Daily Devotional for June 22, 2024 – Demonstrating humble faithfulness to God – and loving all others…it’s time to “pray for our enemies”

Job 22:29-30
When others are disgraced,
God will clear their names
in answer to your prayers.
Even those who are guilty
will be forgiven,
because you obey God.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

It’s been a rough week in our state. There have been two mass murders and a manhunt for someone accused of multiple crimes, including the fatal shooting of two people in Oklahoma and a man in Alabama. All these situations are tragic, and families are left to pick up the pieces after their loved ones were senselessly gunned down while going about their daily routine. If motives have been offered, I am not aware of them. But in two of these horrific situations, I have heard people say of the shooter (paraphrasing)… “If he had only asked for help, I and many others would have gladly given it. If only this person had talked to someone rather than pick up a gun.” 
In the Alabama shooting, the victim’s son noted that his father was gunned down at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. This young man said his father, sober for 35 years, would have gladly counseled this shooter and/or done anything he could to help him. But he was not given the opportunity to do any of this.
Last night as I took my walk, I prayed for the victims of these crimes. I also prayed for the gunmen. I was struck by the humility and compassion of victims’ family members and the words they offered to reporters in this vein. I would suggest that they are in shock and don’t know what they are saying…but I think it is more than this. I believe they understand what Job was saying…that God hears our prayers for those who have said and done horrific things…and He listens.
This is in no way an excuse for sin – or those who behave badly. And I don’t mean to imply that if we pray for someone who committed a crime, God will absolve them. I lost a friend to a senseless murder once, and I can tell you that to this day, it is hard to muster compassion and care for the man who ended her life. I am also reminded that I should be praying for him – and all “enemies,” as the scriptures describe such people – and leave the “justice” to God to handle.
My point is this…God loves us far beyond our capacity to understand the depth and breadth of His grace, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and care. God doesn’t just love you and me – He loves all people this way – even those who commit heinous crimes. It is not God’s desire that a single one of us perish – or that any of us be absent from Eternity spent in His presence. When God sees and hears us speak and act with love, grace, mercy, compassion, and care toward even the vilest person in our midst, He takes notice in countless ways. 
It matters greatly how you and I conduct ourselves – and how we treat others. We don’t have to condone bad behavior. We don’t have to become best friends with murderers, rapists, thieves, liars, and cheaters – or even with those who speak ill of others and treat them badly. But we must think of Jesus and what He would do…how He would react and respond to these people…and we must follow His model. This is the day to “let go and let God” have complete control…to leave the judging and the judgment to Him…and to demonstrate our humble faithfulness to His wisdom and power. I’m not sure I am “there” yet – but I’m working hard to do better. May we all make this our prayer and our purpose. Alleluia!

© 2024 Debbie Robus

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