Daily Devotional for April 29, 2024 – Praying, listening, and loving as Christ commands – it’s time to let go and let God have complete control

Psalm 5:1-7 
O Lord, hear me praying; listen to my plea, O God my King, for I will never pray to anyone but you. Each morning I will look to you in heaven and lay my requests before you, praying earnestly.

I know you get no pleasure from wickedness and cannot tolerate the slightest sin. Therefore, proud sinners will not survive your searching gaze, for how you hate their evil deeds. You will destroy them for their lies; how you abhor all murder and deception.

But as for me, I will come into your Temple protected by your mercy and your love; I will worship you with deepest awe.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I listened to three sermons yesterday, and each of them had a relevant message for the days in which we are living. The first was delivered by Dr. John Robbins, Senior Pastor of Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church in Little Rock. His theme was… “follow God’s instructions.” Dr. Robbins cited several examples where he had stubbornly tried to figure out something on his own, and once he relented and read the instructions, everything fell into place. As I read these verses in Psalm 5, I thought about how God clearly outlines how we are to speak, think and act – and He confirms and energizes these behaviors when we communicate with Him in prayer.
The second sermon was delivered by Rev. Betsy Singleton Snyder, Senior Pastor of Pinnacle View UMC – also in Little Rock. Her sermon, titled “Are All Non-Christians Going to Hell” talked about different Christian “heritages” and their specific ideologies…from Pluralism to Christian Exclusion and Christian Inclusion – to Christian Universalism. Each group fosters a different view of what it means to be “Christian” – and the path to Eternal Life in Heaven. Rev. Singleton Snyder suggested that we consider the love of God for all…and His desire that not a single one of us perish. Again, as I thought of this scripture passage, I realized that God does not condone evil…but He constantly strives to correct each of us and return us to a right standing with Him and a position of loving and serving as He commands. And God is plenty capable of handling this on His own – without any “assistance” from us!
The third sermon was delivered by David Clark, Pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Heber Springs. Clark’s message centered on Paul’s letters to the Corinthians that admonished the people to stop arguing and fighting among themselves. Again, with a theme that God loves all of us, Clark made the comment that he finds it sad that people who vehemently disagree on an issue cannot sit together these days and have a civil conversation. He noted that there are basic commands given to us by Jesus…love God with all our heart, mind and soul – and “love one another as God loves us.” When we keep these at the forefront and live in them, we should be able to trust God for the details as we strive to get along with others.
Consider what could happen if, we agreed to trust God to sort out our differences, rather than refuse to interact with a fellow child of God because he/she doesn’t approach their faith in God as we do. Imagine what could happen if we prayerfully followed God’s instructions for our own lives – and let others do the same while we showed them the love, grace, mercy, and kindness demonstrated by Jesus Christ. 
Envision a world where we stopped judging others and genuinely asked God to show us how to live and love – and represent Him to others in the process – and left the rest up to Him. The possibilities are astounding, Divine, and Eternal – and I think we should all give it a whirl. In my mind, the worst that could happen is that we might have an interaction with another child of God that revealed our Heavenly Father’s true desire – and His capacity to love us all equally. By following God’s instructions, we might actually find a deeper relationship with Him and others – and experience His love in a new, more profound and meaningful way in the process. 
Follow God’s instructions. Let Him sort out the judgment and correction. Love God with all your heart – and love others as He commands. If we do these three things, I believe amazing things can happen for God’s Kingdom. It’s surely worth a shot! Alleluia! 

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for April 18, 2024 – Less talk and more truth – it’s time to trust God and measure our words and actions!

Proverbs 10:17-21
The road to life is a disciplined life;
    ignore correction and you’re lost for good.
Liars secretly hoard hatred;
    fools openly spread slander.
The more talk, the less truth;
    the wise measure their words.
The speech of a good person is worth waiting for;
    the blabber of the wicked is worthless.
The talk of a good person is rich fare for many,
    but chatterboxes die of an empty heart.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I cannot count the number of times that I have seen news accounts of a person (usually a politician/elected official) who makes a grand claim or declaration that raises eyebrows and grabs attention. And on the heels of this announcement, someone provides video of this same person saying something that is exactly the opposite of this present assertion. One that comes to mind recently is an Arkansas senator who only a few years ago vehemently criticized Canada for threatening legal action against protesters who blocked a highway. This same senator is now publicly telling Americans to “take matters into your own hands” with regard to highway protesters in our country – actually promoting violence against people exercising their First Amendment right to free speech with the admonition to “rip their skin off” if necessary.
There are also local reports of a large church in our state that is embroiled in a scandal involving the sexual abuse of minors. Investigations by authorities and media have uncovered that this is a years-long situation that included numerous efforts and endeavors to sweep this under the rug, at best – and downright provide “cover” for the parties involved, including the perpetrators and leaders who knew what was happening. 
Then we have a former President who openly claimed that when you are a celebrity, you can get away with murder (shooting someone in broad daylight on 5th Avenue) and groping women (the infamous Access Hollywood interview), among other grandiose and downright frightening declarations. There are elected officials galore who seem to think that the laws of our nation do not apply to them – that their “office” gives them special privilege and exoneration.
These are three among millions of declarations and accusations that are made every day – often by “God-fearing Christians.” They are offered unapologetically – as if we all agree (or should) with what they are saying. Those who question these words or actions are often deemed to be the ones in the wrong. After all, we elected these folks to office – or hired them as church leaders or accepted them as our friends and associates. So how can we be upset with these declarations – or disagree with them?
Let’s be clear…no person is above the law – both that of our nation, and more importantly, the law of God. Scripture tells us plainly what is right and true – and what is “of man.”  It’s all there in black and white (and sometimes red!). But we humans like to “interpret” and embellish and excuse based on our own selfish desires and how we read the word of God – or public regulations and decrees. Too often, the rules are really meant for the other guy. We think more highly of ourselves than we ought…and certainly more than God intended!
These verses from Proverbs 10 reminded me of a quip I heard years ago from a friend who was a juvenile judge. He had seen and heard it all in his court, and one of his favorite sayings about some who stood before him was…“If his lips are moving…he is lying!” He noted that many all but entered the courtroom talking, as if they could exonerate themselves with enough chatter. If you stop and think about it, you know people who think they are “all that and a bag of chips.” They or their “circle” can do no wrong…there is always a justification…and what they say is gospel – even when everyone knows they have embellished at best, and most likely outright lied. 
We know folks who are always looking for a loophole – or a way to elevate themselves even at the expense of others. And in all of this, our Heavenly Father says, “Be still and know that I am GOD!” Christ has told us to “take up your cross and follow Me.”  We know what to do – and how to speak and act. Now it’s time to boldly do these things, even when they are uncomfortable and unpopular. Choose today Who you will serve…then get busy speaking and acting in His truths! Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for March 27, 2024 – “It is the LORD!” You don’t need a $60 Bible to get to know Him!

John 21:1-14
Later Jesus appeared again to the disciples beside the Lake of Galilee. This is how it happened:

A group of us were there—Simon Peter, Thomas, “The Twin,” Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, my brother James and I and two other disciples.

Simon Peter said, “I’m going fishing.”

“We’ll come too,” we all said. We did, but caught nothing all night. At dawn we saw a man standing on the beach but couldn’t see who he was.

He called, “Any fish, boys?”

“No,” we replied.

Then he said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get plenty of them!” So we did, and couldn’t draw in the net because of the weight of the fish, there were so many!

Then I said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” At that, Simon Peter put on his tunic (for he was stripped to the waist) and jumped into the water and swam ashore. The rest of us stayed in the boat and pulled the loaded net to the beach, about 300 feet away. When we got there, we saw that a fire was kindled and fish were frying over it, and there was bread.

“Bring some of the fish you’ve just caught,” Jesus said. So Simon Peter went out and dragged the net ashore. By his count there were 153 large fish; and yet the net hadn’t torn.

“Now come and have some breakfast!” Jesus said; and none of us dared ask him if he really was the Lord, for we were quite sure of it. Then Jesus went around serving us the bread and fish.

This was the third time Jesus had appeared to us since his return from the dead.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

As I formatted this scripture passage today, I highlighted three phrases/sentences, and each brought to mind specific issues.

