Daily Devotional for January 22, 2023 – “Go, do, and stop whining”…it’s time to follow Christ’s commands with faithful obedience

Psalm 119:65-72
I am your servant, Lord,
and you have kept your promise
to treat me with kindness.
Give me wisdom and good sense.
I trust your commands.
Once you corrected me
for not obeying you,
but now I do obey.
You are kindhearted,
and you do good things,
so teach me your laws.
My reputation is being ruined
by conceited liars,
but with all my heart
I follow your teachings.
Those liars have no sense,
but I find happiness
in your Law.
When you corrected me,
it did me good
because it taught me
to study your laws.
I would rather obey you
than to have a thousand pieces
of silver and gold.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

This morning, Dr. John Robbins, senior pastor at Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church in Little Rock, shared a story about an experience early in his ministry. Dr. Robbins and his wife visited a church where he was soon to be assigned. He called it an “extraordinary promotion” to a much larger church. A member came up to him at a reception after the service and asked, “Are you our new preacher?” Dr. Robbins responded that yes, he was, and he extended his hand. The woman would not shake the minister’s hand, and she replied, “I’m gonna tell you right now…you’re too young to be the pastor of this church, and I’m not gonna like you while you’re here.” The pastor wanted to reply, “Right back atcha!” Instead, Dr. Robbins told the woman he hoped he could earn her respect.

Years later when Dr. Robbins was moving to another church, a farewell reception was held. This same woman came to him tearfully and said, “I was wrong. You’re the ‘real deal.’ Thank you for your ministry.” Dr. Robbins says he couldn’t have ever gotten a better compliment. He reminded us that Paul tells us to set an example for others…to be driven by our faith, our speech, and our conduct. This will determine the level of respect others give you – and how you share the Good News with others.

As the Psalmist notes, when we follow God’s law (and Christ’s commands), we will be ridiculed – maybe even disavowed. Some will try to smear us or make us out to be “wrong” or even evil because we love others with the love of Christ. They will sometimes distance themselves from us and decide they don’t like us because they feel we are too “whatever” – from age to race to social class and more (you fill in the blanks).

My message to you today is to stay the course. Hold your head up and serve Jesus according to His commands. Speak and act in a way that glorifies and honors Him. Remember how Jesus reacted and responded to those who criticized and abused Him. And think of the glory and joy that comes from pleasing Jesus above all others. Love one another and treat others as you wish to be treated.

Pastor Robbins also shared a story of complaining one day to an elder pastor that people were always telling him he was “too young.” The pastor basically told the young minister to quit whining and just “go and do” in the name of Jesus. I realized that I harp on the mistreatment of others in this space. I have repeatedly enumerated people and groups who are outcast and disparaged. And I have begged others to change how they speak and act toward them. It is time for me to stop whining, too.

It is time for all of us to simply “go and do” – to speak and act with the unconditional and unqualified love of Christ toward all others. It is time for us to earn the respect of others in the name of Jesus by being like Jesus – and trust Him to bless and multiply our efforts. And we must start doing this here…now…TODAY! My prayer for each of us is that we would seek God’s will…and serve Christ in His wisdom, good sense, and love – and let our efforts speak for themselves. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 9, 2022 – So what are we arguing about?

Acts 15:10-11
“So why are you now trying to out-god God, loading these new believers down with rules that crushed our ancestors and crushed us, too? Don’t we believe that we are saved because the Master Jesus amazingly and out of sheer generosity moved to save us just as he did those from beyond our nation? So what are we arguing about?”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I have had to shake my head lately at declarations that this person has “a deep commitment to Christ,” or that person is so Godly and stands for Christian values – all while said people are making hypocritical statements, behaving foolishly, or treating others with hatred, disdain, disparagement and more. I don’t know why, but I truly am astounded at how some “Christians” can demonstrate bias, bigotry and discrimination with a straight face while insisting to the world that they love Jesus and serve Him wholeheartedly.

Indeed, a great question to ask ourselves is, “What are we arguing about?”  Why are we imposing our attitudes and biases on others while claiming to serve a Master who does none of this…and in fact, despises such talk and actions? Why are we pretending to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ, when many can clearly see otherwise. Believe me…those who are mistreated and/or excluded in some manner see the ones who hate them for who and what they are…bald-faced liars and hypocrites. And Jesus must surely grieve over this.

Read these words of Paul and Barnabas from Acts 15 again. If you honestly believe that Jesus amazingly and out of sheer generosity moved to save us, then you have to accept that He did this for everyone who would turn to Him, confess their sins, and commit to serve Him. If you truly have a deep commitment to Christ, you will stop crushing others under your personal rules and biases…and love them as Jesus does. It’s time to really ask ourselves what we are arguing about – and why. Spend some time with Jesus and ask Him what He wants…then do that – and only that! Alleluia and Amen!

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 23, 2022 – Standing firm in Christ’s command to love others…and trusting Him with our worries, cares and sufferings

1 Peter 5:7-10
Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.

Be careful—watch out for attacks from Satan, your great enemy. He prowls around like a hungry, roaring lion, looking for some victim to tear apart. Stand firm when he attacks. Trust the Lord; and remember that other Christians all around the world are going through these sufferings too.

After you have suffered a little while, our God, who is full of kindness through Christ, will give you his eternal glory. He personally will come and pick you up, and set you firmly in place, and make you stronger than ever.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

September 7, 1998 (Labor Day)…my sister Suzanne, me, our grandmother, and my brother, Tim.

September 23, 1998, at approximately 7:00 a.m., I whispered into the ear of my 37-year-old brother, Tim, and told him it was time to go. He opened his eyes and looked around at me, my parents, my sister, and his dear nurse-friend Ginger. Then he closed his eyes, and Jesus gave him eternal glory. Tim’s struggles were over…the worries and cares of this world were all behind him…and he experienced complete and enduring love and acceptance.

For several months now, I have been talking in this space about unequivocal love and acceptance of all people. For me, this is extremely personal. My brother was not perfect by any stretch. He was human. And like any “little brother,” he got on my last nerve more times than I can count. But as we grew and matured…and I grew in my relationship with Jesus Christ…I came to see Tim in a whole different light.

I saw the teenager who loved medicine – and was good at caring for others. As a high school student, Tim worked nights and weekends as a hospital orderly at our rural county facility. Because the hospital was small and understaffed, Tim was soon watching heart monitors – and even administering CPR to patients until doctors and nurses arrived. He once stopped his car on Main Street when he saw a man in distress, and he gave this man CPR until a doctor could arrive on scene. This doctor later credited my teenage brother with saving the man’s life.

Tim did the hard work to conquer chemistry and other subjects, and he graduated from nursing school a few years later and became a Registered Nurse. Tim had a beautiful voice, and he sang with fellow nurses at his graduation from Baptist School of nursing. He then moved to Los Angeles, where he served as a nurse in Cardiac Care for more than a decade. He was also a private duty nurse for several patients…including Edgar Rosenberg, the husband of the late comedienne, Joan Rivers.

As I noted, Tim’s life was not perfect. Tim was gay…and in the 1970s, this was not something one discussed or declared openly – especially in a rural Arkansas community. A lot of people who knew Tim were aware of this…but the struggles and pressures of trying to be true to himself – and keep up the façade of being straight by “dating” beautiful girls and keeping his head down – led him to seek solace in drug use.

In California, Tim found love and acceptance. But he was such a loving person that far too many took advantage of his generosity, and more than once, a roommate robbed him blind, and he literally had to start over once again with just the clothes on his back. Before returning home to live in 1996, Tim made several trips to visit with the intention of telling our parents about his sexual orientation. But he was never able to have the conversation. He would collapse in tears as he told my sister and me, “I just can’t tell them.” He finally returned home in 1996, where my mother made it her mission to help him rebuild his life. And he did. He got clean from the drugs. He got a job as a Home Health nurse for our county. His patients adored him, and he worked long, hard hours caring for them and writing reports about their care. Tim worked as long as he could before liver disease made it impossible for him to keep up the pace. He helped my mother care for our dad, who was suffering from renal failure and required daily home dialysis.

Tim was a great brother, uncle, cousin, grandson, and friend to many. But he told me often, “There is no social life for a gay man in our town.”  There were a few friends in our community who graciously included Tim in their social functions, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Tim began to attend church with my parents, until the day their pastor declared from the pulpit that… “AIDS is God’s punishment for homosexuality,” and declared that all gay people were destined for hell. Tim never went back to church again. The day before he passed to Heaven, that pastor showed up on my parents’ doorstep. To Mother’s credit, she refused to allow him to come inside.

