civics teacher declared one day that the thing for which she was most thankful was her health…”Because when you have your health, you have everything.” I have never forgotten this. And as the years have come and gone – and “life” has happened – I’ve come to fully understand how profound this statement was.

When we have our health, so many other things handle themselves. When we have physical health, we are able to take care of ourselves…we have the capacity to work and provide food, clothing and shelter – individually, and for those in our family. When we are physically healthy, we can fully enjoy the abundance of the world around us. I thank God for my physical health and well-being – and I never take it for granted.

There is a critical component to overall good health that often goes overlooked – the wholeness, wellness and peace that the Holy Spirit provides. Without this spiritual wellness, our “health” is incomplete. Jesus’ gift of the Holy Spirit’s presence – and the guidance and care that He provides – is priceless. When we are spiritually well and whole, we can tackle anything the devil throws at us. We can face physical illness and injury, economic difficulties, conflicts with others, and the calamities and unrest of the world at large. When we are well in both body and spirit, we truly do have everything.

I will be the first to say that I am absolutely disgusted and disheartened by many things that are happening in our world. But these will not define or defeat me. I cling to the peace of the Holy Spirit. I trust God’s promises that no weapon formed against me will prosper – and that I am redeemed and restored by the stripes and blood of Jesus Christ. I wholeheartedly believe that Jesus left us well and whole – and capable of complete peace in the midst of struggle, because the Holy Spirit was sent to comfort us.

I may get momentarily down or disheartened…frustrated…even angry over certain situations. But the devil cannot steal my peace. I won’t let him. I will call on the Holy Spirit to strengthen me – to fill me with wisdom, courage and comfort. I will seek scriptures that fortify my resolve and offer me guidance and assurance. And I will talk to my Comforter – and directly to God Almighty – and ask them to be fully present with me in all things, and at all times.

Now more than ever, we need the peace of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. We need to be well and whole – and in lock step with His guidance. My teacher was right – when you have your health, you have everything. How well and whole are you these days? Isn’t it time to call on the Holy Spirit – and recognize His presence in your daily living? Don’t you want to experience His incomparable peace? This is a great time to start the healing process. Don’t be distraught! Invite God’s Comforter to fill your heart and mind with complete peace and wholeness…and truly be well and whole!

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 25, 2020 – Are you choosing the right Gate?

John 10:6-10
Jesus told this simple story, but they had no idea what he was talking about. So he tried again. “I’ll be explicit, then. I am the Gate for the sheep. All those others are up to no good—sheep stealers, every one of them. But the sheep didn’t listen to them. I am the Gate. Anyone who goes through me will be cared for—will freely go in and out, and find pasture. A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

You cannot turn on the television – or scroll through social media – without seeing and hearing information about the latest, greatest “cure”, gizmo, get-rich-quick scheme, or promise of something we know we cannot live without! From celebrities who try to convince us that this drug or that investment scheme – or a certain politician – is the answer to all of our troubles or aspirations, to that “good friend” who assures you that this pill or program is the solution for weight-loss, lack of energy, or whatever ails you, we are looking for the “Calgon®” that will “take us away” and make life amazing!

Jesus is telling us that there are plenty of “shepherds” or “gates” leading us into their fold. He is warning us that they do not always have our best interest at heart. Even when the intentions seem pure, the information may not be right for us. The weight-loss program that is perfect for your friend may not be suitable for you, given your medical history and/or conditions. The financial investment or “new business opportunity” that is ideal and profitable for one person may be totally wrong for another. Often, these “advisors” lack the depth of knowledge and wisdom to truly understand what is in our best interests.

No one knows us – or cares for us – like Jesus. He is the “gate” we want to enter. His wisdom and guidance are pure and right – and perfect for us. He will deliver us to safe pastures, abundant blessings and good “health” in every way. From the time we are born, we are presented with “gates” that lead to all manner of choices and opportunities. It is up to us to choose wisely which ones to enter.

Jesus will show us which choices are right for us…and which “gates” are nothing more than openings for “sheep stealers”. It is important that we know the difference! Choose Jesus first, and He will direct our steps and choices moving forward.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 24, 2020 -Through hurting and healing, God is always the best “parent”.

