Daily Devotional for January 8, 2024 – Pick your battles and always let the love of Christ lead you

Romans 15:1-2
Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

In the span of nine days, we hosted three sleepovers for our nephews and niece. We have watched enough “Peppa Pig” and “Spongebob Squarepants” to last us the rest of the year or longer! Of course, these kiddos were our guests, and we wanted to entertain them and give them a fun twenty-four-plus hours. And we were able to persuade them to watch some other programs and do a few other things.
We know the kids will outgrow this interest in binge watching children’s TV shows. And truthfully, it’s not hurting anything (other than making us weary after a few hours of snorting pigs and silly sea creatures). We find other things to do nearby, so the kids feel loved and supported. And we do sometimes sit down with them to watch a movie (how many times can one kid watch “Hotel Transylvania?!”), but we also make sure they see us involved in other things…reading, physical activities indoors and outside…spending time in simple conversation…playing games, chores, and more.
In time, the goal is that our kids will abandon their episodic infatuation for something more constructive. This is the same thing countless adults do with their children as they go through phases and figure out that childhood attitudes and obsessions are simply that – childish. So, we keep putting fruit on their plates and tolerating (to a point) their silly antics while demonstrating more mature approaches. The message is not that they are wrong and we are right. We are signaling that we love them, no matter what they like…and if/when they need help or guidance, we will be at the ready!
Let’s think about this in terms of our adult lives. Just as I keep serving (and eating) fruits and vegetables when the kids visit, you and I can speak and act in ways that please God and demonstrate the love, grace, mercy, and inclusion of Christ Jesus. And just as the day comes when the children say, “I actually like broccoli now,” or “I really don’t like ‘Paw Patrol’ any longer,” those around you may decide that some of their words and actions no longer suit them – or their demonstration of faith in Jesus. The goal is not to alienate others – or to belittle them in any way. Our aim is to make them feel loved, valued, and accepted…even when they speak and act with immaturity or insensitivity. And above all, it is not our place to judge. We are commanded to simply love one another.
I am not suggesting that we “go along to get along” as Christians. Most certainly, we must never compromise our own faith and discipleship to fit in with others, gain popularity, or simply “keep the peace.” But we must prayerfully consider what really matters and ask ourselves…“Will this reaction/response help or hurt my Christian witness?”
I have no doubt that someday, our kids will look back and remember that Aunt Debbie and Uncle Greg patiently sat through endless TV shows – and played countless games of “Go Fish” and “UNO”…and they will see that we loved them unconditionally. They will look at photos of themselves in wacky costumes with crazy hairstyles and say, “What was I thinking?” and realize they were loved and accepted even when they looked ridiculous or tried to hide their peas under a piece of bread or the edge of their plate! And you will find that there will be adults who will say to you, “I acted so foolishly, and you loved me anyway.” They will note that you never judged or criticized…you showed grace and mercy – and stuck with them in some of their worst times.
THIS is how we love and serve Jesus! Pick and choose your “battles” – and always let the love of Christ lead you. Alleluia!

©2024 Debbie Robus