Daily Devotional for March 23, 2023 – Who do you claim to be?

March 23 ~ Titus 1:1-2
From Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ.

I encourage God’s own people to have more faith and to understand the truth about religion. Then they will have the hope of eternal life God promised long ago. And God never tells a lie!

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of historical fiction, particularly from the World War II era. I have been reminded of just how hateful, cruel and “unlike our Christ” people can be…often while claiming to know and love Jesus. What saddens me is that we didn’t learn from the mistakes of our past…and we keep repeating them. In many cases, we have made “religion” something so unlike our Christ that it is almost laughable to claim to be a Christian. In fact, I am so disillusioned by this term that, on the rare occasion I am pressed to declare my faith by a label, I say, “I am a follower of Jesus Christ.” There are just too many “Christians” speaking and acting in hate and divisiveness these days for me to embrace this term.

I get what Paul is saying to Titus – and to us. He is telling us to study Jesus. Read the Gospels (and even the prophets of the Old Testament) and get a sure handle on what Christ represents…how He leads, teaches, heals, comforts and encourages, and interacts with others. Become so immersed in the words and actions of Jesus that there is no doubt about Who you serve, or the hope of eternal life God promised long ago. As Paul noted, God never tells a lie. And as God in flesh, Jesus has taught us over and over that genuine service in His name involves love for all others – meeting them right where they are and helping them however we can.

I believe God. I believe that Jesus meant what He said – and meant for us to serve and represent Him authentically. We can’t do a good job of this if we are not sure of His commands. This is a clarion call for us all to get deep into the scriptures – and as importantly, to spend time in conversation with Jesus. Ask questions and listen for the answers. Learn to recognize the Holy Spirit – and to follow His lead. And in all things, speak and act in love. We still have a chance to change history and finally get this right. But we don’t have any time to waste. Who do you claim to be in the name of Jesus? Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus