Daily Devotional for April 21, 2024 -Serving God with humble, faithful obedience – are you the “real deal” or a false witness?

Proverbs 10:32 and 11:1-7
The speech of a good person clears the air;
the words of the wicked pollute it.

God hates cheating in the marketplace;
he loves it when business is aboveboard.
The stuck-up fall flat on their faces,
but down-to-earth people stand firm.
The integrity of the honest keeps them on track;
the deviousness of crooks brings them to ruin.
A thick bankroll is no help when life falls apart,
but a principled life can stand up to the worst.
Moral character makes for smooth traveling;
an evil life is a hard life.
Good character is the best insurance;
crooks get trapped in their sinful lust.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Last night, I went back for Timothy’s second performance with his high school theatre troupe in “Crumpled Classics.” As I anticipated, the actors were more relaxed and comfortable in front of a crowd – and the performance was even better than that of opening night. As we stood around afterward waiting for the actors to receive their accolades and pose for photos, I looked at the crowd. I saw everyday, ordinary folks…hardworking parents and grandparents who surely each have a story to tell in their own lives. I saw proud family and friends carrying bouquets of flowers and other gifts to bestow on their particular actor. I saw people who appeared to be from every walk of life…all there to celebrate their kiddos and revel in their accomplishments.
I also noted a half dozen or more teachers and school administrators who helped with this production… a middle school science teacher who ran the lighting and sound…the elementary GATE teacher, the middle school band director and the elementary school librarian who sold tickets in the lobby… a surely-weary-but-still-smiling high school principal who came to support her students and staff, to name a few. I know that none of these folks makes a huge salary…that they have plenty of things to do besides attend rehearsals and performances of a high school play – or any other school-sanctioned activity for that matter. And yet, they gave of their time and talents to nurture and enable these kids to grow and learn.
Opening night, I overheard the theatre director/teacher tell the troupe… “If you have something that is dirty, put it in this basket and I will wash it! If you take it home, you will forget to bring it back tomorrow.” I smiled to myself and thought… “This is what many teachers do…they spend their Saturdays washing the laundry of their students (literally and figuratively).” This theater/stagecraft teacher spends countless hours in after-school rehearsals and preparation for the performances of her students from 8th to 12th grade – and her radiant smile and enthusiasm are evidence that she loves each kid and her work.
I am singling out teachers today, but I know there are dedicated people in every occupation and walk of life…dedicated mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who speak truthfully, work diligently at whatever they are called to do, and serve others at every turn. I will go so far as to say there are humble, upright public servants, leaders, and elected officials. I also believe there are “bad apples” in every group…those who are “in it to win it,” seek ill-gotten or selfish gain, or who simply like to stir up trouble. These are the folks who claim to be one thing while demonstrating another…those who hide behind money, power (or perceived importance), arrogance, privilege…and yes, even the name of Jesus Christ.
There are people who pollute the air with unkind and untrue claims on social media and in other “public” outlets, often made all the worse because they hide behind their “Christian faith” while doing so and/or insist that God endorses their claims. These are the ones who dare to say in a manner of speaking – or to ask outright – “Do you know who I am?” These are the ones who insist that laws were made for the other guy, that they are justified to “cook the books” or look down on certain people and groups, and they can buy their way out of anything!
The God-given proverbs of Solomon have application to us today…and thankfully, we do indeed have dedicated, faithful servants who are modeling them. The question becomes…are you among these folks? Are you someone who speaks the truth, loves others with the love of Christ, and humbly serves as God commands? Are you someone who faithfully and obediently speaks and acts as God desires and directs…even when He sends you where you don’t want to be and instructs you to do things that make you uncomfortable or weary? Are you a “hard-working-drama-teacher-who-does-her-student’s-laundry-on-a-Friday-night-for-a-Saturday-performance” kind of disciple of Christ? 
God is calling on you and me to be faithful, humble, obedient servants…to go where He sends us – and to speak and act in a manner that brings Him honor and glory. He is calling us to be “the real deal” in our discipleship rather than an arrogant, dishonest, false witness. I promise you, people can tell the difference – and more importantly, so can God! Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

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