Daily Devotional for January 31, 2017 – Do You Belong to Christ’s Family?

Galatians 3:28-29
In Christ’s family there can be no division into Jew and non-Jew, slave and free, male and female. Among us you are all equal. That is, we are all in a common relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, since you are Christ’s family, then you are Abraham’s famous “descendant,” heirs according to the covenant promises.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Greg recently had an opportunity to listen to Timothy pray, and he was quite impressed by the depth and substance of our 7-year-old nephew’s petition.  Twice, Timothy said, “Thank You for taking my sins.”  But he also said, “Thank you for letting me be Jewish all of my life.”  Bless him…we have some work to do!

In Timothy’s defense, we had just finished a Sunday school lesson in which the children saw a picture of Jesus hanging from the cross with the words, “King of the Jews” imprinted on a sign that was nailed to the top.  If Jesus is the King of the Jews, then it would certainly follow (especially to a seven-year-old) that we are also Jewish. We have also been learning about the Israelites and how they were God’s promised people.  So it’s easy to see where young children could get a little confused on the particulars of various religious identities.

The beautiful thing about Christian faith – and belonging to Jesus – is that it doesn’t matter who or what we are.  We can be “Israelites.”  Our King of Kings and LORD of Lords was a Jew…and maybe that does make us “Jewish” – in that verbiage.  But we can be male, female, black, white, pink or purple…we can be from any ethnic background – or a mixture of several.  Nothing that makes us “different” separates us from Jesus.  In His eyes, we are all equal…and all equally important heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven – if only we will invite Him to reign supreme in our hearts and fill us with His Holy Spirit.

I will be honest…I look at our little ones, and my heart stirs with a deep desire for them to be all that they can be – to accomplish all that they are capable of achieving.  I want them to enjoy every opportunity that is open to them…and I will do what I can to make sure that these are plentiful.  But at the end of the day, I particularly want them to give their hearts to Jesus and belong to Him forever.

As we drove home from church Sunday, Greg and I, Timothy, Zola and Nathan had a lively discussion about Jesus, the Holy Spirit…and the devil.  We all agreed that giving your heart to Jesus is a great thing…and every single one of us said we had done so!  We celebrated the fact that someday, we will all be together in Heaven.  It does not get any better than this!

Even at young ages, our children recognize the importance – and value – of belonging to Jesus. It never enters their mind that He might not consider them as valuable as anyone else.  They trust Him and understand already that He has offered them the most precious gift…Salvation and forgiveness for their sins – and the promise of Eternity with Him in Heaven.  Do you get this?  Do you fully understand how special this gift of Jesus is…and have you accepted Him for yourself?

There is something very precious about the innocent concept that we have belonged to Jesus all of our life…and in this context, this would make us “Jewish.”  I want to operate in childlike faith and understanding that I am fully a member of Jesus’ family, too.  What about you?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 30, 2017 – Are You Guessing At the Answers?

Galatians 3:2-5
I want to know only one thing. How were you given God’s Spirit? Was it by obeying the Law of Moses or by hearing about Christ and having faith in him? How can you be so stupid? Do you think that by yourself you can complete what God’s Spirit started in you? Have you gone through all of this for nothing? Is it all really for nothing? God gives you his Spirit and works miracles in you. But does he do this because you obey the Law of Moses or because you have heard about Christ and have faith in him?

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Today, I helped a substitute teacher with Timothy’s second grade class.  We were teaching a math lesson about adding columns of two-digit numbers.  Several of the children were having a hard time understanding the process…particularly when “borrowing and carrying” were involved.  So we spent quite a while working problems that I would write out on the board…and we would solve them together.

Several of the children guessed at the answers and wrote whatever they thought would work in the blanks on their papers.  They were not too happy with me when I made them go back and show their work – and correct the answers! They were content to guess and let the chips fall where they may.  If they got the right answer – great!  If not, so be it!

The end result was that we went well past the allotted time scheduled for the math lesson.  I had two choices…1) stop the lesson and let the children guess and/or do the best they could with their worksheets, so that we could move on to the next subject; or 2) keep working problems until things “clicked” for the students and they knew how to solve the problems correctly.  I chose option #2.  At the end of the day, we could say that learning took place, because we took the time to get the process right.

