Daily Devotional for January 31, 2023 – “God, you know!” It’s time to stop, look, listen – and give God room to work!

Romans 8:26-28  
Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

IMG_3019We are one day into a three-or-four-day ice storm in Arkansas. Sleet and freezing rain began falling in our area just after dusk last night and continued past midnight. “Round 2” is supposed to begin early afternoon today and be even more intense. This morning, Greg and I noticed a flurry of activity at the bird feeders. Clearly, the birds know something is brewing, and they are stocking up while they can still peck their way to the seeds and suet to fill their bellies before they take shelter for what lies ahead.

IMG_3525It always amazes me how God takes care of the birds and other wild animals…how He signals them to prepare for an upcoming storm – and how He meets their every need. How else would they know to “load up” on food…and where to find these meals?

Knowing that the roads will likely be very slick for several days, I decided to take an extra walk yesterday. Normally, we don’t walk two days in a row…we skip a day and give our bodies time to recover. But yesterday, I set out for an extra trek…and I felt the need to just be quiet and listen. It was as if I had already said all I knew to say to God earlier in the day and in the days ahead. Repeating myself to Him seemed almost insincere…as if I didn’t believe that God heard me the first time. So I all but said what our nephew Timothy once said in a prayer…“God…You know!” I walked – and listened… to God…to verses in music that God used to speak to me through my ear buds…to the birds chirping and the wind blowing – and even an owl hooting in the trees! And I came home tired, but completely at peace. I knew God had heard me – and answered…that He knew what I needed and blessed me with a good workout and perfect words.

Sometimes, we need to speak aloud to God…to cry out in pleas for grace, mercy and redemption. Other times, we need to surrender our heart and mind to Him and simply say, “God, You know”…and listen for His voice. I don’t know what the weather conditions are in your area this week, but things have fairly well ground to a standstill where I live. And I plan to take advantage of this time to be still, watch, and listen…to the birds, to the frozen precipitation that will fall…and most importantly, to God’s voice. I know that He knows what I need to see and hear, and I am trusting Him for these things.

Just as God works in the lives of the tiniest bird, chipmunk or squirrel, He is working in us, as well. Will we receive what He offers? Will we sit still and listen? Will we trust the word and will of God in every circumstance? Isn’t it worth a shot to discover what could happen if we did? Alleluia – and stay safe and warm!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 30, 2023 – Calling on God to send angels to surround us – it’s time to live in the shadow of the Almighty!

Psalm 91:7-16 
You will not be harmed,
though thousands fall
all around you.
And with your own eyes
you will see the punishment
of the wicked.
The Lord Most High
is your fortress.
Run to him for safety,
and no terrible disasters
will strike you
or your home.
God will command his angels
to protect you
wherever you go.
They will carry you
in their arms,
and you won’t hurt your feet
on the stones.
You will overpower
the strongest lions
and the most deadly snakes.
The Lord says, “If you love me
and truly know who I am,
I will rescue you
and keep you safe.
When you are in trouble,
call out to me.
I will answer and be there
to protect and honor you.
You will live a long life
and see my saving power.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

In April 2006, my childhood friend, Becky, lost her 7-year battle with breast cancer. Becky’s mantra in a situation where many would ask, “Why me?” was…“Why NOT me?” Believe me when I say she lived in the shadow and shelter of the Almighty! The promises of Psalm 91 were indeed her hope and assurance. While it may seem that God did not keep her safe and rescue Becky, I am here to tell you she would argue differently.

In order to understand this, we have to understand what Psalm 91 does not promise. Psalm 91 does not promise us smooth sailing. These verses to not say that we will never have trouble. They also do not tell us that we are privileged in the sense that God will grant us special favor not bestowed on others. Psalm 91 does not tell us that we can literally encounter lions and snakes and walk away unharmed. These are metaphors for the challenges and struggles of life. Psalm 91 does not promise us that we will never get sick, be harmed in some way, or die.

Psalm 91 offers us assurance that God is always with us…that even when the world is crumbling around us, His angels will come to us to render aid and protection. Psalm 91 tells us that on our worst day, through the hardest challenges, God’s angels are surrounding us on His command to meet our every need as He directs. Psalm 91 assures us that when we call out to God, He will answer.

My friend knew this…and I know she called out to God countless times. God answered…sometimes with a reprieve from symptoms and treatments…and ultimately, with the reward of Heaven. The angels of the Almighty shielded and sheltered my dear friend, and her example of faith inspired countless others to seek His protection and care for themselves. This is the power and promise of Psalm 91! God is with us every step of our lives. His angels surround us, and with even a whisper of “Come, LORD Jesus!” even more will swoop in to render aid and assistance.

Wherever you find yourself…whatever “lions and snakes” surround you – or even if everything in your life seems absolutely perfect at this moment – call on God. Live in His shadow and under His shield. Recognize the presence and power of His angels to give you power and protection over all “enemies.” And always give God your gratitude, glory and praise. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 29, 2023 – Living in the shadow and shelter of God Almighty – it’s time to say, “So will I!”

Psalm 91:1-6
We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God who is above all gods.

This I declare, that he alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him. For he rescues you from every trap and protects you from the fatal plague. He will shield you with his wings! They will shelter you. His faithful promises are your armor. Now you don’t need to be afraid of the dark anymore, nor fear the dangers of the day; nor dread the plagues of darkness, nor disasters in the morning.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I know I have shared the song, “So Will I (One Billion X)”…but I didn’t share this rendition by Look Above Earth. If you have a couple minutes, please click the link  and listen. The song reminds us of the vastness of God…His love, His power, and His grace and mercy! It speaks of the sacrifice of Jesus and how He would leave the ninety-nine just to save one, because He loves us all that much!

This song is about the God who is our refuge, our place of safety. It is a reminder that we can trust God…that He is faithful and protective and offers a “soft, safe place to land.” The psalmist enumerates the things we don’t have to fear, and in some translations, the “dangers of the day” and “plagues of darkness” are described as sickness and disease. I do believe that God is always with us…and that He heals us perfectly according to His will. But clearly, our idea of “healing” and God’s are not always the same.

Does this mean we cannot trust God when we or a loved one are sick or injured? Absolutely NOT! In fact, this means that we absolutely must trust God and believe that He will care for us perfectly – and rescue us “from every trap, disaster, and fatal plague.” We must also remember that this rescue may come in the form of death. This reminds me of one of my Grandmother Polly’s favorite sayings…“There’s lots worse things than dying!”

I love Psalm 91…the words speak to me of courage and hope. I have come to understand that the God who perfectly designed more than a hundred billion galaxies in the universe, numbers the hairs on our heads, and collects our tears in a bottle* will guide and guard us through every single minute of our day – the highs, lows, and everything in between. Just as astounding is the assurance that God loves all of His children…and He will leave the 99 to save or meet the needs of a single one.

How can this not give us hope? How can we feel afraid, anxious, or unloved when the God of the Universe is ready, willing and able to meet our every need? And yet, because we are human and fallible, we question, fret, and cry out in worry and despair…and praise God, He hears and answers!

The challenge for this day is to do whatever it takes to internalize the promises of these verses in Psalm 91. Listen to songs like “So Will I.” Talk with fellow believers and share examples of God’s great rescue and redemption. Read devotionals and study God’s word…and talk to Him…often and with complete honesty and humility. And always, always be grateful for God’s great love, care and protection. He truly is our refuge and place of safety. He is our God…and we can trust Him! Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

*Psalm 56:8

Daily Devotional for January 28, 2023 – “Talk to me, LORD!” Put God to the test and see for yourself how His mercies shower down on all who trust Him!

Psalm 34:7-8 
For the Angel of the Lord guards and rescues all who reverence him.

Oh, put God to the test and see how kind he is! See for yourself the way his mercies shower down on all who trust in him.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

This morning, the Arkansas United Methodist Conference welcomed a new Bishop, Laura Merrill at an installation service held in Little Rock, Arkansas. In her remarks to those in attendance and watching online, Bishop Merrill began by saying, “Sometimes we wonder…do you ever wonder when things might calm down?! Maybe we don’t let ourselves wonder that anymore. There aren’t any words anymore, really, for the swirling, the disorienting times that we’re living through. We’ve even worn out the word ‘unprecedented. [We] can’t even use it anymore! So, I’m not going to try to describe what it’s been like for me to become a Bishop in January 2023, at this time in the life of our church and the nation. I don’t really have words for that. I do, however, have a lot of other words.”

Bishop Merrill went on to talk about gratitude and love…how God blesses and cares for us. She noted, “It is a joy and a privilege to know ourselves as named and claimed by God of Love, and that knowing is where our unity lives. It’s not in being the same – it’s in having the same Source of Life.”