  1. “We’ll come, too,” we all said. We are joiners and “gatherers” by nature. We like to be part of the group…to feel a sense of belonging – if only to one other person. Everyone wants to have friends and be liked by others, and the disciples were no exception. Additionally, there is “safety in numbers.” If everybody is saying it or doing it, surely this is okay behavior…right?
  2. Then I said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” This was the “aha moment!” when John recognized the presence of his Master. Such awareness doesn’t just happen. John had cultivated an intimate relationship with Jesus…a familiarity that enabled him to recognize the “Being” on the beach as His beloved Lord and Savior.
  3. …none of us dared ask Him if He was really the LORD, for we were quite sure of it.Then Jesus went around serving us the bread and fish. Again, the men exercised absolute faith in Jesus. And Jesus did what He always did…He turned the tables and served His disciples. In a demonstration of complete love and humility, our Savior who had just been crucified and placed in a tomb – all to spare each of us from the depths of hell because of our sins – cooked a meal and fed His beloved. If this doesn’t demonstrate how we are to behave, I don’t know what does!

Last night, I could not believe my eyes and ears when our former President appeared on television hawking a Bible that he is selling to raise funds for his campaign and his legal fees. My stomach turned as he talked about his “favorite book” and how every home should have one. Two thoughts immediately came to mind. First, if every home has a Bible that is never opened, read, studied, and internalized, the pages might as well be blank. You can’t know Jesus just by having a Bible in your home – or holding it in your hands.
The second thought was that Jesus would feed this man just as surely as He fed His faithful disciples. The Jesus I know, love, and serve died for the sins of every one of us – if we will accept His gift of salvation. He loves each of us and wants to be so familiar to us that we would recognize His spirit on a beach as He tended fish on a grill…and His commands in the Holy Bible would be so precious to us that they would guide and guard our every word and action.
I am not here to judge. But I will leave you with this. A wonderful Christian man I know is a local auctioneer, and I attended his auctions nearly every week for years. He never, ever sold a Bible. In fact, he made a point to refuse to do so. He would give Bibles away – or donate them to a charity or a church, but he would not take a dime of profit for them. I own dozens of Bibles. I have purchased many because of the commentaries in the margins – or the translation itself. The study of these Bibles serves to guide and build my relationship with Jesus as I consider various remarks regarding background, history, etymology, and personal experience – particularly from followers of Christ who I believe have cultivated an intimate relationship with Him.
For me, this particular offering does not fit these criteria. I immediately pictured Jesus in the temple with the moneychangers and how He angrily declared that these men had changed His house of prayer into a “den of thieves.” I wondered if Jesus feels the same way about this hawking of His Holy Word. I am sure there will be plenty who will buy one because others are doing so. But will the message contained inside speak to them? Will they recognize the voice of Jesus…and heed His commands? Will this copy of the Bible help them cultivate a deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior…or will its sale simply line the pockets of a single man as the “Best Book” is tossed on a shelf?
If you never read a word I have written again, so be it. But I cannot stand by and ignore what I consider to be blasphemy. My relationship with Jesus is too precious to look away and pretend this is either okay – or not happening. Considering all Christ has done for me, the least I can do is speak out on this – and say, “It is the LORD! I see You – and I am doing my dead-level best to follow Your commands!” We must each decide for ourselves who and how we will serve. If you simply must part with $60, consider making a donation to any one of several local charities that strive to serve as Christ commands…and to love others as He would surely do. Pick up a Bible you probably have at home already and spend some time in prayer and study and really get to know the LORD! He is waiting to visit with you – I am sure of it! Alleluia!
©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for March 24, 2024 – Stand up and step out for Jesus Christ…it’s time to be bold and courageous as we demonstrate our faith!

John 19:38-42
After all this, Joseph of Arimathea (he was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly, because he was intimidated by the Jews) petitioned Pilate to take the body of Jesus. Pilate gave permission. So Joseph came and took the body.

