Daily Devotional for October 30, 2023 – Lessons from a little boy and a widow…giving everything we have to the One who gives us everything…

Luke 21:1-4
Jesus looked up and saw some rich people tossing their gifts into the offering box. He also saw a poor widow putting in a few cents. And he said, “I tell you that this poor woman has put in more than all the others. Everyone else gave what they didn’t need. But she is very poor and gave everything she had.”<

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I know it’s only October 30th, but I just saw a darling Christmas commercial for Macy’s where a little boy wanders the aisles of the department store, clearly in search of the perfect gift. Amusingly, as he passes the toy section, he shields his eyes so that he won’t become distracted. Ultimately, the child approaches a Santa Claus, and he presents St. Nick with a pair of slippers, saying, “These are for after work.”
This really is a sweet ad, and the “subtext” is that this child truly “sees” Santa Claus. He understands what a hard job the jolly old man has and how hard he works. Rather than ask for something, the child thinks of his beloved benefactor and gives him a gift. Let’s just leave this here…don’t try to read other things into it or suggest the child has ulterior motives. Let’s enjoy this tender moment and consider it in light of today’s scripture passage.
Our Heavenly Father is not Santa Claus, and I do not mean to draw that parallel. At the same time, too many of us are only attuned to God for what He can give us or what He can do for us. If we must write a check and give Him a little lip service, so be it. But don’t ask us to do the heavy lifting! We seldom if ever ask God what we can do for Him in return! After all, we’re talking about GOD! What could we possibly give to Him? The answer is…everything!
Let’s be clear…God doesn’t want or need our money. He truly does not love us and bless us so to receive payback. God’s love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and abundance are not conditional. But when we do give to God, He is like a proud Poppa – pleased…delighted…and glorified. And when we give with humility, dedication, thoughtfulness and/or sacrifice, God is exalted.
This is not a call for us to “give until it hurts,” as some pastors like to say. This is truly not about money. I am suggesting that we need to step back and look at God and ask ourselves, “How can I show God how much I love Him and appreciate all He does for me?” Where are you receiving opportunities to love and serve in the name of Jesus – and turning a blind eye? Where has someone needed a kind word or smile, a hug or handshake, or just a listening ear…and you ignored them? Where have you had opportunities to physically help someone, and at best, you wrote a check or tossed a few dollars in his/her direction?
Unlike the boy in the commercial who shielded his face as he passed the toy section, where have you been distracted and enticed by selfish desires? Where have you chosen to “bless” yourself over someone else in need? Have you really demonstrated to God in word and deed that you are “all in” with Him?
We can learn a lot from the Macy’s commercial – and even more from this scripture passage about the “widow’s mite.” This is the day to examine how much we are willing to “give” to God…and make all necessary adjustments. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus