Daily Devotional for April 12, 2024 – Seeking God’s wisdom – and acting on it…maybe it’s time to take a walk!

Proverbs 2:6-9
All wisdom comes from the Lord,
and so do common sense
    and understanding.

God gives helpful advice
    to everyone who obeys him
and protects those
    who live as they should.

God sees that justice is done,
and he watches over everyone
    who is faithful to him.

With wisdom you will learn
what is right
    and honest and fair.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

In case you haven’t heard, the University of Arkansas has a new men’s head basketball coach. His name is John Calipari – and he was formally introduced to the state at a pep rally and press conference on April 10th. Just a week ago, Calipari was the head coach of the Kentucky Wildcats…an “enemy” of our state’s beloved Razorbacks, if you will. And now, he is our new head coach!
I know little to nothing about John Calipari…but he attempted to introduce himself at the event this week, and I discovered a couple of things. Calipari said repeatedly that he is “all about the players.” He insisted over and again that the players come first – their well-being, their education, and their future. While Calipari acknowledged that he was hired to win games and cultivate championship teams, he also noted that he is concerned with helping young men realize their full potential in every aspect of life. Over time, we will learn whether this is the truth – or if he was trying to “win friends and influence people” – and make a good first impression.
The other thing I learned about John Calipari is that he is apparently a devout Catholic. The coach mentioned his church and faith several times. He told the story of how he was approached at the NCAA tournament by the University of Arkansas’ Athletic Director about considering this new position. Calipari was unsure of how to proceed. He said he spoke with a priest who suggested that he take an hour-long walk. “On the way out,” consider all the reasons to go to Arkansas, the priest told him, “And on the way back, consider all the reasons to stay at Kentucky.” By the time Calipari returned from his walk, he said he knew he wanted to pursue the Arkansas job.
It is too early for me to formulate an opinion about the newest men’s basketball coach of the Arkansas Razorbacks. I’ve seen several come and go in the last 50 years! But I do like hearing this man say that he seeks God’s wisdom about things. I like hearing him talk about his players in a manner that suggests he strives to love others with the love of Christ. I also know that like you, me, and everyone else, he is a human being – and therefore imperfect. I feel certain he will make mistakes…and the “wrath” of “Razorback Nation” will rain down upon him at some point!
Still, I find it refreshing and encouraging to hear someone in a position of leadership and the public eye profess to seek God’s wisdom – and to publicly claim to care about the well-being of others. John Calipari knows full well that the eyes of an entire state and beyond are on him…and he will be held to account. Likewise, the eyes of our Heavenly Father are on you and me. We have claimed to know and love Jesus. We’ve declared that we are His redeemed followers. Now it is time for us to show it! 
Whatever anyone else thinks, it is solely up to you and me to answer to Jesus for our words and actions. God’s wisdom is ready and waiting for us…we just have to avail ourselves of these gifts and act accordingly. Perhaps it is time for you and me to “take a long walk” and see what God will show us! At the very least, we will get some exercise. But we might also get some clarity and renewed purpose and direction. Seek God’s wisdom this day. Ask God to show you where and how to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus on this earth. Give God control, surrender to His will, and see where He leads you. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus