Daily Devotional for January 31, 2018 – It doesn’t cost anything to be kind.

2 Corinthians 9:8    
God can bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

It doesn’t cost anything to be kind.  Often, some of the best “good things” we can do for others involve no money.  From an early age, we should encourage our children to treat others with love and respect…to draw pictures and create cards to share as “thank-you notes”, get-well wishes, and more…to lend a helping hand wherever possible…and to be awake and alert to opportunities to share kindness with others.

As adults, we have opportunities every day to “do good things” for others.  This may involve physically getting up and out – and helping someone.  It may mean offering words of encouragement via e-mail or social media – or physically mailing a note or card to show love and concern.  We may need to speak to a government leader about an issue of great concern that we feel will affect a lot of people. An opportunity may arise for us to call those on our “prayer chain” to lift up a person or situation in petitions to our Heavenly Father.

Sometimes, we are called to “do good things” for others that involve money or material giving…and if we can afford to do this, we should prayerfully do what God directs.  But we must understand that God will bless every effort that we expend.  Even when we feel like all we can afford to offer is prayer support, this will be used, blessed and multiplied exponentially.

If you read the verses that surround this one, you will see a discussion of when – and how much – we should to give to others.  Many believe that we must “give until it hurts”.  I believe God calls on us to listen to His directives and “give until He is satisfied”.

There has never been a time when I have acted on what I felt was God’s directive to “give” in a manner that caused me to feel lack.  If He told me to spend time with someone or on a particular issue, I never felt like this put me behind or caused an uncomfortable interruption in my life.  When I have felt led to contribute money or material items, I’ve never missed these things afterward.  The KEY is to seek God’s will and direction…if He takes you to a need, He will make sure that none involved are left lacking.

Somewhere, somehow, God is calling you to “do good things” today.  Will you be listening…and will you be obedient?  Will you miss His blessing because you hesitate – or make excuses?  It doesn’t cost anything to be kind.  What “good things” and kindness will you share with others today?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 30, 2018 – Checking the facts…and sharing the truth

2 Corinthians 6:7    
We have spoken the truth, and God’s power has worked in us. In all our struggles we have said and done only what is right.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

30 Day Notice

Citizens of Allen County, Kansas, including the incorporated and unincorporated cities of: Bassett, Bayard, Carlyle, Elsmore, Gas, Geneva, Humboldt, Iola, La Harpe, Moran, Mildred, Petrolia, Savonburg

Due to the extensive and repeated misuse of Facebook
and other social media applications within this jurisdiction
we will be blocking all Allen County access to
Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube
between February 28 and March 1.

This information was shared by my friend Teresa, who works at our local Sheriff’s Department – and I don’t know when I have laughed so hard. Let’s just say…the country went wild. People started posting terrible, ugly comments to the Allen County Sheriff’s Department (many of which they have now retracted in embarrassment).  Angry folks called Dispatch – and even a District Court clerk – and threatened lawsuits, public protests, and more. Four major news networks called to verify the post…only to be embarrassed that they had been duped. The Sheriff’s Department later noted that they were glad these news outlets discovered their mistake before they shared the information as fact and had to “walk back” their “story”.

In a follow-up post, the Sheriff’s Department said…”Our post today, Monday, January 29, 2018, about “shutting off social media” was another successful demonstration of the power of social media. It wasn’t intended to be that way. We want to remind everyone, read everything you see on the internet closely. Check the facts. Not everything is true no matter how good it may look.”

If you are still confused…check your calendar.  You will see that as soon as February 28, 2018, ends…March 1st begins!  This was a clever demonstration of how easily people are duped by false information – and how quickly they jump on the bandwagon to believe whatever they are told.  Because this post came from a Sheriff’s Department, many obviously bought it “hook, line, and sinker”.  This should be a wake-up call to a lot of us that anyone can be deceptive, confusing – or untruthful…whether intentional or not.  So the sheriff’s admonition to read everything closely (not just what we see on the Internet) is great advice. His reminder to check the facts echoes what Paul tells us in the scriptures.

Even among our community and “religious leaders”, there are those who have a personal agenda and will lie to ensure its implementation.  I know we don’t want to think this could be true…but the devil is not that discerning in his targets.  In fact, he delights in nothing better than deceiving someone who claims to represent God Almighty – or those who appear to “wield power and influence” over a large group of people!

What does this mean for us as Christians?  We must truly check the facts…about everything!  We must listen carefully to what is being said, and at least whisper to the Holy Spirit and ask, “Can this be right?”  We must do our homework and choose our words – and our associates – wisely.  We must be careful not to get caught up in the cacophony of “mob mentality” over a perceived injustice – especially without first investigating to make sure that all who are involved are on firm footing.

There is nothing more damaging to the furthering of God’s Kingdom than “Christians” who “go off half-cocked”.  Make sure that you aren’t one of these.  Prayerfully consider whether what you are sharing and demonstrating is truthful. Check – and double-check – your facts. Carefully choose your words and actions…as well as your “circle of influence”. Don’t be “guilty by association” of sharing untruths.

Make every effort to operate in confidence that your words are powered only by God’s truth – and that in all your struggles, you say and do only what He shows you to be right. And consider at least curtailing your activities on social media.  February 28th – March 1st might be a good time to start!

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 29, 2018 – Who gives you power today?

2 Corinthians 13:4 
His weak, human body died on the cross, but now he lives by the mighty power of God. We, too, are weak in our bodies, as he was, but now we live and are strong, as he is, and have all of God’s power to use in dealing with you.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I have fallen behind on my reading in Jesus Calling*. This morning, I pulled on the bookmark ribbon and opened to the January 23rd entry. The first sentence said, “It’s all right to be human.” The point of the message was to bring our thoughts back to Jesus when our mind begins to wander or we become distracted with the activities of the day – and to allow Him to empower us in all things.

Jesus demonstrated that in our human form, we are weak.  We can be beaten, bruised, ridiculed, and overwhelmed. Jesus became a living sacrifice on the cross to show that through the power of God, we can never truly be defeated…that we are strengthened and fortified by His Holy Spirit, who lives in us and fills us with courage and wisdom.

I really like this verse, because it offers us hope in all situations and circumstances. The doctor says your body is sick or diseased…you can say, “but my heart, mind and soul are powered by God Almighty.”  Your pipes burst or the car gets a flat tire…or you can’t zip the pants that fit fine a month ago…but your prayer life is “fit, trim and healthy” – and you feel God at work as you solve “life’s problems”.

Your children are struggling with math facts. They face social dilemmas that are part of growing up – and classmates who are often unkind or cruel.  But because of the power of God that flows from you to them – and your prayers and encouragement for them to seek God’s power and comfort in turn – they will emerge as conquerors and strong individuals.

Your – or someone you know – are facing physical decline that comes with age…memory loss…and the tangible loss of loved ones and peers all around them.  It’s enough to make even the most resilient person depressed.  But because of God’s power, compassion, and encouragement, you can forge ahead with a hopeful, positive outlook – and an eye toward the prize of Eternal Life.

We are not defined by our bodies – or our “humanness”. Jesus gave us the perfect example of how to supersede the things of this world and operate in God’s power and glory.  Because of this, we can say to the world at large, “Bring it on!  Give me your best shot! I am up to the challenge!” Ask God to make this a truth in your life today…and trust Him to fill you with His strength in all situations and circumstances.

It’s all right to be human – as long as you trust God to conquer your “weaknesses”.  Who will give you power today?

©2018 Debbie Robus

*Jesus Calling ~ http://jesuscalling.com

Daily Devotional for January 28, 2018 – Are you ready to do something beautiful for God?

1 Timothy 2:4-10    
He wants not only us but everyone saved, you know, everyone to get to know the truth we’ve learned: that there’s one God and only one, and one Priest-Mediator between God and us—Jesus, who offered himself in exchange for everyone held captive by sin, to set them all free. Eventually the news is going to get out. This and this only has been my appointed work: getting this news to those who have never heard of God, and explaining how it works by simple faith and plain truth.

Since prayer is at the bottom of all this, what I want mostly is for men to pray—not shaking angry fists at enemies but raising holy hands to God. And I want women to get in there with the men in humility before God, not primping before a mirror or chasing the latest fashions but doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

This morning, a friend shared a link on Facebook to a story about a “lovably kooky little old lady” who entered a bookstore and royally entertained the clerk who wrote this account. The story* was so good that I shared it on my own Facebook page.  In a nutshell, the woman was chatty and engaging…and she randomly spent an exorbitant amount of money on a young man who was purchasing textbooks.  Her “excuse” was that we are often cruel without intending to be – or even realizing what we have done.  So when we get a chance to be kind, we should always take it.

I encourage you to follow the link at the end of this devotional and read the story for yourself, because this “tiny old woman” did more to advance the Kingdom of Heaven with her bookstore visit than many of us do in a week – or even a year – of human encounters. She demonstrated selfless love and kindness. She exuded love – and joy.  As you will discover in the story, “life” has tried to knock this woman down a peg or two. But she clearly gains strength, resolve and empowerment from Someone who cannot be defeated.

As I read this account, I had to admit that I have probably missed some golden opportunities to be an “awesomely happy, weird little old lady” for Jesus.  I am sure that there have been times when I was more concerned with “keeping up appearances” than doing something beautiful for God.  There have surely been times when I should have prayed more and shaken an angry fist less.  And if you are honest, the same can be said for you, as well.

From this day forward, you and I have a chance to change this. We can begin today to make better, kinder choices as we speak and act. We can show others the awesome power and redeeming glory of our Almighty God as He helps us to manage the circumstances of each day. We can choose kindness and show the grace, mercy, forgiveness, and compassion of Jesus in even the smallest of words and actions. We can prayerfully remain awake and alert – and call on the Holy Spirit to monitor our behaviors to ensure that we never impart cruelty or hatred – not even unintentionally.

If we are going to truly represent Jesus on this earth and serve as His disciples, we must be willing to step out of our comfort zone, focus on the other guy rather than ourselves, and continually seek a heart filled with kindness and compassion. We must pray for the Holy Spirit to fill us with His purpose…so that we never miss an opportunity to spontaneously share the love of Christ and be His “weird little old lady” on this earth.  I’m ready to get started…what about you?

©2018 Debbie Robus


Daily Devotional for January 27, 2018 – Praying and believing – and letting God “straighten your vases”

1 Timothy 2:1-3
The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

When we brought my mother home from the hospital on Hospice care, we got her settled in a hospital bed that had been set up in her den – right in front of the fireplace.  Mother had not been there very long when she called for me and said, “I know you will understand this, but that vase on the mantel is crooked.”  I looked up and immediately saw what she meant – and I straightened it for her. Mother smiled and said, “Nobody else would have understood that but you.”

This is a funny memory for me now – in particular that only 11 days before her death, my mother was concerned about a crooked vase on the mantel!  But she was right – I do understand that, because that probably would have bothered me just as much! There is also comfort in knowing that my mother trusted me to handle even this for her. She knew that I would manage the minor details with just as much care as I gave to attending to her physical needs in those last days.

In this passage from Second Timothy, Paul has two messages for us. First, he is telling us that prayer is critical.  We are prone to say, “All I can do is pray.”  Hear this…most of the time, praying is all we need to do!  Prayer is often enough! God doesn’t need us to meddle further – or try to “fix things”.  He just wants us to talk to Him and earnestly let Him know, “I’m counting on YOU to do the hard work!”  He can…and He will!

The second message comes in those sentences about praying for our government and its rulers, so that we can go about the business of quietly living. God wants us to trust Him…to bring our concerns before Him – and leave them there. He wants us to bring Him our joys and praises AND our deepest needs and concerns. God wants us to trust Him to take care of us…and to demonstrate this by leaving our worries on His doorstep – and getting on with the business of enjoying the life that He has given us.

This is hard for many of us, because we have made a career of massaging our concerns and troubles. Frankly, some of us thrive on chaos!  But that is not how God desires that we live.  Television newscaster Robin Roberts wrote a book titled Everybody’s God Something*. She said her mother used to say this to her – and through her own trials and tribulations, she discovered the truth in this idea.  Roberts’ mother also said, “make your mess your message”.

People are watching to see how you and I handle every component of our lives – the good, bad, and ugly. They notice when our prayer life is strong. They also notice whether we “let go and let God” – or pray in one breath and worry in the next! They notice if our message is…”Give your mess to God!” Faithful prayer is the vehicle for doing this!

You and I have a Heavenly Father who understands us completely. He is ready, willing and able to straighten our “crooked vase on the mantel” and so much more.  Are you ready to let Him?

©2018 Debbie Robus


Daily Devotional for January 26, 2018 – Suffering in silence – letting Jesus shepherd your soul

1 Peter 2:21-25
This is the kind of life you’ve been invited into, the kind of life Christ lived. He suffered everything that came his way so you would know that it could be done, and also know how to do it, step-by-step.He never did one thing wrong,
Not once said anything amiss.

They called him every name in the book and he said nothing back. He suffered in silence, content to let God set things right. He used his servant body to carry our sins to the Cross so we could be rid of sin, free to live the right way. His wounds became your healing. You were lost sheep with no idea who you were or where you were going. Now you’re named and kept for good by the Shepherd of your souls.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Nobody ever said being a Christian would be easy. In our present climate of political divisiveness and social crises that make our blood boil, it’s hard to remain calm sometimes – and “suffer” in silence. I have to continually remind myself that…“God’s got this!”…and that He is fully equipped to handle the heavy lifting.

Every day, we are bombarded with people who want to point fingers, call names, create divisiveness, or make people to believe that they are particularly important in some way.  The “he said/she said” mentality that presently permeates our world is, in a word – disgusting!  Moreover, this behavior belies our faith in Jesus – and certainly contradicts His demonstration of love and healing on the cross.

When people say unkind things that are offensive and hurtful, we want to lash out…to retaliate…to at least “give them a piece of our mind”!  And yet, we hear Peter telling us in this passage to defer to Jesus. After all, everything you could possibly imagine – and more – has been said and done to Him already…and He stood up to every last bit.  The incredible thing is that Jesus did all of this for you and me!  He bought and paid for our sins with His own suffering, so that we can be free of them!

I love the sentence that says…”His wounds became your healing.” This gives me hope and comfort.  As I read and hear unkind things being spewed by those who are filled with hate and a desire to serve their own agendas at the expense of others, I know that I have within me the strength and power of Jesus to resist the temptation to engage them in such talk.  This was settled on the cross…and I need to leave it there!

I know that Jesus endured all of this – and He remained silent. And on the cross, He took any “tongue-lashing” and hatred that might be directed at you and me and bore it Himself.  Essentially, Jesus said, “I’ll handle this”…and our job became that of letting Him.  By His silence and lack of physical confrontation, Jesus demonstrated supernatural strength and resolve. And believe it or not…He’s instilled this in us as His disciples!

To really serve Christ and honor His sacrifice on the cross, we must heed His command to love others as He loves us – and as we love ourselves.  Toward that end, we must bite our tongue, quite often, and “suffer in silence”.  This means that we must stay out of dicey conversations on social media. We must prayerfully stand up for what is right – even when it means that speaking out on behalf of the truth. But we must also learn to exercise restraint where necessary. We must become adept at differentiating between a healthy debate and a contentious argument. Sometimes, this means we must step aside – or walk away – and let Jesus settle the outcome.

There are always going to be people who want to stir up trouble…to engage us in a “discussion” that becomes more of a dispute that ultimately pits one person or group against another. The only possible outcome of this will be an ugly – and false – representation of what our “new life in Christ” should be. Jesus did not die on the cross so that we could take on a continual battle of earthly wills. True followers of Christ are not known by their antagonistic nature…but rather by their quiet resolve – even in the face of tremendous adversity.

I cannot tell you what to do – or how to think. But the Bible is pretty clear that we have a perfect example in Jesus Christ.  Spend some time in prayer and Bible study, and see where He leads you. Always stand up for the truth – but do so in a manner that represents the words and actions of Jesus…and glorifies His incomparable sacrifice on our behalf.  Jesus has shown us how to do this step-by-step…now it’s up to us to demonstrate that we’ve been paying attention.

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 24, 2018 – Cozy or compliant – who are you representing?

1 Peter 2:11-19
Friends, this world is not your home, so don’t make yourselves cozy in it. Don’t indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices. Then they’ll be won over to God’s side and be there to join in the celebration when he arrives.

Make the Master proud of you by being good citizens. Respect the authorities, whatever their level; they are God’s emissaries for keeping order. It is God’s will that by doing good, you might cure the ignorance of the fools who think you’re a danger to society. Exercise your freedom by serving God, not by breaking the rules. Treat everyone you meet with dignity. Love your spiritual family. Revere God. Respect the government.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

My parents were “natives” to our community. My mother, in particular, was a “home girl” most of her life. She and Daddy spent a brief few months in another city, attending college after they married. When I was 10, my family moved to Oklahoma for Daddy to work as a welder on construction of the McClellan-Kerr Navigation System of locks and dams. But my siblings and I got terribly homesick…and six months later, we were back at “home”.

My parents built a house when I was two.  My mother lived there until her death at age 76+. To say her roots were deep in this community would be an understatement.  Even as she traveled in her later adult life, her home was her castle.

As firmly entrenched in this community as my mother was…she never made newcomers feel like outsiders. Many of her dearest friends were people who moved here from somewhere else. And as Mother traveled, she made lifelong friends and acquaintances far and wide…from all backgrounds and in all sizes, shapes and colors!  My mother was the epitome of someone who actions refuted any hint of prejudice.

Mother was well-read, intelligent, and thoughtful. She had opinions about political and social issues…but she didn’t force them on others…and she was greatly grieved and offended when others did so. Over the course of her lifetime, my mother grew in faith and wisdom…and became a woman who saw the person – and not their background or “baggage”.

I say this to tell you that God worked in my mother’s heart to create a lovely, gracious, merciful, compassionate servant who made every effort to treat others with respect, kindness, and dignity. Her constant faith and obedience through many challenges in life taught her to keep her eye on the only Prize that mattered – Eternal Life with Jesus.  And this is the lesson for us.

Too many of us are busy trying to be “cozy” rather than compliant.  Don’t misunderstand what I am saying. We must stand up – and sometimes speak out – for the truth. But we must not seek to put our own “spin” on these things because it makes us comfortable.  We cannot close our hearts to those who are “different”…we cannot disparage the “unlovely” – or those who think and act in a way that we find odd or off-putting in some manner.  Not everyone is going to be just like us…and that’s okay.

This earth is my home for now…and God is calling on me to represent Him well while I am here.  The only glimpse another person gets of Jesus Christ might come from you or me.  What will you show them?  Like my mother, will you see the person – and not their background or “baggage”?  Or will your words and actions indicate that Jesus just simply might not have died for them, too?

We must ask God to help us operate with kindness, compassion, grace, mercy, and respect.  I will be the first to tell you that there are people in this world whose ideas and behaviors I do not respect.  But I am begging God to help me see them as He does…and to treat them as He expects. This means no name calling…no “ugly talk” with others or public denigration.  It means that if/when I encounter these people, I am to be polite and kind…and offer better than I feel they might deserve.  This means that it is not my job to judge.

This is a hard pill to swallow sometimes. But to do otherwise would indicate that I don’t believe in the power of God…that I don’t trust Him to do the heavy lifting and make the rules. And that simply won’t work for me…what about you?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 23, 2018 – Are you “famous” in the way that matters most?

1 Peter 2:7-10
You are followers of the Lord, and that stone is precious to you. But it isn’t precious to those who refuse to follow him. They are the builders who tossed aside the stone that turned out to be the most important one of all. They disobeyed the message and stumbled and fell over that stone, because they were doomed.

But you are God’s chosen and special people. You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation. God has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Now you must tell all the wonderful things that he has done. The Scriptures say,

“Once you were nobody.
Now you are God’s people.
At one time no one
had pity on you.
Now God has treated you
with kindness.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A few weeks ago, we were served Holy Communion by our friend Alyce.  As she approached each of us with bread, she called us by name and said, “The body of Christ, broken for you.” When we got home, Timmy asked, “How did that lady know my name?”  We explained that she is a dear friend…and she has known about him, Zola and Nathan all of their lives.

This prompted Timmy to ask, “How come so many people know you? I don’t know very many people.” Greg explained that a lot of people know him and his siblings because they know us. “They know all about you…” he said.  “You’re famous!”  The look on Timmy’s face was priceless. He argued at first…”How am I famous?”  Greg told him a lot of people see things that I write about him and his siblings in posts on Facebook – and in these devotionals. They see us together at church and around town. He also added that we know more people because we are older.

