Daily Devotional for April 30, 2024 – Listen to God in all things…and eat your vegetables!

Psalm 5:8-12  
Lord, lead me as you promised me you would; otherwise my enemies will conquer me. Tell me clearly what to do, which way to turn. For they cannot speak one truthful word. Their hearts are filled to the brim with wickedness. Their suggestions are full of the stench of sin and death. Their tongues are filled with flatteries to gain their wicked ends. O God, hold them responsible. Catch them in their own traps; let them fall beneath the weight of their own transgressions, for they rebel against you.

But make everyone rejoice who puts his trust in you. Keep them shouting for joy because you are defending them. Fill all who love you with your happiness. For you bless the godly man, O Lord; you protect him with your shield of love.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

A friend shared a meme on Facebook that said…

Mom’s Favorite Sayings

  1. What part of no don’t you understand?
  2. I don’t care who started it!
  3. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  4. Your face is going to freeze like that.
  5. Your hands are not broken.
  6. Beds are made for sleeping, not jumping.
  7. No one said life is fair.
  8. Eat your vegetables.
  9. I don’t know is NOT an answer.
  10. Because I said so…that’s why!

My friend noted that she could hear her late mother – along with several teachers – saying these things. I would like to suggest that GOD also offers this wisdom – and much more – to us. The question is…are we paying attention? Are we listening to God’s voice over the din of others who want us to think, speak, and act this way or that? Are we trusting God to guide us perfectly – even when what He tells us runs counter to what others say or how we would rather behave? Are we operating in God’s truths rather than those that make us fit in or feel good in the moment?
As our kids enter the teenage years and the children of friends prepare to go to college and beyond, I am keenly aware of how badly I want to impress upon all of them that their worth in God’s eyes is enough. I want to convince these young people that what God tells them – how and where He leads them – is all that matters. There are plenty of adults who still need to learn this lesson, too. I speak from experience as a former “people pleaser” who truly wanted to make others happy and comfortable. And too many times, this came at a compromise of my own worth. Even when I knew that what others tried to convince me did not line up with God’s message, I went along with it. Certain “rules” and rituals of the church readily come to mind.
I also recall times when I stood up in the workplace or elsewhere for what I knew was right and true in God’s eyes – and this “cost” me in terms of relationships – and at least one job. But I can tell you, the old adage that “when God closes a door, He opens a window,” is absolutely true. And He saw me through every difficulty (and blessed me in the process), and I know He will keep on doing this for the rest of my life.
Listen to God. Understand how precious you are to Him – and how much He loves you. Trust God in hard decisions and lean on His “understanding” over your own and that of others. Stop letting others shame or bully you into saying and doing things that you know are not God-ordained. Enjoy the peace and protection of our Heavenly Father…and revel in the joy of His love and care. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for March 8, 2024 – Getting wisdom and guidance straight from God…it’s time to focus on pleasing 𝑯𝒊𝒎!

Galatians 1:10-12
Do you think I speak this strongly in order to manipulate crowds? Or court favor with God? Or get popular applause? If my goal was popularity, I wouldn’t bother being Christ’s slave. Know this—I am most emphatic here, friends—this great Message I delivered to you is not mere human optimism. I didn’t receive it through the traditions, and I wasn’t taught it in some school. I got it straight from God, received the Message directly from Jesus Christ.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

The day was miserable. Torrential rain was falling, and I found myself in the parking lot at Walmart, soaked to the gills. My grandmother Polly was at her beauty shop appointment, and I was grocery shopping for her in the interim (knowing full well that there was every chance that when I returned to Walmart an hour later to do our shopping, I would bump into her there with her dear friend Ruby!). I got so wet that when I took my grandmother’s groceries home and put them away, I had to stick my pants in the clothes dryer! This was one of the days that my 90-something grandmother had a long list of ailments and issues…and suggested in several ways that I was not helping her enough. I felt like the world was caving in on me, and I was extremely frustrated and weary.
I slid into a parking space and sat behind the wheel, wondering what to do. I said to God, “What do I do?” There was no one I could ask for advice…I had exhausted my husband, and he admitted that this was new territory for him – and he didn’t really have helpful solutions. My mother would “advise” me – mostly that everything would all be okay, and I could do this! There didn’t seem to be a single person on the planet who truly understood how I felt and what I needed to do next. As I prayed, God said to me, “What would you tell another person in your shoes?” He reminded me that I was documenting our journey in a blog designed to help others realize they were not alone in the “Sandwich Generation.” So why couldn’t I harness this “information” to help myself?
In this moment, I learned a valuable lesson that has guided me many times since. Rather than depend on the opinions or “advice” of others, we often need to stop, pray, and let God guide and guard us. He may send us to a trusted human for encouragement or wisdom borne out of experience. Or God may direct us to dig deeply into scripture. Or…He may simply give us the answer! The point is that we need to get our guidance and directives straight from God!
Everyone has an opinion, it seems. And I will tell you that I spent too many years trying to please others – even as I did what I thought I should to please God and serve Him with faith and obedience. The truth is…you cannot do both! On the rare occasion that man’s ideas and opinions line up with God’s, we tend to grow complacent and think that this approach will work all the time! But often, there will be at least a tinge of selfishness or arrogance in the attitudes of human beings – even those who claim to love and serve God with their whole heart. And we are likely to end up fitting in with others while we disappoint our Heavenly Father.
Our relationship to God does not have room for a popularity contest. We should focus solely on pleasing Him! If you are striving to fit in, be part of a tribe, belong to a certain group – or be popular – stop immediately! Spend some time with God and ask Him to show you where you belong…and what next steps to take! 
You are not alone! God is with you! As you step out in faith and follow His lead, you will see that you had the perfect “Advisor” all along. I cannot tell you that every day will be filled with roses and rainbows…or that you will not still struggle with your desire to fit in with the group and make everyone happy. But I can tell you that God will bless your efforts and give you a sense of peace and purpose. And if you find yourself in the Walmart parking lot not knowing what to do next, call me! We will say a prayer together and ask God to show us both how to proceed. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for February 6, 2024 – Choosing human help/advice when you could have had God’s…now you’re in trouble!

