Daily Devotional for January 19, 2023 – Learning to follow God’s map – “Lord, don’t let me make a mess of things!”

Psalm 119:17-34
Bless me with life so that I can continue to obey you. Open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word. I am but a pilgrim here on earth: how I need a map—and your commands are my chart and guide. I long for your instructions more than I can tell.

You rebuke those cursed proud ones who refuse your commands— don’t let them scorn me for obeying you. For even princes sit and talk against me, but I will continue in your plans. Your laws are both my light and my counselors.

I am completely discouraged—I lie in the dust. Revive me by your Word. I told you my plans and you replied. Now give me your instructions. Make me understand what you want; for then I shall see your miracles.

I weep with grief; my heart is heavy with sorrow; encourage and cheer me with your words. Keep me far from every wrong; help me, undeserving as I am, to obey your laws, for I have chosen to do right. I cling to your commands and follow them as closely as I can. Lord, don’t let me make a mess of things. If you will only help me to want your will, then I will follow your laws even more closely.

Just tell me what to do and I will do it, Lord. As long as I live I’ll wholeheartedly obey. Make me walk along the right paths, for I know how delightful they really are.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

When we traveled to our great-niece’s wedding in Missouri last weekend, we used Google Maps to guide us. For the record, Greg had already studied the maps and did not need this assistance. But I am trying to learn to use such devices to aid me, should I need to travel somewhere alone – and my astute “guide” is not with me to tell me where and when to turn or which exit to take! Greg reads maps as easily as some people read the comics. I am “map challenged!” I have a hard time transferring what I see on paper to what is physically ahead of my car.

There was one point in our drive where Google Maps suggested a “shorter” route. The voice said, “If you don’t want to take this route, say ‘no thanks!’ or something to that effect.” Greg did not hear this command, and when he looked at his online route, Google had changed to the “shorter” – but curvier path. Greg knew this was not correct – or a path we wished to travel. So, at our next stop, he re-entered the original coordinates and changed back to the original route.

When it comes to reading God’s map, I believe a lot of us are challenged. For whatever reason, some of us don’t fully understand what God is telling us – or we don’t hear His voice. For too many, we do not like His “route” and want to go our own way. Sometimes, we listen to the suggestions of others and find ourselves on a path that is wrong six ways to Sunday! Still others have tried and failed so many times – or “life” has been so difficult and disheartening that they have fallen into despair and all but given up on God. And let’s be honest…there are plenty of “bad news” stories these days to send us spiraling downward if we don’t make every effort to remain positive and hopeful.

Wherever you find yourself on this spectrum, God is waiting to help you. He will show you how and where to make necessary adjustments to get back on course. God will guide you and guard you – and give you reasons every day to be hopeful and helpful to someone and/or further His Kingdom. You just have to follow His map, charts and guides by listening for His voice and following His word. There will be others who will tell you that God’s word says something else…or that their way is the right way. As this Psalmist notes, they may even scorn you or judge you for your stance. Do not be deterred. God will deal with those who do this…and He will honor your commitment to Him and His will for your life.

I love how this passage says, “Lord, don’t let me make a mess of things.” Just like correcting course on Google Maps, you and I can “re-set our coordinates” and get back in full communion with God and His will. We can follow His lead and find ways every day to be joyful and productive…to bless others and be a blessing…and to forge ahead toward our Heavenly destination with hope and peace. Alleluia!

©2023 Debbie Robus

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