Tim was a faith-filled Christian who loved Jesus and followed His command to love one another better than most. Tim never met a stranger…and he did not discriminate on any basis. As I noted (sometimes to his detriment), Tim welcomed everyone into his circle of friends – and even his home. He longed to have a family…a husband – and maybe children of his own. He would have been a wonderful, devoted father and partner. He was simply born a couple of decades too soon for the legislation and acceptance that is offered to people like him today. But at the same time, not enough has changed…and there are plenty of “Tims” in this world who suffer disparagement, exclusion, and hatred – and turn to coping mechanisms such as alcohol, drugs – and even suicide.

On this day when even 24 years later, my feelings are raw and real…hear my message. If you are still discriminating against someone – for any reason – this is the day you need to fall to your knees and ask Jesus to forgive you. If you believe for one second that members of the LGBTQ community are sinful because of how God made them, I urge you to carefully and prayerfully seek the counsel of those who can show you what God’s word truly says about how He intentionally created each one of us…and how precious we are to Him…every single person. If you think that someone can “pray the gay away” or use any other method to change how God made them, please know that this is neither helpful or true.

It has always astounded me to think that the same people who would gratefully and eagerly accept Tim’s medical care if they were having a heart attack would not want him to attend their church – or to serve as a teacher/leader or marry in their chapel or sanctuary. I am equally dumbfounded when people are surprised that a person of color is intelligent, professional, caring, and “not at all what I expected” – and how so many “Christians” in this world are filled with hatred and seem to feel that God’s love is selective and exclusive to certain people or groups.

As I think of Tim, I know he would want me to tell you that I still love you, even if you cannot accept people like him. That was one of Tim’s best attributes…he loved all others with the love of Christ. I learned a lot from my little brother, but this might have been the best lesson of all. I am fully confident that on that September morning in 1998, Jesus personally came and picked Tim up and set him firmly in place in Heaven, where he is stronger than ever – healthy and whole. Someday, I will join him there. My prayer is that you will be there, too. In the meantime, we should all make it our aim to be like Tim…to love all others – and to serve Jesus as He commands. Alleluia!

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 22, 2022 – Using your God-given gifts to share the love of Jesus with others…is it time for a change of “seasons”?

1 Peter 4:10
Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

There is a cartoon I follow in our daily newspaper called “Pickles” – written and illustrated by Brian Crane. It features an older couple and some of the things they experience in day-to-day life. Recently, the husband told a friend that he had asked his wife if she would like it if he folded the laundry. She told him no thanks…she would just have to fold it again. The man sat quietly with his friend on a bench, and then he said, “Man, I love that woman!” Clearly, laundry folding is not this man’s gift – but manipulation might be! No one ever said ALL gifts come from God!  

While each of us does indeed have specific gifts that God has granted us for use in His service, we are all commanded be kind and love others. Whether you use your specific gifts to accomplish this is up to you. But kindness and love are not optional.

Today marks the beginning of fall…a change of seasons. This is a good time to have a spiritual season change, as well. Spend some time in conversation with God – talking and listening. Figure out where, when, and how He wants you to use your gifts to bless others in the name of Jesus and share His love and care. Leave behind the missed opportunities of the past and boldly step into a future of serving God with everything you have – and all that He has given you! Alleluia!

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 20, 2022 – Falling back into the groove of evil…it’s time to clean out the clutter and reorganize!

1 Peter 1:13-17
So roll up your sleeves, get your head in the game, be totally ready to receive the gift that’s coming when Jesus arrives. Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn’t know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, “I am holy; you be holy.”

You call out to God for help and he helps—he’s a good Father that way. But don’t forget, he’s also a responsible Father, and won’t let you get by with sloppy living.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

The struggle is real. I cannot count how many times I have said, “I’m going to clean my closets and drawers – and truly get organized.” In fact, I have done this! But in time, “clutter” creeps back in. The utensil drawer ends up in disarray. And don’t even get me started on the drawers in my laundry/craft room! It doesn’t help that I am a pack rat and save those things I “might use again one day,” more often than I toss them (anyone need a bread twisty-tie?). I will tell you, I’ve searched the house for something that I finally decided to pass on to charity or someone else and regretted doing so…and I remind myself of this when I start my sorting/purging! The temptation for “sloppy living” is great in this one at times!