2 Chronicles 16:7-9
Just after that, Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said, “Because you went for help to the king of Aram and didn’t ask God for help, you’ve lost a victory over the army of the king of Aram. Didn’t the Ethiopians and Libyans come against you with superior forces, completely outclassing you with their chariots and cavalry? But you asked God for help and he gave you the victory. God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to him. You were foolish to go for human help when you could have had God’s help. Now you’re in trouble—one round of war after another.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

If you have lived any amount of time on this earth, you know that we all face hard decisions. And one of the hardest for me was choosing to sell the “dream home” that Greg and I built on our family farm. I still remember my sister saying to me, “But it’s the farm!”  Yes, this was the farm my grandparents had owned since 1953…the “sanctuary” where my sister, brother and I rode our horses and played for hours on end…the place where Greg and I spent hours/days/weeks/months considering every detail of our home and making it “just so” to enjoy with family and friends…the culmination of a lot of dreams, challenges, and hard work. Six years later, as our business grew and we were told that high-speed Internet would never come to us there, we knew that we had to move. 
The property did not sell immediately. Like many real estate transitions, we went through a handful of offers that did not come to fruition before finding “the” buyer. We prayed and asked God, “Did we make the right decision?” as we juggled work expenses and the cost of utilities, insurance, and upkeep on two homes for almost a full year. And of course, we got lots of advice from well-meaning folks. But we waited on God…and He delivered. Not only did our business grow and thrive…we found a buyer for it soon afterward and were able to “retire” early!  Three years later, we built another home, where we have made countless memories with family and friends – especially our great-niece and nephews. This time, the doors and windows practically flew open as God gave us a clear pathway to this new endeavor.
I still think about “the farm.” I have such fond memories of the time spent there. And I am certain that we made the right choice to move, for any number of reasons. As in many other situations, I look back and see God’s hand in so many aspects of this decision, and I know that He guarded and guided us. I am even more convinced to seek His help and advice over that of man…to trust His process and timing. 
We have all seen what can happen when people go off willy-nilly and try to do things their own way. We’ve all seen times where it seemed that someone said, “I don’t care about XYZ…I’m doing this!” If you are like me, there are times you have prayed and asked God to intervene in a situation, but the person was so determined to do things counter to what you knew God was orchestrating that disaster was all but certain to take place. And God does allow us to make bad choices, because He wants the choice to always be ours. God desires that we follow His commands and seek His direction…but when we insist on being selfish or headstrong, He often lets us falter and wallow in our own misery.
It doesn’t have to be this way. I’m not saying that every minute of the day will be a bed of roses and complete perfection. Life is messy – even when we faithfully trust God and obey His commands. And we won’t always get it right, even when we seek God’s direction. Sometimes, “wires” get crossed and we don’t hear what God is really telling us. Often this is because we are interjecting our own preferences – or succumbing to peer pressure. But we must keep seeking God…listening for His voice…and heeding His directives over those of others. 
I love these two sentences in this passage…“God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to him. You were foolish to go for human help when you could have had God’s help.” If you read the verses leading up to this passage, you will see that Kings and “generals” murdered and pillaged while claiming they were doing “God’s work.” In fact, they were bending God’s words to suit their own agendas. God will often put people in our path to convey His message and advice. But it is up to us to know who is truly speaking…and when we are hearing from Him – or being told what we want to receive. Spend time with God and get to know His voice. Learn to decipher when you are hearing from Him…and when you are being influenced by peers or your own selfish desires. And make all necessary adjustments. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus