Daily Devotional for February 22, 2019 – “Knowing your audience” as a Christian disciple…are you making a point or making a difference?

Matthew 7:6
“Don’t be flip with the sacred. Banter and silliness give no honor to God. Don’t reduce holy mysteries to slogans. In trying to be relevant, you’re only being cute and inviting sacrilege.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

We’ve all heard the proverbial story about the child who asks his mother, “Where did I come from?” and she gives a lengthy, detailed explanation of how babies are conceived and delivered.  The child then says, “Well, Billy said he came from Cleveland, and I just wondered where I am from.” This is a classic case of why we must “know our audience”.

As Christians, we often like to share our “knowledge”.  Someone loses a loved one, and we recite the opening verses of John 14 or offer other trite phrases like “He/she is in a better place.”  We assume that the person to whom we are speaking has a deep and abiding relationship with the Holy Spirit, while disregarding their profound grief.  Even Jesus grieved for his dear “brother” Lazarus.  I seriously doubt anyone spouted scripture to Him in an attempt at comfort and consolation!

What would be a better approach and “witness”?  How about offering a hug or acknowledging that the person who is grieving will miss their loved one for a long time. Why not tell them that you are asking God to bring them comfort and surround them with love and support?  What if we quit declaring that “The LORD helps those who help themselves,” and start demonstrating in our daily words and actions how He actually does help us in every situation and circumstance.

In other words, we need to be more careful in our “delivery”. We need to stop tossing around scriptures and phrases we feel will “get an ‘Amen!’” or draw a chuckle. Stop quoting scripture in place of genuine Christian empathy. Quit trying to look like the world’s greatest Bible scholar or most faithful churchgoer…and start being the hands and feet of Jesus to those who are lost, hungry and hurting. There are a lot of people in this world who need the love, grace and mercy of Jesus – not a lesson in Bible history or church doctrine.

I recently read an illustration about a man who forgot to turn off his cell phone in church…and of course, it rang loudly.  The pastor gave him an ugly look…his wife and some other congregants chastised him after the service.  In short, everyone made the man feel like a total heel…and he was so hurt and embarrassed that he stopped going to church. This same man went into a bar, where he accidentally spilled a drink. The bartender and waitress hurried to help him clean up the mess. They offered him a free refill…and the waitress even gave him a gentle hug and acknowledged that “It could happen to anyone.”  Of course, the man felt accepted, forgiven, welcomed and loved. And yes, he was eager to return to this establishment.

So I ask you…what is your demonstration of “the sacred” saying to others?  Are you pious in your witness?  Are you trying to be cute and “hip” – and disrespecting Jesus in the process?  Are you more concerned with demonstrating your knowledge of scripture and church doctrine…or meeting people right where they are?  Do you “know your audience” as a Christian disciple?  Are you talking over their heads – or giving them a reason to dig deeper and discover the joys of a life in Christ for themselves?

Are you serving Christ in a way that honors His blessings and teachings…or are you trying to make yourself stand out in the crowd?  Are you making a point – or making a difference for the Kingdom of Heaven? Isn’t it time you decide?

©2019 Debbie Robus

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