Here’s the thing…the consequences of organized chaos, which would describe some of my drawers and projects, may not be all that catastrophic in the scheme of things. Yes, if I died tomorrow, my family would have their hands full going through my stuff! But none of it would change the world. However, the “clutter” we allow in our spiritual lives is a totally different matter. And we all have some “closet cleaning” to do!

You know how it starts…you laugh at an unkind joke – or you share some “innocent news” (aka gossip). Maybe you comment to someone, “Did you see what he/she was wearing (or allowing their kids to wear)?” or “I’m only telling you this, but So-and-So told me XYZ.” One comment leads to another…and soon, you are right in the thick of disparagement, criticism, judgment, and even hatred. The day comes and goes, and you don’t talk to God – about anything. Not even a whisper or a quick, “Lord, please be with this person or that one,” or a “Lord, help me!” is uttered.  Then you go a few days without reading any scripture…and the days turn into weeks/months.

You get so caught up in what is happening in your tiny circle of influence that a month goes by, and you have not spoken to your neighbor, checked on that church friend who was ill, or sent a message to your dear friend or relative who lives in another city. We have a bucket in our garage where we leave clothing we have worn on our walks or while working outside…clothing that is too sweaty and dirty to put in the regular laundry hamper. If I don’t wash the things in that bucket within a few days, they begin to smell.

This is how it is with our heart when we neglect “spiritual” things – or procrastinate in our discipleship and witness. We start to sour and smell. The devil is always on the lookout for even the smallest crevice where he can slither into our hearts and minds and cause trouble. If we do not live with intention and purpose at all times we won’t even see him coming.

So here’s our wake-up call! Make this the day that you begin to clear the clutter in your heart and mind. Start small, if that helps. You didn’t get this way overnight, so it stands to reason it will take a while to really get yourself together again. But do all you can each day to fill your head and heart with Jesus and the things that please Him. Work at it until there is so much of the goodness of Jesus that there is no room whatsoever for the devil and his evil. And if you are so inclined, work on a drawer or closet, as well. We can do this. God will strengthen us! Let’s agree together to call on Him to make us more holy as we get our head and heart in good spiritual order. Alleluia!

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 30, 2022 – Sharing the love of Jesus with all others…it’s time to treat them as we wish to be treated!

Luke 6:31-34  
Treat others as you want them to treat you.

“Do you think you deserve credit for merely loving those who love you? Even the godless do that! And if you do good only to those who do you good—is that so wonderful? Even sinners do that much! And if you lend money only to those who can repay you, what good is that? Even the most wicked will lend to their own kind for full return!

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

The Dodo is a website with videos and related content for animal lovers. A Google description informs that “The Dodo serves up emotionally and visually compelling, highly sharable animal-related stories and videos to help make caring about animals a viral cause.” Greg and I watch a lot of Dodo videos, and many of them feature unlikely pairings…especially dogs getting along with cats or kittens. Animals we consider to be natural enemies often learn to co-exist in ways we didn’t expect. They treat each other as they want to be treated. A dog will snuggle with a cat…and the cat will bathe the dog’s face and nuzzle his ears in return. A man will free a deadly snake from entanglement in netting or vines, and the snake remains calm and does not attack. A cat and a crow or duck will become best friends and wander around a house and yard together.

If you know anything about me, you know that I am totally not a snake fan. But I did watch a Dodo video where a poisonous snake that had become trapped was given water to drink from an old soda pop bottle. Both the “rescuer” and the snake seemed to understand and appreciate the selfless generosity of this gesture. As with many “Dodo” videos, I was reminded that we can learn a lot from these little clips and stories about how to treat one another!

I will tell you…I cannot imagine offering a drink of water to a deadly snake – or wrestling such a creature free of an entanglement. And if we are honest, there are certain people we don’t care for any more than a lethal snake! Yet Jesus tells us to treat them as we wish to be treated…to be generous and loving toward them…to offer kindness to those who are hateful or hurtful toward us…and to willingly give to those who cannot repay. Jesus tells us to get along with those who are not like us in some way…to look past differences and see what – and who – He sees.

At some time or another, we have all been mistreated in some way – if only to be slighted or treated rudely by someone. This is not a good feeling! Perhaps you also know what it feels like to be treated warmly and kindly by someone who clearly does not agree with you in some manner. Or maybe you have experienced grace, mercy and love from someone you offended – even inadvertently. Maybe you have been the “snake” that was offered a refreshing drink of water, and you know how much this act of unconditional love blessed you. Imagine what your offering of undeserved kindness and love could mean for someone else!

Every day, Jesus loves us unconditionally. He offers us grace, mercy and kindness that we have not earned and truly don’t deserve in many instances. Jesus is telling us to do this for others…to share His love with them and treat all His children as we wish to be treated. If we are going to claim to be followers of Jesus, we’ve got to truly follow Him. Someone needs you to offer grace, mercy and kindness in the name of Jesus. Figure out who, where and how you can serve in this manner – and start to pay forward His love. Watch a Dodo video or two if you need ideas about how to do this! My guess is that you will receive just as big a blessing as the other guy, and you will feel the pleasure and approval of Jesus as you demonstrate faithful obedience to His commands. Alleluia!

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 26, 2022 – No excuses or gray areas…Jesus demands that we love one another!

August 26 ~ John 15:17
“But remember the root command: Love one another.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

This morning, I saw a video on Facebook from Ophelia Nichols, the TicToc celebrity whose son Randon Lee, was murdered in Mobile, Alabama, a few weeks ago. An arrest was made in the case yesterday. Nichols said when she saw the mug shot of the young man who is accused of shooting her son, she thought of his mother. She noted that two families are hurting now…and she wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone. Teachers have commented that the accused assailant was a good student…and a sweet kid. She acknowledged that she felt sure these comments were true – of both this young man and her son. She added that neither young man should have been in this situation…buying and selling marijuana and engaging in activities that proved to be deadly.

Nichols repeatedly expressed care and concern for this young man’s family. She also noted that people in her community have been vocal and critical of her son…that she has overheard the talk in the grocery store and elsewhere as Randon has been disparaged and criticized for his activities and life choices. Ophelia Nichols noted that this had been deeply hurtful to her…and she hoped and prayed this didn’t happen to the accused shooter’s mother and other family members.

I have found it hard to be loving toward those who disparage one of my family members or friends. I am amazed and inspired by Ophelia Nichol’s concern for the parents and family members of the young man who is accused of shooting her “baby child,” as she refers to her son, Randon. Many would find it impossible to demonstrate genuine love and concern for someone who killed their loved one…or even someone who bullied their child or a friend. I struggle with those who disparage members of the LGBTQ community, knowing how hurtful this was to my own brother – and how it breaks the hearts – and spirits – of many people I love in this group today. I bristle when people criticize programs to help those who are economically disadvantaged, because I know that mos of these people are not lazy or trying to get something for nothing.

In some translations of this Bible verse, it reads that Jesus demands that we love one another. Truly, this is His “root command” – and there is no room for exceptions or excuses. All around us, there are people who follow this command to the letter. There are also many who are picking and choosing when and where to implement love. And this is wholly unacceptable. Let’s make this the day that we turn the corner and truly begin to love others with the love of Christ. We don’t have to like what they say and do. We don’t have to agree. We just have to love. I’m going to try – will you?

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for August 16, 2022 – Fighting against God’s law of loving one another – who died and left YOU in charge?

James 4:11
Don’t criticize and speak evil about each other, dear brothers. If you do, you will be fighting against God’s law of loving one another, declaring it is wrong. But your job is not to decide whether this law is right or wrong, but to obey it.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Greg’s family had a beloved Cairn Terrier named Muffin. One day, Muffin disappeared from the yard and was never seen again. Despite searches and inquiries and countless prayers, this precious furry family member was never found. I am not sure how “Sissy” came into their lives, but somehow, a stray female with wiry mottled gray hair arrived on the scene. As an added bonus…“Sissy” was pregnant!

Greg’s parents came to visit us one weekend, and because “Sissy” was almost ready to deliver, they brought her along. Sure enough, Sissy went into labor in a box in our garage. I don’t recall how many pups were birthed, but I will never forget the last “arrival!” The ugliest, pinkest, most grotesque little puppy emerged, and Greg’s mother started to cry. “Oh, no!” she said. “We’ll have to do something with this one – it’s not right!”

The puppy was definitely the runt of this litter…but as “Sissy” began to tend to her babies, the pink, somewhat hairless pup began to nurse and respond just like his siblings. Here’s the funny ending to this story…a new home was found for Sissy and all her puppies…except for “Runt!” This odd little dog became a constant companion for Greg’s dad. With blond-yellow curly fur, a plump body atop spindly little legs, and big ears, this dog endeared himself to the family. With everyone except my father-in-law, Runt would shake and shiver if you even looked at him.

The only people who could even get near this dog were Greg’s dad and his little niece, Cindy. Runt ran from everyone else and/or barked and growled. Perhaps he sensed that he was not accepted. Maybe he knew he was different, and thereby “less than” in the eyes of some. Even those who tried to reassure Runt that “it’s okay, Buddy,” were met with trepidation. This little pup was created by God for a purpose. We all saw it. He was a gift to Greg’s dad – a companion to follow him into the yard and sit with him in the recliner at night. And the little puppy that some initially thought might have to be destroyed became a beloved member of our family. I can’t imagine what life would have been like without him!

My point is this…God does not make mistakes. He is not in the business of creating junk – or “throw-aways.” God has told us to love one another…and He did not make exceptions. So why are we trying to supersede God’s commands and make our own rules? Why are we trying to decide who gets to worship with us and who doesn’t. Why are we making rules that some can marry in the church or serve in leadership – and others cannot? Why on earth are we declaring that this person, group, denomination, or political party is going to hell, while we are destined for Heaven’s glory? In other words, when did God die and leave YOU or ME in charge?

You don’t know what you are doing when you judge and/or exclude. You have no idea who you are hurting, what blessings you are interrupting, or how you are sabotaging God’s plans when you say and do these things. James did not mince words in this verse. Some of us are trying to “play God,” and we need to STOP! And we don’t have a minute to waste. So get busy loving others…all of them…and demonstrating faithful obedience to God’s creations and commands. You may be astounded at the relationships and bonds you cultivate in the process!  Alleluia!

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for July 29, 2022 – Stand for the truths of Jesus, or you’ll fall for anything – and always love one another warmly

2 Corinthians 13:8-9; 11-13    
All we can do is to follow the truth and not fight against it. Even though we are weak, we are glad that you are strong, and we pray you will do even better.

Goodbye, my friends. Do better and pay attention to what I have said. Try to get along and live peacefully with each other.

Now I pray that God, who gives love and peace, will be with you. Give each other a warm greeting. All God’s people send greetings.  I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will bless you and be kind to you! May God bless you with His love, and may the Holy Spirit join all your hearts together.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

“It is easier to fall for anything than to stand for something.” – 1926 May 27, State Center Enterprise Church Announcements: Methodist Mention*

Shortly before Greg and I married in 1974, my dad sat me down one day and said, “Life will go a whole lot better if you just go along with things.” In other words, he was advising me to “go along to get along” in my marriage. I loved my dad, and I know what he was trying to accomplish – and that he meant well. But this was truly some of the worst advice I was ever given!

There are times when we simply must stand up for what we know to be right and true, even when the cost is high. Too often, we sit back and let situations evolve – or fester – and our inaction and failure to respond speaks volumes. People assume that we agree with their ideas and actions. They view our silence as an endorsement. Often, because no one said anything, situations escalated to a point where they never should have gotten. Moreover, our failure to stand up and speak out demonstrates that we do not trust the Holy Spirit to guide and guard us. We lack faith that Jesus will make a way where we see none.

We are called to love one another – and to get along. But we are also commanded to seek the truth and will of Jesus Christ. This is going to require work on the part of each of us. Don’t just take someone else’s word for this…ask Jesus what He wants you to know – and how He wants you to proceed. Jesus calls on each of us to share His truth, grace, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, redemption, and inclusion with all we encounter. We are to be kind and loving toward everyone – and yes, there are times where we are to carefully compromise – but we are to always to represent Jesus’ teachings and commands with every word and action.

