Daily Devotional for July 29, 2018 – Living at peace and building strong faith

Romans 14:19
We should try to live at peace and help each other have a strong faith.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Today was “one of those days” in Sunday school. Thirteen elementary school students from grades 2-5 were in a “mood” and could not stop talking,  wiggling and misbehaving. The other leader and I had to get on to several…and I had to absolutely stop the lesson more than once and call on a child by name in order to get his/her attention – and the notice of the children on either side. By the time the lesson ended, I felt like I’d been in a rodeo…and the other leader looked just as frazzled!

As I reflected on this lesson – and those of my childhood by comparison, a couple of things struck me. Yes, I had to remind a few students to behave today – and I even had to speak a little sternly at times. And yes, when I was a child, this type of behavior would probably not have dared to happen. If so, parents would have been contacted, and consequences would have been swift and sure.

I do expect children to behave in my class. I insist that all hands (and other body parts) stop moving – and all talking cease – when scripture is being read. We try to maintain some level of decorum while making the lessons fun and interesting.

So as I read this passage tonight, I thought of some of my Sunday school teachers who were more concerned with “law and order” in their classes than sharing their faith with young students. I know that the children with whom I am engaged at church and in the community know that I love Jesus – and them…and that I always have open arms and a spare hug to share. I pray that they always know that I am someone to whom they can come with any question or concern and receive acceptance without judgment.

But more importantly, I hope that when these children remember me, they think of someone who shared her faith in Jesus Christ. I pray that they think of me as a person who “walks the walk” and truly trusts God in all situations and circumstances. I want to be known as someone who loves Jesus and operates in joy and peace because of His presence in my life.  I did have a few Sunday school teachers and church leaders like that…and they are my heroes and role models to this day.

I know that you may not be a children’s Sunday school teacher. So what can you do to demonstrate Christian faith and encouragement? Stop criticizing others…for anything from their hairstyle to their political leaning to their skin color, economic status, or sexual orientation. Quit laughing at off-color jokes and unkind comments and agreeing with people who call others by an ugly name. I know it sounds silly, but don’t say you hate this or that while you have a “Jesus Loves You” bumper sticker on your car – or one that says, “XYZ church invites you to join us on Sunday!”

Stop and think about what you say and do…how you act…and who you are influencing – both positively and negatively. If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything! Smile more…offer your opinions less…and practice implementing a hefty dose of patience. I am asking God to help me to do this – with “children” of all ages. Hopefully, when they look at me, they will see at least a faint outline of the face of Jesus and feel His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness.  Don’t you think it’s worth a shot?

©2018 Debbie Robus

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