Daily Devotional for May 17, 2024 – God is our refuge…it’s time to “Stand silent” and give Him room to work!

Psalm 46
God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in times of trouble. And so we need not fear even if the world blows up and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam; let the mountains tremble!

There is a river of joy flowing through the city of our God—the sacred home of the God above all gods. God himself is living in that city; therefore it stands unmoved despite the turmoil everywhere. He will not delay his help. The nations rant and rave in anger—but when God speaks, the earth melts in submission and kingdoms totter into ruin.

The Commander of the armies of heaven is here among us. He, the God of Jacob, has come to rescue us.

Come, see the glorious things that our God does, how he brings ruin upon the world and causes wars to end throughout the earth, breaking and burning every weapon. “Stand silent! Know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation in the world!”

The Commander of the heavenly armies is here among us! He, the God of Jacob, has come to rescue us!

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Greg and I sat on the back porch this morning and listened to the birds and other wildlife. We had thundershowers last night – and an inch of rain! But this morning, the sun burned through and made everything in the freshly washed landscape sparkle and shine. We both agreed that it would be hard to improve on this! God’s majesty and the simplicity of sitting in sunshine, drinking a cup of coffee, and listening to the songbirds chirp would be hard – if not impossible – to top!
I relish these mornings on our back porch. We waited most of the winter and through the spring pollen to be able to sit out for a half hour or more after waking and listen to God speak to us through His creations. We will enjoy this as much as possible before the heat and mosquitoes take over – and again in the fall. It seems like these days, we are constantly seeking opportunities to “stand silent” with God by “porch sitting,” praying while walking, and even turning off the television and escaping in the words of a good novel – or watching an old movie.
There are ample opportunities to fret and worry – and with good reason. But in this season, I am learning to “Stand silent” – or as the KJV puts it, to “Be still and know that I am God!”  Sometimes, the best thing to say or do is nothing! People are always watching and waiting to twist our words and actions to suit their own agenda…especially when we react and respond to their own comments and displays. Perhaps it is best if we grab a beverage of choice, head for a quiet place, and sit in the still and silence – and give God room to speak to us and work in our hearts and minds.
As we wring our hands these days and wonder what the future holds, I believe we would do well to “Stand silent” and allow God room to work. We need not fear…God is our refuge…and He is ready, willing, and able to rescue us! So let’s all just “Be still!”  Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 8, 2024 – Dressing in the plans and victories of God Almighty – and letting 𝑯𝒊𝒎 be our “designer!”

Psalm 20
In your day of trouble, may the Lord be with you! May the God of Jacob keep you from all harm. May he send you aid from his sanctuary in Zion. May he remember with pleasure the gifts you have given him, your sacrifices and burnt offerings. May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans. May there be shouts of joy when we hear the news of your victory, flags flying with praise to God for all that he has done for you. May he answer all your prayers!

“God save the king”—I know he does! He hears me from highest heaven and sends great victories. Some nations boast of armies and of weaponry, but our boast is in the Lord our God. Those nations will collapse and perish; we will arise to stand firm and sure!

Give victory to our king, O Lord; oh, hear our prayer.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

We are in that season of life where our kids are starting to feel the pressure…from name brand clothing to haircuts to what kind of car their family drives – and everything in between. It’s tough to be a kid sometimes! I remember being teased because my sister and I wore “homemade” clothing. In seventh grade, I got a “store-bought” dress (on sale, of course!), and the first time I wore it, my friends literally applauded. 
Secretly, a couple of girls confided they were jealous of the dresses my grandmother Polly and my mother made us – almost identical copies of those in the catalogs, but maybe in a different color or fabric. Still, the desire to be like others in my “circle” was often very powerful. You have no idea how hard I tried to learn to smoke cigarettes! Thankfully, this made me sick as a dog, and I decided I would have to find other ways to fit in and be accepted. My siblings and many friends went on to become lifelong smokers – and it ruined their health.
Last week, I visited with the parent of a soon-to-be-high-school-graduate. He said the discussion had been held about joining fraternities and sororities. The dad’s advice was to focus on serving God – and skip these “clubs” and all that can come with them. I have dear family members who love their panhellenic associations, and I mean no disrespect to them in sharing this. But what I am trying to say is that we often put so much stock in certain things…the “armies and weaponry” of this world and belonging to a tribe…and we should really be looking to the Lord our God for a sense of “membership” in His Kingdom instead. 
When our focus is on speaking and acting as God desires – regardless of what group we belong to or where we bought our clothing and other possessions – we always feel His presence. As a new college graduate and first-year teacher, I had limited money – and a rather sparse wardrobe. So, when I interviewed for a teaching position the following year in another city, I wore my only decent dress – which my mother had made for me as a graduation gift.  
When I got a “call-back” for a second interview, I had to wear the same dress again. It was the only decent dress I had. I hoped nobody would remember, but the first thing the Superintendent said was, “I think that was the dress you were wearing last time we met!” It was…and I prayed that this wouldn’t matter (and it didn’t)! I got the job and taught in that school system for the next eight years!
My point is that when we focus on doing what God commands, what others think is of no real importance. Pleasing God is the only thing that should concern us. Following His commands should be our constant aim. When we do this, God will handle the rest! We won’t ever have to worry about saying or doing the wrong thing if we are following God’s commands. 
Does this mean there won’t be times of ridicule, criticism, or even exclusion? Absolutely not! Following God’s will for our lives can sometimes feel lonely, as those who choose another path distance themselves in some manner. Choosing to speak and act as God commands can feel isolating at times…but I promise that you are not alone! Not only are there others who are striving to serve God faithfully and obediently, but God is right there with you in the middle of every struggle! As the Psalmist says, “He hears me from highest heaven and sends great victories.”
Talk with God today – and every day. Ask Him to show you what to say and do…and how to serve Him faithfully. Thank God for His guidance and protection…and for the many blessings He will surely bring to you. As you pray for wisdom and courage in your own life, ask God to provide others with the same gifts. Always “dress” in God’s best – and trust Him to make you shine. Give glory to God in all things, for He truly is our magnificent King! Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for March 24, 2022 – Counting for Christ…which “Pilate” will you be?

John 19:20-22
The place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and the signboard was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, so that many people read it.

Then the chief priests said to Pilate, “Change it from ‘The King of the Jews’ to ‘He said, I am King of the Jews.’”

Pilate replied, “What I have written, I have written. It stays exactly as it is.”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

If you read the devotional I wrote yesterday, you know that I spoke of Pontius Pilate and how he handed Jesus over to the Jews for crucifixion. I noted that scripture indicates that Pilate did this reluctantly. But in the end, he bowed to pressure from the crowd. And now, we see where Pilate apparently had a “moment of clarity” – even bravery. As the chief priests insisted that Pilate designate that Jesus said He was King of the Jews – indicating this was His self-appointed title and not one readily agreed upon and endorsed – Pilate stood steadfast and said, “What I have written…stays exactly as it is.”
Poor Pilate…his “faith” was surely a mixed bag! And yet, this could be readily said of many of us. We are brave and steady in our convictions when it is convenient or popular…but at the first sign of trouble, we cower – or go silent. Better not to say anything than to risk ridicule, exile – or worse!
I have shared a glimpse at two “Pilates” – the one who was ready to do what was prudent and “safe” as he literally washed his hands of Jesus – and the one who boldly said, “I stand by my declaration that Jesus is the King of the Jews.” You and I often find ourselves facing similar decisions in life. We can stand up for what we know God is telling us and showing us and live with confidence as witnesses to the love and teachings of Jesus. Or we can decide to quietly blend into the crowd and go about our lives in the relative “safety in numbers.” The choice is totally ours alone. 
Every believer must decide who to serve and how to speak and act as a redeemed follower of Jesus Christ. The ripple effect of our witness in every aspect of life is immeasurable. So choose wisely. Pray fervently, and ask God to guide and guard your every word and action. Your witness matters…it’s time to count for Christ! Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 14, 2023 – Choosing who to serve and follow… it’s time to decide…

Deuteronomy 13:4
You are to follow only God, your God, hold him in deep reverence, keep his commandments, listen obediently to what he says, serve him—hold on to him for dear life!

