Daily Devotional for January 28, 2023 – “Talk to me, LORD!” Put God to the test and see for yourself how His mercies shower down on all who trust Him!

Psalm 34:7-8 
For the Angel of the Lord guards and rescues all who reverence him.

Oh, put God to the test and see how kind he is! See for yourself the way his mercies shower down on all who trust in him.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

This morning, the Arkansas United Methodist Conference welcomed a new Bishop, Laura Merrill at an installation service held in Little Rock, Arkansas. In her remarks to those in attendance and watching online, Bishop Merrill began by saying, “Sometimes we wonder…do you ever wonder when things might calm down?! Maybe we don’t let ourselves wonder that anymore. There aren’t any words anymore, really, for the swirling, the disorienting times that we’re living through. We’ve even worn out the word ‘unprecedented. [We] can’t even use it anymore! So, I’m not going to try to describe what it’s been like for me to become a Bishop in January 2023, at this time in the life of our church and the nation. I don’t really have words for that. I do, however, have a lot of other words.”

Bishop Merrill went on to talk about gratitude and love…how God blesses and cares for us. She noted, “It is a joy and a privilege to know ourselves as named and claimed by God of Love, and that knowing is where our unity lives. It’s not in being the same – it’s in having the same Source of Life.”

Here’s where the “test” that the psalmist mentioned comes into play. We are called to look at the pain, suffering, dissension, and violence that takes our breath – and turn to Jesus for solutions. He will always supply us perfectly with what we need. Bishop Merrill also noted that the body of Christ is the “Living Word” – and we are called to be part of this body and help bring Christ’s love and healing to the world. She told those listening that…”Our words of gentleness count, our spirit of humility count, our risks that we take for the sake of love and justice count.”  She added that God can use us to shift the balance…whether for one person or for many.

Yesterday, as I walked, I knew that the videos were soon to be released showing the brutal beating of Tyre Nichols by five Memphis policemen. All accounts were that these images were highly disturbing – and these reports were accurate. As I have said in this space many times, the news is so horrible and dark most days that it is almost unbearable to listen to or read the reports. So as I started down the street, earbuds in, I said, “Talk to me, LORD.”

Almost instantly, the songs that played had messages of “God is with you. You can do this!” and “Don’t give up!” The more I walked, the lighter my steps became. Here’s the crazy thing…this morning, I tried to find titles of some of these songs on my playlist to share with you, and it is as if they have disappeared. Perhaps I am just not recognizing them…or maybe God sent an angel to tune my playlist to exactly the songs I needed in that moment! He could do that, you know! Regardless of how it happened…I know that God’s angels attended to me.

You and I are tested every day in some way – from illness and injury to relationship issues, to discrimination, challenges at work, bills to pay, the rigors of aging, and the constant barrage of news about shootings, hateful rhetoric, and war – and so much more. Through all of this and more, God is with us. Jesus stands in the gap, His hands outstretched, and says, “Grab on! Trust Me! I came that you might have abundant life, and the Father will see to this.”

As the installation service concluded this morning with Holy Communion, the organist played, “It Is Well With My Soul.” And the congregation began to sing along spontaneously. It was as if God’s angels were wafting through the congregation and spurring them to demonstrate their trust and gratitude. God will show up and show out in ways we cannot imagine when we trust Him and offer our gratitude. He might even shuffle your playlist. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for May 28, 2020 – Building our firm faith…and finding perfect peace

Isaiah 26:3-4
The Lord gives perfect peace
to those whose faith is firm.
So always trust the Lord
because he is forever
our mighty rock.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

If you have turned on a television in the last 48 hours, your heart has surely sunk over and again at the unbelievable news reports of events and situations in our country and around the world. From the announcement that more than 100,000 Americans have now succumbed to COVID-19 to reports of the apparent murder of a black man on the streets of Minneapolis – by mostly-white city police officers – to an ugly verbal attack of another black man in New York’s Central Park…and horrible, unfounded verbal accusations against more than one individual, in an attempt to deflect attention and change a narrative.

Isaiah 26:3-4 tells us that “The Lord gives perfect peace to those whose faith is firm.” So how do we have firm faith as we deal with this deadly virus? How do we have firm faith while we worry about our sons, daughters, nephews, spouses and loved ones of color? How do we have firm faith while people physically and verbally attack one another in the streets, on social media – and even in the aisles of retail establishments? How do we have firm faith when every time we turn on the television, there is “news” of yet another horrific event – and many of these are based in hatred and fear?

I pondered these questions, and then I said to God…”I know we are supposed to trust You and rely on Your rock-solid strength. I know that fear and hatred are two of the devil’s favorite tools. So how am I supposed to find perfect peace when I fear for the lives of friends and loved ones? How can I have perfect peace while trying to stay safe from a deadly virus?”

This is what God told me…”Do what I have shown you. Wear a mask, wash your hands, stay home, and do your part to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Speak out against social injustice and hatred whenever and wherever you can – and never be a party to it in any manner – especially on social media. Love all others with the love of Christ, and physically demonstrate acceptance and inclusion. People are watching. Show them by your words and actions that I created all people…and each one is precious to Me, regardless of their skin color, ethnic background, social or economic status, sexual orientation, or political allegiance. I created people of all religious faiths – and those with no faith at all. Show each one of them who I am to you…how I am working in your life and bringing you peace in all things.”

God is calling on us to demonstrate our faith by listening for His voice – and acting on His directives. We are to study the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ – and be His hands and feet on this earth. You and I have two choices – we can operate in fear…or we can live out our firm faith in Christ Jesus. I have no doubt that more bad news is on the horizon. We can let this define us as someone who operates in fear and anxiety…or we can choose to do the things that God directs – and face every situation head-on with firm faith and peace.

Call on our Mighty Rock to give you courage, hope, strength and peace. People are watching…I pray that I will show them a disciple who speaks and acts with firm faith – and the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.

©2020 Debbie Robus