Here’s where the “test” that the psalmist mentioned comes into play. We are called to look at the pain, suffering, dissension, and violence that takes our breath – and turn to Jesus for solutions. He will always supply us perfectly with what we need. Bishop Merrill also noted that the body of Christ is the “Living Word” – and we are called to be part of this body and help bring Christ’s love and healing to the world. She told those listening that…”Our words of gentleness count, our spirit of humility count, our risks that we take for the sake of love and justice count.”  She added that God can use us to shift the balance…whether for one person or for many.

Yesterday, as I walked, I knew that the videos were soon to be released showing the brutal beating of Tyre Nichols by five Memphis policemen. All accounts were that these images were highly disturbing – and these reports were accurate. As I have said in this space many times, the news is so horrible and dark most days that it is almost unbearable to listen to or read the reports. So as I started down the street, earbuds in, I said, “Talk to me, LORD.”

Almost instantly, the songs that played had messages of “God is with you. You can do this!” and “Don’t give up!” The more I walked, the lighter my steps became. Here’s the crazy thing…this morning, I tried to find titles of some of these songs on my playlist to share with you, and it is as if they have disappeared. Perhaps I am just not recognizing them…or maybe God sent an angel to tune my playlist to exactly the songs I needed in that moment! He could do that, you know! Regardless of how it happened…I know that God’s angels attended to me.

You and I are tested every day in some way – from illness and injury to relationship issues, to discrimination, challenges at work, bills to pay, the rigors of aging, and the constant barrage of news about shootings, hateful rhetoric, and war – and so much more. Through all of this and more, God is with us. Jesus stands in the gap, His hands outstretched, and says, “Grab on! Trust Me! I came that you might have abundant life, and the Father will see to this.”

As the installation service concluded this morning with Holy Communion, the organist played, “It Is Well With My Soul.” And the congregation began to sing along spontaneously. It was as if God’s angels were wafting through the congregation and spurring them to demonstrate their trust and gratitude. God will show up and show out in ways we cannot imagine when we trust Him and offer our gratitude. He might even shuffle your playlist. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 27, 2023 – Do it again, LORD…do it again!

Psalm 126:1-6
It seemed like a dream, too good to be true,
when God returned Zion’s exiles.
We laughed, we sang,
we couldn’t believe our good fortune.
We were the talk of the nations—
“God was wonderful to them!”
God was wonderful to us;
we are one happy people.
And now, God, do it again—
bring rains to our drought-stricken lives
So those who planted their crops in despair
will shout “Yes!” at the harvest,
So those who went off with heavy hearts
will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

As I write this, I am listening to news reports about the fatal beating of a young Memphis father, Tyre Nichols, by five Memphis police officers. All five officers have been charged with murder. Police bodycam video of the incident has been released, and those who have viewed it say it is horrific. Police bodycam video of the near-fatal beating a few months ago of Paul Pelosi, husband of former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has also been released – and again, reporters say it is very difficult to watch. These are TWO of dozens of stories today that made me want to crawl into bed today and hide under the covers!

Yesterday, I read an article written by the Rev. Beverly L. Wilkes-Null, chaplain at McKendree University, Lebanon, Illinois, in the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. Wilkes-Null notes that there was a time when people of color like her were considered three-fifths human. She says, “Look at me! Since African Americans were deemed less than human, we were chattel. We could not be licensed to preach in the Methodist Church. Look at me! Women, no matter the color of our skin, slave or free, could not be licensed or ordained or even lead a Bible study session.”

Wilkes-Null goes on to beg that we not do to anyone else what was done to people of color – especially as Christians and “the church.” Let’s not treat some as less than – or deem them to be “sinful” and unworthy of welcome and participation. But she also notes something that dovetails with this Psalm…God works miracles – and things can still change. Even though much of what is happening in our world seems like we are headed straight down the road to destruction, we can turn things around. And we need look no further than the Bible itself for proof of this – and instruction on how to proceed!

God is in the business of redemption. He sent Jesus for that very purpose. Just like the people of Zion were made prosperous again and returned to Jerusalem, you and I can live in a world with peace, harmony and joy. We just have to trust God, do our part to follow the commands of Jesus – and love one another. This is not Pollyanna, “pie-in-the-sky” talk…it is assurance, based on my own experience. I have seen God make a way countless times where I had all but given up…and I don’t think He’s done – not by a long shot!

So I echo the sentiment of Dr. Wilkes-Null…“Look at me!” I suggest you also take a look in the mirror, because I have a feeling, God has made some significant redemptive changes in your life over the years, as well. And now, let’s collectively call on God, to “Do it again, LORD…do it again!” Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 26, 2023 – Look to the hills for beauty…but look to God for strength and care

Psalm 121:1-8
I look up to the mountains;
    does my strength come from mountains?
No, my strength comes from God,
    who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.
He won’t let you stumble,
    your Guardian God won’t fall asleep.
Not on your life! Israel’s
    Guardian will never doze or sleep.
God’s your Guardian,
    right at your side to protect you—
Shielding you from sunstroke,
    sheltering you from moonstroke.
God guards you from every evil,
    he guards your very life.
He guards you when you leave and when you return,
    he guards you now, he guards you always.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I am a “hills” girl. A couple of weeks ago when we drove for hours through the northeast Arkansas delta, I realized just how much I love the hills. I mean no disrespect for those who live in this area and love it there. I have a healthy appreciation for the farmland and the value of its harvest. In this flat, wide-open space, a solar farm is being erected that covers more than four contiguous miles and 1900 acres, with nary a tree in sight to block the sun’s powerful rays. This clean energy source probably could not be created on such a scale where I live. But I love my hills!

At the same time, I looked at the hills surrounding us yesterday when I walked. They were still covered in a blanket of snow. Only a few nights ago, these hills were not friendly to many travelers who were trying to get home from work or travel elsewhere. Snow-covered highways offered treacherous going for some. At times, the hills can cause problems and allow us to stumble. And given these recent events, this is where my thoughts traveled when I read this passage.

I find the hills beautiful and somehow welcoming. When we hike in the Ozarks, I am drawn to these areas and feel a connection to them somehow. But I realize that the hills are fickle and offer plenty of options for problems – even danger. Just ask someone who lives in the Ozarks and still doesn’t have power, more than 36 hours after our last snowstorm.

The psalmist is pointing out that God’s assurance and protection never waver. God is not fickle…He is constant. His strength and care for us doesn’t come with slippery slopes, curves, bends, cliffs, and ditches…He guides and guards us every step of the way. God doesn’t rob us of the things we require to survive…He watches over us and meets our every need.

God made the mountains AND the deltas for us to enjoy and utilize. But our true strength and care comes from Him. And this psalm has reminded me that wherever I live…whatever my circumstances, God is all I need. He will make a way for me in every situation and circumstance. And the best part of all is that I don’t have to do a thing other than love, serve and trust Him with my whole heart. How amazing is that?! Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 25, 2023 – Talk to God and heat the water – it’s time to come clean and be refined!

Psalm 12:6
The Lord’s promise is sure. He speaks no careless word; all he says is purest truth, like silver seven times refined.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

The process of refining silver involves an intense heating of the ore to a liquid state. Impurities rise to the top and are skimmed off, leaving a pure metal. Sometimes, this process is repeated to ensure that the final product is of a high quality.

When we think of our lives in this context, we realize that some of us may need a bath, if not a scalding! And when we think of Jesus, we see Him standing tall, solid, and beaming brilliantly in purity and truth. This psalmist compares it to silver that has been refined seven times!

If we want to “be like Jesus,” we need to do some refining. I don’t mean to suggest that we literally “sterilize” ourselves. Our “refinement” is more metaphorical, but certainly no less effective. Every one of us should spend some time in prayer and conversation with God. Ask Him to show us where we have “debris and impurities” that cloud our discipleship. Do our words, actions, and attitudes reflect Jesus’ commands to love God, love one another, and treat each person as we wish to be treated?

I don’t know about you, but there have been times when I have soaked something in soapy water and marveled at the aftermath. I had no idea that this item was so dirty. Not only was the proof in the “residue” of the water afterward…the item itself took on a whole new appearance. This is our lesson. It is time to “soak in the soapy water” of Jesus’ cleansing and purification. It is time to “bathe” in God’s word and will…and refine our demonstration of Christ’s teachings. Not only will we “look and feel better,” we will be far more effective in our discipleship – and ultimately, more pleasing to God.

Stoke the fire, heat the water, and get ready to “come clean.” It’s time for us to be refined! Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 24, 2023 – No stumbling in the dark…God’s got this!