Here’s where this applies to Paul’s admonition to the Galatians…a lot of us aren’t willing to do the work of Christian discipleship.  We would rather “guess” at the answers, so to speak.  We want to trust our own efforts and hope that following the Ten Commandments as best we can will satisfy God. Surely He will see how good we are…that our “answers are right” and overlook how we arrived at them! We’ll go to church on Sunday…honor our parents…and try to keep our hands to ourselves and not encroach on the business and property of others.  Surely this is enough to show God our obedience and merit His good favor!  And we can move on with our lives and our own interests!

In operating this way, we demonstrate a lack of faith in Jesus to show us the “big picture”…to give us wisdom and courage as we step up and out in a myriad of ways to further His Kingdom and spread the Good News – and to reveal His glory and power in amazing ways.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to guess at my discipleship – or to give Jesus the idea that I have all the answers and don’t need His guidance!  I want to stay “dialed in” and keep at it until I understand what He is showing me…to do the work to get every single detail of His lessons. It seems to me that to “close the book” and move ahead without this trusted information would not only be disrespectful of my Salvation…it would also be a waste of God’s glory working in and through me as Christ’s disciple.

Paul’s question is a valid one for us today…”Have you gone through all of this for nothing?”  Are you “guessing” at your discipleship and faith in Jesus…or are you doing the work to experience everything that God has designed and ordained for you through the presence of His Holy Spirit?  Jesus would never “close the book” and move on with unfinished business where we are concerned.  So why would we ever do this to Him?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 29, 2017 – Are You Ready for a Rescue?

Galatians 1:1-5
I, Paul, and my companions in faith here, send greetings to the Galatian churches. My authority for writing to you does not come from any popular vote of the people, nor does it come through the appointment of some human higher-up. It comes directly from Jesus the Messiah and God the Father, who raised him from the dead. I’m God-commissioned. So I greet you with the great words, grace and peace! We know the meaning of those words because Jesus Christ rescued us from this evil world we’re in by offering himself as a sacrifice for our sins. God’s plan is that we all experience that rescue. Glory to God forever! Oh, yes!

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Rescue…when used in certain contexts, this word has become something of a “hot potato” lately. Some feel that anyone who is in dire need deserves an opportunity to be rescued…while others feel that mitigating circumstances dictate if/when this is the right move.

There are all kinds of “rescue.”  Three of our four cats have been “rescues” – one from the highway, and two from an animal shelter. A child falls off of his/her bicycle and has to be “rescued.”  Floodwaters rise quickly, and emergency personnel moves in to “rescue” people who are trapped on rooftops or clinging to trees.  People get themselves into a situation at home/school/work where they can’t seem to find their way, and someone “rescues” them. Children in unsafe situations are “rescued” and placed in foster care.  Residents of war-torn or oppressed nations are “rescued” and offered refuge by citizens of other lands.

The bottom line is that we “Christians” are called to “rescue” others…because God sent Jesus Christ to rescue us from sin and the prospect of Eternal damnation in Hell.  Each and every day, He rescues us in situations great and small.  Jesus stands ready to intervene whenever and wherever necessary…to meet us right where we are, stretch out His hands and say, “Come to me, and I will give you refuge and rest.”

We depend on this promise…we pour our heart and soul into trusting Jesus to do exactly what He has told us. And you know what?  People are counting on us to do this, too.  They are looking at those of us who claim to follow – and serve – Jesus Christ…and their hands are reaching for ours.  They are looking for us to open our arms and meet them wherever they are – in whatever circumstance – and prayerfully tell them, “I am here with you. We are going to trust God to get us through this!”

This week, somebody will need a rescue.  And Jesus will send you or me to serve on His behalf.  The Holy Spirit will guide you and show you where – and how – to do this in the name of Jesus.  Will you be listening?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 28, 2017 – Are You Ready to Get Along?

Ephesians 4:31-32    
Stop being mean, bad-tempered, and angry. Quarreling, harsh words, and dislike of others should have no place in your lives. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I will admit…right now, there are a few people I am pretty unhappy with over certain things that are happening in our country.  I’ve had a hard time being kind and tenderhearted toward them – at least in my own head!  I try very hard to be careful about what I say publicly…particularly when it comes to name calling and rants.  But these are unusual times…and I’ve had an incredibly difficult time holding my tongue more than once!

So I really needed this passage today to remind me that there are appropriate ways to speak up and speak out without being mean and bad-tempered – or quarreling.  I will tell you right now…I’m going to need some time to work on the part about “dislike of others” having no place in my life!  But I promise to try!