Job 5:17-19
“So, what a blessing when God steps in and corrects you!
Mind you, don’t despise the discipline of Almighty God!
True, he wounds, but he also dresses the wound;
the same hand that hurts you, heals you.
From one disaster after another he delivers you;
no matter what the calamity, the evil can’t touch you—<

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

When our niece, Jasmine, was a toddler, we cautioned her constantly to “leave the kitties alone.” We had two cats, and she was enamored with them. One day, she came out of our home office in tears. “Kitty scratched me,” she said. Sure enough, our big cat, Grady (who was generally a big baby himself), was curled up in my office chair. Jasmine toddled over to him at eye level and probably startled him…and he swatted her with his paw. She had a little scratch across her upper lip.

Of course, I felt terrible about the scratch. But I also knew that she had to learn to leave our cat alone. I don’t think she ever bothered the cats again, and the lip healed. We probably put some ointment on the scratch for good measure.

I will admit that I am more than a bit of a “helicopter” when it comes to my kiddos. I “hover” and overprotect. It hurts me when one of our kids gets hurt. I know that children must learn – and part of learning sometimes involves some hopefully minor wounds – physically, mentally and emotionally. Just this morning I heard a television anchor talking about how her son did not practice for his piano recital…and he absolutely bombed the performance. She said the boy was terribly embarrassed…but her husband refused to coddle him over it. The child went home and practiced until he got the piece right – and he recently did a “Zoom” performance for family and friends, where he played flawlessly.

God is the best “parent” of all. He loves us more than we can ever imagine – and He knows just how much to “hover”. Sometimes, God allows us to hurt a little. I love how this passage from Job reminds us in no uncertain terms that God also heals us. God allows wounds – then dresses them. He waves His hand and allows injuries and illnesses…and then He heals them. God rescues us over and again from disasters large and small as He shields us from evil. And before you remind me that evil things do happen to people – even those who have surrendered their hearts to God – let me remind you that healing sometimes comes in Heaven. Ultimately, God always delivers His children and heals them.

You and I will have heartache and injuries in this world. We will experience physical, mental and emotional suffering – and sometimes, we may even wonder where God is and why He isn’t helping us. Job reminds us that God is always near…that we learn from these experiences. Maybe we learn to be more careful…or we learn to be more empathetic toward others in the same predicaments. Maybe we learn to be more attentive…and maybe we learn to depend on God more deeply and completely.

God never wastes an opportunity. He loves us so deeply and truly has our best interests at heart – even when the kitty scratches us or we flub our piano recital. Lets learn to trust God in all things…to endeavor to obey Him and serve Him at every turn – and to continue to give Him our all on the days when things are not exactly going so well. Picture God’s healing hands reaching out to grasp you and hold you close to His chest as He nurtures you…teaches you…and blesses you. Give God your complete faith and hope – and praise Him for His perfect “parenting”.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 23, 2020 – Curing the incurable…trusting God to renew and restore

August 23 ~ Jeremiah 30:16-17; 33:6-9
“‘Everyone who hurt you will be hurt;
your enemies will end up as slaves.
Your plunderers will be plundered;
your looters will become loot.
As for you, I’ll come with healing,
curing the incurable,
Because they all gave up on you
and dismissed you as hopeless—
that good-for-nothing Zion.’

“But now take another look. I’m going to give this city a thorough renovation, working a true healing inside and out. I’m going to show them life whole, life brimming with blessings. I’ll restore everything that was lost to Judah and Jerusalem. I’ll build everything back as good as new. I’ll scrub them clean from the dirt they’ve done against me. I’ll forgive everything they’ve done wrong, forgive all their rebellions. And Jerusalem will be a center of joy and praise and glory for all the countries on earth. They’ll get reports on all the good I’m doing for her. They’ll be in awe of the blessings I am pouring on her.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I almost skipped these scripture passages. At first glance, they didn’t seem relevant to the events of this day. When I took a second look, I realized that God was showing me His power to heal and restore. He was saying, “Look what I did for Jerusalem! Look at how I restored the people of Judah and set them back on their feet. Notice how I kept my promise to heal them and bless them. I’ve done this over and over…and I will do it again.”