Since that conversation, we’ve heard Timmy tell Zola and Nathan that…”I’m famous!”  He’s also added that they are not famous, because they are not as old –  and people don’t know them as well.  Clearly, we have some work to do!

Here’s the thing…not everybody cares about being famous.  But even an 8-year-old doesn’t want to be a “nobody”. We want to matter – to someone or at least a few “someones”.  We want to feel important, appreciated, and purposeful…or at least the vast majority of us desire these things. What we don’t realize is that we already are…in the way that matters most!

As a child of God…and more importantly, when we become a “new creature in Christ Jesus”…we are a “somebody” in the most significant of ways.  We are “famous” as disciples of the Most Famous King of all time!  And THIS must be our highest aspiration.  We matter to God’s Kingdom…and nothing is more critical or essential than to claim the title of “Follower of Jesus”.  All of the accolades in the world don’t matter if we have not made Him the LORD of our life.  All of the friends in the world…public recognition…human companionship, mortal compliments and tributes are nothing compared to the claim that we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus!

I want all children to feel good about themselves.  As I spend time with our children and others at home, school, church and other venues…I do all I can to build up their spirit – to ensure them that they are loved – and that they matter greatly.  Most importantly, I try to do this in the context of their relationship with Jesus. It is vital that they understand that the only “fame and fortune” that really matters is to be a true Disciple of Christ and look forward to Eternal Life in Heaven.  Everything else is just “gravy” – and much of that is pretty insignificant in the scheme of things.

So as we move forward, we will encourage our children to “be all that they can be”.  But we will stress to them that to be truly famous is to be a forgiven child of God who loves Him and serves Him at every turn. This may not get their name in the newspaper or on social media…but it will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.  And that is everything!

Whose recognition do you seek?  Are you “famous” in the eyes of Jesus?  Is your name written in His Book?  Will this be the day that you make sure of this?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 22, 2018 – Are you a “living stone” or a wobbly brick?

1 Peter 2:4-5
Come to Jesus Christ. He is the living stone that people have rejected, but which God has chosen and highly honored. And now you are living stones that are being used to build a spiritual house. You are also a group of holy priests, and with the help of Jesus Christ you will offer sacrifices that please God.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

The other day, Nathan built a “ship” with Legos®. He was so proud of it, until he held it up to show me…and a couple of the pieces were wobbly. As he pressed on them, the entire structure began to collapse. Nathan fell apart, too – and began to cry in despair.  I rushed to help him shore up the “ship”…and in doing so, I discovered that some of the pieces atop the base were not steady and secure.  Nathan had tried to do some uneven stacking in order to create “windows” and “doors”…and the entire structure was, quite literally, shaking!

Despite Nathan’s protests, I rearranged a couple of pieces to strengthen the overall piece.  He was adamant that certain blocks and bricks had to remain…that they were important.  But I was able to convince him that if we twisted and turned a few of them in a slightly different direction, everything held together better. Nathan finally relented…and I did a couple of “slight-of-hand” adjustments that he didn’t really notice…and all was well.

God has chosen us to be the “bricks and blocks” atop His foundation “plate” – Jesus Christ. Some of us have chosen to twist and turn in a way that makes the entire “church” structure a little shaky. Despite suggestions to the contrary, we often insist on our own way in favor of “windows and doors” that are pretty or comfortable – and suit our own agendas. We seem to have blinders on when God tries to show us how they don’t fit into His overall design.

Sometimes, we can be convinced to make necessary adjustments.  Other times, God has to do some shifting on His own. These adjustments may be subtle…but other times, we notice the change – and we’re not always happy campers!  We may even pout, kick and scream like a five-year-old who didn’t quite get his way!

In the end, God wants us to be part of His spiritual house. He wants to mold and shape the bricks and blocks in a way that strengthens the structure and builds on the Foundation, rather than make it unsteady. God wants us to be part of something that others can “pick up”, examine and find to be beautiful and solid.  We must be willing to listen…to follow His lead…and to “snap into the design” wherever He places us.

The “ship” sits on our kitchen counter amid a display of other Lego® creations.  Like the stones in God’s “house”, a couple of the pieces are still a little wobbly – but important to the design none-the-less. God can use wobbly bricks, blocks and stones. With Jesus Christ as the base, God can strengthen us and place us in a way that adds solidity and purpose to the overall structure. We must be willing to trust Him to use us in this manner.

So where does this leave you today?  Are you ready, willing, and able to be a stone, brick or block in God’s house – and to allow Him to position you perfectly?  Isn’t it time we stopped trying to have things our own way – and let Him be the Designer and Builder?  Will this be the day that you get started?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 21, 2018 – When “the deer eat your roses”!

1 Peter 2:1-3
So clean house! Make a clean sweep of malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk. You’ve had a taste of God. Now, like infants at the breast, drink deep of God’s pure kindness. Then you’ll grow up mature and whole in God.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I passed by the window today just in time to see a deer having “Sunday buffet” at our privet hedge in the back yard.  I watched her for several minutes as she hungrily devoured every leaf and stem within reach.  She was by no means malnourished…her coat was beautiful and sleek.  But she ate like she wouldn’t get a meal again for months!

What she was doing to that bush at the edge of the woods was not terribly serious in the scheme of things. The problem is…the deer also love our knock-out rose bushes and other flower bed plantings.  And this bush at the edge of our yard is like a “gateway drug” that will lead to potential destruction of our “better” plantings!  So we have to “shoo” the deer away from our yard…and spray “Deer-B-Gon” on our roses to provide a protective shield to guard these shrubs from becoming “dinner” for the four-legged creatures.

As I watched the deer this morning, I thought of this scripture passage from 1 Peter.  These animals are magnificent…graceful…beautiful and innocent looking.  I can also attest firsthand to the damage they can do to tender vegetation.  So while I appreciate that they are God’s creatures…I understand that measures must be taken to protect the health and well-being of our landscaping!  And in our human relationships, the same tactics must be employed with regard to those who are bent on evil, ill intent and destruction.

Jesus wants us to fully surrender to Him and “drink deep” of His pure kindness.  Jesus wants us to surrender any malice, pretense, envy, hurtful talk…and any other negative attitudes and behaviors that we may be harboring – and let Him have full control.  He wants to be our protection…our “Deer-B-Gon”, if you will, from those who demonstrate these traits. Jesus wants us to trust in Him – and operate in His unadulterated grace, mercy, forgiveness and compassion.

I will tell you…some days are easier than others in this regard, and I am a work in progress!  I am not a fan of deer hunting, but when deer snipped the beautiful blooms off my red tulips like someone had shorn them with scissors, I wanted to ring a few necks – or invite a few hunters over to spend a day in our yard!  I know this is not the solution…and retaliating or engaging with those who are speaking and acting in a vile, malicious, or hurtful manner is not the answer, either!

I want to depend totally on Jesus.  I want to be strong enough to look past the venom, hatred and divisiveness that have become the “norm” in our world – and dwell on things that are lovely and pure.  I want to look at the person who says ugly or evil things and misbehaves on a regular basis with no remorse – and see who Jesus sees instead. I don’t want social media and the daily news to color my attitudes of these people – or cause me judge them in any way.

Let’s be honest…we cannot live in a vacuum.  We must stay informed, read newspapers and obtain some daily updates via television and the Internet.  If we “unfriend” every single person who disagrees with us or offends us in some manner, we will put a serious limit on our contacts.  More importantly, we may also miss an opportunity to share a taste of God’s pure kindness with them via our own words and actions.

Think of it this way…God has plenty of reasons to “unfriend” each and every one of us.  Yet we hear Jesus’ summons to “be Mine…all Mine”. So what are we to do?   I believe that we are called to “let go – and let God”, as the old adage says.  We need to surrender these things to the One who can truly handle them – and quit worrying with them ourselves. We need to live in the protective covering of God Almighty and let Him do the heavy lifting…as we demonstrate the teachings of Jesus to others on a daily basis.

Will the “deer” still “eat our roses” on occasion?  Absolutely!  But when we can look at them from God’s perspective – and allow Him to handle the situation, we have begun to mature in our relationship with Him.  At the end of the day, we are responsible for how we serve Christ…and how we treat others.  Will this be the day that you rest in God’s power and protection – and allow Him to handle the rest?  Isn’t it time you did?

©2018 Debbie Robus