Daily Devotional for April 26, 2024 – Pine cones, pollen, and peer pressure…who are you choosing to follow?

Psalm 1
Oh, the joys of those who do not follow evil men’s advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God. But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on his laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely.

They are like trees along a riverbank bearing luscious fruit each season without fail. Their leaves shall never wither, and all they do shall prosper.

But for sinners, what a different story! They blow away like chaff before the wind. They are not safe on Judgment Day; they shall not stand among the godly.

For the Lord watches over all the plans and paths of godly men, but the paths of the godless lead to doom.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

440127625_816038723731689_101516018036586903_nOur driveway is lined today with those little brown “curly-cues” from pine trees. I did some research and learned that these are the spent male flowers that release pollen, which is carried by the wind to the “female” cones for pollination. This is where some who do an Internet search for “male” and “female” pine cones will probably add a funny comment about the “female” cones being the ones that are more “spiked” and “thorny!” But let’s admit, this is God at His most magnificent and creative as He designed a way for pine trees to reproduce without the need for birds and insects to intercede.
Here’s the thing…the wind doesn’t always carry that pollen to the “female” pine cones. Some of it ends up in our eyes, ears, throats, and noses!  For a few weeks each spring, the pine trees we love for so many reasons become Public Enemy #1 – or at least one of several culprits that make us cough and sneeze. And once the pollination is complete, the “male” cones are useless. So they end up on our driveways and in our yards – and clog our rain gutters – and the wind and rain (and leaf blowers, mowers, and human hands) carry them away.
Now I bet you wonder where I am headed with this analogy, so I will tell you. Sometimes, we get caught up in the “wonder and excitement” of something or someone, and we don’t see the whole picture. And yes, it’s a stretch to compare selfish, dishonest, evil people to the pollination of a pine tree. But often in both situations, something (or someone) we love may look great on the surface, but when we dig deeply, we learn that there is more to the story. 
We have learned to adapt and adjust somewhat to the pine pollen – to stay indoors more during the weeks when our furniture is coated in yellow dust, to wear masks when mowing or doing other outdoor activities, and to take antihistamines when necessary to counteract the ill effects of the pollen. But sometimes, we keep going along with someone or something we know is bad for us…or just plain wrong…and the reasons are vast.
Some of us like being part of a group – that sense of “belonging” – so much so that we will do just about anything to be accepted. We will “go along to get along” or compromise our own values just to be part of the tribe. Sometimes, we let others convince us that their ideas and ways of doing things are actually better than our own – even when we know in our hearts that God says otherwise. And there are times when we are swayed by the lure of “riches,” success, or other material “benefits.” Sadly, some are made to feel that they risk being unloved if they don’t think, speak, and act a certain way.
The Psalmist tells us that there is joy, freedom, and great reward in seeking the ways of God – and always following them! Even when this is hard or seems to lead to ridicule, exile, or downright persecution, God is still with those who stick with Him. And like the little pollen flowers that are blown away after their moment of “glory,” those who purport to live in falsehoods, deceit, and even downright evil will eventually be scattered to the four winds, as God has promised. 
God will not tolerate dishonesty and disregard for His commands. It may seem so in the moment…or for a season. And the “lure” of what is offered by some may seem great. But God’s rewards are better! Be like the trees that grow along the riverbank, produce good fruit, and never wither. Avoid those who try to sway you to come over to their “side” just as you do your best to avoid the pollen in spring. Stick with God and follow His commands…and He will always take care of you! Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus

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