The “kicker” for me is the last phrase of this passage…”just as God has forgiven you…”  When I think about all that He has forgiven of me, I have a hard time claiming Salvation in Jesus and feeling unforgiving toward others.  Let me be clear…some of the things being said and done are unforgivable.  But the PERSON who is saying and doing them must be considered in relation to our position as Christians – brothers and sisters in Christ.

So when another person who claims to be a Christian says and does despicable or upsetting things – or behaves badly – we must find a way to say, “I forgive you.”  We must ask God for the strength and ability to be kind and tenderhearted. We must ask God to enable us to process the consequences of these words and actions – deeply hurtful though they may be – and say, “I still choose to care about this person and his/her well-being.”

We must pray for clarity…for those who are making poor decisions to see the folly of their ways and change, according to God’s perfect plans.  And we must work diligently not to judge them. It may not seem so, but I’m trying…I really am!  What about you?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 27, 2017 – Are You Going to Bed Angry?

Ephesians 4:26-27
Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don’t use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don’t stay angry. Don’t go to bed angry. Don’t give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

This morning at school, there was a little boy in Timothy’s class who began to cry when the students returned from P.E.  It seems that he put on a neon green coat, claimed it was his, and the other children argued that he had on the coat of another student. The children have to walk outside and across campus to a small gymnasium for P.E. – and temperatures were in the 30s this morning during their class. I reminded this little boy that he did not wear a coat to P.E. – that in fact, I told him as he left, “Do not come back complaining that you got cold, because you made the choice not to wear a coat!”

The little boy tearfully argued with me that this WAS his coat.  He said he didn’t wear it to P.E., but when he returned, he put it on because he was cold!  I walked to the coat rack and picked up the coat.  There was no name in it.  However, there was a dark grey coat – with a neon green lining – that had this little boy’s name written on the tag.  I showed him the difference – and which coat was actually his.

This should have been the end of it.  But the little boy continued to cry.  He was mad – at me, at his fellow students, at the teacher…everyone!  He refused to finish his snack, and his face remained splotchy and tear-stained, even after I hugged him and told him that everything was settled, and he was not in trouble.  My experience with this little boy tells me that he was on the verge of using his anger as fuel for “revenge”…or some sort of outburst.  He definitely had decided to stay angry for awhile!

I sat with him and rubbed his back and talked softly to him, and soon, he finished his crackers and moved on to the next activity. And all was forgotten.  He did not finish the day in anger.  In essence, he chose not to “go to bed angry.”  And quite often, this is a lesson in which we all need a refresher course!

Too many times, we let things fester…a grudge or disagreement with someone…irritation and frustration over the words and actions of another person – or a certain situation…perceived mistreatment by someone that causes us to form opinions and biases…and more.  And the devil absolutely jumps up and down and claps his hands in delight.  If we dwell on insults and offenses, Satan will use them to his advantage!

So go ahead…plead your case…argue that “the coat IS mine!” (unless you discover that it isn’t!)…be angry about injustices and abuse of others – or the abuse of power.  Stand up and speak out against cruelty, unfairness – and situations and circumstances that are just plain wrong.  But don’t let them eat a hole in your soul or ruin your day – much less your life!

Turn these things over to God, Who truly IS big enough to handle them…and trust Him to do so.  Sleep peacefully, knowing that these issues are in the more than capable hands of the One with Supreme Authority.  Make your case…say what you have to say (nicely, of course!)…present your “argument” with passion and confidence…then let go and let God do the rest.  With Him in our corner, the devil doesn’t stand a chance!

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 26, 2017 – How Do YOU See God’s Children?

Ephesians 4:1-6
As a prisoner of the Lord, I beg you to live in a way that is worthy of the people God has chosen to be his own. Always be humble and gentle. Patiently put up with each other and love each other. Try your best to let God’s Spirit keep your hearts united. Do this by living at peace. All of you are part of the same body. There is only one Spirit of God, just as you were given one hope when you were chosen to be God’s people. We have only one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. There is one God who is the Father of all people. Not only is God above all others, but he works by using all of us, and he lives in all of us.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I like to think I have always been tenderhearted and empathetic.  But I when Timothy, Zola and Nathan were born, I know my viewpoint about the treatment of others changed dramatically.  Suddenly, my attitude toward every situation was framed in the context of, “What if this was happening to one of them?”

