Daily Devotional for March 29, 2023 – God’s table is open – even to a modern-day “Judas”

Luke 22:17-23 
Jesus took a cup of wine in his hands and gave thanks to God. Then he told the apostles, “Take this wine and share it with each other. I tell you that I will not drink any more wine until God’s kingdom comes.”

Jesus took some bread in his hands and gave thanks for it. He broke the bread and handed it to his apostles. Then he said, “This is my body, which is given for you. Eat this as a way of remembering me!”

After the meal he took another cup of wine in his hands. Then he said, “This is my blood. It is poured out for you, and with it God makes his new agreement. The one who will betray me is here at the table with me! The Son of Man will die in the way that has been decided for him, but it will be terrible for the one who betrays him!”

Then the apostles started arguing about who would ever do such a thing.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Last week, I made banana nut bread using my mother’s recipe. I always think of her when I make this bread. Years ago, she gave my sister, my niece and me books of handwritten recipes, and Banana Nut Bread is one of them. Mother didn’t make this bread often, and I can tell you why. There are a lot of steps…and I think I used at least six bowls or measuring cups before I had two Bundt rings of batter ready to go into the oven! Still, every time I make this bread, my mother comes to mind. The same can be said for homemade bread and my Mam-ma Polly…or gravy at Thanksgiving made from the turkey drippings and my mother-in-law, Grandma E. We often associate certain foods with a person or an event.

So, it seems logical that Jesus used bread and wine to present His beloved disciples with a lasting memory…a “connection” of sorts to Him. He tells them specifically…”When you eat this bread and drink this cup, remember Me.” I will tell you…I have participated in “Holy Communion” hundreds of times in my life. But I was well into adulthood before I truly made the connection between this “ritual” and my relationship to Jesus. I now fully understand that the bread represents His sacrifice on the cross for my sins – and yours. The wine denotes His blood, spilled across the earth to wash away those sins forever and ever. Now, when I participate in this holy ceremony, I understand that I am remembering Jesus’ sacrifice – and acknowledging my surrender once again.

It is not lost on me that Jesus offered this “remembrance” to everyone…including Judas. Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him to the Roman authorities. He knew that Judas would almost instantly regret this decision and come to his senses – but it would be too late to change the outcome. Jesus knew that Judas would be so distraught that he would hang himself. Still, Jesus offered “the bread and the cup” to Judas and offered Him love and grace.

As the disciples began to argue about who among them might be a traitor, Jesus kept silent. He could have stood up, pointed His finger at Judas, and said, “YOU! You are the one who will be responsible for what happens next. YOU will be fully liable for my suffering and death!” But Jesus didn’t do this…He demonstrated love and affection for all who were there.

We have modern-day forms of Judas among us…people who would figuratively trample us to the ground and walk past if it made them look or feel better. We know people who are willing to take all we will offer them…and then hold us at arm’s length – or treat us with disrespect and/or disdain. We know those who cannot wait to pump us for information, so that they can share the latest “dirt” with others – or paint themselves to look better in some manner. We know people who will look a person right in the eye and say, “You are always welcome here,” and then turn and speak ill of him/her. We know people who will kneel and receive the Holy Sacraments of bread and wine – and indicate complete surrender and commitment to Jesus…then go about their selfish, hateful lives saying and doing everything that glorifies themselves – and little to nothing to serve the One whose body and blood they accepted.

This is the time of year when I do a lot of deep soul searching, because the stories of the cross and resurrection always lead me there. I simply cannot fathom the love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. And yet, I want all of it so badly – in multiple doses! I know that at times, I have been a “Judas” in some manner…and so have you. But we don’t have to stay there. And the GOOD NEWS of Jesus and what He did for us is that we can always start over. His table is always open…and we are forever welcome.

This day, spend some time at the table with Jesus. Thank Him for His gifts of salvation and the promise of Eternal Life. Thank Him for walking with us every day in the form of the Holy Spirit. Examine your life and see where you need to make necessary adjustments to follow and serve Jesus better…then do it! God’s table is open, and all are welcome!  Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus