Daily Devotional for March 8, 2024 – Getting wisdom and guidance straight from God…it’s time to focus on pleasing 𝑯𝒊𝒎!

Galatians 1:10-12
Do you think I speak this strongly in order to manipulate crowds? Or court favor with God? Or get popular applause? If my goal was popularity, I wouldn’t bother being Christ’s slave. Know this—I am most emphatic here, friends—this great Message I delivered to you is not mere human optimism. I didn’t receive it through the traditions, and I wasn’t taught it in some school. I got it straight from God, received the Message directly from Jesus Christ.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

The day was miserable. Torrential rain was falling, and I found myself in the parking lot at Walmart, soaked to the gills. My grandmother Polly was at her beauty shop appointment, and I was grocery shopping for her in the interim (knowing full well that there was every chance that when I returned to Walmart an hour later to do our shopping, I would bump into her there with her dear friend Ruby!). I got so wet that when I took my grandmother’s groceries home and put them away, I had to stick my pants in the clothes dryer! This was one of the days that my 90-something grandmother had a long list of ailments and issues…and suggested in several ways that I was not helping her enough. I felt like the world was caving in on me, and I was extremely frustrated and weary.
I slid into a parking space and sat behind the wheel, wondering what to do. I said to God, “What do I do?” There was no one I could ask for advice…I had exhausted my husband, and he admitted that this was new territory for him – and he didn’t really have helpful solutions. My mother would “advise” me – mostly that everything would all be okay, and I could do this! There didn’t seem to be a single person on the planet who truly understood how I felt and what I needed to do next. As I prayed, God said to me, “What would you tell another person in your shoes?” He reminded me that I was documenting our journey in a blog designed to help others realize they were not alone in the “Sandwich Generation.” So why couldn’t I harness this “information” to help myself?
In this moment, I learned a valuable lesson that has guided me many times since. Rather than depend on the opinions or “advice” of others, we often need to stop, pray, and let God guide and guard us. He may send us to a trusted human for encouragement or wisdom borne out of experience. Or God may direct us to dig deeply into scripture. Or…He may simply give us the answer! The point is that we need to get our guidance and directives straight from God!
Everyone has an opinion, it seems. And I will tell you that I spent too many years trying to please others – even as I did what I thought I should to please God and serve Him with faith and obedience. The truth is…you cannot do both! On the rare occasion that man’s ideas and opinions line up with God’s, we tend to grow complacent and think that this approach will work all the time! But often, there will be at least a tinge of selfishness or arrogance in the attitudes of human beings – even those who claim to love and serve God with their whole heart. And we are likely to end up fitting in with others while we disappoint our Heavenly Father.
Our relationship to God does not have room for a popularity contest. We should focus solely on pleasing Him! If you are striving to fit in, be part of a tribe, belong to a certain group – or be popular – stop immediately! Spend some time with God and ask Him to show you where you belong…and what next steps to take! 
You are not alone! God is with you! As you step out in faith and follow His lead, you will see that you had the perfect “Advisor” all along. I cannot tell you that every day will be filled with roses and rainbows…or that you will not still struggle with your desire to fit in with the group and make everyone happy. But I can tell you that God will bless your efforts and give you a sense of peace and purpose. And if you find yourself in the Walmart parking lot not knowing what to do next, call me! We will say a prayer together and ask God to show us both how to proceed. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for February 14, 2024 – Mind your business and serve God…lessons for this Ash Wednesday – and always

Amos 2:6-16
The Lord said:
I will punish Israel for countless crimes, and I won’t change my mind. They sell honest people for money, and the needy are sold for the price of sandals.

They smear the poor in the dirt and push aside those who are helpless. My holy name is dishonored, because fathers and sons sleep with the same young women.

They lie down beside altars on clothes taken as security for loans. And they drink wine in my temple, wine bought with the money they received from fines.

Israel, the Amorites were there when you entered Canaan. They were tall as cedars and strong as oaks. But I wiped them out — I destroyed their branches and their roots.

I had rescued you from Egypt, and for forty years I had led you through the desert. Then I gave you the land of the Amorites.

I chose some of you to be prophets and others to be Nazirites. People of Israel, you know this is true. I, the Lord, have spoken!

But you commanded the prophets not to speak their message, and you pressured the Nazirites into drinking wine.

And so I will crush you, just as a wagon full of grain crushes the ground.

No matter how fast you run, you won’t escape. No matter how strong you are, you will lose your strength and your life. Even if you are an expert with a bow and arrow, you will retreat. And you won’t get away alive, not even if you run fast or ride a horse. You may be brave and strong, but you will run away, stripped naked.

I, the Lord, have spoken!

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A few days ago, there was an article in our newspaper about Edith Ceccarelli, a lady who lives in Willits, California. Edith just celebrated her 116th birthday. Edith has outlived two husbands, her daughter, six younger siblings, and three grand-daughters. She has lived through two world wars, two deadly pandemics, and the advent of the Model T. When Edith was born, women still didn’t have the vote. Edith Ceccarelli has lived so long that she knew someone who had lunched with Abraham Lincoln, and she remembers hearing the bells ring to signal the end of WWI on November 11, 1918!
Edith Ceccarelli lived in her own home until she was 107. She loves to dance – especially the waltz and two-step – and she ran an ad in the local paper seeking a dance partner when she was 104. Edith says dancing “keeps your limbs strong,” and she attributes her longevity to “a couple of fingers of red wine with your dinner – and mind your own business!” We could learn a lot from Edith!
I bet you didn’t expect me to use a passage from the book of Amos! This is a rich prophesy…one that certainly has merit for us today. We see at every turn how people are doing as they please while claiming to serve God. The descriptions of hatred, abuse, and pure evil committed by many who declare some sort of “immunity” from consequence astounds me. Turn on the television or read a newspaper, and you will see example after example of this. And don’t even get me started on the banter and bawdiness expressed on social media.
Today is not only Valentine’s Day – it is also Ash Wednesday. The church of my childhood did not mark this day with a worship service and the “marking of the cross” with ashes and oil on our foreheads. I was an adult before I experienced this ritual. Today, I won’t be getting a “mark,” but I will be reflecting on this next 40 days and its significance to us as believers of Jesus. In light of this passage from Amos, I will reflect on how I think, speak and act – and ask myself if I truly represent the love and teachings of Jesus in all things and at all times. 
I know that our rebellion and selfishness not only anger God – they outright grieve Him. And while Jesus lived, died, and rose again so that we won’t have to experience God’s wrath – or fear being completely wiped away because of our words and actions – we still are obligated to “mind our own business” and make sure we are following God’s will. There will always be those who want to persuade us that what we are doing is okay – even God-ordained. You and I often know better even as we speak and act. 
The time is here to truly commit to God and serve Him in all things. And Ash Wednesday is the perfect day to begin anew. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 7, 2023 – Putting your faith and discipleship into action…you gotta serve somebody!

Romans 2:7-8
You’re not getting by with anything. Every refusal and avoidance of God adds fuel to the fire. The day is coming when it’s going to blaze hot and high, God’s fiery and righteous judgment. Make no mistake: In the end you get what’s coming to you—Real Life for those who work on God’s side, but to those who insist on getting their own way and take the path of least resistance, Fire!

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

You may be an ambassador to England or France
You may like to gamble, you might like to dance
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes
Indeed you’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody
“Gotta Serve Somebody” – written by Bob Dylan, performed on the album “Slow Train Coming” – Copyright ©1979 by Special Rider Music

For almost an hour, I read online commentaries about these two verses. What did Paul intend to convey to the Romans? Was he actually telling them – and us – that God is waiting with a chair and a whip to dole out retribution against those who disobeyed Him (which was what I actually believed as a child and young adult)? And if we believe in Salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ, how do we “square” this with a declaration that “in the end, you get what’s coming to you”?  As I dug deeper, I discovered a reference to this Bob Dylan song…in particular, the lyrics in this first verse. And I realized that Paul is not telling us that God will “make us pay” someday for every sin we’ve every committed. In fact, as human beings – and perpetual sinners – this would make little to no sense. There is no way that you or I – or anyone else besides Jesus – can be 100% perfect and sinless, regardless of how hard we try.

What I believe God used Paul to tell us is the same thing Bob Dylan tells us in his song…“You’ve gotta serve somebody, so choose wisely.” I don’t mean to judge others, but it seems to me that there are many who claim to know, love, and serve God. They “trade” on the name of Jesus and claim to have invited Him to forgive their sins and live in their hearts…to be the Guide and Guard of all they think, say, and do. And then they go right on living as they please…discriminating, disparaging, and creating something of a “Designer Discipleship” – based on what they want and who they want in their circle of influence and association.

Too many people are living in a “sixth-grade reality” – whereby everything is about them, nothing is their fault, the other guy did it, or they use the excuse… “I’m not as bad as so-and-so,” or “He/she started it!” C’mon, people! It’s time to grow up! It is time to decide once and for all who we will serve…and do it!  

I will not tell you that serving God as Jesus demonstrated will always be popular – or pleasant! There will be days when we all hear God telling us to say or do something, and in our best 12-year-old voice, we will ask, “Do I really have to?” – or we will flat out say, “Please, please, please…don’t make me!” But in the end, we know what God expects of us.

We know what we must do…and we also know that the Holy Spirit will be with us every step of the way. This is not just about getting our Heavenly Reward someday – or standing before God and hearing Him say, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.” This is about doing the Kingdom Work here…now…in the trenches of life on this earth! Bob Dylan was right… “You’ve gotta serve somebody.” Choose wisely, my friend…this is not a drill! Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for April 22, 2021 – Hearing from God and keeping His commands…it’s time for a hefty dose of compassion

1 Peter 3:8-12
And now this word to all of you: You should be like one big happy family, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds. Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t snap back at those who say unkind things about you. Instead, pray for God’s help for them, for we are to be kind to others, and God will bless us for it.

If you want a happy, good life, keep control of your tongue, and guard your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Try to live in peace even if you must run after it to catch and hold it! For the Lord is watching his children, listening to their prayers; but the Lord’s face is hard against those who do evil.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

In a New York Times article* posted today, writer David Leonhart asked the question, “Are outdoor masks necessary?” The response was a mix of “yes and no” answers and justifications. The writer also discussed how we should interact safely with unvaccinated children – and what level of caution should be exercised. He quoted a Yale University epidemiologist who suggested that we have all been traumatized in some way by this pandemic, and what most people truly need now is a hefty dose of compassion. Leonhart concluded…“Compassion is a good concept. At this stage in the pandemic, different people are going to start making different decisions, and many of those decisions will be defensible. Before lashing out at behavior that is different from your own, maybe it’s worth pausing to ask whether compassion is the better response.”

This is what Peter tells us in this passage…“be kind to others…don’t snap back…don’t judge…stay loving and humble.” My cousin and I were talking just this week about where we are in this pandemic…and how the reaction is different for each person. Some are fully vaccinated and ready to “get back out there,” while others are still hesitant to interact much. Some never gave this virus any attention or respect in the first place, and they aren’t about to change how they think and act at this juncture. Still others are cautiously optimistic…carefully choosing what they feel is “safe” and right for them – and what is still out of bounds or beyond their level of comfort. As my cousin said, “I’m trying to give each person plenty of respect at this point.” This attitude seems right to me for virtually every situation.

There are situations that are totally “black and white” – instances where we can see that one reaction or behavior is right – and the other is completely wrong. But there are plenty of times when you and I simply need to leave the judging to God and operate with love, empathy, kindness, carefully measured words and conclusions, and a hefty dose of humility. In a nutshell…we need to offer the world more compassion.

This will entail controlling our words and actions…seeking God’s will and guidance…and asking Him to help us exercise a little self-control. We cannot always see the whole picture for another person…but God knows. And when we treat each individual as He commands and expects, God is “all in” with us. He hears our prayers and blesses our requests – and our daily living. God answers perfectly and right on time, and the ripple effects are amazing. Operating in evil, lies, deceit, hatred, and selfishness closes off our connection to God…and everyone suffers as a result.

