Daily Devotional for May 29, 2020 – Who do you obey?

May 29 ~ Isaiah 26:7-15
Our Lord, you always do right,
and you make the path smooth
for those who obey you.
You are the one we trust
to bring about justice;
above all else we want
your name to be honored.
Throughout the night,
my heart searches for you,
because your decisions
show everyone on this earth
how to live right.
Even when the wicked
are treated with mercy
in this land of justice,
they do wrong and are blind
to your glory, our Lord.
Your hand is raised and ready
to punish them,
but they don’t see it.
Put them to shame!
Show how much you care for us
and throw them into the fire
intended for your enemies.
You will give us peace, Lord,
because everything we have done
was by your power.
Others have ruled over us
besides you, our Lord God,
but we obey only you.
Those enemies are now dead
and can never live again.
You have punished them—
they are destroyed,
completely forgotten.
Our nation has grown
because of you, our Lord.
We have more land than before,
and you are honored.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

These verses spoke to me today, as our nation grieves over the wickedness and injustice that seemingly surrounds us. These prophetic words of Isaiah remind me that God is still in charge…that He can save us and give us peace. These verses call us to remember WHO is truly our leader – and turn to Him and away from evil and hatred.

As a nation, we are in a vulnerable condition. Our feelings are raw and on edge from the weeks of battling this pandemic. People are sick, suffering, out of work, and scared half to death about what lies around the next corner. And now the devil has decided to really turn the world upside down and incite a civil war of sorts, as we once again pit races and cultures against one another.

Read the words of this passage carefully. Can you see the “solution”? It’s right there …”Others have ruled over us besides you, our Lord God, but we obey only you.” I urge you to spend time today – and every day – communicating with God. Really listen to what He is telling you – the direction in which He is leading you. Don’t get distracted by the “noise” of those the devil wants to use to divert your attention or get you off track by creating all of the crises that trouble us. Search always for God’s decisions – and follow His directions.

While we find it easy to throw up our hands and say, “I’m only one person…I cannot do anything about these crises!”…the truth is that we serve The ONE who can handle it all. We must give Him room to work in our lives, so that He can use us to accomplish His goals on this earth. This starts with a prayerful commitment to listen – and obey. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get busy doing God’s will and work, and this is the perfect day to begin!

©2020 Debbie Robus