What if that was MY CHILD who was being bullied?  What if that was MY CHILD who was being singled out for punishment?  What if that was MY CHILD who was being water boarded or tortured…imprisoned…starved…or molested in some manner?  What if that was MY CHILD who was being handcuffed?  What if that was MY CHILD who was falsely accused of something because of his/her appearance, skin color, sexual orientation, ethnic background, a physical disability, low income bracket, or other subjective judgments?

What if MY CHILD was being mistreated because of his/her religious beliefs?  What if he/she was being singled out…or ostracized in some way?  What if other people so vehemently disagreed with MY CHILD’s ideas, comments, and actions that they resorted to public ridicule…or even worse – violence?

I want to believe that placing others in this frame of reference makes me kinder, more humble…and more peaceful.  I hope that as I work with children at school and church, I see every single one of them in the same light as I see the precious little ones in my own family. When one of these students misbehaves or simply cannot grasp the concept that I am presenting…I hope that I am patient, loving, and forgiving.

I hope that I am inclusive in all of my daily activities, whether relating with members of my own household, or interacting with others in my community – in public, at church or school…or even on the roads and highways as I move from Point A to Point B!  I hope that I am taking the Apostle Paul’s words to heart and fully operating as a member of the collective Body of Believers in Jesus Christ – and treating others as Jesus would treat them.

I hope that I am humble and demonstrate compassion, grace and mercy to every person I encounter. I know I fall short at times…that certain people get under my skin and/or say and do things that absolutely make me want to scream!  But I hope that I am able to get past that and see them as God sees all of us – as His children! And in doing this, I hope I am reminded to invite Him to work in and through me – and fill me with His spirit of unity.  What about you?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 25, 2017 – Respecting God’s Gift of Jesus

Ephesians 2:7-10    
Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It’s God’s gift from start to finish! We don’t play the major role. If we did, we’d probably go around bragging that we’d done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Suppose someone you knew was in desperate need of a large sum of money to pay off a student loan – and you gave it to him/her.  This truly was a gift…freely given with no expectation of reimbursement.  But the next time you saw this person, he/she was driving a new car, wearing new clothing and jewelry, and apparently “living the high life” while telling everyone how great life was.

There was no mention of your generosity…either to you personally – or to anyone else, as far as you could tell.  It was as if this money just fell from the sky…and clearly, the recipient didn’t use it to pay the loan. OR, this person’s “need” was more a lack of good money management, and your gift enabled him/her with discretionary funds to spend on extravagances.

Either way, you (the one who did both “the making and the saving”) were disrespected.  Now, in the grand scheme of things, we’re talking about money. And regardless of the size of your gift, if you could afford to give it, you can probably afford to dismiss how the recipient spends it.  But God’s Gift of Jesus is a whole other situation!

Do you understand that Jesus is God’s most precious Gift?  Jesus, God’s Only Son – the only perfect man to ever walk the earth…pure, holy, without sin or blemish – came to live and die for you and me.  His Gift of Salvation is freely provided.  We can accept this Gift and live in a way that glorifies Him and testifies to this incredible love…or we can squander it by living selfishly.  We can go about on with our life, satisfy our own whims and desires, and do everything in our power to meet our own needs – with no thought to anyone else.

I suspect that many of us fall somewhere in the middle.  We appreciate God’s gift of Jesus…and we do just enough to serve Him that we are not continually plagued with guilt.  I mean, we’re busy…right?  We have a job, a relationship/marriage, children, family obligations, civic responsibilities, and a home to maintain. There are only so many hours in the day!  So we open our Bible occasionally, and whisper a prayer when we are in deep trouble – or a specific need arises. We attend worship on Sunday and donate to a handful of causes.  We run in that charity race once a year!  Surely that shows our deep appreciation for Salvation through Jesus!

Regardless of our level of appreciation and “service,” God’s Gift of Salvation through Jesus is still there. But oh, what a difference it makes what we do with it!  When we try to take credit for “the making and the saving” – even with the smallest dismissive gesture – we have disrespected God and dishonored our Christian discipleship.  We have devalued God’s precious Gift and demonstrated that we think we are bigger – and better.  And this is simply not the case.