Psalm 119:165-176
For those who love what you reveal, everything fits—
no stumbling around in the dark for them.
I wait expectantly for your salvation;
God, I do what you tell me.
My soul guards and keeps all your instructions—
oh, how much I love them!
I follow your directions, abide by your counsel;
my life’s an open book before you.
Let my cry come right into your presence, God;
provide me with the insight that comes only from your Word.
Give my request your personal attention,
rescue me on the terms of your promise.
Let praise cascade off my lips;
after all, you’ve taught me the truth about life!
And let your promises ring from my tongue;
every order you’ve given is right.
Put your hand out and steady me
since I’ve chosen to live by your counsel.
I’m homesick, God, for your salvation;
I love it when you show yourself!
Invigorate my soul so I can praise you well,
use your decrees to put iron in my soul.
And should I wander off like a lost sheep—seek me!
I’ll recognize the sound of your voice.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Yesterday, I finished reading Open House by Katie Sise. This little mystery centered on a New York college student who attended a party in the woods one night and was never seen again. The “park” where the party occurred was heavily wooded and bordered a tall cliff overlooking a river. There were a lot of people in attendance – most of them unfamiliar to “Emma,” the girl who disappeared. There was also a lot of drinking, drug use, and dancing to loud music that distorted other noises and rendered most in attendance oblivious to any possible foul play. I won’t give away the story, but the pervading theory was that this girl got lost and fell over the cliff.

This assumption was more than plausible, given all the circumstances. And often, the same could be said for you and me. We are wandering around in the dark, perilously near a “cliff” of sorts – wrong choices, peer pressure and other outside influences, selfish behavior, and more. We may feel like nobody notices or cares…and/or we may revel in this thought, as if we are getting away with something. And even when we are doing everything right, sometimes outside influences and circumstances can wreak havoc in our lives.

But as the psalmist tells us, God knows. He sees us and is with us wherever we are. And when we call on Him, God will come to us and shepherd us back to into His intimate love and care. When we stay in God’s word and will, He will rectify the “mess” and bring about good. I find that I have to remind myself of this sometimes. I have to remember that God is always with me…that the Holy Spirit is my constant companion. And I also have to remember that He is ready, willing, and able to stand by everyone else. So when my mind begins to “run away with me” about this or that – or a person or situation – I must stop and call out to God to…“Seek me!”

If you’ve ever admonished a child to “step back” from a steep place or something else that could harm him/her, you know that we are all prone to wander too close to danger from time to time – even accidentally. I can almost hear God telling me, “Step back! Move away!” Can you? And when I start to worry and fret about other people and situations, I also hear Him telling me to,“Step aside…I’ve got this!” Let this be our refrain this day – and everyday. God’s got this! Let’s let Him have complete control and listen expectantly for His word and will.

Remember, God is always with us, and He makes all things possible. Rest in this assurance, wait expectantly, and let His praises cascade off your lips! Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 23, 2023 – Cats, comics, and the commands of Jesus…it’s time to share His word, will, love and hope with others

Psalm 119:89-100
Forever, O Lord, your Word stands firm in heaven. Your faithfulness extends to every generation, like the earth you created; it endures by your decree, for everything serves your plans.

I would have despaired and perished unless your laws had been my deepest delight. I will never lay aside your laws, for you have used them to restore my joy and health. I am yours! Save me! For I have tried to live according to your desires. Though the wicked hide along the way to kill me, I will quietly keep my mind upon your promises.

Nothing is perfect except your words. Oh, how I love them. I think about them all day long. They make me wiser than my enemies because they are my constant guide. Yes, wiser than my teachers, for I am ever thinking of your rules. They make me even wiser than the aged.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Greg and I try to stay relatively current and well-informed. We read several online news reports that are delivered to our e-mail inboxes each day, and we read at least some of the articles in our state newspaper. We pay attention to television news – from a variety of outlets. And I will be honest…much of what we learn is disheartening, if not downright depressing. Sometimes, what we learn leaves us frustrated – even angry. And don’t get me started on comments we see on social media outlets. So, we look for ways to lighten the mood…brighten our day…and remain hopeful.

One of these is “Dodo” videos of cute animals and sweet stories of their rescue and rehab…and short videos of cats doing silly things! Our hikes and walks are also a great source of encouragement and peace as we enjoy nature and spend time talking with God. I also read several comic strips in the newspaper each day, and they almost always make me laugh. Spending time with family and friends, and encouraging others with notes, cards, visits, and Meals on Wheels delivery also give us a sense of purpose and restore our joy as we actively seek to “love one another.”

Before you polish our crowns, understand that on any given day, we can feel discouraged, too. Jesus never promised us an easy life…but He does offer us an opportunity to experience His joy and peace as we serve others in His name. And “experience” has been a great teacher. We have learned much in our six-plus decades of living…and we have seen how God has carried us through every single situation and circumstance, both positive and negative. We have learned to keep our focus on the promises of God, even as the “news” around us darkens. We are determined to listen to God over man…to believe in His commands, even when the “world” says otherwise.

On days when the “news” seems particularly grim, I focus even more on Jesus. I remind myself that there are always opportunities to love others…to share a word of hope and encouragement…to offer positive comments – and share a cartoon or a post of a funny kitten or two. God made these little goofballs, too – and maybe He created memes and videos of their antics just to lighten our mood and brighten our day!

I challenge you to look for the hope and joy of Jesus in unusual places…to seek His word and follow His will – even when others suggest differently. Jesus will never steer you in the wrong direction…and He is still alive and active guarding and guiding our every step! Let’s share His love wherever and whenever we can – and do our part to offer His hope and promises to others. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 22, 2023 – “Go, do, and stop whining”…it’s time to follow Christ’s commands with faithful obedience

Psalm 119:65-72
I am your servant, Lord,
and you have kept your promise
to treat me with kindness.
Give me wisdom and good sense.
I trust your commands.
Once you corrected me
for not obeying you,
but now I do obey.
You are kindhearted,
and you do good things,
so teach me your laws.
My reputation is being ruined
by conceited liars,
but with all my heart
I follow your teachings.
Those liars have no sense,
but I find happiness
in your Law.
When you corrected me,
it did me good
because it taught me
to study your laws.
I would rather obey you
than to have a thousand pieces
of silver and gold.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

This morning, Dr. John Robbins, senior pastor at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church in Little Rock, shared a story about an experience early in his ministry. Dr. Robbins and his wife visited a church where he was soon to be assigned. He called it an “extraordinary promotion” to a much larger church. A member came up to him at a reception after the service and asked, “Are you our new preacher?” Dr. Robbins responded that yes, he was, and he extended his hand. The woman would not shake the minister’s hand, and she replied, “I’m gonna tell you right now…you’re too young to be the pastor of this church, and I’m not gonna like you while you’re here.” The pastor wanted to reply, “Right back atcha!” Instead, Dr. Robbins told the woman he hoped he could earn her respect.

Years later when Dr. Robbins was moving to another church, a farewell reception was held. This same woman came to him tearfully and said, “I was wrong. You’re the ‘real deal.’ Thank you for your ministry.” Dr. Robbins says he couldn’t have ever gotten a better compliment. He reminded us that Paul tells us to set an example for others…to be driven by our faith, our speech, and our conduct. This will determine the level of respect others give you – and how you share the Good News with others.

As the Psalmist notes, when we follow God’s law (and Christ’s commands), we will be ridiculed – maybe even disavowed. Some will try to smear us or make us out to be “wrong” or even evil because we love others with the love of Christ. They will sometimes distance themselves from us and decide they don’t like us because they feel we are too “whatever” – from age to race to social class and more (you fill in the blanks).

My message to you today is to stay the course. Hold your head up and serve Jesus according to His commands. Speak and act in a way that glorifies and honors Him. Remember how Jesus reacted and responded to those who criticized and abused Him. And think of the glory and joy that comes from pleasing Jesus above all others. Love one another and treat others as you wish to be treated.

Pastor Robbins also shared a story of complaining one day to an elder pastor that people were always telling him he was “too young.” The pastor basically told the young minister to quit whining and just “go and do” in the name of Jesus. I realized that I harp on the mistreatment of others in this space. I have repeatedly enumerated people and groups who are outcast and disparaged. And I have begged others to change how they speak and act toward them. It is time for me to stop whining, too.

It is time for all of us to simply “go and do” – to speak and act with the unconditional and unqualified love of Christ toward all others. It is time for us to earn the respect of others in the name of Jesus by being like Jesus – and trust Him to bless and multiply our efforts. And we must start doing this here…now…TODAY! My prayer for each of us is that we would seek God’s will…and serve Christ in His wisdom, good sense, and love – and let our efforts speak for themselves. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus