Daily Devotional for January 21, 2022 – We gotta do a better job of looking out for each other!”

Psalm 119:49-57
Never forget your promises to me your servant, for they are my only hope. They give me strength in all my troubles; how they refresh and revive me! Proud men hold me in contempt for obedience to God, but I stand unmoved. From my earliest youth I have tried to obey you; your Word has been my comfort.

I am very angry with those who spurn your commands. For these laws of yours have been my source of joy and singing through all these years of my earthly pilgrimage. I obey them even at night and keep my thoughts, O Lord, on you. What a blessing this has been to me—to constantly obey.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Yesterday, a friend shared a post on Facebook that basically said we have grown lax in checking on our neighbors, friends and loved ones. We are so busy posting memes and griping about one thing or another that we don’t take time to pick up the phone and call or text someone – if only to say, “I love you and thought of you today.” The post challenges others to share this reminder to “do better”…and since I thought the message dovetailed nicely with my scripture lessons these last few days, I put it on my own Facebook page.

Many people “liked” my post. Several responded with an “I love you,” or “We love you and Greg.” One dear friend asked, “What happened?” – as if I had posted this because something was wrong. I told her nothing was wrong – but sometimes, I think about messaging her or another loved one for several days before I actually sit down and do it – and I am sorry for that! And as lovely as it was to read all the sweet, loving comments, I did not share the post to “fish” for compliments. I thought long and hard about this and decided if it spurred even one person to action, it was worthwhile.

You see…checking on others is a command from Jesus. Remember “Love one another?”  This is love in action…calling, texting, dropping a note or stopping in for a visit. Taking time to stick around and hear someone’s response when we ask, “How are you doing?” rather than waving and dashing ahead to our next task or person is love in action. “Love one another” means really seeing others as Jesus sees them. And Jesus doesn’t see our skin color, how much money we have in our wallet, where we live and what we drive.

Jesus doesn’t see us in terms of age, education, sexual orientation, political preference, or physical attractiveness. Jesus sees each of us as a precious creation of God…a soul worthy of saving…a flawed human being for whom He died on the cross…someone He loves with all His heart. Jesus sees a person worthy of being told and shown how much he/she is loved. And you and I are called to love others as Christ loves us. And as the Psalmist indicates, when we follow the “laws,” we will be blessed and filled with joy.

Revisit Jesus’ commands. Follow the “laws” and quit worrying what other people think. Make it your aim to “love one another” however and wherever Jesus leads you. The post I shared began…“We gotta do a better job of looking out for each other…” In other words, we gotta do a better job of following Jesus’ commands! Who do you need to check on today? Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

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