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I was watching a Sunday worship service on television. Unbeknownst to me, Greg was watching the same service in his office. Later he said, “Well, I guess you heard Pastor So-and-so say that we must do XYZ.” I replied that I did, but that “God has told me to do something else!” I mean no disrespect to pastors (and many are dear friends), but last time I checked, they were human beings just like me. Perhaps many of these folks are ordained by God and given a certain level of wisdom and authority in the church, but they are still NOT God. So, there are times that your pastor tells you to do things when you ought not to listen!

If your pastor is telling you that certain people and groups are not welcome in your worship services or in other missions and ministries pertaining to your church body, you should probably find a new church or pastor. If your friend is telling you that this little white lie or that one is okay, you need to tell your friend, “NO!” – and maybe find some better associates. If a family member threatens to ostracize you because you do not comply to his/her “rules,” it’s time to visit other relatives! If your boss is telling you to overlook things you know are immoral, if not illegal, you should probably look for another job or speak to someone in Human Resources.

The point is that there are plenty of people who will tell you, “I alone can fix this,” or “these are nasty people,” or even “When you’re a star, they let you…” but this doesn’t mean this is okay with God. In fact, there are two quick questions you can ask yourself in most situations… 1) Is this what God desires and ordains? and 2) Does this demonstrate the love of Christ and treat others as I wish to be treated? If the answer is negative to any part of either question, God is most definitely not on board. All this aside, you need to get so familiar with God and His “voice” that you know without any doubt when He speaks to you, even without these questions.

What God calls us to do is not always easy – not by a long shot. There are people who will never speak to me again because I missed events during COVID. Many have condemned me for my stances on sexual orientation, race, and other social issues. Some want nothing to do with me because they are intimidated because I listen to God and try to do what He says. And in every one of these cases, I am at peace, because I know who I follow, and I hold on to Him for dear life.

The Bible is very clear on these points. There is only one God, and we need to get to know Him, listen to what He has to say, and follow His commands to the letter. But this is our choice to make. In the words of Joshua 24:14-15… “If you decide that it’s a bad thing to worship God, then choose a god you’d rather serve—and do it today. Choose one of the gods your ancestors worshiped from the country beyond The River, or one of the gods of the Amorites, on whose land you’re now living. As for me and my family, we’ll worship God.” Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 23, 2022 – Earthly “kings” or the King of Kings…who will you choose to serve?

John 18:36-37
Then Jesus answered, “I am not an earthly king. If I were, my followers would have fought when I was arrested by the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of the world.”

Pilate replied, “But you are a king then?”

“Yes,” Jesus said. “I was born for that purpose. And I came to bring truth to the world. All who love the truth are my followers.”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Primary Election Day happens this week in our state. For months now, we’ve been inundated with television ads, mailbox flyers, and road signs galore promoting this candidate or that one. All are promising to “change the world” – or at least the district, county, or jurisdiction they represent. We humans tend to put a lot of stock in these leaders and their promises. Some people all but elevate a few of these folks to the stature of “king” – and a few of the candidates have become so deluded as to believe the hype!

We would do well to remember who our One True King really is. Jesus could step down to earth today and change everything. He could appear and declare that He is King of all – and literally turn our world on its head. But Jesus doesn’t operate like that! We have free will, and the choice to follow Him is completely ours.

Jesus doesn’t want us to follow Him out of obligation. He is not a dictator. He wants us to seek His truths – and to ask ourselves, “Is this the path Jesus wants me to take? Does Jesus endorse this decision or that mandate?” I am not suggesting we break the law. But a lot of decisions and claims are being made by “Christians” that, at best, should send us scrambling to ask God what He thinks. We should be asking if these positions are truly rooted in the truth…or whether they are the notions of would-be “kings” who twist things to suit their own agendas.

I find that almost every day lately, something arises in the news, on social media – or in a private conversation with someone – that requires I spend some time talking to God for clarification. A lot of it doesn’t pass the “smell test” – much less ring right in my heart. I ask, “What would Jesus do?” a lot these days…and often, the answer is counter to what I am being told by others.

Following Jesus’ truths will seldom make us popular with the masses. It may even cost us a few friends. But I still serve at the pleasure of the One True King, Jesus Christ. I am proud to be a follower of His truths, to love others as He loves me, and to share His teachings at every turn. I know that my true home is secured in His presence for all Eternity. What about you?

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 8, 2022 – Wizards, cons, and quick fixes – it’s time to surrender to Jesus and get what we really need!

Acts 8:9-17
Previous to Philip’s arrival, a certain Simon had practiced magic in the city, posing as a famous man and dazzling all the Samaritans with his wizardry. He had them all, from little children to old men, eating out of his hand. They all thought he had supernatural powers, and called him “the Great Wizard.” He had been around a long time and everyone was more or less in awe of him.

But when Philip came to town announcing the news of God’s kingdom and proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ, they forgot Simon and were baptized, becoming believers right and left! Even Simon himself believed and was baptized. From that moment he was like Philip’s shadow, so fascinated with all the God-signs and miracles that he wouldn’t leave Philip’s side.

When the apostles in Jerusalem received the report that Samaria had accepted God’s Message, they sent Peter and John down to pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit. Up to this point they had only been baptized in the name of the Master Jesus; the Holy Spirit hadn’t yet fallen on them. Then the apostles laid their hands on them and they did receive the Holy Spirit.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

In Acts 7, the account of Philip’s death by public stoning is detailed. In the opening verses of Acts 8, we learn that King Saul…“just went wild, devastating the church, entering house after house after house, dragging men and women off to jail.” Things were so bad that followers of Jesus “became missionaries” and left Jerusalem to share the Good News of Jesus in other areas.

Now consider Simon, a “wizard” who “dazzled all the Samaritans.” We have similar cons today…“experts” who offer you the latest cure or the answer to all our problems. The political campaign ads running ad nauseum on our television these days promote candidates who promise to “protect your rights and our country” in one breath and “get rid of the bogeyman” in another. As I heard a pastor say earlier tomorrow, “We are not GOD!” But people put their faith and trust in so many mortals anyhow.

From the “doctor” who can cure back pain, or “experts” who insist this supplement will make you sleep like a baby – or that one will restore the mental capacity you had as a teenager – we seek instant relief! It seems as if we are all looking for someone – or something – to make everything better. And all the while, we look right past THE ONE who can truly do this. I’m not saying you should forego life-saving treatments and medications – or that all politicians are swindlers…but do your homework and stop believing every commercial you see on television and the “experts” who appear in them!

Notice that Simon the Wizard heard the message of Jesus Christ and became a believer. But even then, he tried to buy the power of the Holy Spirit. If you read further in Acts 8, you will see that Simon saw Peter and John lay hands on believers, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Simon asked Peter to…“Sell me your secret! Show me how you did that! Name your price!” And Peter told him, “To hell with your money! And you along with it. You’ll never be part of what God is doing by striking bargains and offering bribes. Change your ways—and now! Ask the Master to forgive you for trying to use God to make money.” Simon repented and asked Peter to pray that nothing like this ever happened to him again.

You and I cannot buy God’s love and care – or our own good fortune because we are His followers. We cannot earn our Salvation by the blood of Jesus – or wave a magic wand and receive the Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds. Many of the mortals in whom we are placing so much trust and confidence are totally unable to help us. I see two lessons in this message today…1) there is hope for all of us. If God can redeem King Saul and transform him into the Apostle Paul to minister to so many, He can use us; and 2) even a “wizard” like Simon saw the error of his ways and placed his trust in Jesus instead of gimmicks and slick promises. We need to do this in our own lives.

Choose today to follow Jesus. Quit listening to every charlatan who comes along with a cure or a promise that he/she is going to make life so much better (and just like you think you want it). To paraphrase an old Rolling Stones song, I would suggest today that you and I cannot always get what we want, but with Jesus, we always get what we need…free of charge…no bribery, fraud, or “magic” required. Christ died that we might live…every single one of us. All we have to do is give up our “wizards” and quests for a quick fix or an earthly savior. Surrender to Jesus in all things, receive His gift of the Holy Spirit, and share this Good News with all you know. Alleluia!

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 3, 2022 – Choosing to follow and serve Jesus…where do we go from here?

Acts 17:10-12
That night, under cover of darkness, their friends got Paul and Silas out of town as fast as they could. They sent them to Berea, where they again met with the Jewish community. They were treated a lot better there than in Thessalonica. The Jews received Paul’s message with enthusiasm and met with him daily, examining the Scriptures to see if they supported what he said. A lot of them became believers, including many Greeks who were prominent in the community, women and men of influence.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

We are in a season when a lot of young men and women are deciding what to do next. Graduation ceremonies are taking place all over the country. Just this week the NFL draft was held, and a member of the Arkansas Razorbacks basketball team was signed by the Arizona Cardinals to play football! I cannot tell you how many new “recruits” the Arkansas Razorbacks basketball team has added…and the number of team members that have entered the “transfer portal” and gone elsewhere to play for another college is ever-changing.

I say this to note that a friend mentioned to me the other day that one of her family members is considering a career change that could also involve a “life change.” Not everyone appears to be on board with his decision at this point, and my friend told him, “To thine own self be true.” This is sound advice for a lot of us…and in the case of Paul and Silas and their friends, this was literally a matter of life and death!

Paul and Silas knew what Jesus was asking of them. They knew His commands and were determined to keep them. In Thessalonica, people did not like what these men had to say. They apparently did not believe the Scriptures – if they even read them in the first place. They were locked into a different mindset, and the disparity between them and Jesus’ messengers was so vast it was almost insurmountable…at least at that time. So Paul and Silas moved on to Berea, where they received a better reception among a diverse group of people.

I share this to tell you that not everyone is always going to like us or agree with us. What we offer as disciples of Christ may not line up with their ideals and influences. Sadly, some will be so stuck in the “we’ve-always-been-taught-this-way” mode that they will not be able to look at God’s word with an open mind and see that what they truly believed to be the truth might have been influence by man’s desires and biases.

What I want us to remember are the words of my friend – to be true to ourselves and what we know in our hearts that Jesus is showing us…through Scripture, prayer, and everyday events. In other words, take courage. Know when to pick up, dust off your feet, and move forward. I am not suggesting you ever turn your back on a friend or loved one – or walk away from a situation where you know you can be of assistance…but don’t compromise what Jesus is telling you just to keep the peace, save face, or feel accepted and included.

When we truly learn to seek and cherish the acceptance and approval of Jesus Christ over any other, we have come full circle as His disciples. It has taken me decades to get to such a point…and I will not go back to a life of trying to please others or to say and do what is popular – and neither should you. Trust Jesus and be true to your faith and hope in Him. Believe that He will make a way for you to share the Good News, and there will be people who witness His message through your words and actions and believe for themselves.

We are in a season where a lot of us are deciding what to do next. My advice is to choose Jesus – and go where He sends you. Alleluia!

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for April 25, 2022 – It’s time to listen to God…and follow HIS instructions!

1 Peter 5:21-23
In the presence of God and Christ Jesus and their chosen angels, I order you to follow my instructions! Be fair with everyone, and don’t have any favorites.

Don’t be too quick to accept people into the service of the Lord by placing your hands on them.

Don’t sin because others do, but stay close to God.

Stop drinking only water. Take a little wine to help your stomach trouble and the other illnesses you often have.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

As I read this passage today, I had to laugh. I was reminded of my maternal Grand-dad, Arlie Ramsey, who left for Heaven in 1988, at the age of 81. Grand-dad was a “good” man who loved God and did a wonderful job of serving others in the name of Jesus. He was always ready to help whoever had a need. And as a local insurance agent, my grandfather often helped others cover the cost of their insurance premiums – to his own financial detriment. Because my Grand-dad had a hard time telling his customers, “No,” my parents found thousands of dollars in outstanding debt that others had never bothered to repay – and Grand-dad had somehow let slide.

There are two “church-related” memories of my grandfather that stand out to me. My grandfather was a faithful, dedicated member of the First Baptist Church, but he never served as a deacon or other church officer, to my knowledge. He also never participated in Holy Communion. In Grand-dad’s opinion, he was not worthy to serve as a deacon – or to partake of the “Body and the Blood” of Christ Jesus. The other memory is that my grandfather was by all accounts a tee-totaler. My mother and grandmother took great pride in stating that “Grand-dad does not drink.”

BUT… when pain and illness overtook my grandfather’s body in his last years and he entered a local nursing home, a nurse suggested that a glass of red wine in the evenings might be good for Grand-dad. To my mother’s surprise, Grand-dad approved this suggestion…and Mother relented and saw to it that wine was on hand for a nightly drink. The premise was that the wine settled Grand-dad’s stomach and helped with his anxiety.

I know my Grand-dad was not perfect. None of us are. But I also know that a nightly glass of red wine did not hurt his Christian witness. Grand-dad loved God and did all he could to serve Him honorably and faithfully…and to follow His commands. It saddens me to think that he didn’t understand that none of us are truly worthy to serve God…to partake in Holy Communion or to represent Him as deacons and officers in our churches. I do believe my grandfather was always honest and fair – and that he did his dead-level best to be kind to others, regardless of who they were.

The Apostle Paul is making the point that we are to do all we can to serve God and follow His commands. He is also pointing out that we must not take ourselves too seriously – or get caught up in this law or that one, to our own detriment – or that of the Kingdom of Heaven. If a small glass of wine nightly made my grandfather rest better, so be it. Too many people are tying themselves in knots to be something or someone they aren’t because some say that the Bible condemns their behavior and commands them to change.

Too many “Christians” are living in the land of “We’ve-Always-Done-Things-This-Way” – and they refuse to hear what God is showing and telling them. The Bible tells us that God’s word is new and fresh for us every day…so why are we clinging to messages that are, at best, irrelevant today – or worse…downright misinterpretation of scripture by others?

We must stay awake and alert. We must listen to God and seek His word and will every day – and act on it. We must not rush to judgment of others…or be too quick to accept their ideas and opinions as our own. We must know what God is saying to us…and speak and act accordingly. God will help you with every decision…from where and how to serve…to the words and actions of your daily living…to what “medications” are right for your needs. Seek Him in all things…and trust His word for your life. Alleluia!

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for April 7, 2022 – The earth and everything on it belongs to God – we’re all on this bus together!

Psalm 24:1
The earth and everything on it,
including its people,
belong to the Lord.
The world and its people
belong to him.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Today, our Nathan and his fellow third graders are traveling to a nearby city to visit a planetarium. Yesterday, a photo of Nathan popped up on my Facebook feed. He was eight months old – and making his first trip to the city park with us and his older siblings. I looked at that little chubby face and wondered where 9 years have gone…and I was momentarily yearning for the days when the children were small and happily playing in our living room.

This passage made me think about what is going on in our world. There are aunts, grandmothers and mothers in Russia who love their babies every bit as much as I love mine. Some of those babies have grown into soldiers who are butchering Ukrainians…and those Ukrainians were once precious babies to aunts, grandmothers and mothers, as well. Uncles, fathers, and grandfathers around the world love their children, homes, pets and more. And for the life of me, I cannot understand why one person would think it is okay to destroy another person – or the things that are precious to him/her.

Almost instantly as I think on this, I consider how we treat God…our Heavenly Father. How must it grieve Him to see us treat one another so terribly? What is God to think when we berate, discriminate, judge, exclude, disparage – and physically harm – even one of His children? How must it feel to God to see us disrespect His planet with pollution and literal destruction of land, water and air? Have we forgotten Whose this is…and Whose we are?

As you look around today, consider that the person you are judging (even in your mind) belongs to God. Remember that Russian soldiers and their families are God’s creations, too. I don’t know what kind of evil brainwashing has led some of them to commit such heinous acts against other human beings…but I know that in our own way, you and I disgrace and dishonor God with our words and actions all too often. But there is hope! We can do better!

We can humbly admit to God that we’ve made terrible mistakes – and we can beg His forgiveness. We can make every effort to speak and act in a way that honors and glorifies God and the earth He has created – and everything on it. We can love one another…really love them. We can stop judging, hating and bickering – and start working together as members of God’s great family. We can speak and act in a way that shows others the love and teachings of Jesus. We can do our part to take care of this planet and its resources.

Stop and remember that you belong to God…and so do your “neighbors.” There is room at His table for all of us. We are being called to be worthy of a seat – and to invite others to join us there. Make sure that you are honoring God’s great gifts – and His commitment to you – by speaking and acting in a way that shows your gratitude and respect. Let’s strive to be like carefree third-graders riding on a bus to a planetarium – and figure out how to get along, for the glory and honor of our great God! Alleluia!

©2022 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for September 12, 2001 – Demonstrating courage and hope in Jesus…who are you this September 12th?

Proverbs 24:10
If you fall to pieces in a crisis,
    there wasn’t much to you in the first place.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

A friend shared a post on Facebook that said, “The best way to honor 9/11 is to be who we were on 9/12.” I have seen other posts in the last couple of days reminding us that the nation – and even the world – pulled together on September 12, 2001. We started doing what we could for each other. I’ve heard more than one person comment that American flags were everywhere, and people joined together in prayer and solidarity for those who had suffered so much. In recent days, if you have listened to accounts and recollections from those with direct involvement in the 9/11 tragedy, you have no doubt heard story after story of courage, resilience, and tremendous faith in God to sustain and heal.

If we think about it, this isn’t anything new. People have been calling on the strength of God for thousands of years. They have trusted that He would sustain them through war, famine, disease, injustice, loneliness, grief, natural disasters and so much more. The Bible is filled with accounts of courage and faithfulness in the face of crisis and adversity. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of this.

The age-old question is why God allows the crisis to begin with…why does He let “bad things happen to good people?” The short answer is to demonstrate His strength and power to help us overcome these difficulties. Solomon is telling us in this proverb that we had two choices…we can demonstrate our complete faith in God with courage and hope – no matter what is happening in our lives. Or, we can fall to pieces – and essentially tell others that our trust in God is lukewarm, at best.

We will all have times of momentary weakness. We will all fall to pieces and succumb to emotion. Jesus demonstrated this when He wept over the death of Lazarus. The true representation of our faith and courage comes in what we do “the day after.” Psalm 30:5 tells us that weeping lasts a night, but joy comes in the morning. How we pick up the pieces and move forward with the strength and power of Jesus Christ tells the real story of our faith and hope as Christian believers.

On this September 12th, let’s show the world who we are. Let’s demonstrate confidence and courage with Jesus and move forward in His strength and promise. Let’s love one another with Christ’s love. Let’s focus on seeking His will, lifting others in His name, and working to build the Kingdom of Heaven. As Christian disciples, there is so much more to us because of Jesus – or there should be! Make this the day you begin to show it!

©2021 Debbie Robus