Daily Devotional for May 26, 2020 – Appreciating God’s presence and gifts…are you relaxed with what you have?

Hebrews 13:5-6
Don’t be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you,” we can boldly quote,

God is there, ready to help;
I’m fearless no matter what.
Who or what can get to me?

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

If I have learned anything through this pandemic, it is to be relaxed with what I have. My closet is filled with clothes that are not being worn…I am more conscious of what is in our fridge, freezer and pantry – and making the most of every morsel. We are spending more time sitting on the porch and paying closer attention to nature. Absence has indeed made the heart grow fonder, and we are more appreciative of our relationships with family members and friends – and eager to be able to interact with them again in person.

This morning, Greg and I sat for a while on our back porch. Raindrops glistened on cedar branches. A busy squirrel scurried back and forth on a mulberry branch, stuffing his belly with the berries. Blue Jays squawked and other birds chirped and flew from tree to tree…while fluffy clouds floated by and caused the sun’s rays to dart in and out. We often enjoy sitting on our porch, and it seems like the events of these last few weeks have heightened our senses and made us even more aware of God’s beauty and order all around us.

In this season of profound loss, there are also gains…and I hope we don’t squander them. I hope that we spend less time shopping for the next gadget, gizmo or outfit and concentrate on enjoying “the little things” (which are actually BIG in the overall scheme). I pray that we remember how precious life is…and how short – that we worry less about our hair and what we own – and more about how much God has blessed us. I pray that we become increasingly aware of the gifts that God has showered on us in abundance – particularly those that are intangible, like His grace, mercy, compassion, protection, and wisdom. I pray especially that we concentrate more on people – and less on material things.

I pray that we will not lose sight of how God is with us every step of the way – even during this crisis. I pray that we will focus more clearly on seeking His will and walking in His unending love, and protection. It probably is no stretch to suggest that each of us has experienced at least a moment or two of uncertainty and despair in the last few weeks…and God understands. He is meeting us in these moments, as always, and working out all the details. As we go forward, let us release our fear and trepidation to God and seek His guidance in each step. And let us never lose the appreciation for His presence – and His good and perfect gifts.

©2020 Debbie Robus

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