We all have work to do in this area.  Not a single one of us appreciates God’s Gift of Jesus as much as we should.  Take a long, hard look at your life today and see where you have done a little bragging.  Figure out where you have taken the spotlight off of Jesus and shined it on yourself.  Work on serving humbly, with extreme gratitude and respect.  We cannot earn God’s Gift of Jesus…but we can demonstrate to the world why He is worth claiming.  What are you showing in your daily living?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 24, 2017 – Remember to “Wear Love”

Colossians 3:12-14
So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

A few years ago, my cousin Natalie gave me a leather bracelet for my birthday.  It’s just a simple narrow strip of brown leather…but stamped on it are the words, “Only Love Today.”  She said the bracelet was to serve as a reminder to me that love was what mattered most.  Regardless of what was happening in my day, I should remember to not only operate in love, but also to think of how much God loves all of us.

I have worn this bracelet virtually every day since I got it.  I rarely leave the house without it…and when I do, I feel like something is missing.  Countless times, this little leather strip with the simple phrase “Only Love Today” has gently reminded me to “wear love.”

We don’t have to have something on our wrist to remind us to operate in the love of Christ…but I can’t tell you how many times I have looked down at this strip of leather and its phrase just as I reached the end of my rope.  There have been moments when I was ready to snap at someone…or to grit my teeth and growl in frustration…and I’ve felt the “love bracelet” slide down my wrist. And I was stopped in my tracks.  For me, this is an outward symbol of the Holy Spirit working on the inside of me.

I’ll be honest…lately, there have been a couple of times when I got dressed, and I didn’t like my outfit at all. It happened one morning as I dressed to go to school and volunteer for the day…and another morning as I dressed to go to church and teach 2nd-3rd graders in Sunday school.  Both times, I heard a “Voice” ask, “Do you really think it will matter to those children what you are wearing, if you are loving and kind?  If you offer smiles and hugs, will they notice your shirt is a little snug or your shoes don’t quite match the outfit?”  I’ve heard this same “Voice” when I lamented putting on my swimsuit to take the children to the pool – and was visibly reminded that I am not 35 anymore!

The point is that what we think matters is often what matters least to Jesus – and those we are loving in His name.  Most people don’t notice our hair, clothing, jewelry, or anything else about our appearance if we sincerely offer a joyful, loving countenance and a positive, encouraging attitude.  To them, we will be the most “put together” people on the planet!

I’m glad I have a cousin who loves me and knows me so well.  She knew that I needed the gift of a leather bracelet to remind me of my mission. I will wear it every day until it totally falls apart…an outward symbol of the gift of Jesus love that fills my heart – and hopefully overflows into the lives of others.

What are YOU wearing these days?  Have you remembered to put on Jesus’ love?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 23, 2017 – Are You Adding to the Message?

Colossians 1:27-29
The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, so therefore you can look forward to sharing in God’s glory. It’s that simple. That is the substance of our Message. We preach Christ, warning people not to add to the Message. We teach in a spirit of profound common sense so that we can bring each person to maturity. To be mature is to be basic. Christ! No more, no less. That’s what I’m working so hard at day after day, year after year, doing my best with the energy God so generously gives me.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Sunday afternoons at our house are often interesting – and lively! When we first get home from church, there is a mixture of noise and activity as the children take off coat and shoes, find their toys, toss out lunch orders, and basically turn into mini-tornadoes that flit from one activity and room to another.  This is pretty much what happens in the first hour.  After that, they settle in…find their “groove”…and happily occupy themselves for the rest of the afternoon.

There are brief shifts and interruptions, but for the most part, the layers of initial chaos are peeled away as each child finds his/her “place.”  We can pretty well predict how this will go…Timothy will find his art supplies and Legos®, Zola will play with her baby dolls, and Nathan will watch videos and movies – and play with blocks and puzzles or Play-doh®. Throughout the afternoon, all three children will wander in and out of the kitchen for something to eat!  There will be an occasional stop at the piano for a few notes…or a request to play outside…but in general, each child finds activities that suit him/her and gets busy with them.

Here’s how this relates to the scripture passage for today…each one of these children feel comfortable in our home.  They have an “inner sense” that they are safe and loved here – and that all of their needs will be met. They may have times when they wander aimlessly – or drag out EVERY TOY KNOWN TO MAN in an order to find just the right fit.  But in the end, they settle into a simple activity or routine that reflects their contentment, confidence and security.