Nicodemus, who had first come to Jesus at night, came now in broad daylight carrying a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds. They took Jesus’ body and, following the Jewish burial custom, wrapped it in linen with the spices. There was a garden near the place he was crucified, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been placed. So, because it was Sabbath preparation for the Jews and the tomb was convenient, they placed Jesus in it.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Let me start by saying that I really do not follow England’s “Royal family.” I know plenty of people who are fascinated with these folks. And yes, I videotaped the “Royal wedding” of Diana to Charles in the 1980s. But the daily lives and “backstories” of these folks truly do not concern me. I was far more interested in the life and history of my own mother-in-law, who was four years younger than Queen Elizabeth II. Her experiences as a child, teen, and young wife during WWII were far more enthralling and “regal” to me than those of a woman who lived  “across the Pond” in a castle with dozens of servants at the ready for her every need.
Still, in recent weeks as speculation centered on Princess Katherine, many all but lost their minds as “the plot thickened” about her secretive actions. I won’t offer some of the suggestions made about this poor woman, but they were sinister and despicable. Whoopi Goldberg warned the other ladies of The View to be careful about making judgments. She knows firsthand how it feels to be slandered and misrepresented…and she assured these women that what they were suggesting was unfair at best – and downright harmful at worst. Then “Kate” announced that she is battling a form of cancer…and a lot of people had to sit down to a hefty dish of “crow” as they apologized and backpedaled over their own suppositions.

Princess Katherine offered some reasons for initially keeping silent – as if it were any of our business, really. But I will say, I am glad she finally divulged her illness and treatment protocol. I believe she is in a public position to help a lot of people who might be battling cancer or some other illness…especially young wives and mothers. For whatever reason, Kate found her voice and spoke out about her experiences, thoughts, and feelings. And I believe others will benefit greatly from this.
Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus found their voices, too. We know that they were intimidated and fearful of retribution by the Jews for believing in Jesus. So for a long time, they worshipped and served in silence from afar. Scripture doesn’t tell us what sort of “epiphany” these men might have had when Jesus was crucified. But both men stepped up and out in faith and asked for Jesus’ body – and properly embalmed the LORD and prepared Him for entombment. This was their act of defiance, devotion, and declaration that they believed Jesus Christ was truly the King of the Jews – and the King of Kings – and worthy of regal treatment, even in death.
You and I often walk a fine line between speaking out and standing up for the love and teachings of Jesus…and sitting on our hands with our lips zipped. I get it! I don’t want to be judged, ridiculed, or mistreated in some way because of my beliefs. I don’t want to risk harm to myself or family members. As I told a friend the other day, I don’t want my car “keyed” at Walmart because of a bumper sticker – or my home vandalized because I put a political sign in my front yard. And I can tell you…both of these are real and present “dangers” in our world today!
As faithful witnesses to the love and teachings of Jesus Christ, we must walk a fine line between demonstrating genuine obedience and allegiance to Him…and staying safe. Sometimes, that line really gets blurry! As we consider the daring acts of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, let’s ask God to show us how, when, and where to stand up for Jesus. Let’s ask Him to guide and guard our words and actions…to give us courage to hold steady in our convictions…and to never compromise or conform just to “play it safe.” 
Jesus risked everything for us…we should be willing to do whatever He asks in return. We have no idea who may need to witness our courage…who may need to hear our “story” or be assured that they are loved and accepted. We don’t know who may need to see us serving unconditionally…doing the “unpleasant” tasks with great love and care like Joseph and Nicodemus…or sharing our story like Princess Kate. Christ is counting on us to represent Him…to demonstrate His teachings of love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, encouragement, compassion, empathy, hope, faith, kindness, and more. It’s time to be like Joseph, Nicodemus, Kate, and others. It’s time to stand up for Jesus and boldly share Him with all we encounter. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for March 15, 2024 – Keeping the faith – and looking for your true Home…it’s time to live with the heart and courage of a toddler

Hebrews 11:13-16
Each one of these people of faith died not yet having in hand what was promised, but still believing. How did they do it? They saw it way off in the distance, waved their greeting, and accepted the fact that they were transients in this world. People who live this way make it plain that they are looking for their true home. If they were homesick for the old country, they could have gone back any time they wanted. But they were after a far better country than that—heaven country. You can see why God is so proud of them, and has a City waiting for them.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

One of the most profound examples of faith I can recall came in the summer of 2016, from our then-three-year-old great-nephew, Nathan. I was leading a group of preschoolers at VBS. Before we did our craft (a keychain with a heart), we talked about how much Jesus loves us – and how we cannot see Him like the disciples who were in the boat in our Bible lesson, but we can feel Him in our hearts.  
I asked where Jesus is, and one little girl said, “Heaven!”  I agreed, and reminded the children that He is also in our hearts. Nathan was sitting in my lap, and he asked, “But where’s Granny?” My mother had died in January of that same year. I said, “Granny is in Heaven.”  Then he asked, “Is Granny in our hearts, too?” I thought the crew leaders were going to lose it!  I looked at them and swallowed hard and said, “Yes, Granny will always be in our hearts, too.”  
Preschoolers understood what many adults cannot…that this earth is not the end. They trusted that those who lived faithfully and have left for Heaven are still in our hearts. Their God-given lessons guide us and give us courage and inspiration to keep on going. Our children have no doubt that they will see their departed loved ones again. They trust in their earthly demonstrations of faith in God to provide and sustain. The question is…“Do you and I have this same faith?” We should! Do we live with fear, trepidation – even despondency – and pin all our hopes and dreams on the here and now?  
Do we trust the promises of God…the words of Jesus when He told us that He has gone to prepare a place for us – a mansion with many rooms? Do we believe the declaration of Jesus that He has made all things new…and His assurance to the thief on the cross that…“Today you will join me in paradise.”? Do we have full confidence in Jesus’ quote from God (Hebrews 13:5)… “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you”? 
There are many challenges in the world today, and I will be the first to admit that I can get “down” with the best of them! There have been too many times that my husband or dear friends have had to (figuratively) “talk me off the ledge” of fear and despair. And I will tell you, I am grateful for their encouragement – and ashamed of my weakness. Still, we are human beings who apparently trade in fear and faithlessness much of the time – and need reminders of God’s power and presence. Consider yourself reminded today! God is with us. He has not walked away…or thrown in the towel! Heaven is the ultimate destination…but we have to make the most of every earthly minute until then. How well are you doing? Alleluia! 

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for March 7, 2024 – Calling all “Ezekiels” to stand up and listen to God!

Ezekiel 2:1-8a
The Lord said, “Ezekiel, son of man, I want you to stand up and listen.” After he said this, his Spirit took control of me and lifted me to my feet. Then the Lord said:

Ezekiel, I am sending you to the people of Israel. They are just like their ancestors who rebelled against me and refused to stop. They are stubborn and hardheaded. But I, the Lord God, have chosen you to tell them what I say. Those rebels may not even listen, but at least they will know that a prophet has come to them.

Don’t be afraid of them or of anything they say. You may think you’re in the middle of a thorn patch or a bunch of scorpions. But be brave and preach my message to them, whether they choose to listen or not. Ezekiel, don’t rebel against me, as they have done. Instead, listen to everything I tell you.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

One of my kindergarten students was a little boy who absolutely could not control his words and actions. He was constantly on the move. The first time I ever met him, he came to school with his mother and an older sibling. While his mother visited with teachers and school staff, the boy ran amok. At one point, he repetitively flipped a light switch up and down, turning the lights off and on with machine-gun-fire rapidity. And of course, when this child came to kindergarten, he was assigned to my classroom. 

I taught some amazing kiddos in my years as a public-school teacher. I also seemed to be assigned the more troubled and disruptive students. The principal would say, “You can handle them!” This made for some interesting classroom interactions between the “wild children” and those who were more mature and well-behaved…but we somehow survived. Looking back on this, I see how God worked in these classrooms…how He supplied me with guidance and wisdom well beyond my years or expertise…and how He used the other children to serve as a stabilizing mechanism as they demonstrated decorum and a spirit of cooperation amid what was sometimes a “thorn patch with a bunch of scorpions!”

Back to this one little boy…when his mother visited for a much-needed conference, I began to gently probe a little into the family’s home life. The mother volunteered that she and her husband attended a rather traditional church that encouraged families to begin each morning with a group Bible study and prayer time. During breakfast each morning, this little boy’s father was reading lengthy passages of scripture and leading the family in prayer. By the time this little boy arrived on my doorstep, he was so full of pent-up energy from having to “toe the line” for more than half an hour of this that he all but literally “went wild!” 

I swallowed hard and told the mother that this practice had to stop! I gently suggested that this was too much for an overactive five-year-old boy…and rather than set him up for success, it was preparing him to fail! The mother tearfully agreed to talk with the boy’s father and relay my message. I cannot remember all the details, but I probably offered to tell the dad in person if he wished to come in and see me.

I knew this was a daring move…1) to contradict the at-home policies of parents; and 2) to suggest that Bible study and prayer might not be a good thing – at least not in these doses for small children! But I knew in my heart that this was too much pressure for my overactive charge…and that God would be okay with what I said. A few weeks later, I received a note from the boy’s mother. She thanked me for being so frank…and for the suggestion. She noted that they had drastically modified their morning routine…and it showed in the boy’s behavior at home and at school.

Every now and again, I think of this boy and wonder what happened to him and his family. He usually comes to mind when I am in a quandary about whether to speak out in some manner – or to do what I feel God wants me to do in a particular situation. This incident is one in a long string of many such moments where God has led me to be bold in my convictions – even when they run counter to those of the people and groups around me. God doesn’t want us to be rude or arrogant in these demonstrations of faith, but He does expect us to be faithful to His commands and guidance.

People come up with all sorts of ideas about what God expects of them…how He wants them to think, speak and act…and often, they are not really hearing from God but merely following the crowd. In the case of this little boy, the church had encouraged these morning rituals…and they were simply not the right “fit” for this family and its small children. In other cases, someone with a personal bias or fear can convince an entire group of people to believe and behave in a certain manner. They may even say…“This is God’s will.” All I am asking is that you make sure you are hearing directly from God – and acting on His directives. Don’t be afraid to step up and out and do what He commands – even when it puts you in a “thorn patch with a bunch of scorpions.” 

The time has come for us to care more about what God thinks and commands…and less about what is important to the world – or even our little “circle.”  God is saying, “I want you to stand up and listen!” He is calling us to be modern-day “Ezekiels” – to listen to His commands, and always demonstrate them to others! Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for February 10, 2024 – Putting our faith in the truth…it’s time to choose God and follow 𝑯𝒊𝒎

2 Thessalonians 2:3-15
But don’t be fooled! People will rebel against God. Then before the Lord returns, the wicked one who is doomed to be destroyed will appear.  He will brag and oppose everything holy or sacred. He will even sit in God’s temple and claim to be God. Don’t you remember I told you this while I was still with you?

You already know what is holding this wicked one back until it is time for him to come. His mysterious power is already at work, but someone is holding him back. And the wicked one won’t appear until this someone is out of the way. Then he will appear, but the Lord Jesus will kill him simply by breathing on him. He will be completely destroyed by the Lord’s glorious return.

When the wicked one appears, Satan will pretend to work all kinds of miracles, wonders, and signs. Lost people will be fooled by his evil deeds. They could be saved, but they will refuse to love the truth and accept it. So God will make sure they are fooled into believing a lie. All of them will be punished, because they would rather do evil than believe the truth.

My friends, the Lord loves you, and it is only natural for us to thank God for you. God chose you to be the first ones to be saved. His Spirit made you holy, and you put your faith in the truth.  God used our preaching as his way of inviting you to share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. My friends, this is why you must remain faithful and follow closely what we taught you in person and by our letters.
Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Friends of ours recently shared a story about their now-adult-daughter getting into a little trouble in elementary school because she was persuaded by classmates to pilfer in the teacher’s candy jar. The little girl tearfully told her dad, “I didn’t want to do it, but even my best friend said it would be okay.” We humans are easily persuaded. The pull to fit in and belong to a group is so strong that we often are blinded to the consequences of our words and actions. When “everybody else is saying/doing it,” we don’t often consider how that makes another person feel…or whether God is okay with this. But we should!
I remember my Grandmother Ramsey telling my mother one time that a particular physician was a “real doctor,” because he had on a white coat and a tie.  This is just about where many of us are in many arenas…if a person looks, speaks, and acts like he/she has Spiritual authority – and says what we think we want to hear – we are all in with the message! If a politician tells us that he/she is going to fix things (especially to our liking), we are willing to give this person a chance – even if this means overlooking “red flags” and glaring moral issues concerns. And if it lines our pockets or personally benefits us in some way, that’s all the “excuse” some of us need to justify our vote. When friends, business associates and even fellow believers use disparaging or bigoted language – or discriminate against certain people or groups – we are willing to give them a “pass” with the excuse that “He/she is really a good person…this is just because of their upbringing or a past experience.”
We are reminded in this passage that God designed us to be His redeemed beloved…and to serve as earthly examples of the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. When we committed to Christ, we agreed to be new creatures who put our faith and trust in the truth. When we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are holy! There is nothing holy about following the crowd – or going along to get along. And as our friends’ daughter discovered even as an elementary school student, there are consequences for such behaviors. 
I don’t know what your thoughts are – or where your allegiance lies. I just know that God wants all of you…your thoughts, words, actions, and your trust and allegiance. His Holy Spirit shows up every single day to demonstrate how we should accomplish this…but the choice is still ours. And we all know that the devil doesn’t make it easy to stay on the right track! He wants us, too…and he will go to any length to reel us in and get us in his camp! So stay awake and alert, prayerful and vigilant. 
Ask yourself at every turn if your words and actions are God-ordained and holy. And if you find yourself tempted to “reach into the candy jar,” ask God to help you resist and change course. Don’t be fooled…know Who you’re following…and keep your focus on bringing glory to God in all things. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for February 2, 2024 – Always do what is right and good…and trust God to bless your efforts.