Make this the day that you vow to be more compassionate…to seek God’s wisdom and will – and to operate in love and kindness toward all His creations. Today is Earth Day…so let’s remember to extend some love and care to the planet, as well. Nobody demonstrated compassion better than Jesus! If we want to emulate Him in our daily living – and walk according to God’s will and ways, we will strive to implement this level of love and concern for others in our own hearts and minds. Compassion is not only a good concept – it is a God model…one we must put into action in our own lives today, tomorrow, and always. Amen!

©2021 Debbie Robus

*New York Times Article – Are Outdoor Masks Necessary?

Daily Devotional for December 27, 2020 – Pleasing the LORD…and getting into “good trouble”

Proverbs 16:7
When we please the Lord,
even our enemies
make friends with us.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Greg and I often begin our Sunday morning by viewing “CBS Sunday Morning”. We truly feel it is one of the best programs on television! This morning, the program was a look back at 2020…particularly, a remembrance of those who have left us this year. While many of those who were recognized died of COVID-19, there were some whose death had other causes.

One of those remembered was Georgia Congressman John Lewis, who succumbed to pancreatic cancer in July. You might remember him for his call to us to get into “good trouble”. Lewis was a noted leader in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. He marched with the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and led the first march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, in 1965. Lewis served in the US House of Representatives from 1987 until his death earlier this year.

One of Congressman Lewis’ well-known sayings was, “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.” Let’s be honest…a lot of people disagreed with John Lewis. He definitely had “enemies”. But many who disagreed with Lewis’ platform had complete and utter respect for him…for his Christian faith, moral character and his dedication to serving others. John Lewis had many friends among his “enemies”, because he made sure to always please Jesus with each word and action.

Let’s be clear…our goal is to please Jesus. Making friends with enemies along the way is an added bonus. God is calling each of us to stand up for what is right, fair, and just…and to speak up when things are not as He desires. God is equipping us to serve as He desires and directs…and He will control the outcomes. Now is the time for us to get into “good trouble” – GOD trouble! This may not entail marching for civil rights…or risking our lives as Congressman John Lewis did. But we must be ready and willing to do whatever God calls us to do…and trust Him to make the difference.

John Lewis made a mark on this world – for God and for mankind. He pleased the LORD and made friends among his enemies in the process. Can you say the same? Make this the day that you renew your commitment to serve as God directs – and to please Him with every word and action. Get ready to watch God work in and through you for His glory! Alleluia!

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 9, 2020 – Stop, look and listen to Jesus…how to ignore the devil’s “gaslighting” and make him “apopleptic”!

Matthew 13:11-15
Jesus answered:

I have explained the secrets about the kingdom of heaven to you, but not to others. Everyone who has something will be given more. But people who don’t have anything will lose even what little they have. I use stories when I speak to them because when they look, they cannot see, and when they listen, they cannot hear or understand. So God’s promise came true, just as the prophet Isaiah had said,

“These people will listen
and listen,
but never understand.
They will look and look,
but never see.
All of them have
stubborn minds!
Their ears are stopped up,
and their eyes are covered.
They cannot see or hear
or understand.
If they could,
they would turn to me,
and I would heal them.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

In recent months, I’ve learned two new words – “gaslighting” and “apopleptic”. Gaslighting is a method of gaining power or influence by making a person question what he/she knows to be true. An example would be telling folks over and over that COVID-19 is a hoax made up by certain political groups, when we can see the number of cases – and deaths – from this virus growing exponentially. In terms of our Christian faith, many people have been “gaslighted” into believing that what God wants doesn’t matter as much as what we want. In many ways, we are told that “God wants you to be happy”…or “It is my God-given right and freedom to do XYZ.” We take this stance and run with it as a license to do as we please, while claiming to serve Jesus.

“Apopleptic” means to become outraged and offended. When we hear news that is absolutely galling and disgusting – we become “apopleptic”. Lately, I have been “apopleptic” about the “gaslighting” that appears to be going on among people who claim to be Christians. While I do not mean to judge others, there seem to be some clear examples of folks who think that what they want is more important than what is best for everyone. Jesus never said, “Be sure to take care of yourself first and make sure all of your needs and desires are met. If there’s anything left, think about the other guy – and Me.”

Jesus shared the prophecy of Isaiah with the crowd who had gathered at Galilee to hear His teachings – and His words have merit for us today. Some of us have stubborn minds…ears that are stopped up…and eyes that are covered. Some cannot see, hear or understand the directives of Jesus because of the “noise and clutter” of selfish motives. It should be noted that a lot of folks do not even realize they are behaving selfishly. The “fight or flight” instinct has taken hold – and they may view their words and actions as self-protective, and therefore totally understandable and acceptable.

Look at the last sentence of this scripture passage again, where Jesus says that if we truly turn to Him and listen to His words and teachings, He will heal us and set us on the right path. The devil is the king of “gaslighters”. He absolutely becomes “apopleptic” when we turn from Him and listen to Jesus…when we love others with the love of Christ and treat them as we wish to be treated. Any time we look out for the good of our brothers and sisters ahead of our own desires, the devil has a fit – and Jesus notices and guides our steps.

The choice of “camps” is clear. Jesus has provided us with the secrets about the Kingdom of Heaven. We have been given much – and equal measure or more is expected in return. Make this the day that you stop listening to “gaslighters” and turn your eyes – and ears – to Jesus. Give Him rule over your heart and mind – and every word and action – and watch Him do amazing things with your faithful obedience.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 11, 2020 – Living by faith and pleasing God…it’s time for a reality check!

Hebrews 1:5-6
By an act of faith, Enoch skipped death completely. “They looked all over and couldn’t find him because God had taken him.” We know on the basis of reliable testimony that before he was taken “he pleased God.” It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I am ashamed to admit this – and I do know better – but there have been times when I have prayed over and again to God about an issue, while in my heart I doubted that He was hearing me and/or that He would really answer. And if you are completely honest, you’ve done this, too. Recently, I told God how weary I am over things that are happening in our world. I’ve grown impatient, and a part of me wonders if there will ever be a resolution. Just today, I apologized to God for demonstrating a lack of confidence. I have seen Him do amazing things – in His timing and according to His will. I have begged and pleaded with God to fix situations…pointing out (as if He didn’t already know) that people are hurting and suffering – and needlessly so in my mind.

I have asked God how many more people have to die, fall ill, and lose their jobs and homes before this pandemic ends. I’ve asked how much longer children have to be separated from their parents at the border…and racial hatred and discrimination will be allowed to exist. I’ve told God in so many words that I really don’t believe that He plans to fix these things and countless other situations and circumstances. Essentially, I have accused God of not caring enough to answer my prayers.

I’ve said over and again that we cannot claim that “God’s going to take care of this,” and go on our merry way. This “blind faith” is not what God intends or requires. Yes, we are to trust God without question of His timing and motives. But we are also to ask continually, “What do you want me to do? How can I help?” If God wants you to move out of the way, He will show you. If he has a role for you to play (such as wearing a mask or making a concerted effort to support equal rights for all people), He will give you a clear blueprint for how to do your part. Either way, we must pay close attention…and we must seek God with hope, confidence, and complete faith in His will and way of accomplishment.

Maybe it is time for us to take a collective pause in our prayers and petitions that express our problems, worries and concerns – and just tell God how much we love Him. Maybe this is the day that we need to step back from asking God to meet our needs…and tell Him that “we’re in this for the long haul – wherever You lead and however You plan to get us there.” Maybe this is the day that we need to truly work on our faith – and renew our effort to fully surrender our will to God’s. It is impossible to please God apart from genuine and total faith and surrender. Maybe this is the day that we need to be reminded of this.

©2020 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 30, 2018 – Good manners, funeral processions, and caring for widows and orphans – what kind of Christian do you claim to be?

James 1:26-27
Anyone who says he is a Christian but doesn’t control his sharp tongue is just fooling himself, and his religion isn’t worth much. The Christian who is pure and without fault, from God the Father’s point of view, is the one who takes care of orphans and widows, and who remains true to the Lord—not soiled and dirtied by his contacts with the world.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

The question arose recently on Facebook whether or not it was illegal to fail to stop for a funeral procession. The person who asked had been part of a procession, and he noted that many people didn’t stop – even when it would have been perfectly safe to do so. I did an Internet search for this question and learned that the law varies from state to state – and even from city to city within certain states.

The bottom line is that stopping for a funeral procession is simply good manners – and the right thing to do. While this may seem small in the scheme of things, little matters add up to big ones…and as I have often said…people.are.watching!  People notice those who quietly show respect – even for a funeral procession involving complete strangers – and those who do not.  People notice when we take care of the less fortunate – and when we snub them.

People notice when we “talk a good game”…and when we “run our mouths” and disparage others, say and do things that are self-serving, and generally act like we have some sort of corner on all things “Jesus”.  I am reminded of child who becomes territorial and possessive when faced with the notion that he/she might have to share with someone else. Too often, we act like “our” church or “our” thoughts and ideas are to superior to those of others. And believe me, people notice!

God wants disciples who behave in a manner that brings Him honor and glory.  He wants His children – and that would be you and me! – to demonstrate decency and respect for others…all.of.them!  God wants more action and less talk – especially if we can’t say something nice!  He wants more humility and zero arrogance…He wants faithful servants who think of the needs of others first.

Let’s do this…let’s stop spending so much time griping, complaining, and criticizing others – and get busy serving them in God’s name. Let’s look for ways to demonstrate human decency and respect…to show others about God rather than tell them…to behave in ways that are reflective of who we are – and WHOSE!  Let’s pull over for a few minutes when we encounter a funeral procession…and welcome the stranger who dares to sit on our pew at church!  Let’s be “less” – so that God can be “more”!

Instead of trying to be “religious”, let’s try being a humble servant. Our goal is to be pure and faultless in God’s eyes – not the “model Christian” of the world’s standards. Let’s show others a true servant of Jesus instead of a man-made image of Christian discipleship. And let’s start today.

We don’t have a minute to waste! When people look at you, what – and WHO – do they see?

©2018 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for February 23, 2018 – Who are you trying to please?

Psalm 103:1-18
I bless the holy name of God with all my heart. Yes, I will bless the Lord and not forget the glorious things he does for me.

He forgives all my sins. He heals me. He ransoms me from hell. He surrounds me with loving-kindness and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things! My youth is renewed like the eagle’s! He gives justice to all who are treated unfairly. He revealed his will and nature to Moses and the people of Israel.

He is merciful and tender toward those who don’t deserve it; he is slow to get angry and full of kindness and love. He never bears a grudge, nor remains angry forever. He has not punished us as we deserve for all our sins, for his mercy toward those who fear and honor him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far away from us as the east is from the west. He is like a father to us, tender and sympathetic to those who reverence him. For he knows we are but dust and that our days are few and brief, like grass, like flowers, blown by the wind and gone forever.

But the loving-kindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting to those who reverence him; his salvation is to children’s children of those who are faithful to his covenant and remember to obey him!

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

A few weeks ago, the children came for sleepovers. I told my cousin later, “I think I could sit up all night and watch them sleep.”  Timothy, Zola and Nathan are just kids…they “show out” and have their moments like all children.  But for the most part, they simply make me smile. I delight in their accomplishments…their thought processes…what interests them…and their reactions to “life” in general!  And I marvel as they sleep at how intricately and wonderfully God has made each of them.

For all of the love and care that we have for our children, God loves us so much more.  The theme of Day 9 in The Purpose Driven Life* is that our life’s goal should be to make God smile. We should delight in all of His blessings, and honor His grace and mercy over us with our own words and actions.

God knows that none of us is perfect. He knows that we will all sin and make all kinds of mistakes. But we can still please God and make Him smile. Verses 16-18 of Psalm 103 remind us that…”He is like a father to us, tender and sympathetic to those who reverence him. For he knows we are but dust and that our days are few and brief, like grass, like flowers, blown by the wind and gone forever.”

You and I spend a lot of time trying to please others, when in truth, God’s satisfaction and pleasure is all that matters.  When we make His pleasure the focus of our lives, God ensures that the rest comes together.

Who are you trying to please today?  Whose satisfaction is most important in your life?  Will this be the day that you surrender to God and trust Him with everything – and make His smile your top priority? Don’t you think it’s time you did?

©2018 Debbie Robus

**The Purpose Driven Life ~ http://purposedriven.com

Daily Devotional for July 12, 2017 – Who decides how YOU serve Jesus?