Daily Devotional for September 20, 2023 – Are you serving God with humble, faithful obedience? It’s time for a self-exam!

Ephesians 5:5
You can be sure that using people or religion or things just for what you can get out of them—the usual variations on idolatry—will get you nowhere, and certainly nowhere near the kingdom of Christ, the kingdom of God.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

I wrote recently about the book I’ve been reading, Dear George, Dear Mary, written by Mary Calvi. This is a historical novel based on the letters and poems exchanged between George Washington and Mary Philipse. I have read other accounts and watched documentaries about George Washington, and this was an enlightening account of the General’s early life that truly “humanized” him for me. In the process, I realized that greed, idolatry, and immorality are truly nothing new.
This book left me with the sense that sinful, greedy people intervened to corrupt and derail the relationship between George Washington and Mary Philipse…to the point that Mary Philipse was deemed a “Loyalist” (to Britain) and a traitor guilty of attainder (treason). By “law” this allowed the Commissioners of Forfeiture of the New York Colony to not only confiscate her entire estate, but also to sentence her to death! In fact, three women were sentenced to death for committing a high treason during the Revolutionary War. Mary Philipse was one of these, but she managed to escape to England and lived to the age of 96.
If even half of the “story” of this historical novel is accurate and true, significant measures were made to keep George Washington and Mary Philipse apart…and to smear their names and reputations in the process. At the crux of it all was a hunger for power, money, and property. It seems that twisting and turning facts and operating in manipulation and outright maltreatment of others has been justified by some for centuries as “a means to an end.” I cannot say this made me feel better about the world we live in today. Clearly, we don’t learn from the mistakes of our past!
So, what does this have to do with you and me? I believe we have allowed these sins to creep into our own daily living, and we may not even realize this has happened. This is a call for us to examine our lives – even down to the daily minutiae that comprise our routines. Ask God to show you where you are compromising your values to fit in with others – or where you may be operating in outright greed. It is easy to fall into a trap of considering, “What’s in this for me?” – and to become selfish in the process. We all want to belong…to be accepted by others and treated well. Sometimes, we become so focused on this that we sacrifice our faithful obedience to God in the process.
Money talks – especially when you don’t have a lot of it. The temptation is there to do what it takes to make a quick buck. But this is a slippery slope. Too often, small success in this area leads to greed and words or actions that are designed to add even more “wealth” to the coffers. There is no substitute for hard work…and God rewards those who operate with honesty, fairness, and diligence in even the smallest of tasks.
Others get carried away with power and authority. God desires humble servants who strive to get along with all others. Too many people these days either seek to be “in charge” – or they want to be closely associated with people who appear to be running the show. Again, God does not play favorites. God genuinely ordains the authority, missions, and ministries of certain people. But His calling on your life is no less significant. And even those who are given authority are not autonomous. They must still listen to our Heavenly Father and seek His will and direction.
I could “name names” and point fingers, but the sad truth is that you and I are likely guilty of these sins in some manner, as well. We are responsible for our own discipleship and witness…the “work” begins at home! Make this a day that you ask God to reveal your weaknesses and shortcomings – and to show you how to make all necessary adjustments. Imagine the ripple effect if we all do this, especially if we trust God to multiply our efforts. Do the work…examine your heart, mind, words, and actions, and commit to serving God in every instance. Let’s see where He takes us when we come together to serve humbly, faithfully, and with full obedience. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

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