Daily Devotional for August 6, 2023 – Living with hope, peace, joy and patience…a lesson from the shelter animals….

Romans 15:4-6
Even Christ did not try to please himself. But as the Scriptures say, “The people who insulted you also insulted me.” And the Scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by giving us hope. God is the one who makes us patient and cheerful. I pray that he will help you live at peace with each other, as you follow Christ. Then all of you together will praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Yesterday, our local animal shelter held a “free adoption” event at a local bank parking lot. The point was to try to clear the shelter, because it is overflowing with stray or abandoned dogs and cats. Our local shelter does a great job of pulling at our heartstrings with photos taken by a professional photographer who volunteers his services. These pooches and kitties look into the camera with sad faces that ask the question, “Does anybody love me?” And of course, the answer is, “Yes!” And many get a new home thanks to these photos and events. God loves these animals, too. The fact that He orchestrates the events leading to so many of them finding a “forever home” proves this to me. And the God who loves dogs and cats loves every human being, too.

As Paul reminds the Romans, God makes us patient and cheerful as we cultivate hope and learn to live at peace with each other. Jesus demonstrated this as He took on the insults and abuse of others. He could easily have said, “I’m not doing this! I’m going back to Heaven where peace, joy and beauty abound – and everyone gets along!” But Jesus didn’t do this…He stuck it out and did the hard work of showing us how loving others and treating them as we wish to be treated can make all the difference.

I don’t know about you, but I have found several news reports lately to be particularly upsetting. How human beings can claim to know and love God – and be so selfish and hateful – is beyond me. How some of them can blatantly set things in motion, like the barbed-wire buoys set in the Rio Grande River near the Texas border to deter the crossing of migrants, astounds and disgusts me. And indeed, there appear to have been several drownings because of this – and the rescue of children who were in danger of drowning.

How politicians and elected “leaders” can stand before the world and speak so hatefully about colleagues and constituents – and various individuals and groups in our society – makes me wonder why God allows us to keep on living. When a person announces that if he is elected, he will “slit the throats” of certain people and line others up and shoot them, I have to stop and ask, “Lord Jesus, what do we do with such rhetoric and hatred?” How do we assure our children that their future is bright? How do we followers of Jesus demonstrate to the world that there are plenty of reasons to be hopeful and joyful?

I look at the “success rate” of our local animal shelter for adopting out the animals that land there and find a hopeful metaphor to apply to our daily living. The God who cares so much about “forever homes” for stray dogs and cats surely has plans for you and me to live in joy, peace, and harmony. Jesus showed us how to treat others with love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and patience. It’s time for us to be like Jesus and “pay it forward” to others.

It’s time for us to stand up and speak out for love and kindness – and treat others with hefty doses of both! It is time for you and me to say, “The God of hope is guiding and guarding my steps. Because of His presence and power in my life, I will move forward with faith and joy. I know that He has adopted me and is preparing my ‘Forever Home.’ Until that day, I will serve Him with confidence and courage.” It’s time to live like children of the Most High God – and mean it! Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

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