You and I are a lot like little children.  When we first accept Jesus’ gift of Salvation, many are almost giddy with the excitement and promise of all that we anticipate.  We want it all, and we want to do it all…serve on this committee…go on that mission trip…tell everyone we know what Jesus has done in our life…join numerous classes and Bible studies…buy books and tapes on Christian faith…and so much more.  We pile on layer after layer…we champion every cause and tackle countless ministries – all in the name of Jesus.  And in doing all of this, the pure message of Jesus sometimes gets buried.

Some of us mature in our faith and realize that we are not called to do it all.  Others just keep piling on extras and losing our focus as we seek more and more of Jesus, who was actually right there with us all along.  Paul is reminding us in these verses that too many of us are adding to the Message.  We need to stop and take a good look at our Christian discipleship and remember the admonition…”Christ!  No more, no less!”

When everything settles down on Sunday afternoons, I often look around at the three children as they quietly play in different areas of the house.  I am warmed by how they have settled into their respective “zones”…fully embracing the concept of “no more, no less.” And I am reminded that we should find our “zone” with Jesus – and settle into it, also.

If you are unsure what God desires of you, spend some time today talking with Him.  Ask Him where you have piled on too much…or where you might have done too little.  Remember that discipleship in Jesus Christ is complete…enough!  No more or less is expected – or desired.  It’s all about balance…and we must continually ask God to show us whether we are in sync with Him and His plan – or not – and make the necessary adjustments.  Don’t try to add to the Message…find your balance in Jesus and hang out there!

“Christ!  No more, no less!”  Do you operate in this basic maturity?  Isn’t it time you did?

©2017 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 22, 2017 – If We Don’t Share…Others Won’t Know!

Colossians 1:21-24
You yourselves are a case study of what he does. At one time you all had your backs turned to God, thinking rebellious thoughts of him, giving him trouble every chance you got. But now, by giving himself completely at the Cross, actually dying for you, Christ brought you over to God’s side and put your lives together, whole and holy in his presence.You don’t walk away from a gift like that! You stay grounded and steady in that bond of trust, constantly tuned in to the Message, careful not to be distracted or diverted. There is no other Message—just this one. Every creature under heaven gets this same Message. I, Paul, am a messenger of this Message.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Nearly every Sunday when we get in the car to go home from church, I ask the kids, “What did you learn today?”  Almost without fail, 4-year-old Nathan answers, “We learned about GOD!” (And his emphasis on GOD is delivered as if it is sheer drudgery to tell me this!) Today, we got the same response.  But I asked a couple of other questions, and somewhere along the short drive, Nathan lit up and began to tell me that the devil is bad…and “he will creep up behind you and try to get you!” This little guy explained with a great air of simplicity that…”All you have to do is say, ‘JESUS!’ and the devil just shrinks into a little ball.” He demonstrated this by making a tight little ball with his hands.  Then he offered this justification…”The devil doesn’t like it when you talk about Jesus!”

Of course, our hearts swelled to know that even our littlest one gets it…that he understands that the devil is real…there is power in Jesus’ name…and the mere mention of Jesus causes the devil to flee in fear and dejection.  As this passage in The Message expresses it…”You don’t walk away from a Gift like that!”

Grandma E noted that even our youngest is absorbing like a sponge the Sunday school lessons that he is hearing.  And we are grateful for the women and men who volunteer their time to serve in the classrooms each Sunday and nurture our children in the understanding of God’s wisdom, power and love.  Because you see, the Gift of Jesus on its own is amazing…but if we don’t ever share Him with others, we have wasted so much – and honestly, we have acted selfishly.  Jesus didn’t die on the cross just for you – or for me.  He died for everyone who will hear the Good News of His life and sacrifice – and turn to Him. If we don’t share…others won’t know!

As I listened to Nathan excitedly tell me about how Jesus causes the devil to shrink and go away (and his older sister and brother eagerly chimed in), I silently thanked God that our children have heard this message – and believe it.  I also thanked Him for the certainty that they will share this Good News with others. And so must we!  It’s not just a great story…this is the truth of Jesus Christ…and it is incredibly powerful.

I hope you will take time today to thank God for His amazing Gift of Jesus. Thank Jesus for coming to earth and dying for your sins. And tell others of His amazing power…and how even the whisper of His name can cause the devil to shrink and flee. We are just as much a messenger of this Message as the Apostle Paul or anyone else.  If we don’t share…others won’t know.  Who needs to hear from you today?

©2017 Debbie Robus