Romans 10:9
Usually no one will hurt you for wanting to do good. But even if they should, you are to be envied, for God will reward you for it. Quietly trust yourself to Christ your Lord, and if anybody asks why you believe as you do, be ready to tell him, and do it in a gentle and respectful way.

Do what is right; then if men speak against you, calling you evil names, they will become ashamed of themselves for falsely accusing you when you have only done what is good. Remember, if God wants you to suffer, it is better to suffer for doing good than for doing wrong!

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Many years ago, I witnessed a crime being committed. A lawsuit ensued, and I was called to give a deposition. I answered every question honestly and recounted the event as accurately as I could. Later, one of the parties in the lawsuit asked me, “Did you tell them ABC? Did you say that XYZ happened?” I said I did not say such things. I was under oath – and these would have been untrue declarations. The lawsuit was ultimately settled, and I never had to testify in court. But my relationship with this party was forever changed.
I have no regrets about my decision. Because of my unwillingness to lie in this situation, lies were told about me. This whole situation was the beginning of the end of one chapter in my life – and the start of a new one. I made multiple career and personal changes as a result, and God has blessed me immensely since then. This served as a reminder to me that when we are faithful and obedient to God, He is always faithful to us.
There have been several times in my life where I have had to make hard decisions – and perhaps you have, as well. There have been times when I have said to God, “LORD, if this costs me in some manner but pleases YOU, so be it!” When you come to a point in your life that you are willing to surrender so fully to God that you risk everything and everyone else, amazing things can happen. I am not suggesting that we do this cavalierly…that we toss aside relationships with friends, co-workers, and family members on a whim. But there will be times in our lives when we must decide whether we are going to please a human being with our words and actions – or please God by doing what we know He is commanding. I am here to tell you…always choose to honor God.
These days, many of us are being called to stand up for what is right…for the fair treatment of others…for moral dignity and decency in every aspect of our lives – from personal decorum to civic, governmental, and spiritual decisions…and for the truth in all things. This is not always easy, and most certainly, these choices are not always popular. But remember, God is with you. If you are living for Him and following His commands, He will bless your efforts. This may be a long time coming – maybe even after you get to Heaven – but God will reward your faithfulness. So, always choose to go with God!  Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 30, 2024 – Honoring God by behaving properly – it’s time to clean up our act!

1 Peter 2:11-12  
Dear friends, you are foreigners and strangers on this earth. So I beg you not to surrender to those desires that fight against you. Always let others see you behaving properly, even though they may still accuse you of doing wrong. Then on the day of judgment, they will honor God by telling the good things they saw you do.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Since I was a little girl, I’ve spent hours ironing clothing. My sister and I started with my dad’s handkerchiefs and the family pillowcases. Later, we began to steam press shirts, jeans, dresses, and more. Before the advent of polyester in the late 60s/early 70s (or “double-knit” as we called it), nearly every garment was made of cotton or linen…there was no such thing as “permanent press” clothing you could pop out of the dryer and wear without a little attention with a hot iron and steam!
I still press a lot of our clothing…even some shirts that say they are “no-iron.” It’s a matter of personal pride for me. My husband once asked me why I ironed his “permanent press” shirt. I told him it was because when he went out in public, I wanted him to look neat and “pulled together” – and I didn’t want others to look at his wrinkled clothing and think, “His wife must not care about him and his appearance!”
Let’s be honest…whether your shirt is starched and pressed or you have a wrinkled collar and button placket doesn’t determine whether you are a good person or a bad one. A stain or hole doesn’t indicate whether you are a believer in Jesus. But when we take pride in our appearance, others do notice. They see someone who is careful with the details…and often, they assume this care and attention spills over into our personal (and Spiritual) lives.
Don’t misunderstand me on this…I am not encouraging you to judge a person’s character by whether or not his/her shirt is wrinkled or clothes are dirty. I certainly do not intend to imply that we must become fashion-conscious to be good and faithful servants of Jesus. But as my grandmother once noted about a very “good” person we knew who was frequently so dirty there was a stench…“A bar of soap doesn’t cost that much!”
You don’t have to iron your clothing. But a lot of people need to “clean up their act” a bit. There are plenty of people who love Jesus and genuinely desire to serve Him…but they are letting their “dirty, disheveled appearance” get in the way. I’m talking about biased and bigoted talk, gossip, disparagement of others, and a general disdain for anyone who doesn’t fit their ideal or belong to their “tribe.” People are watching, and they often decide in a heartbeat whether you are the “real deal” or a “wannabe” servant based on how you speak, act, and treat others. More importantly, we aren’t fooling God for a second!
So let’s clean up our act! Let’s ask God to show us where we need to work on our appearance and demonstrate pride in our Master by speaking and acting as He commands. Let’s press the shirt, wipe the muck off our shoes…and “take a bath” in the love, grace, mercy, and kindness of Jesus Christ. Let’s offer our very best – to God – and to others…and honor our Savior in the process. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 6, 2024 – Shrimp tails, cocktail sauce and personal biases…it’s time to demonstrate faithful obedience to Christ’s commands

Romans 14:1
Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don’t see things the way you do. And don’t jump all over them every time they do or say something you don’t agree with—even when it seems that they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department. Remember, they have their own history to deal with. Treat them gently.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Let’s talk about fried shrimp! Over the last nine days, three of our kiddos have come for sleepovers. Two of them wanted fried shrimp for dinner. I buy a certain brand of frozen butterfly shrimp at Walmart and “fry” them in the air fryer. Greg likes his shrimp served with cocktail sauce. Zola eats tail and all. Nathan eats the breading and tries to leave most of the meat (although I did insist he start eating the whole thing down to the tail). I suspect I am allergic to shrimp, so I don’t even taste them!
Now I ask you…who among us is wrong or a bad person? Does the way we eat our shrimp [or not] make one of us a stronger Christian? Can you love and serve Jesus if you eat shrimp tails – or prefer your shrimp served with cocktail sauce? Do you see how ridiculous this is? And yet, this is just about how absurd some of our biases and judgments are against other human beings.
Nathan really wanted me to just try one shrimp, even though it could be deadly. I’d have a fat wallet if I had a dollar for every time in the last several years someone has said to me, “Surely just one bite [of something that may trigger an allergic reaction] won’t hurt!” I wanted Nathan to eat the entire piece of meat and try a drop or two of the spicy red sauce, even though that seemed unpleasant – even distasteful – to him. He all but gagged down his last three shrimp (and yes, I am sure that was somewhat for dramatic effect).
But this is exactly how we do those around us. We want them to just try dating someone of the opposite sex and see if they enjoy the experience. We want them to conform to our culture and interpret every verse of scripture exactly as we do. We want them to belong to our group and agree with everything we say and do and make it their own preference – even when they feel God telling them to do something completely different. Just like there are foods that some people cannot even look at without feeling sick or disgusted…there are people we wish would only associate with others like themselves…or completely go away and never venture into our “circle” – much less our churches!
I echo the point of Paul in these verses…treat others gently – all of them. None of us is better than another – or more precious to God. Do not judge another person’s faith. Instead, encourage him/her by demonstrating your own faithful obedience to Christ’s command to love one another. In essence, stop thinking you know more than God on this…and stop judging others. Everyone has their own thoughts, feelings, and history – just like you and I do. And God loves us all. It’s time we did, as well. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus