Daily Devotional for April 23, 2024 – Seeking sensible instruction and using sound judgment…are you sure you can trust your “messenger?”

Proverbs 13:14-17
Sensible instruction
    is a life-giving fountain
that helps you escape
    all deadly traps.
Sound judgment is praised,
but people without good sense
    are on the way to disaster.
If you have good sense,
you will act sensibly,
    but fools act like fools.
Whoever delivers your message
can make things better
    or worse for you.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

It happened to me again last week…for a hot minute, I believed the information of a trusted “friend” on Facebook, only to discover his “news” was not true. A local meteorologist I follow showed photos of a giant water moccasin said to be swimming in Lake Ouachita in south Arkansas. Several people noted that they have seen some really big snakes there…but then one person said, “I saw this same post somewhere else last year!” Sure enough…more people began to say this was an old post – purportedly to be from another state on another waterway. 
I have no doubt that the meteorologist thought these photos and the accompanying data were valid…he is not given to false reporting. But it just goes to show how easily you and I can be duped. And nowhere do we have to be more careful these days than media of all kinds. Just because we see something on the Internet – or read it in the newspaper – doesn’t make it so. And this brings me to the last verse of this passage…“Whoever delivers your message can make things better or worse for you.”
My example shows that even trusted “messengers” can sometimes provide misleading or false information. I would have been embarrassed if I had shared the post about the snake. But it wouldn’t be the end of the world. However, if I share claims that run counter to scripture, intend to disparage or demean a certain person or group, or misinterpret God’s word and commands, I can do great harm. We need look no further than the wild claims and rumors that swirled during the COVID pandemic – or the declarations of certain “people of faith” that God’s blessings are only offered to those from this religious belief or that group or lifestyle – to see the damage that can be done.
Yes, it is often tedious work to get to the truth. God never promised us “easy.” But He did give us everything we need to know…every command, proverb, and lesson to guide and guard us. God gave us His word – and the privilege of direct communication with Him 24/7 – so that we can dig deeply and find His truth over the din and dishonesty of the world. The rest is up to us. It seems to me that Solomon is telling us that we have a choice…we can assume that what others tell us is right and true. We can go along to get along and simply accept the words and actions of the crowd – or the claims and tenets of the people and groups to whom we wish to belong. Or we can do the hard work of getting to know God for ourselves – and strive to always speak and act as He commands.
As Solomon tells us…“Sensible instruction is a life-giving fountain that helps you escape all deadly traps. Sound judgment is praised, but people without good sense are on the way to disaster. Whoever delivers your message can make things better or worse for you.” My prayer is that we would dig deeply, seek God’s sensible instruction, use good sense, and only trust and serve one Messenger. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for February 25 – Choose carefully Who you will worship…and follow His commands to the letter!

Deuteronomy 4:23-24; 29-31
Always remember the agreement that the Lord your God made with you, and don’t make an idol in any shape or form. The Lord will be angry if you worship other gods, and he can be like a fire destroying everything in its path.

In all of your troubles, you may finally decide that you want to worship only the Lord. And if you turn back to him and obey him completely, he will again be your God. The Lord your God will have mercy—he won’t destroy you or desert you. The Lord will remember his promise, and he will keep the agreement he made with your ancestors.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Yesterday, I shared a meme that said, “Don’t tell someone you love them, and then vote for someone who will hurt them.” This reminder could be expanded into other areas of our daily living. Here’s an example of how often we “open mouth, insert foot.” I was talking with my dear friend Doug the other day, and I said something about “that only child syndrome,” and Doug (an only child with an only child) laughed and said, “Hey now!” I caught myself and began apologizing. Like the dear friend he is, Doug laughed even more and said, “That’s okay – it happens all the time.” But this served as a reminder to me that words matter – even seemingly “innocent” comments among friends. Now imagine all the selfish, hateful things spewed in our world – and how they land with others! You can see the ramifications and “ripple effect” of this!
Our words and actions matter greatly – to God and to others. When we start to care more about what others think and/or gaining the approval of the world rather than what God desires, we’ve gotten off course. This is definitely a form of idol worship. Anytime we are paying credence to the words and actions of a human being – especially when we know that they do not line up with God’s command to “love others” – we have turned our back on God. I once mentioned to my then-pastor something hateful and hurtful someone had done to me, and he said, “But I’ve seen you interact with this person, and there is love there!” I told him yes…God expects it of me. I cannot be unloving toward another just because he/she has been this way toward me. I also cannot join in when others berate a person or group, discriminate against them, treat them with disdain or even hate – or try to enact legislation that would hurt them in some way.
The God who loves you and me loves all others just as much. And the amazing things is that when we stop misbehaving and return to Him with genuine remorse and a desire to worship only Him, God is ready and willing to receive us with open arms! How amazing is this?!
I have been bombarded lately with examples of people who claim to know and love Jesus even while operating in hate, discrimination, bigotry, bias, and downright selfish arrogance. They are listening to the words of others who operate in these same evil trades (or they are listing to the devil’s words in their ear)…and they are distorting scripture to fit their personal narrative. And I am convinced that God is not amused. How do I know this? I know how convicted I felt in my own heart even as I made the offhanded “innocent” comment to my friend. God sees and hears everything we say and do! This should be enough to keep us on “the straight and narrow path!”
Get out your Bible and start reading. If you need a list of scriptures that detail God’s commands and Christ’s teachings, I’ll be glad to help you find them. I could probably use that list myself! Stop listening to the world and putting their spin on God’s words. Start trusting what God says. There are plenty of scripture passages that quote God or Jesus directly. READ THESE! Trust God’s directives and internalize them in your every word and action…and worship only Him. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for April 28, 2021 – Do your homework, listen to God…and follow HIS truths and directives!

1 Timothy 4:1-5
But the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some in the church will turn away from Christ and become eager followers of teachers with devil-inspired ideas. These teachers will tell lies with straight faces and do it so often that their consciences won’t even bother them.

They will say it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat meat, even though God gave these things to well-taught Christians to enjoy and be thankful for. For everything God made is good, and we may eat it gladly if we are thankful for it, and if we ask God to bless it, for it is made good by the Word of God and prayer.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

A private school in Miami, Florida, has notified staff members that it will not employ anyone who has been vaccinated against COVID-19, according to an article in the Miami Herald*. The founders of the school, which has an annual tuition approaching $30,000 per year for middle school students, claim that those who are vaccinated “may be transmitting something from their bodies” that could potentially harm the “reproductive systems, fertility, and normal growth and development in women and children.” No scientific data is cited to back up these claims. However, it was noted that many will assume the founders did their homework and consulted scientific and medical experts. These false rumors will likely be confusing at best – and potentially harmful, as people decide to believe them and forego vaccination.

Perhaps Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said it best on April 11, when CNN’s Jake Tapper asked him about a large number of white evangelicals who have said they will not get the vaccine. “Mayor Pete” replied…“I’ve heard people I care about saying, you know, ‘If I’m faithful, God’s going to take care of me.’ And I guess what I would hope that they might consider is that maybe a vaccine is part of God’s plan for how you’re going to take care of yourself.”

You and I have to be very careful that we do not get caught up in lies and conspiracy theories. There is someone on every street corner who is waiting to sell us “snake oil” or fill our heads with “devil-inspired ideas.” And as the Apostle Paul points out, they will tell these lies with straight faces – and so often that it won’t even bother their conscience. It struck me that Paul called these people “teachers,” because I know there are plenty of doctors, lawyers, teachers and preachers, to name a few, who are ready to fill our heads with all sorts of nonsense – and insist that what they are saying is right, true, or even God-ordained! And because of their “position” or level of education or prominence, people will believe them.

You and I have a tremendous responsibility…we are called to listen to God and follow His lead. We are to look at God’s “gifts” of science, technology, and an abundance of information – and we are to prayerfully sift through it all to discover His truths. I cannot tell you how thankful I am to have been fully vaccinated. I am looking forward to hugging our children with every confidence that I will not emit a single atom of anything that could harm them…much less render them infertile! I am prayerfully considering how to “get back out there” now – when to resume activities such as in-person worship and teaching Sunday school, getting a dental checkup and cleaning – and even getting a haircut!

I trusted God to open doors for me to receive the COVID vaccine…and I am talking with Him daily about how to proceed on what seems like even the smallest of issues. I know that God will show me what is right and true…that He will bless and ordain my steps as I faithfully seek His will and follow His lead. I also know that God will fill me with common sense…and those things that do not ring true or feel right are probably to be avoided. Meanwhile, a vaccine that has helped to swiftly bring about tremendous drops in numbers of cases of this deadly virus is likely anointed and intended to be received!

The bottom line is that you and I must do our homework…and this means spending time every day in prayer and communication with God. He will show us what is right and true – and how to proceed. God loves us! He wants us to be safe and well, and He will bless our faithful attention and obedience. Our job is to ask Him to show us how this is done – and then to follow through on His directives with confidence, courage, hope and peace.

©2021 Debbie Robus