Almost 48 years later, I can tell you that marriage is a two-way street…and going along to get along is not always a good path to take! I don’t think my dad followed his own advice – or truly believed it. He wanted me to be happy, and he thought this suggestion would be helpful toward that end. Nobody with a lick of sense ever claimed that marriage is easy – or that a life of faithful obedience to Jesus Christ would be without difficulties and dissension at times. But oh, what a glorious life I have had – both in my marriage AND as a follower of Jesus. I wouldn’t trade either relationship for anything under the sun!

Listen to the words of Paul and take them to heart. Stand up for what you know to be the truths of Christ Jesus. Love all others with kindness, and treat them warmly as the precious children God created them to be. Don’t follow the crowd…or fall for subtle schemes and deceptions intended to lure you into a false sense of security and down the wrong path. Work to join ALL hearts together in Christ Jesus…and to always live in His peace. Alleluia!
©2022 Debbie Robus

*Quote Page 1, Column 4, State Center, Iowa (Newspaper Archive)

Daily Devotional for July 12, 2022 – It’s time to give God the “fight” – and operate in the love of Christ Jesus

1 John 4:4-6
Dear young friends, you belong to God and have already won your fight with those who are against Christ because there is someone in your hearts who is stronger than any evil teacher in this wicked world. These men belong to this world, so, quite naturally, they are concerned about worldly affairs and the world pays attention to them. But we are children of God; that is why only those who have walked and talked with God will listen to us. Others won’t. That is another way to know whether a message is really from God; for if it is, the world won’t listen to it.
The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

In her July 10th sermon, Pinnacle View UMC pastor Betsy Singleton-Snyder stated that she is tired of hearing about mass shootings in our nation. When her July 4th celebration with family and friends was interrupted by news of yet another shooting, she said the thought crossed her mind that she did not want to hear this. But she acknowledged that as a follower of Jesus, she must stop and consider fellow brothers and sisters who were hurting. There’s a good chance you can relate to Singleton-Snyder’s initial instinct. Many of us are tired of fighting.

  • We’re tired of fighting a virus we cannot seem to eradicate – or control well.
  • We’re tired of fighting over race, religion, sexual orientation, and other social issues.
  • We’re tired of the heat, drought, forest fires, floods, and other ravages of climate change.
  • We’re tired of news reports about war, shootings, and human abuse and suffering.
  • We’re tired of crooked politicians – and hearing about their antics and deceit.
  • We’re tired of waking up every day to a world that seems to be “circling the drain.”

As Rev. Singleton-Snyder pointed out, we followers of Jesus cannot look away. But we also cannot despair. We have Christ’s Holy Spirit in our hearts, and He is stronger than any evil teacher, wicked act, or hate-filled person in this world. The God who controls the heavens and the earth is still on the throne…and He is still with us. I am convinced that the first step in making things better is to focus on the love of Christ – and to share this with others.

There are plenty of people who disagree with me on several issues. Some have been fairly vocal about our differences and suggested that they are “right” – and I am wrong. I am not interested in playing that game…my love and obedience to Christ is not a contest. Instead, I am making every effort to love others – even those with whom I vehemently disagree. I want to work harder to love the most unlovely among us – even those who some deem to be “evil” – and let God sort out the rest. I want to call on the presence of the Holy Spirit within me to guide and guard my thoughts, words, and actions – at all times, toward all people.

The more I succeed at doing this, the more peace and joy I receive. There is a great sense of calm that comes with letting God have control. Yesterday, as I took my walk and listened to a playlist of my favorite current Contemporary Christian songs, I realized that I was involuntarily lifting my hands and singing along to lyrics that spoke of standing in the presence of Jesus, gathering with the saints of 10,000 generations before Him, and singing “Hallelujah!” because of the love and grace of our almighty, omnipotent, all-loving God. I returned home hot, sweaty, and filled with the love, peace and joy of knowing that the Holy Spirit is alive and well in my heart.

Yes, we are tired and weary – but praise God, He never tires or gives up on any of us! His love, forgiveness, grace and mercy are offered continually – and never end. Let’s focus on living in this love…and sharing it with others. Let’s throw up our hands and sing, “Hallelujah!” Let’s “let go and let God” have control – and see where His love takes us. Alleluia, and Amen!

©2022 Debbie Robus