Let’s be honest…we need healing and restoration – and not just from the coronavirus! We need to be rescued from those who have hurt us and plundered our world. We need to be redeemed and set upright again in ways we cannot even imagine – much less verbalize. And God is just the One to do this!

Today, I am renewing my efforts to place my faith fully in God to “cure the incurable”. I am looking to Him for healing, restoration, redemption and blessings. I believe that God is in complete control…and I am trusting Him to deliver us and set us upright, according to His perfect plans – and in His perfect timing. Look to the lessons of Jeremiah to see what God can do for us today – and put your full hope and faith in Him to do these things. Make a humble vow to listen for His voice and follow His lead…to do your part to carry out His perfect plans and make a difference in the world – now, and for generations to come.

God is not done writing history. He is the same today as He was in the days of Jeremiah – and His promises are just as steadfast. Put your hand in His and believe His promises. Give Him praise for such amazing love and care. Count your blessings – and give God all the glory, forever and ever. Hallelujah – and Amen!

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 22, 2020 – God alone will fix this – are you ready to trust Him?

Jeremiah 17:14-1-8
Lord, you alone can heal me, you alone can save, and my praises are for you alone.

Men scoff at me and say, “What is this word of the Lord you keep talking about? If these threats of yours are really from God, why don’t they come true?”

Lord, I don’t want the people crushed by terrible calamity. The plan is yours, not mine. It is your message I’ve given them, not my own. I don’t want them doomed! Lord, don’t desert me now! You alone are my hope. Bring confusion and trouble on all who persecute me, but give me peace. Yes, bring double destruction upon them!

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Anyone who denies that the last six months have been frustrating and frightening has a problem with telling the truth. We’ve all been anxious, confused – and at times, we’ve been angry. Sometimes, this has been directed at other people. When I open Facebook and see posts where people are interacting without wearing masks and maintaining a six-foot or better distance, I feel my blood pressure rise. When Christians claim that we just need to trust God, and all will be well, I worry that others will take this to heart and not use necessary precautions. When someone says, “This is no worse than the flu,” or “It’s a hoax,” I am truly saddened for those who have suffered so much and/or lost loved ones and can tell you that clearly, this is not the case!

Let’s be honest…there are probably a few times we’ve all thought for at least a hot minute, “If he/she gets the virus, I’m not going to feel sorry.” Now we all know this is rotten, “stinkin’ thinkin’”. We know that we should not wish calamity – or a deadly virus – upon anyone. Clearly, this was somewhat the sentiment of Jeremiah. He was fed up with the people of Judah and how they had worshiped idols – and disobeyed and disrespected God. I had to laugh that he “justified” his remarks by saying, “LORD, You are the one who made the rules…this is not what I want…but please make them pay for their misdeeds and disobedience. And while You are at it…make them pay double!”

We all know this is not how faithful Christians should think and speak. Jesus has commanded us to love others as we love ourselves – to love them with His love! While we trust God to mete out justice, none of us should ever wish ill on another. People are going to question our faith. They are going to ask, “Where is your God now?” when things go wrong. They are going to say, “I wore a mask, stayed socially distanced and did everything you claimed GOD is telling us to do – and still I got the virus. So where is God?” They are going to ask us why God allows bad things to happen in this world. And we are going to need to be ready to stand up for our faith in these moments.

My “short answer” is…”I don’t know.” My better response is that God is the ultimate authority – His plans and methods are beyond what I can comprehend – and His reasons for allowing certain experiences are surely part of the bigger picture that I cannot see. I trust God. I believe that when I do everything I hear Him telling me to do and things still go awry, there is some “lesson” or purpose that is not evident to me. My job is to do my best – to follow God’s directives to the best of my ability based on what I hear Him telling me and showing me – and to trust what He does with my efforts to be obedient.

In the words of Jeremiah as he cried out to God…”You alone can heal me, You alone can save, and my praises are for You alone. You alone are my hope.” Let this be your prayer and your pledge to God as you demonstrate your faithfulness. And trust Him to handle the rest.

©2020 Debbie Robus